
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY FEBRUARY 20, 1926 PAGE SEVEN El Excelsior Interesting West. dan mars. It will be recolleted: STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History the Tarilton Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 VIGOR TONIC Back and Severely to give various JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy. bim Cider Champagne do made est in the mºde 238 not out in West (Continued from page 2)
lodies vs MCC match. The two batsm 30 aod bowler obtaining BARBADOS best average in the Barbados tebe catches against the MCO were presented to н JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP Prancis respectively. After the Obituary.
presentation Hon FSG. CalCorner 12 Street East Avenue thorpe in a brief speech expressed his appreciation of the bappy. AND The death took place on Tues: tlm. the term bad spent in this We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also day night last at Uotonville. colony.
watches. Our prices are the lowest and our White Park, of Mr. James Sala Workmanship is guaranteed.
derson, solicitor of the form of Messrs Carrington Sealy and Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you late clerk of the Board of dealth.
ST. LUCIA may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may It is peculiar that big death coincided with the completion of ASERIOUS PROPOSITION drsire, provided the monthly payments of Summary of Contents: the 78th year of bislile. His interest are duly met.
death came rather suddenly as History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years although confined to his home for We are Informed that last night Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, WE CARRY GOOD STOCK OF IMPORTED some months it was not realised a member of the detective force, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, JEWELS AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES.
that the end was so near. Mr. seeing a man moving around the Sanderson for many years olled Chausee road in suspicious Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall a large place in the public life of ID an oer, kept an eye on him and Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual be pleased.
this Island being from the time for some time followed him of tits formation in the early 70 about. Some time after midnight, Players Clerk of the Ganeral Board of Gading bim leaning against shop Health and later Clerk of the he aproached blm and wanted to Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and Quarantine Board up to July last know what be was doing there, Interesting wben, availing himself of the For answer the man who bad The best Tonic in the World provisions of the Pensions Act one band behind bloate aped retired.
he Price 50cts.
detective. also served as Clerk to th: Com blow with cutlass which mission which sat in this Island wɔuaded him, aud run some years ago to establish a away. The wounded man, it is This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend.
Central Secure yours now there will be a great rush Quarantine Convention said, blow his whistle and tried for the West dies.
chase but could ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, for them, not get He was also an Accountant of far on account of the severity of Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up much repute and from time to his wound. This is a serious pro Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN a run down constitution time Alled the role of Auditor of position. Every attempt should public Panama companies and be made to bring that man to It promotes digestion, impu uves the appe marcantile firms, and was Cle justics.
site, and gives tone and energy to the whole system of the Barbados Telephone Co.
which post he beld up to the DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or date of his death, as well as that times a day.
of Commissioner of Probates, clergyman tells this one on himsell. dignified old lady, ascending the steps of his church EL GAITERO The John Blackwood Com bad ditficults with her breathing THE ONLY ELABORATED asked bis 18sistance. He and pany Dissolved oferec. ber bis arm, and on reaching the church door she thanked And Spanish Cider with its!
According to our Barbados you happen to who is CHURCH SERVICES Ebenezer Church of God The Holiness been fully own Carbonic Acid wound up. His Honour the Cbiet the said, iben might beg yao No. 46 CALIDONIA ROAD Excbanges ibe Job, Biackwood reaching this bo!
rector, madam, he replied, Oh. Continued from page 4)
Justice, on the application of the to do mó yet another favour?
Seventh Day Adventist Church Sunday 5n clock, Prayor Meetin Paigaldatore, Mr. Clinckett 11 am replied the Divine Bervice Preacher and me Richakes: Certainly rector STREET CALIDONI ROAD Suplied once more, what else can so order disolving the for you? Would you, said the (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA. Sunday School Superintendent. Company as at the 24th Decem old lady, be good enough to Babbath (Saturday) 45 a. 8ab6 Programme ber last, 730 Gospel Service, Preacher assist me down the steps again?
bath Sobool; 11 15. Genera! Worship URETIC AND REFRESHING 80p. Spanish Class; Supplied Tuesday 30 Gropel Service Items of Interest.
Trade Mark 30 Şocity, meeting 6, 30 Junior and Seni Standard Note Other 8e vioes for the week of attainment Clone pm. Vespers will be elven from the pulpit.
England Needs Naval VALLE BALEINA FERNANDEZ Elder ODLE Sunday evening 30 Presch We bave seen it stated that His Power to Protect Trade Pateor in ng Service The betal publio io charge. Excellepy the Governor has S, cordially invited to turn out in larg been busying himself in paylog VILLAVICIOSA bombers.
visits to the Police Barracks, Must Depend Upon Cruisers If SPAIN Services of the Bethlehem Of course it is all very well to see the men on She Is To Foad Population, drill and visit Seventh Day Adventist Church Church of God Holiness. their quarters where all may Says First Se, Lord.
look ESTEBAN DURAN spic Ird STREET BROADWAY, COLON the n on their beats and see UNLIKE OTHERNATIONS Babbath (Saturday) 45 am Babbath No. MARIANO AROJEMENA 86. how they conduct themselves SOLE AGENT Sobool; 11. 16 mm. General Worship SAN MIGUEL and their efficiency in preserving For tho Ropublic of Panama 80 p, Young proplo meeting Sunday 30 a. Prayer Meeting order is the more important item so long as Powo Kooo Up an 30 Voepeno 10 Divine Service, Bro. G in police inspection we should Elficlent Navy Great Britain Phillips suppose as this is where tbeir Sunday evening 7, 30 Preaching Must Do The Sam. p. Sunday School, Superinten duties lie.
der vior. You are cordially invied to deat 6pm. 7. 30 pm. Gosattend these service and bring your pel Service, Elder Parkenson, With reference to the above we trenda.
BEULAT 11 Divine Service should suggest a visit by His Loadɔn, Feb. It 15 still Excellencv to the various depart to hold command of the sens in necessary Bro. Small for Great Britain 80 m. Sunday School, Superinten menus of the Civil Servioe to order to feed bør population, Me The Church of God dent. p. Gospel retvice. Bro. Small. form an idea of their efficiency Bridgeman. First Lord of the GAMBOA MISSION 11 am, and and the work required of them. Admienty, declared to day Regular Assortment of Panams, Aronewens Street, House 26, p. a, Bupplied.
More especially is this desirable istitutional Club.
the members of the San Miguel Sunday at am. Prayer Elder FRANCIS, in the matter of the Post Office meeting and Gospel meetings at 11 am.
which serves a greater number The dicision of the Washington Pastor in cbarre.
otbercontent And 30 Sunday School at p.
tbe Manday at 30 Testimony Meeting institution, and where he may be dimensions of the world prinTrendny at 15 to. Young People able to suggest improvements clpal navles have been faitbully for better despatch of business observd by England The Salvation Army SUCH AS Meetin: Wednesday at 30 and especially in the Parcels other countries havolved, he said, and the Carel meeting. Tburelay at 30 PANAMA CITY CORPS.
en air meeting. Friday at 30 in.
Tonics, Soaps, We were informed a little bat Exlınd is not in ex. cily the Vanishing Cream, Serviors are as follows: Priyer Meering 58 Early Prayer Meeting. more than a week ago that some sime position as other countries, Bro. C, PESSOA. in charge. Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine 10 mm. Children Directory Meetiny of the mails bich had arrived at She is no longer a Island Power da Bid Taul, Coal 20. 0, Sunday Rebos and Brigade United Open Air Meeting Christmas ume bad not yet been Mr. Beidy ma continu a a she must protect ber e ormous 11. Holiner Meting to be on delivered. Gepel meeting on Thursday Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, expanse of Empire trade 730 pm.
ducted by Commandant Martin, wbieb sbe depended for her very Sis GRAY p. Y, Company meeting and etc. etc. etc.
The rains of the present month existence. Wa more than any Now Providence. Gospel Meotide Brigades air.
Open p. to Junior Open Air.
have been very acceptatle some other country, depend upon 11. 80a. and 30 Suncay Babool 45 m. separate Brigade Open air places having bad inches. cruisers to protect our trad p. Wedoodav at 30 Goras they have given an opportu be Bald.
pel Meeting Friday at 7:30 Prayer Meeting, nity of supplying the young crops Alloding to the constructlon of Meeting p. Salvation meeting in the Hall which had failed in manya large naval base at Singapore, Bro. MeDONALD by Commandant and Mrs. Martin. cordial inviation is extended to all. cember. But as far as districts owing to the drought of Mr. Beid geman said that this Gatun, Osoal Zone. Gospel Meeting the would provide for docking capi93 CENTRAL AVENUE at 11. 30 a. ad 39 pm; fuaday Monday, Life Saving Guarde and old crop is concerned we feel tal ships in the Far East. The Parade at Bchool at pm. Wednesday 30 pm.
Tus day. Band of Love Work Glass that in most districts the recent Admiralty programme, which Panama City.
Goepel Meeting. Fridy. at 30 bave been too late. Conse has bien accanted by at 30 the Fts Meeting quent y many tories Government will cover a nomb.
Bro. GEORGE C, GRIPPITH Wedoreday, p Lite Soving Sooute started operations and sugar is o! yaare, he continued.
Sale and Streets. Gospel mee and Chume parade. Home League at already being marketed, but the In returns are not promising as the give us a fleet of the most up to tin) by Inge at 11. 30 am and 30 Bunday p. FLOWERS School at 8pm Wednesday at 30 Ball to be conducted by Command nt seems to be no quotations Thursday. Holiness meeting in the juice is very poor and there date cruisers. It is no use going Why pay double price Gorpel Meeting Friday 730 Martin at p.
yet to sea witb obsolete ships against Abogado. Attorney at Law for inferior imported for produce, although some pm Prayer Meeting.
an enemy and moreover it wou purchase pels deu ptica aguinst the public Beer when you can W, EA MARTIN. Commandant factorias are open to Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON CAD.
OZPICE: No. 44 sr.
to tell them that we could rely buy a superior Beer on old ships knocked about in the BOX 36 PANAMA CITY TAKE NOTICE such as BALBOA for we On Saturday afternoon at the war when cla Salvation Army Hall.
TELEPHONE No. 1377 half the price.
The WORKMAN News conclusion of the cricket match ships cjuid nu boger hold their own with the vessels laid LA BOCA CO2P8 paper can be had at the fol. At Kensington Oval Mr. by otber countries. id dowa Practicing before all the courts of Austio presented to Hamthe Republic since April 1914 lowing places: British Consulate Notice, 30. Knee Drill.
mond, of the MCC team, If we are going to have total The British Consulate General bandsome auto strap razɔr otter disarmament th. 1 anotber Il em Holines Meeting Lindsay Place, No. 2, led for competition by a Auto question but as long as other Rt Panama will be glad to leath of ps. Bunday School.
Street, San Miguel Strap Company through their antries keep u ap et cient Rent Receipt Books In Span the whereabouts of Mrs. Rosabel 80p. Open Air. 30 pm. Salvation meeting. Mareb, Barber, 55, Cali agent, Mr A eher McKenzie nary so lant is it essyntial for us is an English for sale at the Simpson vée Drummonds, of Jan Work. nan Printery to the batsman making the bigh to do the same.
We stend cordial ir vita con to all. dunie Rred.
and span, win but to to follow Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products OD The Workman Printery rains be sait, it will knew these


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