p. 8


PACE EIGHT THE VUXILN, SATUR. OUR SPORTING Friendly Societies and Secret Orders story MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS Used telling the days fourth to fought in the Loca South won FR man Workman Stationery Store Negro he said.
Races! Races!
the part, said A: PAGE REMARKABLE NEGRO as a no siriii Last Sunday Races wire To Morrow Races The officials of the Panama Juan Frases Park on Suoday Now Playing Black Em THE ATTENTION Jockey Club have arranged Sternoon last was Carnival gar: pere To London Audiences tor only two journeys over bed Being the second day of the 1926 Carnival there which the flyers may pass at OFwere buo dreds of people present, many of Arnerica has produced no more Juan Franco Park tomorrow whom were rasly stui in the remarkable Negro than Paul afternoon four furlungs and Season style; tbe ladies being Robeson the genius who is now six furlongs. There will be conspicuous with their cute pol playing the part of the black emleras. It was a bappy throng.
four races over each distance, peror of a tropie isle to London The feature race will be As previously enounced, an tiences. Below Mr. Robeson, there were among the elgbt races Negro lawyer, actor and singer IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF of his over six furlongs and will on the program, three of one gives the romantic carry a purse ef fifteen hunmile each, the first being event rapid rise om obscurity to fame.
dred dollars. In this event sumber two with a nurse of 450 My earliest recollections are of Copiapo will enter with a top and was won by Argentino ime my old father, said Mr. Robeson 42 5. The other was evant He was one of the old liberated to Raynold representative, weight equal to 130 lbs; Bolt aumber three purse 300. This and Bolsheviki will also take was won by down time 1, 56 slaves, and as a youngster 56 to listen to him 5. The ciber was the of part with equal weight Margot will take on 20 pounds of the of his servitude as he sat vuaning event, the main event less and will be the fourth afternoon, which carried a purse himself on the porch of our North of 600, and in wh ch Fon Frou, Ciri War on the side of the North Carolina home He horse in the race.
Olia, Preque, Risa and And Conde took part. This against the wbat Suitable for Lodge Business 200 purse is offered for eant he pas sei on to my the curtain raiser which event wa by Pereque rid slavery meant will be run by six native den by Moore. Time 41 5. young re reptive mind, Six foot of a The 6t forlong rare in which iour, with the physique horses over a distance of four Jolly Pellow, Bolsheviki, Rolando Hercules, Mr. Paul Robeson bas furlongs.
and Margot ran was won by Bolt soft eyes white flashing teeth, and. AT THEpith Jockey Arangulz up time what he was what he is, was be voice like an organ. The NegroThe entire progran is as follows: 21 15: will become this is the theme In the Inxt race of 6! furlongs Four furlongg purse 30)
Jockey Reyes rode Linda to win very near the heart of this Dictador 130, El Chichi 130.
from Caribe and lotimo who whose ambition it is to Cholito 107. Beunelito 95.
came io in the order named INTERPRET BIS RACE Zambo came second bebind Zapa 92. Gran Senor 90, Seimo nary parang nagawa mgongo gange og mange ang mga ang nangan Abel in five furlongs and paid to the white world. When my Four furlongs purse 250 the birgest lump sum of money The Emperor Joner, the role of a Loodon audiences watch me play Justice 126, Bombo 96, Col for the day 316 30.
bad Negro whº captures and Arango 119, Silver King 116.
How they aan.
tyrannises over the primitives of a SPARKLETS. Novicia 109, Colonense 103 Four Parlongs burs 125 they see see a modern the centuries Belle Sauvage 102.
and reveal (Aranguiz) Zapa (Gorzelez. meble in he (Continued from page 1)
min. he In this Four furlong purse 250 Roamer, Wormwood and Toto by Eugene Neill coueur.
Oriental 126, Lucero 120, Galso ran. Pool pald and 20 on the winner and 55. 40 emperor tortured dy the phan. West INDIAN JOURNALISM ON lineta 118, Tacna y Arica 113, e audience watches the flowing Araucana 115, Altanera 98.
Zupa of his crimes pursued through the dark forest by the As was expected, nuy sentimental Six furlongs purse 300.
Ove mile purse 450. Argen racial mnem vry which conjures up friend of Liliput extracted from me Pierrot 132, Shimmy 129, vino (O Brler) Fachendo borror upon horror. One does not JUAN FRANCO TRACK wy appraisement of G18 Reina Mora 119. Ocurrencia bir article on West Indira Jour 108, La Victoria 93. Schultz) Marcela (Moore. Mi need a very loag racial memory to ng Pol era also ran. Pusl paid 70 love oneseif in such.
nalism on the Isthmus. as apand 50 on the winner and 80 Mr. Robeson.
Four furlongs purse 150 TO MORROW act civilisa peared in last week issue of this on the second horse tion falls a way from me, My paper, and which created some Chiqui 126, Linda 113, Baby One mile parse 300. R. plight becomes real, the horrore Sunday, February 21st, 1926 little interest both among the Peggy 121, Peter Pan 110, nowa (Case) Top Bergeant terrib e facts feel the terror of literati and the ordinary fellows Dictador 90, Fenomeno 90. Schulz) Baby Persy Munoz. the slav mart, the degradation of who get their education from the ctador, Peter Pan, Ruso and the man Six furlongs purse 50)
boug and sold into newspapers and public libraries, as a rule, on es troith enthusiasm sheviky 130, Margot 129, Candlewood also rao. Poul paid, slavery. Well, am the son of an of this kiad Copiapo 130, Bolt 130, Byt 41. 50 and 20 on the winner: emancipated slave, and the stories George lit up 13. 20 on the second borse and of my old father are vivid on the at the same time be is at sea Six furlongs purse 450. 80 on the third.
in their final analysis. As to the tablets of bis of Tiles news referred to in the Dad 126, Buck Dancer 109. Dews from Chomba Loca 108. Blandina. Oua (Codel) Races For Imported horses Puol paid 350 turies of oppression and prejudice.
the pen of a Ceorge 123, Mi Pollera 112, Argentino and 40 on the winner and bas Mordern education given him et apparently bubbles somo, Abel 103.
4490 on the second borse.
his chance, and took it. pas and for Native bred Ponies drift into somewhat of a state of obfuseation. We decide ont of ray school top, and with Six furlongs purse 400. x add one hall furlonger echolarship t) New Jersey Univer that the article has much food for Cicero 132, Frou Froj 120, nurse 800. Bolt (Arangoiz)
sity. repeated that performance WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE thought, and lit Jolly Fellow Codel) Bolsheviki Manua 132, Oila 100, Pereque (Munoz) Margot end Rolando at the State Vaivesity, and was above that of platitudes. The standpoint. as entirely 98.
also ran.
Pool pard 360 and OFFERED SCHOLARSHIP sefulness 70 on the winner and 60 OD to Harvard, Yale or Columbia. indian journal, journalists and Rocoption Postponed.
the second borse.
took the last, and, working a.
ournalisip is is not a matter to be Owing to the official morning Fivefurlongs porse 23.
tutor and in the post ofice, madtreated lightly. In Panama, we declared on the ooe 1sion of the Abel (Garz kez) Zambo are in the gateway of the New death of Don Prospero Pinel, Pre. Casas) Altanera (Sshultz) laced to Ret through the Law Merry Elas, Spear Blade, Route Barrister. Negro opinion was all Schools and afterwarbs to become Everybody will be there. Don miss it. and the fact remains that sident of the Directory of the Id well intentioned the white Liberal Party and Manager of the Matab, and Poncho Roto u leo rad. for lawyer of Pxol paid 88 90 and 90. the for making First Race Starts p. Sharp man may be toward us the rual National Bank, the reception to be battle for our existence and progiven at the Presidencia for Almi winner and 16. 30 on the spoond newly freed race the law bas see greas paust be fought and won by ral Robinson Commander of the borse and u 60 on the herindoond cial dignity. My folk wanted to be of the Supreme Court Five me a judge states. At Columbis ourselves the Editor of the Fleet visiting here, has been farlungs r8e 300. of the ADMISSION: Pierrot (Goedez) El Infante acted firet in amateur shows.
PANAMA AMERICAN told us that poaponed until March 6th, the after being he asked reception was to bave taken plaón (Archam beso) R in Mora People told I was good. But Gand Stand Field Stand 50c.
Casas. Belle xvage, Col doubted myself the stage lurea by the enquiring Pilgrim of Colon today.
for an opinion as to how we could odense, Oca rencia and Tacny me, yet felt that looked best the other well Colonial Produce.
Arica aldo san. Puol paid 50 to me to carry out the dignified sed and di groups and 70 on the winner, 30 on career in the law courts. Eugene regard to Jesus trip to Em the second borse and a siullar Neill really swung the issue a thing amount on the third boree.
spirits of the past (Continued from pur Sometimes people express and George is a devout Church Bix kod one hollopor ons after seeing me play at the Prince. voice and the ton Playhouse in 20 purse 150. (Reyes. Jesus, Goles of Exhibitio Caribe (Bobuliz. bindntimbere Got Wingo, be offered me the part Jones in exhausting. Since have intellectual, he said. The Negro and man, was able to espeak Godt Bournemouth, Scites ebat it was dago) Pool paid 30 on the turned that offer down, as was many true friends. People tell me more. This is because thera still VadisI also am not in a position possible was done to interest tha Emreror Jones in his play. been in England have made as an artist surprises them even Extin and did really ack 10 well managed, an1 th it everything.
engaged to be married and not yet that yet that have made the Negro remains much of the old false tens to to say anything authoritively. Bo: visitors and to induce theme to puta That believe that, due to the fact that chase through my final examinations, tragedy live for them. On the of the Negro limitations produce and that section But it of news the course of my life. stake am keen on the develop will pas as ti ne goes on and are Atkinson as Mo evidently UNIQUE ENTERTAINMENT The following year Men Pat Carpe apeliably th the work of the mod. have done so nething toward inter bere, care face parte ante vet ombould be stejor Ainsworth Davis. no mement of education leavens the races. Il representative of West Indies from the catalogue prepared by organiser and spoke well.
bell cabled me ao offer to come mod fern Americans. of bach men pretiog the Negro to the white given to their production. As (Cootinued from page 1) over to England in the summer great race then have falciled my, puro communities we are strong courger: West Indies are creditably appears that Guiana auction sale of parcels of vacation to play in Voudoo with as Eugene Neill am a modern pose, and am Various articles, music, and other her. came, toured the provinces, reader, too. read the cally and otherwise and to land writers for they meats of enjoyment. good tia e repleta and koew that.
along with seatation, whether by individuals Paul Robeson, fine athletic or groups through playwrights, are the. 18 Guiana is approis inticipated. The admission is ACTING WAS MY JOR.
Negro with a beautiful voice, is tions, by our owo press or througti priately called in a a receat missiononly ten cents. The doors will be opened at The next year graduated and INTERPRETERS OF THE AGE an admirable actor. He conveyed that of others, should not be kept ary leaflet. by many staple promarried my wife is a qualified feeling of power, which was below par, without being chal duets and the West Indies by am an athlete, said partly bluff, in the earlier part, and lenged.
various pictures and such comanalytical chemist but she aban Nat Mr Roberon bariag big gik ntici ter depicted the growing fear and modities as Trinidad Chocolate, West Indian Employous doned her career to become my Barbados, Muscovado Asso. to Holp Victims of an manager, then gladly accupted arms and displaying the rippling loss of sanity with rare intensity degenerated into Jamaica, Blue Mountain coffee; St.
on Noffer to play in Neill rly. mascles of his magnificent shoul that never Chorrillo Fire.
Illustrated the black races of the world who Vincent, arrowroot; Tortola, civara; got ders. play foot ball, Mr. ranting. Reynold N: playwright has that is the true Robeson has the reputation of being live a more atural life than their and so forth, great interpreter of white masters, and show an authentic Negro psychology. He wpirituals those the British Guiana and the West In The Daily Graphic Tribune: are fortunate io baving Major aptitude for development on the dies throberom At its meeting held on the 12th, bas read the Negro soul, and tas Several members of the audience spiritual side no less retaarkable Everington to look after.
Emloyees Association approved the Panama Canal West Indian People often ask me, continued people. He singe with an emotional The Emperor Jones, confessed kissed less fiercely. The prejudice from personal contaat, having colored after the show to a feeiing of against the colo races is resided both in Dominica ana a Resolution whereby that Dis. Mr. Robeson whether it is not a quality which great physical and aesthetic and inferio. certainly less acute now than it British Guiana.
those who suffered froin the recent emotional scenes of the runaway tender and yearring.
collect to help o carry through the tendence and restring. His rejea riety to the giant black man pal has ever been, and far from their They The Exhibition leaves Exetar 01 fire which destroyed the Titanic Emperor. It certainly is. Through beautiful, these oll songs, pure moved them by the strength and quite on the cards the dark skinned Gixtures thereafter are Plymouth Riburon, who had 90 gnificently being a monace to civilisation it is January 22nd, and the immediate at Chorrillo, The other Districte. out the play have in my ears sung by slaves on the plantations arm of his personality. They races may guide us back to a more January 25tb to February 6th; of the Auciation, it is stated, thosa trumming drums of my Virginia, and they breathe the were made to feel that there might rational and less material munner Cheltenham: February 9th to 20th have been requested to fall in pursuing subject, Plunged in gentle spirit of patience be so nethiaz in Gilbert Canan of living than that which we oow and Newport: February 23rd Darknes: am alone with my own resignation contention that the futura lies with enjoy. Drily Graphic. March 26th, ATTRACTIVE RACES Moreno. S600. Pereque can Negro may memory. The Ameri co. ning into Fron (Mono. passed from growing should be argue of a West Another Big Day of Sport me. Toa sometime my folle maus George and knew All God Empire WAS segregated 20 the NA sugar; moves trict and ine.


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