
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1926 AGE FIVE Attractions at the Theatres stod and Decel arrangemente Tuscany, yet they ebola ranka of sald always looked upon the one What Is Your Fortune? מון ATLANTIC SIDE Fitting Tribute To CANAL ZONE NOTES Judge Wade.
West Indian Journalism La Boca Pars.
By Colon Boys Institute.
All the members of the la Boca ON THE ISTHMUS On Sunday last over 500 per Tennis Club motored to Red Tank 8003 gathered in front of tbe CECILIA AMERICA on Washington Birthday and (By GASKIN)
Colon Boss Instita ion and witnessed their team which was witnesed solemn funeral (PANAMA)
It was my intention to write parade of the boys under con (COLON)
represented by Mrs. Jump and on the Carnival. mean that wander Watson bead Fred Clube, emerge victoriously TODAY. Saturday, February 27th and of TODAY SATURDAY, February 27th from the series of games played part which a certain writer re the Institute, in rever TO MORRO Sunday, February 28. Richard Talmadge in on the lawas of the Red Took ferred to as the Queen scao ence of the death of Judge Norma Talmadge in ON TIME Clubhouse to determine the tennis dal, Ba have de sisted not Richard Wad of the Balboa GRAUSTARK championship in mixed doubles.
because think that the subj ct Magistra e Court, who was a TOMORROW Sunday, February 28th In the semifinals La Boca won not of sufficient Iscal interest staunch supporter of the lostiis irm Paraiso, 3 6 4. In but rather because am not in tate.
MONDAY, March 1st Alice Terry in the mood to write on such Jack Holt in THE GREAT DIVIDE the finals. who hpd made themselves eligiAt four o clock in the afternoon svbj ct. feel as if could dip Commander Watson ordered the WILD HORSE MESA ble by eliminating Gatun, 6 my pen in gall and be as bitter bugleito be sounded the signal MONDAY, March 1st. 2 4, and won them in sach es possible. Every word would of the scheduled three sets, as Bebe Daniels in would for the boys to fall in and tbe bava been TUESDAY, March 2nd been a warning, every sen band of the Institute struck a follows: 6 2 4, Cristobal tenco a terrent to that narrow Divor Carle. well кар Evelyn Brent in WI WILD SCSAN Clubhouse did not participate, known and bigoted buneh of West In lunera) march. Before the DANGEROUS FLIRT TUESDAY, March 2nd The LA Boer team is now the dians up Panama. My vitriollere gathering, all of wbon Norman Kerry in champion, marks would have mixed friend with bow a bead, the boys with WEDNESDAY, March 3rd and foe in one common ruin LORRAINE OF THE LIONS would have reminded them tha: presented their rilles gave the salute, then Douglas Fairbanks in Clubes wbo so ably represented when the wbite race wishes to arms while the Band again played. reversed DON SON OF ZORRO WEDNESDAY, March 3rd, the hume teain is its president; Throw mud be is considered one of thà best coat us. It bas to look Sleep on Beloved.
Norma Talmadge in for the mud. But when loured tennis playeron the Isthmue me The American flag of the lost.
THURSDAY March 4th ber of the coloured race wants GRAUSTARK while Mrs. Jump, La Boca other to throw mud, it can be found itate wich was belog flown at Alice Terry in representativas, is the leading plaright to band. Any way, Miss balf mast was slowly lowered THE GREAT DIVIDE THURSDAY, March 4th, yer among the female members George was crowned by the while the Band played the Jack Holt in of the La Boca Club.
Mayor of this City. And abe American National Anthem.
FRIDAY March 5th WILD HORSE MESA bad a prominent position in the Commander Watson made There are not very many medaprocession. was la the Impe short but aprropriate and im. Bebe Daniels in rial Hotel when the procession pressive speech after the cerelists on the Isthmus, and getting WILD WILD SUSAN FRIDAY, March 5th, Evelyn Brent in them together for od elocution was passiog. There were a good mony, in wich, among other contest has been a difficult task many Nordics around, and was tblags, he paid glowing tribute DANGEROUS FLIRT for the La Bocs Athenaeum; so.
eager to hear their expression, to SATURDAY, March 6th and to Judge Wade and polnted out after several attempts to hold an Abſthere comes the West In bow in various ways the Judge SUNDAY, March 7th SATURDAY March 6th.
all medalist contest that society at diana Queen, she looks fine. bad given substantial aid and Gloria Swaoson in Shirley Mason in last Tuesday meeting, decided to This exprassion of appreciation wise counsel for the carrying op WTHE COAST OF FOLLY SOUTH SEA LOVE pro lem all came from a hostile camp. These of the good work. In part be 18 The Athenaeum has not, however, kentlemen are of given up hopes for bringing about they could not for as a father of the Institute. The such a a contest, asserted President bear to cheer. can assure you, week before he died be told me De Souza aſter Tuesday meeting Colon olon was in no way scanda bls office that be bas on foot We will at some future date Tsed. But let me to the something very good in connec resume our efforts and am sur Herald. tion with the new home for the Of course it would be boys be la possible bord The Colon Boys In our second attempt will be suocesThe Commander explained to take up the whole icket that the Judge was the first to stitution.
news, neither am the work of publish the nam Igoing to take pave the matter in sequential order.
Institute. He said be bad conf Madame Ronoo will Interpret Zodiacal Signs Tobacco smoking was also Yet would like to wha: dence, however, that there are the writer meant to convey when many more taken up in a lively round table nericans on the each wook for Roadors of this paper (By Whittinghain, discussion at this meeting of the he said, The fairer sex and the Canal Zone and in the Republic WATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE Athenaeum An overwhelming gentler sex witnessed a cortalo of Panama who are just as (Continued from our last issue) majority of the members present cricket match in Barbados? honest in their views in connec Io take it, that the term fairer sex, tion wich the work of the February 19 25 When such conditions were spoke of the good effects which difficult matter with you. You upon the unfortunate smoking seems to bave in the means the ladies. But whom stitute and from whom be is The Cusp of Aquarius, and should expect your greatest hap torced matter of concentration, as Joes he mean by the venle. sure of belp.
riness from companionship rather youths. at the time referred to) mat Bex? bave lived in Barbado than from your work. This does were the environments of the would appear that most thinkers for six months and have neve To be born on the cusp of the not mean, however, that you can community responsible for their of repute, past and present, glory the observed this great contradio: Ish and English for sale at the course duplicado enracinenividual bodite Besc eorum, but you will not become describes it as the cross ronda force Rent Receipt Books in Span signs of Aquarius and Pisces rives not become absorbed in your busi. actions. Let us see. observed that tabacco users are but in.
profession and visitors to these ro Republes victims of whabito the vitalasing of made bateman who Workman Printery quadruplicate. May be thi boro during this week. The most fascinated to the exclusien of all of a copliment. Such it is. But merits and demerits; Widely. however, was George Challenor, for bei outstanding ding peculiarity of these else.
like a paradise of refuge, men branded smoking health Yet doub persons is their lack of very Rreat bat.
of confidence that he could perform such a The clear green of the sea is the and women from the corters of What everyone is and their ability to conceal it For Thus instance, you will realize that col agreeable to the calmness of the earth drift here high and destroyer and said it helps to laya teat, To quadruplicate any oum.
for foundation trong alcoholic.
saying ber is to multiply that number belief in your ability is not what it your nature, and the green emerald low, rich and poor.
by four. Io cricket we adopt the should be, but instead of it le the gem of all others to tring city of Colon, the most impor ber abhors the habit on purely of giving up project, you guard yourself 00 tall lily with its rare perfume is the come and they go, a ceaseless afforded better food and clothing tant Isthmia o potnt, is literall, economic grounds it robe you contentment. The straight, KRONEN BRAU method of addition in compil BK swamped, year by year. They the runs. In speabing of this percentage of what should have every side by studying every Test Matcbes, the writer could tion which could possibly arise and symbolic flower of your sign.
superior to all Famous persons who were bern trade of fortune hunters.
and destroys dressee, tablecloths not even thick clearly for one with a knowledge that is more than The homan mind, eo suscepti and rugs.
moment. At one lime they are imported beers comprehensive of your subje you in this period show the diversity the Hom ters. atanoth time, gi ve the impression of super confi at the sign.
General George Wa ble to thing of evtendencies, they are the West tadia. Eleven 23 Idence shington, the famous arti kem were no lesu active in the younger Next Tuesday evening, being the yet at another, they are Mjit SERENITY is the motto that brandt and Peal, James Russell Reneration of this rity, as se first in the month, the Athenaeum applies to the deep thiokine persons Lowell, Alice Freeman Palmer ard wbere. So, instead of following bas selected Tennyscn as the poet aggregation.
the examples of the noble These expressioni are not at no one would bave paid any of this sign, as you are able to live to whom it will do bonour. The who continually harmonirusly with practically (Copyrighted 1925 by Heose personages visited these sboree, all ayoonymous. Major Austit eftantion to it.
bey rrogram for the evening promises they to be very attractive. Teonyeon Captaloa the West Indiso Een Now every one is selling anyone and u arriage will not be a Adams Syndicate)
absorbed the degenerating birth and early life has been al.
and Captain Calthorpe Capt in such journalism is to be, or not prir ciples of characters, ostrac lotted to Mr. W, Reynolds and the Eleve. Tau o be? Then we are solemnly told is from the societies of moral Mc. Bayne is to deal minded meg.
OD hir teams are nelther Austin nr that a crowd of enormous propor: Calthorpe Even the terminattended the erle ketical Picture to vrurself a school of taken education Other will be parts 88 Bomsters, follore the is only right in offering, sod the fair sex did children (as these boys surely eh raeter Vry. Florence Smith very rostrioted sense. Hy was themselves proud. All of this were) who bad the most familiar his most prominent poetical works, that Challenor and Dewhurst took place in the Magnificent intercourse with their teachers: Mr. D, Wesley, Secrerary of were the first pair pated to Province. bave played cricket and of the see you of the on the Bourda Grounds time ou dotend the bo. our Athenaeum; hie marriage Mre. Magnificent Provincs. This of number, and have never THE HAIR STRAIGHTENER imagine tbe school was training home. Then OlMr. Clifford Sewell, Pece;King; quntations from masters to gentleman knows that Challeger noticed where the fair o ever be licentious, immortal abiftless tations have been allottel to other and Dawhurst do not ry for did themselves proud. Any way, WITHOUT AN EQUAL creatures. What would you ex members. President Derouza will British Galada. He also knows will ask Tom Burton it be eve: pect the graduates of such a speak on his death. All quotations that they were defeading the observed the phenomenon.
school to br?
bonour of the West Indies, and has worked with the for Don fail to try it roll call are to b; taken from Thus were the onvironments Tennyson works. The public is not of British Guiana. Wbst a good many years and it is quit of the boys who are now inmates cordial y invited to be the guest of mortgage tbls writer bas on the likely that bebas made the of the Colon Boga Institute such the Athenaeum at the Clabhouse words, to, and b, Ani observation. wonder wat ms was the place when the institu. on Tuesday evening next.
nearly every time be uses the Country people bave ever done tion was born. The morals be throws his preceding sentence this gentleman? Why should be No Special Combs or Hot Irons Required.
the city were corrupted, and For. punishment opon those who did not fall 80 low as and Fernandez gave a What The la Boga District of the Peto succumb to tbe Influences of nama Canal West Iudian Emplo good can come out of Exhibition of attrae ire cricket, a eket, a cricketical offaring? bornt the depraved, kept themselves rective cbeers ves yees Association is preparing for from the offering is. even a buman spectators. One There tbrok that in extreme cases. But a to bave same tsped and sent to aloft. Before the institution a big drive ia membership for the An Explanation.
the object of these batsme Sacrical oderlog. dont think the WORKMAN. This was done advent, no reformer who basked coming month. resuscitation of to receive cheers, and not to the Government should without my supervising. but nu limelight bavi of social advar community night programs is rans. Speaking of the allowed it. Mr. Editor, Have you Colon, in any way to give one credit, as ger, condesonded to give the also contemplated and it is almost the mistakes made in puretua unfortunates the bepetits of a probable that one will be announKilner Astu partnersbip, te ever heard of a more cepten brua y 28, 1928.
ced for the latter part of March.
tion, spelling. paty graphicg, e bigbet mental development.
says, foe latter intere. est une tugu tuous adj ctive qualifying a nie THE EDITOR OF THE WORKMAN, utterly spoiled the Thus in a chrotic state, border the District has also authorized of God sara ght ones, to be mis placed nou have never Riven oui far article intended to convey.
The Si ue son ing on to destruction, despoiled the collection of funds by a few of Toolish wod has not even If Panama City Astil did that be LaG no right on get euphony in its favour. It is a Dear Sir.
The second part have sub tbruugb the contamination of its members to help the sufferers mitted, and trust that its appear mix lements, was the eliy. of the recent fire which destroyed tbe team In the care of the strange mentality indeed that Kindly Tberend permit me space in snce lo your columns. as sent. Smitu partnersuip, he com els a man to call a game at of the ZVODA out the Titanic at Chorrillo.
ways, Smith was the first to be Icket, an casts were the frequent baunts ođering. Then as it your valuable columos. to dispel will strengtheu my assertions.
Thanking you Mr. Editor for after being drunk with the gern making progress with their play of those of tender ages. who Hill and bowied by Juel. Every abiv al law he says, White and are of your paper, on reaning dismissed, to be caugnt by st be wants to show us that he is any impressions formed by readThe Orpheus Musical Club is they cricketerk uw, that su to na Broan base is not the et Delicate Institute. in your issue of the the articl, The Colon ys eagerly am, grasped, imparted the same to The Path Across The Hill. It is. This first ben 20th inst.
Yours Truly, their companions. Thus the learnt that the Club intends to staquite the other way in these reports that have seen WEITTINGBAM, seeds of corruption were sown. ge it in April: the date of which is was caoght to be dis miski whe where ploral nominatives bas to! It would seem that the writer many of the crops, enjoyi:g to be announced later. The whole About St Hill be says, His time shift for themselv with a singu. bad Undertaken task be was barvest.
town will soon be talking about Wieket wana valuable lar verb. am tbrough with this unable to accomplish the many Notice to Correspondents. It would seem as if the com this play.
19set to tn. acca Dalattvas of subj ct. started out with the errors in the article being the runs to the West Indies core, to ides of de banking The Star result. Bat such is not the case. Contributors and correspondents munity was doomed to produce a be cleaned bɔwled by Jam HERALD The task is above me. Thle article was submitted ta the are asked to send in their contriba set of degenerates, when someALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO This is a fine specimen o prese Its readers must take what WORKMAN by one who, bøvior a tions not later than ursdays to tbing loomed on the horizon a THE POPULAR DIPODROME OP a frolle, And at this too! leb to gram mar they can get and be copy (as appeared a the STAR iasure publication. This is impera. ray of hope.
be, had not appeared o uften, thankful.
HERALD of the 19. inst. decided tive and must be adhered te. To be continued in our best issue. JAUN FRANCO TO MOROW.
реве оr while others as a the very an on Voltaire.
poet e Contra Crespo his nis at of tine them?
to is alrigh; Would was in the take Sense the Watson space, not dismi Bat irely Thiers 000, in st the in


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