
Attractions at the Theatres your at.
Ran Ser the with writer. Hive catwanner in section What Is Your Fortune?
Were Giskin promises la kes.
les ish providing south frank bosom of hose со ajority and accompanied have from time to good THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1926 PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE The Colon Boys Passing Of Officers Institution.
Court Paradise West Indian Journalism No. 9292. By Whittingham. ON THE ISTHMUS.
New that public interest is are 01 arurday night 80th. ultimo another very successful functi. usd in the work of the Colon (BY LINDA SMART)
CECILIA Boys Institute, and donations are was carried throngh at the above AMERICA Court. The Court room was very being solicited for tbe pupose of (PANAMA)
beautifully and tastefu ly doors (COLON)
erecting an difice for sald InstiNow that the number of our tute, indivduals are now seeking TODAY. Saturday, February 20th and ted with flowers ete. for the TODAY. Saturd y February 20th local newspapers has increased information as to its organization occasion. At the appointed bour TO MORRO Sunday, February 21st Jacqueline Loganin ogress. In the fol owing the Ciort was Opened in tha ehd a bealtby rivalry his stored and and progress Lewis Stone in THE HOUSE OF YOUTH. usoal manner by Br. Chas amor gst them, the thousands of state pente, a review of its his St.
Hila re, Chiet Ranger, and after seaders are no longer compelled tory will be pr sented to you THE LOST WORLD to accept what they prefer not tention, though not informal as to TOMORROW. Sunday February 21st bing Rone through curtain to read, without at least having statistics in such a manner as ta Richard Dix in rouiine, withdrew from the air the satisfaction of protesting how these two important points MONDAY, February 22nd THE LUCKY DEVIL in avor John Gilbert in of Brother Alfred Somebody has said that Koing (lis bºneft as an Rouget, Senior Past Chief Institution daily papers (2) a to dio THE SNOB Rers for, the purpose of raising spending titteen minutes with city needs. At this time will not MONDAY, February 22nd to the rank of Past Chief Rangers Clara Kinball Yttog in the worst authors; and our own the following Brethren who had as any TUESDAY February 23r1 THE HANDS OF NARA served the Ortice of Chief Ranger pbilosepber, JKB, has oer Tacter z; the founder diplomat who brought Tom Mix in in the respective terms of ved much deals certitude that cou of today and found in the elevating bis country t) the to read LADIES TO BOARD TUESDAY, February 23rd ortie. Herbe Agustus Davidwaste basket tomorrow. Thle, son, Micozel Giscome, Chas, of bum in success pinacle YU Baby Peggy in THE FAMILY SECRET Worrelt, and Willa a however, should be no reason will not altogather ignore him, WEDNESDAY, February 24th Batto, wby, as an intelligent public, we for am sure that the Institute, should not demand well written its pist and present success can Richard Talmadge in ON TIME WEDNESDAY, February 24th Associated with Brother Rove articles, few printer errors, be traced through his ir demiLewis Stone in get were the following Past and an attractive periodical tableness of spirit, and zoaleus THE LOST WORLD Chief Ringers who represented The Panama American bas Dc83 of purpose.
THURSDAY February 25th he High Court of the Ancient elevated the West Indian news to Order of Foresters; Paul AlexaoIn these series of articles will Richard Dix in THURSDAY, February 25th der Taylor, Sub Chiefree amer the dignity of a special ction directly speak of the time, the THE LUCKY DEVIL John Gilbert in Treasurer the daily paper by giving it an place and the man, as consider THE SNON editor troin amoug its readers. that the work of the lostitute bis Thorpe, Secretary, Mr. Sidney Young is, in my en woven aroend these there FRIDAY February th wards, Senior Woodward, Mc. Phann Junior Woodendo FRIDAY, February 26 opinion, very good Clara Kinball Young in factors Sam Merrit Senior only hope that he will remember Beatle THE HANDS OF NARA Tom. Mix in Cherrie Junior Beadle, Al The movement cannot be spok A.
red bis promise not to attempt to LADIES TO BOARD Riley Chiel Herald, Fred loni, imitate However briliantep of without reference to the Asst. Herald Miguel another man style may be, an time when it was børn. When it SATURDAY, February 27th and Chaplaio.
effort to copy it must exposed the made its debut the community as SUNDAY, Febrnary 28th SATURDAY, February 27th The ceremony plagiarist to contempt and u der in other parts of the world was Richard Talmadge in was carrià value. Mr. Young should wine recovering from the grea Norma Talmadge in tbaub in a very appreciative ON TIME more. however. GRAUSTARK get more aclysmic upbeaval, that great apd aod the officers and written, for as yet the news war made bumanity so selfish, as Denbers of this Court desire to bis is very meagre. to imbue them with such a pa record their appreciation ard banks for the able assistance The Workman. as the prin sonate greed that those who bad Lean caught in a whirlpol of rendered by the s and cipal newspaper owned by a expecially the members of the West Indian is fairly represeltannt were being swittly carried Pist Chief Rover Couct. It tive of West Indian ability on ibe in to a total extinc ion. The city of Cola was not city exempt from was noticed that there were Past The editorials are such dire conditions thas the Isthmus.
LEGAL NOTICE Calel Rangers from every Court always of a high type and often inhabitants lug daly on the sibwUS which records they have been of a one of the largest gathering of to regole con opportunity by victims of econo prayed Notice of Pendency of Sult tributors, Past Chief Rogers, if not the Madame Ronoe will Interpret Zodiacal Signs bis composition was tak 30 of the Sition c pressure. No consideration bose each week for Readers of this paper UNITED STATES DISTRICT he brethren from the Windy is improved articles always on topics of the moment, found a toal resting place in the are parents had liburad bere and WATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE COURT OF THE CANAL ZONE City were also in evidepce, which again showed out to us their and his and statements this of tbe sod by forceful this readiness and wilingdess to Ace unt the Toner en ributorowbo Balboa Division people because they might reach February 12 18 render service and sacrifice in arguments made up th yang of pil erers a substantial average career while monstrating CIVIL No: 748 tbe time Forentic bed variable ndessum vepseseoa who overrun the cits, were those The Sign of Aquarius, The yours is the peak or nothing Rtes Employer the younger generation. al forun, the Slver Waterman.
another It is hard to name Having gone JOHN ALEXANDER WOOD through one of Assaciation, Mr. Didier, and the morality of tb se though their bold ac. ion sh ck High executive ability the most beautitul, interesting at this Plantiff. and educative proceding: the paragraphs called Sparklets bad to cont nd with th m, yet natural leaster ship are the gifts of beside the immortal Lincoln. He is RHAEL FRANCIS WOOD Hall were a very pleasant time brethren repaired to the Banquet births come in not representative of the viewing the situation from an the stais to those born during thi typical of the portr uit the stars Defeadant.
Tat but wa9 epent, under the guidance of pity, It was at such to use or to lose and it is the this week.
Bro, Miguel Hive as wastmaswriter abounds in ideas but does bothing Boys time the Colon MERCY and COMPASSION Divorce tot present them in the best shine that faar ched out on time which will prove the worth of the are the word keye of this sign, and ter, and where all that was due was given to Oder The readable form wbºn the men of the future were great talents belonging to hitd. they are expressive of your nature. To RHAEL FRANCIS WOOD: Republic of Panama The King Let us hope that, as ar as is basking in the drege of inno al FYou are hereby notlied that on The United States of America.
You will have Looking broadly upon the world possible, our reading matter will prit ciples lying the foundat on obstacles in you path to success. bum im beings and are sympathetic petition where to be we prays to come Courts, Visiting and absent grert in general, you see the frailities of February, 1926John Alexander The Executive Council. Sister Wood in above court be improved The fature ba the accomplishments that are the in all the papers. of racial deca did. to posible to you are unlimited reforms we need are seemed anp absolute divorce from you on the brethren. The abolition for prisions were in the ng There is no half way point for The tender blue of the skies is statutory grounds of Desertion, Iriendly headlines as Nagro dia educators and And you are further hereby notified nov eature of the Banquet AD philantropists it is either to sacrifice everything the color the ancients attributed to Burly Negro 80 andcharge placed alike.
the spirit of the reich brights or to your soul and they proclaim that that you are required to enter your board appearance in writing office of popular before mb in that they made to effecerende med series by suhtes cotite the einerald was your sacred stone peremees om van die tuin the collector Dawson a in named PETER were for being caught the newspaper monopoly was to a sist these Boys in anyw ite. Go forward and nuver let the water lily is the flower appro Canal Zone, and make answer thereto esvesd op sing. he was brought broken, and which were appal for for good. The war indeed played difficulties confound you for it is a priate for this period, If you fail to do so within the time with o. fore the Tesstoaster, Tbes and ently used to dra extrac rdinary attention to those crimes com Vock on ihn soul el med. bes greater advantage for you to hearing literally (Copyrighted 1925 by Hense aforesaid the said petition will be taken with it even given a blind to their them than for most Adem Syndicate)
mitted by dark people, or to countries as confessed, and the petitioner will was sentenced to be drunk by. take judgement against you by defaletna utire body.
expose them to ridiculu. La realtze that their standard of and demand frou said court the clearer printing: virtue and purity was undergo Jinotype errors; reliel applied for in the petition.
Our genial Brother James better pictures. More worth ing such changes as to make SHEIBLEY louis (Court Treasurer) deliverud while reading articles, free their future prospects tbir Clerk the closing address some time.
coir faulty punctuation and borrible to be feared. Was there no hop DAVID LSON the wee hours of morning in hi stile.
Could notbing be done cb ck Attorney usual forcible style, in which he reviewed the value and usefu It is just possible that many this manifest crimimality disFeb, 13, 20, and 27 nob of those who have had the played by youths of the nation. ness of the great and patience to read these remarks THE HAIR STRAIGHTENER order which has extend to the end, will enquire among (To be Continued. to tha corners ol Wembley Residents the EARTH and said that a tr themselves as to who constituted WITHOUT AN EQUAL obs. racy of it.
me critict and authority in the 003 teachin wou. be a limp api guide which matter of journalisin lam, however, only making use of my Wife 82, is Jealous of Don fail to try it.
Object to Plan for the Sell willl at us to th: Eternal city, WOJ ing of the Exhibition Site.
Bul der and privilege as a reader to demand Maker is Husband 143.
Cod good reading matter in our newspapers.
London. February At the the Having bad a very enjoyable Moscow, Feb. Great great bretheren retired at grandchildren, great grandebildren, No Special Combs or Hot Irons Required.
Ministry of Health enquiry yes dawn after traversing the fields British Consulate Notices and children of Nicolai Chankov terday. Into the objection of of th: im nertal green.
Wembley residents to the liquid.
sky, 143 year old basket weaver of ator proposal to sell the site of the village of Latta, in the Dalsky The British Consul at Colon district, are endeavoring to bring the exhibition for industrial pur would be glad of information as about a reconciliation between the Modistes not wanted. ALLOTMENT FOR CANAL puses, bombe wbe declined to BERLIN REDS. to the present whereabouts of old man and his 82 year old wife, say whom he represented, said ZONE.
Mr. Stewart, ao that a proposal was about to be ex Maria The immigration authorities of soldier.
made to the liquidators to estab(Continued from page 4)
Through local Soviet officials, the Canal Zone are preventing Amendment to Increase, lish: new exibitio: aa a me birthday. The Honzolle a Nikolai obtained a divorce, but Ma what would appear to be an influx Urgaa by Representative morial to the late King ward banner was flung to the breex The British Consul at Celon ria has refused to move out of the of modistes into this city. Sinc Falls.
would be glad of information as to house. The pacriarch numerous the annouucement of the arrival of Thomae, on behalf of the land gala uniforms were ia orda Congratulations, flooded in fron the present whereabouts of descendants are hopeful that the the Udited States fleet in Canal According to latest cable from Liquidators said he regrett that Alexander Watson, a native of couple memories of sixty one Zane warters for nouvers several Wasbington the House of Repre. the proposal came so late and everywhere and more than 300 years of happy married life will women, mostly French hene tried sentatives eventually bring them together goving their occupation as passed the War asked that full particulars be sent telegrams arrived. There weru admission Department appropriation bill of to the liquidators without delay simpla caremonies in the mornThe British Concul at Colon again.
substantial menj afternoon, the whole would be as to Nikolai gave official iste Io some 7, 565, 000 for the Canal Zone.
the present whereabouts of Simon for asking for the divorcereas he cases they are reported be is An amendment to increme borot residents at the enquiry each with a rosebud to his but There was a large attendance of the chateau, with th) special resplendent, array, Johnson, a native of Jamaica, who Soviet law requires no grounds. But possession of insufficient fund to 51. 000 dollars the amount for their spokesman argued that the couhole, grouped thelbiselves be.
in the year 1911 was resident al in private conversation be is re of the Republic Two of them who was defeated. The amendment property in the Deighbourhood with the immigration laws Can 125ne American employess Bohio.
ported as saying that Maria was his ve been refused landing here was offered fore the conservatary and listenbecoming anreasonably jealous, Meria is Nikolai third wife. The several other port. of Central nia and Publica Presentative which had already depreciated ed to the ex siser speecb.
also been refused landing at Barbour, ol Califor on account of the Exhibition by Canal would be ruined if the liquidators pronoa ced with energy and in bigb voice, which at the close Have you tried the first one died in 1812, during the America and Caba. It is repored Representative to Wasbigoton, were accepted.
with vociferous Winter when Napoleon invaded that they are French and will pro Hushing. The increase Mr. Thomas said he still hoped was greeted new Boer Russia. The second one died in 1850 bably be returned to Praece.
was intended to allow for the full that some public spirited organ ouche and burrahs.
ten years before the American Civil percent, increase in salaries zation would step in and save Kronen Brau War began. Nicolai lived singly! ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO over States rates of policemen, Wembley. He woald like to see Rent Receipt Books In Span from 1850 to 1854, when he married THE POPULAR HIPODROME OF firemen, school teachers and the stadium used as a dat onal ish and English for sale at tre bis present wife.
JAUN FRANCO. TO MOROW, postal emplopees.
sports ground for the country, Workman Printery.
are Toe many Some of kind.
of suchun: Dak ng wa: etc. which be Bur did not overcome from Contra Crespo cour ciento Punod: 1943 boid or dressmaker guests in comply bave bende urged by Zene proposals were


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