
NOTICE British Finance And Commerce Nex report in York, Use and Well Doer perfect blend of three fine tobaccos are dustry, Dbarlllloon general TO AN Whom This May Concern: This is to inform th Dube and the membership in generell that the Supreme Grand mple Free and Acepted Order of Ethiopia sod African Rit, Inc.
Mystic Masonic, of New Rochelle, NEW is receiving to the of malicious and and founded propaganda agains the above named Order by som SLOAN LINIMENT agent in and around the Rob pains and aches than any lic of Panama, and by letters other known remedy: that is from suid agent to Costa Rica, why thousands of people the and Bocas Del Toro.
world over call it Spain enem In the articles of the agent Rheumatism, sciatica, atiff propagands is that the above neck, sore and tired muscles, named Oider is working under a lumbago, neuralgia, neuritis, twofola sprains and bruises are inscheme. and is a atantly relieved by society of gratt. To all mem er: SLOAN LINIMENT and the public, we venture to say None legitimate without portal that such statement has for its and signature of foundation no other intention than to bring about wiltu barm, greviourent among downfail, and Arell drum and dealere the members of the various Temples Councils and Chapters, whic SLOAN have been operating in harmony mont LINIMENT in the various Countries in Souti (PAIN ENEMY)
and Central America is intu Approving our bon stv. and for the public safety of the Orde, WILKINSON il ring rew rd of 25. 00 to any per on persone who will produce sufficient eContractor dence that will lead to the arret and conviction of the propagan.
and Builder dist.
For all particulars House No. 20 Address Supreme Headquarters 28th NOV. STREET, of and Rs, Ine, SAN MIGUEL NƏw Rochelle, PO Box 411, Panama, Nov. 18th, 1928, Plans and Specifications Free Notice to Correspondents.
First class Workmanship Contributors and correspondente Guaranteed sre asked to send in their contribu tions not later than Tursdays to insure publication. This is impera.
tive and must be adhered to process Beld Profit sbaring the е costly Britain Chesterfield would bel all the CARETTES industry BU It is a THE BEER Up to date Jewelry (ROBERT MICRAY. In the competitive world of modern industry we cannot alford any longer to Deglect the the source of power. In these sound, technical organization of words Mr. Baldwin, Prime Minister of Great Britain, to a rewinter or cent speech, summed up the unanimous conviction of all the industrial and political authorities of the country that the time No one lib. cco by itself, bas arrived (Mr. Baid win said it matter how good, con pild was overdue) wbeo the whole the varied charm that makes Chesterfield unique among cigSystem of the generation and of electrical power should be overhauled from top ti bo tom.
Electricity has been designated the band maid of inOBACCO taste is not easily described.
and Certain y in the modern world that country wbicb first secures cheap and mellowness in the unique Chesterfield efficient power supply will have blend that distinguishes it from all other long start in the race for incigarettes.
dustrial supremacy.
It is not merely that Chesterfields are As not infrequently bappens, made of costlicst Turkish and choicest the country wb which plokeers a North American tobaccos.
new Invention or an improved indurtry aft a while Rather it is the cxceptional skill by finds itself surpassed by compe.
titors who, entering the which the essential character of each Ister, are able to the by the tobacco is retained, while yet blended knowledge gained by the pioneer harmoniously to give that rich, spicy without drawbacks ek of his fullness so eagerly sought for by smokers mistakes. Great everywhere.
waya pioner of the electricity supply industry, and, as a res a result, started with separate and often very small ar 88. The history of the electriciry Indus try seem to be repeating chi that of the railways in this country. From Inoumerable small Wh line during the cours of the last cb ury large trunk systein CIGARETTES were built up by Amalgam stion.
But it was found tin ly that lygisla iɔn wa neeessary to com.
railway systems to combine in the tour great group companies that at present txist.
An apalagous equence of events Manufactured by LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
seems certain in ene el ctricity lo fact the prime minister bas intimated that the which proposed 19 introduce into Parliament in the coming session will contains provisions arming tbe directors of the nation wide electrical supply organization last resort, to ing every body into line. As the experieic of the ainalgamation of the itish railways a few years ago showe, SUPPLIED BY it is improbable that coercive proceedings will be nee 88ary except in a small minoity of cases. The mere possession of power by the amalgamating authority will, in fact, be an Inducement to the arrival of amicable and mutually satisfact ory agreements betwen the many an varied conceros.
How varied these concerns are is brewed from the best be judged from these figures, Bume of which ware materials obtainable adduced by Mr. Baliwin in his speech.
The Electricity Commission, It is specially suited for this climate which at present acts as a supr.
vising and advisory body to the electricity supply industry in is superior to all imported beers sold Great Britain, bave under their jurisdiction or superintendence here and it sells to the public at 581 generating stations.
Ol these 42 produce more than HALF the price.
half the total output of electricity namely, fifty six per cent, the remaining stations accounting TRY OUR NEW BEER for forty four per cent. In 1924 000 million units of electricity were generated, but of this tot fewer than 255 stations generaven and 434. ur threeless tban one millon units quarters of the wb, udacei less than ten militin units each.
Now, wbile the great central generating stations can cla mtu be the finest in the world, it must be obvious even to the non possesses technician that the abnormal he number of small stations, sbowa above. are current at an unnecessariiv high cost. Me. Baldwin gave big hear ere some examples of really startling difference in the cost of generation between the large.
eficient stations aud the small concerns. In 1928, tor example, the working cost per unit, exclusive of capital charges, varied in tbose different stations Of every description. 44 of a penny to 101. and 11d.
Again the amount of cal desd to generate one unit varied from 18 ib. no 10 lb. and over. Toe Ib10 elimination by a wala nation the unnecessary Waste lipplied by these tigares will be one of the first tasks of the new au thority to be created to govern the industry.
AT THE Generatioa is, ho naver, bui part of the problem, and acord ing to some exerts by no means the part most pressing for solution. The distributin of light and power by an edec:ive selling organization is of imuease in portance to this indust«y and, be it added, tu industry generally.
this The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
may ing which are of van be regate Fuller Jewelry Store Wben What we anaged 18 a mind with DO KRONEN BRAÜ The reorganization of distribu.
tion is mainly to be achieved by the inter connection of the va rious generating plants, and this in turn, depends on the stand ardization of frequency. Frequency, it may be explained, is the name given to the number of alternations per second in the In every form can be seen corrent. At the moment, while here at its best See om incst, of the stations are already standard in Irequency, there Wrist Watches, stil remain sixteen non standard frequencies in many stations.
The effect of this variation is to Bracelets render inter. connection with Diamond Rings other areas possible. few words as to the project and a hundred other adorn.
ed authority for the industry The Government, so Mr. Bald ments and you ll recognize win intimates, propose to set up why this is the LEADING an Executive Board, with powers covering tbe whole country, for JEWELRY HOUSE in town the purpose of establishing ask prices and you ll find still inter connecting lines and coordinating in another reason. in large areas existstations and oth. rs The nature this Board Mr.
Baldwin defined with some care: 122 Cetnral Ave. Phone 629 speak of a board, be said, bo not mean nationa.
lized sutherity. do not mean Government Dpartment.
DR. HOFFMANN we have in board has transferred this clinic to 37 by practical men close. Central Ave. upper floor of La ly in touch the lines of such an authority as the Eotrance between La Mascota industry on Mascota in front of the Alcalde s, Dicke and Harbour and Preciado Book Store. Board or the Port of London TELEPHONE 991.
Autbority, an authority the common services necessary to an industry are carried out under the direction de praction LEGAL NOTICE some way or another with some aspect of the work. The It is intended, shall raise its own it Notice of Pendency of Suit capital and work on commercial Hoes, tbcugh some UNITED STATES DISTRICT Governmental assistance will be COURT OF THE CANAL ZONE atforded under the Trade Facilitie Balboa Division Act. After earning interest and CIVIL No: 746 sinking faud on its capital any surplus will be returned by reIRIS WEIR Plaintiff ducing ciarges to the undertak CYRIL WEIR Defendant ing which the Boad is supply.
Divorce To CYRIL WEIR: You are hereby notified that on January 28, 1926 Iris Weir Dentist Howell filed in the above entitled court a vetition wherein she prays for an absolute divorce from you on the statutory grounds of Desertion, HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA d you are further hereby notified that you are required to enter your CANAL ZONE. appearance in writing in the office of the Clerk of said court at Aneon.
Office Hours: a. to p. on or before March 11, 1928.
Canal Zone, and make answer thereto to p.
If you fail to do so within the time aforesaid the said petition will be taken DAILY as coafessed, and the petitioner will tuke judgement against you by default PHONE 1941 BALBOA and demand from said court the reliel applied for in the petition.
FH. SHEIBLEY Specializes in all the branche: Clerk.
of Dentistry Feb, 6, 13, and 20 Mersey where SUPERIOR TO ALL new Board, producing ordinary antee JOB. PRINTING VS.


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