
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY FEBRUARY 27, 1926, Interesting News From The West Indian Islands ciosos sors 595:33SSSSSSS Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD Soos Recently, the Governor, without taking the St Lucia legislators into his confidence, obtained the sanction of the Secretary of State for the Colonies to com pute his travelling expenses on a Dew basis, and drew for the amount on the Grenada Treasury.
The electives indignantly prote.
sted at the method adopted by His and further Excellency: declared that they saw no just reason for the increase, especial.
ly as the island finances were at the moment in an unsatisfactory condition. The vote was refused pending His Excellency explanation of the grounds on which the increase was desired.
at Clovelly and Saturday at a Recommended foremoving the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
An Alterative recommended for purify.
ing and enriching the BLOOD.
BARBADOS Delegates to West Indian Conference House Sssss entroducing the proposal Heldsman.
FO Sale at all Drug Stores And in Large Quantities by JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy AGENT pulicy in this stren motion expense. Mr.
Company for CSSXSXSSXS osso that Colony in the conference At a recent meeting of the of Assembly it was agreed, on a narrow majority of vot to to serd a delegate to the Conference of West Indies Colonies in London in May of this The Solicitor General jin stated it was un tkely that the sending of a de legate would prove a charge on the ula ments as there was an emin Barbadian who was wiling to represent the Colony at Yearwcod stren ously spposed the the opinion tha exprespation of this Cole par of Crown of Colony would very likely result in a sewith avements rious infringement of the constiand Thosed by the proposal, but on the ground and Beaza algo. Mezers opposed that this colony stood to benefit nothing. Messrs Pile, Haynes, and Jones, on the other hand, thought it would be a dangerous policy to stand aloof in a matter of such importance.
At a sitting of the Logislative Council the same day opportunity was seized by members to bid farewell to Hon. Jackson, Colocial Secretary who will be leaving for Trinidad shortly to assume the duties of Colonial Secretary of that coloay.
Leading Hotel Change Ownership.
JAMAICA arrangemerts in connection with thetcur. The Board expressed its sense of appreciation of the Subsidized Line of splet. dii serv. ces being rendered a by the sub committee.
Alter discussion the Board Je.
cided that the first match should be played at Sabina Park, the Tie GLEANER of the recent second at Melbourne and the date states that a meeting of the third at Sobica Park, and went Select Committee of the Legis fully into the details of the prelative Council appointed to deal parations of both grounds for the series with the questioo of o subsidised of matches line of steamers to England was The Selection Committee re held at toe office of the Colonial ported with regard to the trial Secretary wben matters connect matches for the coming week, ed with the scheme propounded same to be played on Thursday, by certain electei neinbers were Friday a: a Saturday afternoons further discussed.
and with regard to The meeting lasted some time next week, on Ash Wedtéeday and in the course of a few days (whole day. Tursday Friday the report of the committee will and rfternoons be presented to the Legislative ground to be arranged.
The following prizes were It is interesting to note that forthcoming matcaes by Mr.
offered in in connection with the there is a rumur to the offect that next monih the fruit situa.
Frank Barbam: tion is going to somewhat Two priz: 1, Cricket bat to changed that the United Fruit the first member of the home Co. with increased shipping faci: the visitort.
di side who sccre a century against lities are going to ke all the fruit that is growing, or such as of the home team who adjudged 2, Cricket bat to the member they can stcureat prices hat will not be disadvan ageous to the by a committe to bave read red producer. Whether this be true the side the best services planters in the know us bowler. bat, wicket keeper or rue throughout the games, whether or not, anticipate a very great rush, not only in ship onts, but in an in.
crease of price from next month Ву Gerald Mari, agent iu on.
Insid of the Car and General Corporation Limited Nunes Almost Certain of Great italic, a free accident and illness insurance To Be The Captain. men his one year to the member os the bom tean who secures the best batting rverage Team Which WHI Likely Reagainst the visitors.
The secretary was directed to present Jamaica ia the First thank both these gentlemen for Match With their nerous offers The Board adjpurned till FriThe GLEANER understands day the 12th instant.
that the team wbich is playing to day as the Jamaica XI. against XV. captained by S, Morrison TRINIDAD is at present likely to be the team which will be scam selected to represent Jamaica in the first Policernan Sentenced match against the MC. in March 10 next.
pratically certaia thit FOR DEMANDING EIGHTY FOUR Nunes will captain Jamaica CENTS BRIBE.
against the Eaglishmen.
It can also be taken as nearly Randolph Turpio, a policeman certain that the teams which attached to the Trioidad Constaplay against the in the bulary was sentenced to six second and third matches which weeks imprisonment with hard contain cod siderable changes as labour by the Magistrate on the Selection Committee are January 23:00 chage of resure to vive effect to th) wishes ceiving a bribe of 40 cents from of cricketers all over the island Slias Bruno. Bruno was conduc.
and give as many men as possible tbe Crown and Anchor opportunity of ting playing game at the Savannah on the day against the MC.
of the races and was arrested cricket circles that only a very by Turpin. bogged for a few men now playing cricket are chance and Turpin enquiared indispensidie or are cartai ties bow much money be bad. He for the team, and there beinz 99 replied 54 cents and was many men of equs merit. an told it was not enough Bruno opportunity will be sought to borrowed a shilling from a friend, give as many of them a chance and on handing everything to of playing as possible.
the officer was released. News As the time available for com of the incident subsequently munication with the players is came known to another police short, the Selection Committee coastable who laid a bex those chosen to play, to day Sgainst Turpin. The Magistrate in Park inflicted verbal castigation on to accept this notice in the the defendant. To accept a bri Gleaner as sufficient and turn ba was bad enough; but to deup at Sabina Park punctually at mand one was the climax of o clock to day and to morrow, effrontery and degravity.
and at one o ciock on Saturday.
The teams are as follows:Died at Ripe Old Age Mr. Nunes Ja oslo: XU Nunes Capt. M Mr. Thomas Puczer In, a rales, J, K, Holt, Martin, native of Barbados and late McCormack, attendint of the S: Anns Asy. Scott, Riley, Foster, lum, Trinidad, died at his tesiS, Young, o. Chishola, dence, 83 Pelham Sireet, Bel.
Mr. C, Morrison XV. ot mont, Port of Spain on the 27th Jamaica.
uito. at the ripa age of 71. His Monison. Capt. son, Mr. Puskaria, is pruot Bronstorpb, Herne, reader at the Government Peiat.
Campbell, Dr. Aris, Capt. ing Office, Trinidad.
Middleditch, Mercier, Poipps. Bloomfield, Poillips, King, ST. LUCIA Spence Downer, Gegory.
ELECTED MEMBERS Preparing For English Team. Refuse to Vote Travelling Expensse For Governor. meeting of the Board of contrul was held at Sabina Park on Friday nightlas. Present: Hop. lative Council of St Lucia on the At a meeting of the Logis. Morrison, President. in the 19th alt. the electei members chair) Messrs. Burton, M, quauimously refused to vote Nethersole, Samuel, an tbe J, increase of Leary Bradbury, Mjor expenses of the Governor, Sir Cux, McCormack and Dr. Seto. James. It appears that Cameron, Hon. Secretary hitherto there has been a fixea By invitation the subcommit amount voted annually to cover, tee consisting of Messrs. William she travelling expenses incurred Wilson, W, Parn by the Governor. whose hesd ville and Burke, were pre quarters, as Governor of the sent and discussed with the Windward Islands is at Grenada, It is House Rent Receipt Books It is felt io SPANISH ENGLISH BarbaMarine charge Order Books The Hutel (Pomeroy changed ownership during the week for a sum of 130, 000 the purchasers being Mesars Evelyu Roach, tbe well keown Commission mercbants of this City The Pomeroy is one of the most magnificent etructures in in the colony and has been the leading hotel in dos for a long number of a years.
Formerly kaow as the Hotel, its name was subsequently changed to the Hotel Pomeroy.
Under the proprietorship of the late Mr. George Pomeroy its former manager, the Hotel was considerably modernised and has been the great guest house for winter tourists for years.
Barbadian Plays In Glossop Harris Company.
Secretary and Treasurer for secret Orders and Friendly Societies Mr.
Young, a CAN BE HAD AT Warman, Among the artists in the Glossop Harris Dramatic Com.
pany, oxpected to give performances here from 11th Inst, is Harold a Barbadian He is the some of the site. Capt and, if we remember arigbt, was after levaving Harrison College of the in the Revels of the local branch Bank of Canada. At Harrison College Mr. Young showed promise of his histrionic talent in the plays staged cn the occe sitn of the annual prize, giving, and we remember his splen.
did performances in Sbakespeare finest declamatory passages.
Dentist Howell The Workman some of Stationery Store travelling HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA CANAL ZONE.
Office Hours: a. to p. m, to p.
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