
NOTICE JO THE CHEMICAL HALL GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted Pablished on Saturday. ty. ates for drapeasemen on applies St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca VALROND, at the oftler No. Ceatration Correspondence on all wattes American Episcopal (Anglican Com venue, Panama, de.
of publie Interest invited bunton)
PO Box 74, Panana RP All copy for publieation must be Second Sunday in Lent written on one side of paper only, and Holy Communion 6, 30 a.
Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of he Liteny, Holy Eucharist Sermon One Year 40 Cy the writer, not necessarily for publica 10. 45 m: Six Months 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
Church School 3p.
Three de.
We do not undertake to return re7. 30p. Choral Evensong, sermon.
Ose jected correstion ence.
HAS REMOVED TO On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday there will be las ing for only half an The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JONUIS hour. five minute addrese will invariably be given by the Rector. All SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1926.
No. 31 CALIDONIA ROAD are cordially invied to these early serye BRITISH DYESTUFF CORPORJ MULCARE, Rector.
and is now replete with a St. Barnabas Church, Empire Maties, the Litany and address The news that the Briuish Government has disposed of large and varied stock of 118. Lay Reader.
Church Sebool pm.
its shares and terminated its rights of control in the British Evemore and address p.
Dyestuffs Corporation, noteworthy event as it is, is made Evening Prayer and address Wednesyet more striking by the wi hdrawal coinciding with the PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, day at oclock.
fiftieth anniversary of one of the most important intervenJ. MULCARE Priast in Cu ge tions of a British Government in an industrial enterprise.
PERFUMERY, Half a century ago there was signed the transfer from the St. Bartholomew s, Church then Khedive of Egypt (father of the reigning King) of his LAS CASCADAS, holding of 176, 602 shares in the Suez Canal Company to the Matins, the Litany and address 11 British Government. The important political and financial a. m, Lay Reader repercussions of that transaction are a matter of history. On Church School 30 the twenty six of November, 1925, the shareholders of the Evening Prayer and address p. m, MULOARE, Priest in charzo British Dyestuffs Corporation approved of a reconstruction Our numerous patrons are asked to give an early call, scheme. This scheme provided for the writing down of the issued capital by about one half and for the purchase of St. Jude Mission, Summit, when they will receive the same courtesy as heretofore.
the Government holding of shares, some 1, 700, 000, for Chu ch Echool p. m, the sum of 600, 000.
Evening Prayer sad Address 30 OSALONSO Obviously the British Governments participation in Lay Reader this great dye making combine has not been, or will not be JT MULCARE Priest in Chargo in the long run. of great benefit to the community. These matters cannot be looked at and judged entirely from the St. Simon Mission, Gamboa financial angle. And if in the military sphere a skilfully 90400 Matins, the Litany and addres conducted retreat is held to be almost the equivalent of a 11 a. Lay Reader.
Church Sebcol 30 successful advance, it may be found that the Government withdrawal, being well timed, may assist the British, dye MULCARE, Priest in Chargo industry, in the same way as its financial aid six years ago help to put the same industry on its feet. In order to judge Baptist Churches of these matters it is necessary to recall what was the peti(Under the auspices of the Southern tion of the British dye industry at the close of the late war.
Baptist Convention)
It is common knowledge that prior to 1914 a large part Colon 11 a. and 15 Pastor of the synthetic dyes, e. aniline dyes used in the British Witt, Lord Supper after both services.
New Providence 11 Deacon textile trades were obtained from Germany. The war, of Broome.
course, cut off these supplies and the need was urgent to Gatun 11 a. Deacon Edwards replace them. Further, what is not so well known, there is 30 m. Pastor Witt, Lord Supper an intimate connection between the synthetic dye industry Service. 15 Leader Duffus.
and the manufacture of explosives and other munitions of Red Tank 11 a. Descon Crooks war. The participation therefore of the Britishivern7. 16 AT ment in the attempt to build up a strong dye industry in Empire 11 04. 0, 15 Dotern Yearwood Great Britain was not solely economic. If the war conveyed Calidonis 11 am. Descon Stewart one lesson more clearly than another, it was that in any 16 Deacon Smith future national danger the products of the chemical industry Chorrillo 11 a. Deacon Smith; would play a vital part. In this highly technical business 71. p. Teacher Walters of La Boca Pueblo Nuevo 11 a. Mr. Tullough improvisation of plant and personnel at short notice is not 15 Mr. G, Walker.
possible. Primarily, however, the restriction of supplies to Matts Ridonda. 11 a.
colour users led these trades, in collabroration with the GovMelntoeb, ernment, to take steps to establish an efficient dye making industry at home. The result was the formation of a comSeventh Day Adventist Church pany called British Dyes, Limited, the capital of the com2 STREET CALIDONIA ROAD pany being raised by colour using interests, the Government SXSXSS SOMOSOMO:365. CASOSWOO (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA.
advancing money in proportion to share the capital raised. Babbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sabfurther fusion of interests in 1918 lead to the establishment bath School; 11. 15 a. General Worship of the Dyestuffs Corporation with an issued capital exceed3. 30 pm. Spanish Class; ing nine millin pounds. In this company the Government Prominent Panamanian. request to be bere about a month astonish dow to sue the proago, bal had quite forgotten all guess which bas been made sing 30 Society, meeting holding was in substitution for the loans previously made about it until was reminded that time, the first occasion 3id 30 Junior and Senior Standard to British Dyes, Limited, and in addition to the money put (Continued from page 1) sesterday, by, telephone, and not visit as an official. visited as of attainment Class p. Vespero.
up by the colour using interests a large part of the capital may reasonably expect we must To see the progress of the colony Commerce. Now us a citlzep and optican Lentired The general public is thare and then decided to come.
President the Chamber of Sunday ever ing 30 Sterewas subscribed by the general public.
The Government be straightforward and honest. day by day. Is indeeu a greet an official re resentative of the cordially invited to turn out in large introduced legislation protecting the young industry, and in Among the items of Interest, satisfaction.
return for its financial help it had the right to veto any there is one to wh! ch we distre to Governmemt, bea But the development and pro all what ihe Governor has said alteration in certain statutes of the company; and was direct your special attuition.
gress of the colony is your wo given other powers of control. over the company affairs Thae itemniebo cane sugar, a work, you deserue much creando all that lies inong bowled to Seventh Day Adventist Church 3rd STREET BROADWAY, COLON These powers were exercised by two nominated directors, sample ol which is on exhibit, a for what you have already done help the colonists, ane nst only Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. Babbath Such, bri fly, was the genesis of the Corporation. Its poorsom ble o mag adinit boek is connexion with the colony, tba in bates while we every indaence scholy the same and lots of labb you realiz, that this is the welfare, and to induce Government short life to dite has been chequered but useful Consider result, a production of the most went of Panama did not wish to assist the workers bere in 30 p, Young people mpeting 30 Vespers alle progress has been made in its primary object, that of Detroit ve been reven have because be ungrateful to the West In canvi de couchards ared baberehe a. beyond which we unSunday evening 7, 30 Preaching magnitude of that task is realized by few. The period of abse to reach up to the pre have played in the construction development end progress of the You are cordially invit to sent you mberof colony, He had heard of the proconstruction has coincided with the period of general post. possibility or the sugar Care, the route longa Cregola t haweiven riends is time time, war depression, and, in common with many other industrial Industrias value of which beibe you a colony of your own, so scess of the colony through Rev. end, these services and bring your enterprises, the company had to face great depreciation in daily enhanced; thanks to the that you may be able to do some. but more words cannot convey thing tangible for yourselves faithful and almøst indespensable The Salvation Army the value of stocks. Much technical work and scientific re faib the alao actual state of things as they PANAMA CITY CORPS.
are, but see for myself The Panama Canal was built today more progress than evet search has been done and British colour users have had the service of the Scientist; when discover that our lands and Services are as follows: advantage of an alternative source of supply. But always about Swait allez dions then ynu by French brain, American mo heard of, and to congratulate Early Prayer Meeting.
one of the chief difficulties has been that in many countries abagufully appreciate the bincanti per andere Westin Undian blood. one and all for what you have Loud Cheers! know that you.
10 a, Children. Directory Meeting pant was laid down during the war in excess of commercialty of our welcome love this country and it flag by aod Brigade United Open Air Meeting requirements.
118. Holiness Meeting to be con Trusting you will eris the way in which your children The last speaker wae tha Hon, The British Government in quitting has been influenced bappy day, that when you shall have sung the National anthem, J156 Sanchez, be said, am ducted by Commandant Martin, p. Y, Company meeting and fact who was appoia: Brisede op ico today, bui conse companies, which inight reasonably regard the Govern elsd. to return, and we will be visited bere on previous occa ted to be tee Oply too glad to recleve you.
on the death of Mr. Pinel p. Junior Open Air.
ment participation in one company alone as discriminating 45 m. Beparate Brigade Open Air In closing, we beartilly accord a few cays ago, Mr. Duque reand unfair. Be that as it may, the Government believe the President of this Republic colour live, neither through re In this country tbere no sigued to fill his place and take Moesting, that the step they have just taken is not only in the best Three cheers, Three cheors, to ligion nor otherwise, but every Mr. Duque place, then was p. Salvation meeting in the Ha interests of the British Dyestuffs Corporation but of the you our distniguisbed visitors and one is honoured according to appointed to come; am very by Commandant and Mrs. Martin cordial invitation is extended to all.
dye making industry of the country as a whole. While Toree cbrees to the promotor of merit; we all belelve in liberty pleased to see what you have and freedom, and Panama is the been able o do in so sbort a gaining its freedom from Government interference in its this Colony. Thank You.
Monday, Life Saving Guards and As repreSunbeame Parade at p.
most democratic in management, the Corporation agrees to restrict foreign Bis Excelleney, the Governor worth one with the colony further sentative of the Department of Tue. day, Band of Love Work Clase ownership of its shares to not more than twenty five per Agriculture will do all that at 30 in replying snid interalia, lies in my power to assist you Wednesday, op Life Saving Scout cent and to keep in touch with the Board of Trade in Fall very glad to visit this colony progress and prosperity.
His Excellency, the Governor hers in New Providence, and and Chums parade. Home League again today as it is always matters of technical information and research. So closes pleasure for me to meet with then introduced Hon. Dr. Alfaro, will take the sample of sugar to 8pm.
one chapter more in the history of Governmental participa. friends, and especially old friends Sectv. of Foreign Relations, and my department in Panama as an Thursday Holiness meeting in the tion in industry. The chapter about to be commenced will see that tho colony is pro asked bim to address the colou: wbat you are Hall to be conducted by Commandan gressing, be watched with interest by more than mere partisans or without which would not have It is nearly 10 years ago since dolng here, and it may be the Martin at pm.
e. the telepbore, ists, The latter gentleman sald, exbiblt to show opponents of state controlled industry, been here today, for was visited this settlement, and am means of helping you a long. MARTIN. Commandant ESPERANZA LAUNDRY Deacon Only First Class Ones Need Apply of the endorse numbers.
my in New Service.
to really quent.


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