p. 1


In the Bold Clayton sed to the He tip: colony which are priceless, gave VOL 14 No, 28 PANAMA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1926.
THE PRINCE OF WALES VICTIMS AT Grants Wish of Dying Palo Seco To Have Their Soldier.
Own Movies.
Great Historic Event Is Not Dim Press despatchi from London According to a new article Results In. Two Confidence says No hour of the day cr appearing in the New York Times med By Death Of The Queen night is too late for the Prince of of the 14th inst 200 reels of moving Men Now Held In Jail at Mother.
Wales to visit at the bedside of a piture films donated by movie prodying soldier. This fact has just ducer: are on way to the loper That City.
come to light and illustrates an in settlement at Palo Seco to enter.
stance of his compassion for the af. tain the isolated at that place. The will according to the latest information from that end, have at unfortunate victims London, February With all unchanging ritual, summoned the ficted.
It appears as if the confidence men of Coloa the pomp of moral pageantry, members of the House of Commons mean that the lep colony veteran of the war lay dying in soon be linked with the other last played their trump into the hands o dear to British bearts, between to enter the House of Lords to the Colon long rigid hear the speach.
Gueriler, attended ed by equer Premier Baldwin with the cabinet Tubby Clayton, por e sud which achieved success along the their own volition, walked into a trap set for them by the a London hospital, and having no half of the world represented by Police Department. Both men, or at least two of them, if abinet friends in the metropolis, Rev. B Broadway, through motion picture the gang is made up of more than that number, have with ries, postillions and members of Talbot House. Rialto trilliant costures of scarlet and had obeyed the King began reading on him every day. One day Colon police on Wednesday last.
gold, King George, accompanied bis speach.
the veteran turned the eou versa Already some 200 reels of feature by Queen Mary, drove this mortien to the war and the days of comedies and educational, donated mingo Antonio Soto Rodriguez, 35 year old Spaniard, and The names of the alleged swindlers are given as Do.
VolcE BECOMES HORSE ning in the superb Toc at Peperinghe and to the by the Metro Goldwyn Mayer of State drawn by al carriage horses from Buckingham Palace clear, measured tones. Afterwards, Prince in the Ypress salient. He Corporation and Femo is players.
He read the opening sentences in man close association with the Corporation, Universal Pictures Nicanor Vega Vega, age 20 years and a native of Uruguay.
to the House of Lords It will be remembered that for the past several months and however his voice grew hoarse and expressed the desire, as a dying Laeky Corporation, are en route to innocent travellers in transit and others have been swindled of the present parliament: session some words were indietinet. The The climax of this splendid ce few minutes Then the assemblage nes at he might see His Royal the sequestered port near Balboa. out of money and other valuables by two men who always reading of the speech took only a Undaunted Tne lepers will get a chance to told their victims stories of having more or less large sums remunal, probably unmatched for again stood up the King and Quienes had returned to York House over see the drama of life through it be of money to be expended for charity or in some other sought the Prince, who mingeificence of ritual, and bri bowed several times and moved attending an evening function the Urbervilles, witness the Birnce of colour in the whole with solemn tread to doff their to find that the heir to the Sea of Thomas Hardy Tess of philanthropic way: and for some plausible reasons they prerealm of modern life, was reached robes and drive back to Bucking throne had retired for the night. and see the rankenstein activities but before turning over these sums of money they would machinations of Chu Chin Chow ferred turning the money over to some one for distribution; the King and Queen walked ham Palace, The fua tion this year had not fact, Mr. Clayton decided to leave see The Great Divide and a respectable amount varying from 100 to 500 or other But on being acquainted with the of The Golem. They will get to cunningly demand and invariably receive from their victims up of the Trone in the House Se they entered, the entire quite the brilliancy of former years a note for the Prince. The latter Greed, True Steel, Beyond valuables as a guarantee of their victims honesty in the of assemblage rose to its feet, because the Court is still in mourne predly despoizing the volte the Rocks and Head Oye: for the Lorde in grand bes or scarlet black was the most dominant on pyjamas and dressing grown to see the staörs in Heels.
distribution of the funds. The rolls of money which the and ermine, peere ses wear the benches on which the Peeresges what Tishby wanted, On being Motion Picture Produ vers Tne films, collected by the wily swindlers handed out always proved to be either rolls inie coronets diamonds, tiaras and sat. wit herd and tiere a splash er prised of the soldier wish, the Distributors of America, of which wrapped up reatly and cleverly covered with a dollar bill or and of ordinary newspaper, according to stories told in the cases, priceless pearl necklaces, foreign of purpel, gray or white fron the Prince diplomats ir aciforms, rich with dresses ladies wearing only dressed and immedintely will liaye is President, are at some other paper currency or something worthless.
gold braid, military and naval though pred Mr Rei oa board an app y transport chief in full regalia, prelates in partial mourning.
toed down the ward to the cot of sanitary corps at Balboa.
and will be delivered soon to the gold and tolack, judges. wearine. But nothing impaired the superb the dying soļdier, took his hand Once in the hands of the lepers, containing five thousand dollars to be expended on Vegas The alleged confidence men who are now held have tried to turn over to a Colombian named Jose Lazo, a roll but also the sides and backs of chionesses and other great ladies Although too far gone to speak ebt folyas will never again leave the sister who, according to the story said to be given by Vega, wigs covering not only the top display of jewelry Duchesses, Mar and stayed with Hits for and like big suldier opened and grey beehivesAmid of eloped with a man from their home to Colon against the hour of colouring and flashing of and all combining their myriad shortly after lape ed into a ate of a smile of recognition and wishes of their parents and was forced into a house of illThe Stork Visits gems, the sober full dress of the glittering rays into one glorious Shot repute. The 5000 should have been turned over to one American Ambassador, Alonso mass of light that seemed to eclipse few hours later he beckone to Rodriguez who, unfortunately, ne could not locate; and for Houghton, and a few other forciun that from the great chandeliers of use burse and neked if he had bee. Tie stork visited St Peter Reo a guarantee of 50 he would entrust the amount to the stood out striking Lords dre mi. On being acquainted that tory Buci hvne of Rev, Jolin Colombian to be used in liberating and placing the girl in a As the King and Queen returned His Royal Highness had come and Mrs. Mulcare, early Sunday respectable home. GORGEOUS CEREMONY. to the place in their golden car specially to visit him, the veteran morning list and depoited a The King and Queen then mount rage of stato, the crowd sent up smiled again and died happy in the bouncing baby girl weighing eight Believing Vegas story to be a mere fabrication royal knowledge that his wish had been pounds.
Lazo pretended to have accepted the conditions and proad the hrone, which wns surround. rousing cheers, which the cd by offeials gorgeously garbed to Peope lined the streets leading couple gravely acknowledge. granted.
Mother and baby are doing well, mised to meet the men in the park later to clinch the busirostumes covered with heraldie away from the Houses of ness. Between the interval Lazy notified the Police and emellems. Among these were which was to serve bait, noted beario benture curice ne blev det inte onsen hala pared watching the PROMINENT PANAMANIAN OFFICIALS marked by Judge Vilalaz. It turned out that the alleged con titles ment long and datiаg back fidence men simply walked into the trap in the park at the Rouge Croix Pursuivant, the realm go by in their magnificent Visit West Indian Settlement at New Providence, promised hour and, before many minutes, were surrounded suivant was there, ako the other great folks of the British Couptroller of His Majesty attres.
and captured by Household, several detectives, taken to the police the Keeper of His Paince of Wales was prevented station and tucked away in safe keeping.
Privy Purse, the Gentle by his recent riding mishay from His Excellency, Governor PERSONAL The maked bills, it is stated, were found in Vegas Lady of the Bedchamber, estiver ther, the Duke of York, stood to this colony on Monday last the possession: the search in the police station being made by Stickin who members of the police force in the presence of several Stickin Waiting.
Hanking King George On King George, in his gorgeons robes day; he was acconpanied by Mrs. sailed for Costa Rica on Thursday other persons.
land glittering crown with its pur, Arosemena and their two sons were the Reverend F, and Mrs.
side of the throne stood the Mar: pla lining, moved and stood and and also the Hon. Dr. Alfaro Niglateng te etend their son Dan: quis of Salisbury, holding the Queen Mory, also crowned and Hon. Jose spoke with quite simple dignity. Secretary of Foreign Relations: The Reverend is taking Mrs. SPARKLETS of. Sanch Cartago for the Mirqils of Londouderry bearing wearing the superb royal jewels, of the Dept. of Agriculture; benefit of her health, as ordered by THE GROCERY.
the Neap of Maintenarce.
wai the very picture of queenly Senior Juan Grimaldo, Capt, of her medical advisers.
Obviously, those who represent majsty.
Police; Senor Pedro Carrera, SeStanding before the throne the had faithfully promised to give the highest West Indian ability, Rev, Nightergale will return in cretary, Land office; Sefior Jose about weeks time and Mrs. my readers, especially those of the whether at home or abroad, had King, according to the sacred and (Continued on page 6) Jean Chief Clerk of the yg tengale and son are expected 1, and more especially long ago concluded that this Governor office; and Storgarin at the health resort for those connected with the grocerv column is below that truly repreT. Duque New Bank New Magistrate For Governor office.
Luis Rios Registrar of tbe about three months.
over in Guachapali, a write up on sentative of their ability. I, too, how to succeed in 9, bat, had long ago conceded to them 20 Manager.
Cristobal. At 11 a. an address of wel terpating, and abundautly fruit accordicg to the popular expres. overwhelming superiority; hence come and petition was read (in tule from the speech makers my reason to every now and then Murr y of Balboa Heights Spanish) by Mr. David Johnson, at tea President Chiari has recently has been appuinted Magistrate of of game (in English) was read by Gentlemen; we the Welfare Comsat quietly in my lonely coraer, tag SUPERFICIAL. If it be in Hvourablə Sirs. Ladies and at Jamsica. As p. lish the well known column the Inspector; and a translation mittee, are a group of appointed Gabriel Duque who the Cristobal Court, sub division, Mr. Moore, and presented to His Tabouring for the Industrial. ladies and to the differen. speak. some of that brilliant West Indian listening to the sweet voite of the argued that even though superficial which he was Secretary of Canal Zone in.
ability which is more absent than ver. who Agriculture and Public Works, as las on several occasions Acted as and presentation of the address. velope zent, and improvement of bosity. was tempted to mount rare on the Ithmus should not have be Thorbourne gave this President of the Banro Nacional Mistrate in the Zone, will in this alengthy epeech, and introduced which, by emalating those prio fugi; amicus Plato amicus Socrates, not rid the argument of its super this Community the people of this this rostrum and siy, Tempus been so inconspicuous, that would the National Bank of the Republic. appointment succeed Judge Richard the official visitors to the colonciples, which contribute largaly sed magis verita, and other quu fluity in an attempt to enlighten, The manager has been Wade who died recently.
ists, and asked leave to sound to the making of good citizen pick up without having to attend successfully passed bisa prelimin tations that the boys there the West Indian who has receiving numerous messages of a at congratulations from local business have in. Scrubwoman Leaves bis church.
managers and other institutions that which might bave been secondary schools or colleges. ought to be able to detect the including the local The address is as follo78:maongers Small Fortune.
called a wilderness, into what was tempted to atinounce a post. undeveloped ability or lack of you now bebola, Habitable Donment, and New Providence treat upon a preparation, without his attention of the Chase Notional Bank Township.
Proyince of Colon, R, momentous question, with confi; being specially drawn to it and the International Bankiog Corporation. press des patch from Oklahoma derice that the noble hearted boys some one else; and the disiaterested February 22nd 1926 Honourable Sirs, Ladies and who are holding the fort over at observer, if he be not grossly city, dated July 10 States that In Honorable members of the Gentlemen, during your stay!
the Chise National Bank of New Miss Dolly Wakefield, 50, who tlemen, Friends and well wishers and every thing of Interest, this President Wiggan, Manager of Vitigation following the deatb of Executive Bods, Ladies and Gen amongst us. we respectfully in the grocery are not so incapable lignorant as to the quality of etui constitutes our highest as to allow the business to run on which vite you, to freely examins any the rocks within fortnight.
York, call! Maoager Duque worked for a dollar and a quarter We, the members ability, should also kaow.
of New heartiest congratulations and best that left 25, 000 in cash of People New recognizthat in order to the follow. com Peliculelona cent or a day he ha scrubwomans revealed Providence waiate committees we go without reserve, because West INDIAN JOURNALISM, ON DuplieATE INFORMATION, THE The part of Miss Smart critical wishes upou vour appointment as and securities. The money is to be Peovidence extend you a bearty progress, la order to receive That True ease in writing comes from art, exammatiot appearing in list Manager of your esteemed institu turned over fo relatives in welcome, with the hope that weasure of success, which we do not schiangere easiest who have week issue of is runer under Louisiana.
your visit may be enjoyable, la. Continuad on page Continued on prae contrast some Parliamati Secretars Nigh fengate to business, bat, sion heard mertings eleven, net over new Even by. tion.
learned to dance. Pope


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