
King And Queən Open Parliament. Continued from page 1)
a view to the formulation of definite proposals on the subject. bill will be presented to enable the Country Councils to contit us to extend the provision of small holdings and cottage bolding, both for owners, occupiers and tenants Am asure will be laid before you to provide suitable cases for marking imported agricultural produce and manufactured goods, so that they may be distinguished from those of foreign orgia.
PROPOSES NEW SECRETARY OF Pain Enemy meet be desire of Taste, taste, tastewhat else matters?
GOOD taste knows neither frontiers tween ws to baster truq. PAIN ENEMY the loca Chesterfield if ters: TEXT OF KING SPEECH The following is the text of the King speech:My Lord, Members of the House of Comm. Ds. My relations with foreign powers continue to be friendly.
Since Parliam nt rose my Anbassador at Constantinople has In any language good tobac.
proceeded to Angora with a view cos aprak for themselves.
to arriving at a a definite settlethe quality and good taste of questions in connection of Chesterfields need me in preters.
with Turco Irak frontier My Government cordially reclprocates the of the Turk ish Government for promotion of the friendliest relations bekey and Great Britain between myself and nor continents.
His Majesty the King of Iraq: On taste, and taste alone, Chesterfield carrying out the stipulation laid down the decision of tbe is America fastest growing cigarette.
Council of the League of Nations, And its steady growth in popularity bas been signed by our respec tive representa ives and bas been here rests on the same solid foundation.
approved by the Parliament of It will be submitted to skillful blend of Turkish and North you without delay.
American tobaccos, perfectly balanced One of my ministers will proceed to Geneva as the itish to yield rich aroma and mellow fullR presentative on the Prepara.
ness. and, as a result, a cigarette which tory Committee for Disarma, tastes immeasurably better than any ment, which is to work out the one tobacco smoked straight.
tsis of a general conference on the reduction of armaments. In the opinion of my Government, substantial step forward in that direction sboul now be possibie as a result of the system of security created by the Treaty of Locarno and subsidiary agree ments.
ente My Goveroment hava re.
CIGARETTES cently received in London the Finance Minister of Italy, accom.
panied by a distinguished delevation, and have concluded an agreement which provides for the funding of the Italian war debt to this country on fair and Manufactured by LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
bonourable conditions rejoice that a friendly settlement bas been reacbed on this dificult question. Invitations are being issued SKSS to the governments of Belgium, Fracce, Germany and Italy to attend a conference in London to consider the possibility of secu ring effective international agreement for the regulating of the hours of labour.
SUPPLIED BY Members of the House of Commons. Esulmates for the public will be laid before you in due course.
co. My Ministers have given earnest consideration to the increasing need for national economy Proposals effecting the reductions of public expenditures are now being formulated and you will be asked to pass meais brewed from the best sures required to give effect to them without delay proposal will be laid before materials obtainable you for authorising my Govern went to guarantee loans for the development of British dependencies in East Africa and the mandated territories. My Lords and Members of is superior to all imported beers sold of Commons The improvoment to trade here and it sells to the public at and industry at the end of 1924, It was then thought would result HALF the price.
in an apprecible decrease in the volume of unemployment, was unfortunately checked early last TRY OUR NEW BEER year by the widespread depres sion which occurred in coal UMRETTES THE BEER services when made.
The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co. While learn witb sctisfaction SLOAN Liniment la proclaimed the world over on the progress made in building being Pain greatest enemy.
new bouse in urban areas io Multitude of people and kland and Wales, the conditions recommend it.
under which many of my peopl Rheumatle aches and poing are compelled to live, both is Instantly oberite med country districts and congested and die Bress in in numerous towa, still Te penetrate right to the occasions me me deep concern. sore spot. No need of rubbing.
Ministers are are now examining It does its work thoroughly.
certain proposals for the improve Give it a trial.
wento these conditions, and One bottle will convince you.
time permits they will submit to At all druggiats and dealers.
you measures dessorst defects, the removal of the both to town and country, SLOAN My it LINIMENT be possible to carry further the precess of consolidation the main statu art gulating the government of the country. DR. HOFFMANN additional Secretary of State has transferred his clinic to 37 propose to appoint an to replace the Secretary for Central Ave. upper floor of La Scotland, and you will be asked Mascota in front of the Alcalde to pass the necessary legislation Entrance between La Mascota providing for the transfer of functione.
and Preciado Book Store. Blls will be laid before you, TELEPHONE 991.
time and opportunity permit, dealing with the following matNational health insurance. This year we shall get from unemployment insurance; rating Italy the equivalent of between a of railways; control of road farthing and half penny in the vehicles; financing of the Poor pound on the income tax. We of the Powers of the Boards of a year the Italian payment will Guardians: rating and valuation pound, but although Italy will go three farthings la the of machinery in Scotland. Your latours upon these and on paying for 50 or 60 yedia sbe upon all other matters humbly will never climb to the sublime commend to the blessing Ct altitude of a penny.
Almighty God. Moreover the settlement did DEBATE ON ADDRESS BEGINS not include anything for the amortization of the capital sum.
London, February The It we had asked France and House of Commons reassembled Italy to pay on a bieis on which in a bappy mood, but a serious we were paying America, Italy note of criticism was soon struck would pay us until 1933 168. 000 by the Opposition. Clynes, who 000 and after that 19, 000, 000 deputized for MacDonald as yearly, and the same would apply leader of the Opposition, com to France. Instead of which Italy plained that the Goyeroment will pay this year 2, 000, 000 and and that the Government had not fulAlled pron.
ises previously CALLS SETTLEMENT UNPAIR, He welcomed the disarma are not being treated fairly The taxpayers of this country ment conference, but asked why shoula France and Italy what practical example of disHe also protested that members. There jis no unemployment armament Britain would give pay less? France is very prosper there of the Government had so covered the Russian Government Italy is very prosperous. She with malignaut abuse that it was is building ships with a Governfalse, Russian ment subsidy to take away trade.
speaking for debts before they began subsi.
the Liberals began with such dizing shipping to take away our kindly remarks about the Gov trade.
ernment that a Socialist mem Lloyd George took a gloomy ber called out in Alarm, Are view of the industrial prospects going over too. refer. at home and pointed out that the ence to Sir Alfred Mond seces. State was now paying 27 per sion to tbe Conservative Party. cent of the miners wages and Lloyd George welcomed the be paying 40 per cent announcement that a load was 10 Dext May.
be made to East Affrica, which Such a subsidy to coal and coal be presumed was for the benett using trades could not be swept of the cotton growing interests. away and he wanted to know It is a very risky position. what would happen.
be said, that we sbould te en The Prime Minister, Stanley tirely dependent on the United Baldwin, replying contended States for cotton.
that the Italian debt settlement LLOYD GEORGE SEVERE ON was equitable acd be defered DEBT.
from the view that the United States would have agreed to a Bat his comment on the sub cancellation of debts.
ject of Inte rallied debts in geneal and the Italian debt settle the subject of universal cancella agre: with Lloyd George on went in particular was severe. was. he said, tion of debt, but when he talks ac bio and the debt of Germany having put an end to those hopea in to us, provided America was he is committing an anchronism.
prepared to forego owing to her. That was the pro It became possible two years posal of the Balfour Declaration belore that to do anything of the and it was a thoroughly sound kind on the matter. have no policy. It we had just stood pat think do and we must agree to doubt he knows America wel. it would have gone through. do not believe America difer on that. am certain as would bare pressed us for our can be of anything that no debt, and in Ayery short time arrangement of that kind could Balfeur proposal for confer have been made and that they ence of all Hed nations would would never bave entertained bave been carried out but it is any proposals of the kind.
Do use talking about that now! For the rest, Baldwin made a Tbo Amoricao debt has been rapid explanatory aurrey of the funded, whole of his policy. The alaThey referring to the Italian armament conference at the debt settlement with Britain, be request of five other powers, bad mentioned the fact that italy been postponed to between mored Britain something over Mareb and May, which give 600, 000, 000 and that France Russia time to accept the tenderowned something similar. ed invitation. It cost this country a sbilling The international conference in the pound in income tax to an hours of labour, to be held in pay the interest on the money London, was intended to arrive she advanced to Italy and France. at an agreed Interpretation of the What was there in the Italian Warhington Convention and, if settlemett on which Britishers guccessful, it would be followed should congratulate themselves? by ratification.
Lloyd It is specially suited for this climate the House of Como Уса would mining KRONEN BRAÜ SUPERIOR TO ALL what was the whole JOB. PRINTING of the tof conciliation CALLS FOR CONCILIATION Since the Autumn of last year signs of a revival of industry bave again begun to appear, bal the growth of confidence OD whicb a revival depends is being arrested by the fear of industria)
Doisia The result of the inquiry into the economic condition of the coal industry, which is now being conducted by my commission, will shortly be laid before you. am well aware of the difficulties that are inberent in the situation. But the interests of nation are paramount and appeal to all parties to face the tatore in a spirit and followablp and to avoid action which would agalo postdone the relorn of good trade and prosperity for wbich we have so long boped.
the object of secarlo greater economy and efficency in iho generation and tradsmission of electrical energy in the fu:ure my Government have devised scheme of reurginisatio. bill to give effect to these proposals bas been prepared and will will abortbe introduced.
of agriculture has received the earnest consideration of my Ministers. The question of the provision of better credit facllities for the industry Is receiving special attention and discussions are proceeding wib Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH Witbe AT THE Jy bene cond condition WORKMAN PRINTERY


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