
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY FEBRUARY 27, 192 PAGE SEVEN El Excelsior THE BOOK THAT EVERY THINKING MAN AND WOMAN MUST READ ever made London, READ llal probibition e Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey before Ite and Negroes VIGOR TONIC JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
Oxford was early, Prohibition in Britain And We Like it.
Works But Part Time.
James Newsome, 76, oldest Pallman porter in this country, Regulations Holding Over cias after 551 years of service Be traveled more than six millFrom War Considered ion miles. He was faithful. Not JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP Bothersome one complaint was against him oy a passenger Corner 12 Street East Avenue Courteous. respectful, he knew LIQUOR RESTRICTIONS bis place and stayed in it to the delight of the traveling public We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also No London Saloon Opens Its and the satisfaction of the Pull watches. Our prices are the lowest and our Doors Before Eleven clock man Officials Workmanship is guaranteed.
The Associated Press herald. In Mornirs bis passing Newspapers from Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you coast to coast played the story may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may Jany. 30. Many up with big heads. Mere space American visitors to Eoglaod are iwas given to this falthful porter drsire, provided the monthly payments of atszed to discover that a par death than was given to the interest are duly met.
tial exists, not only Sweet trial and the demise of probibition of alcoholic drinks, of Booker Washington and scores WE CARRY GOOD STOCK OF IMPORTED but of such articles as chocolate, of prominent colored citizens.
tea bi. cuits ard friid berring JEWELS AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES.
The reason for this is not hard partial probibition that is fre.
to tind. The popular conception Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall quently more arnoying than the of an important Negro is one be pleased.
real thing These probibitions are a bang who will work slavishly and never complain; who will endure over from thº war regulationsinsults the defense of the realm act and bow which became famous in En ORmighty white man: who will work for notbing and depend gland or infamous as Dora.
Their aim was to save ligbt, coal upon gratuities for his subsisfood, to darken the city AFRICA FOR THE AFRICANS tance. Because Mr. Newsome ebortly after sundown and in did these things he is exhibited The best Tonic in the World as a pattern other ways to economize during for to other follow. Mr. Newsome was a type, war period THE GREATEST LIVING NEGRO LEADER, STATESMAN AND ORATOR, He did the best he could under a Now, after seven years, they NOW IMPRISONED FOR HIS IDEALS caste system that keeps a faithare still part of the law of the ful worker in a porter job for This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend land and strange anomalies per55 years. And some of us like it.
sist. For instance, in most parts THE PHILADELPHIA TRIBUNE ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, of London alcholic drinks may BOOK THAT WILL SET YOU THINKING RIGHT Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up not be sold except between the hours of 11 o cleok ia the a run down constitution.
morn ing and in the afternoon, and Why pay double price It promotes digestion, improves the appo between In the alterucon and 10 in the evening. During other SECOND UNCLE TOM CABIN WITH THE APPEAL OP for interior imported tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system bours pubs are closed effecBUNYAN PILGRIM PROGRESS Beer when you can DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or Büi in different boroughs in buy a superior Beer times day.
But Lordon different regulations are such as BALBOA for.
in force. Thus one may drink till half the price.
If you are interested in the future of the Races. Read this Great on the north side of Book. the thoughts of one of the World greatest Masterminds.
10 street and until 10. 30 on the south side. As a result this balf bour sees a great southerly migration every evening The Book contains in addition to the Philosophy and Opinions LEGAL NOTICE liquor restrictions were the legal Documents and Briefs ia tue Clebrated Garvey Trial that has only tocidentally a prohibition aroused the Interest of Millions of People the World over.
measure. Their primary reason Notice of Pendency of Sult EL GAITERO Got to bar alcobol. They were designed to save beer and The Cry of AFRICA FOR THE AFRICANS is raised with a UNITED STATES DISTRICT THE ONLY ELABORATED save light and clear the streets Logic, Forcefullness and Determination that bas no parallel in the COURT OF THE CANAL ZONE History of Mankind.
Even in hotels and clubs, to Spanish Cider with its the annoyance of many people, Balboa Division similar regulations are in force. An Eye Opener to Lawyers and Laymen.
CIVIL No: 748 Thec retically drinking stops in own Carbonic Acid all clubs at midnight during the week and at 10 Sundays. Every white person of Intelligence and Importance will read this JOHN ALEXANDER WOOD Som night clubs are given a Bcok. Know what is in the mind of The New Negro. who seeks Plantil, special license to keep open till the goal of Nationhood. Learn the Truth about the man who has been. RHAEL FRANCIS WOOD It is astonishing to an Am. very much before the Public and who is greatly MISUNDERSTOOD.
Defendant erican how faithfully these regulations are carried out. It Divorce URETIC AND REFRESHING)
is impossible in London to get To RHAEL FRANCIS WOOD: into a seloon before 11 o clock in Trade Mark the morning or in mid afternoon FYou are hereby notified that on Febr ary 11. 1926, John Alexander They are barred and padlocked, Wood filed in the above entitled court Very nearly the same law. abiding VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ a petition wherein he prays for an altbough with more absolute divorce from you on the Leads Eleven Million active Neeroes in America, Europe, West statutory grounds of Desertion, S, grumbling, holds true in the miūnight sharp the Indies, South and Central America, Asia, and Africa in the QUEST of that you are required to enter your d you are further hereby notified VILLAVICIOSA glasses ars whisk away.
SPAIN is not in regard to other!
NATIONHOOD! Read about it! It concerns you one way or the appearance or mariing in the ocean the Clerk of said court Anoon.
alcohol that t the boldover war Canal Zone, and make answer thereto Testrictions are most abnoxious.
on or before March 20, 1926.
ESTEBAN DURAN lodeed, except in clubs, almost Read of the Trials and troubles of the Black Star Line! Read how aforesaid the said petition will be taken If you fail to do so within the time Everyone approves of the drink UNSCRUPULOUS and UNWORTHY White men have tried to steal as confessed, and the petitioner will SOLE AGENT ing regulations. Not so with the from Negroes who have tried to help themselves in the great struggle and demand from said ccurt the take judgement against you by default For the Republic of Panama others. Indeed, cons in almes of Life for which Marcus Garvey has been IMPRISONED and how relief applied for in the petition.
somewhat ridiculous war han HONORABLE and HONEST white men have tried to nelp the any SHEIBLEY gover with little excuſe for being RACE a great contrast in character, Clerk.
instance: Cigarettes may not DAVID LEON be in Loudon, evede in Attorney Statesmen of America, England, France, Russia, Germany, Spain. Feb, 13, 20, and 27 restaurants, after Nor gare! Nor tobacco Italy, Belgium, Japan, China, India, and Latin America are rending The shopkeepers get around this Book and are deeply interested in the Philosophy of the Greatest this regulation by faithfully Black Man of the Twentieth Century, their shops at and then as bam or beef, after o clock only if you eat it on the premises opening cabioets in front of the shops, which eject small packets You may not buy tin sardines, Regular Assortment of of cigarettes when a six pence is amoked berring or canned lob.
put into a slot ster after 30 o clock, although Cigarettes by cabinet are gal; you may buy fresh plaice or sole yer the counter they are illegal freely.
You may buy roasted peanuts Again! Ice cream served after 30 only if it Who was elected in 1920 by Negro Representatives from all parts as fresh food. but not, at any hour, since they qualify SUCH AS is part of a meal. Chocolate of of the World as PROVISIONAL PRESIDENT OF AFRICA like say, a description, even Gandhi of India, Zaghlul Pasha, of Egypt has a grip upon the minds of bam pie or a can of beane, except Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, cooking chocolate, may not be his People that will greatly affect the course of Human History. Like before o clock.
scld after p.
You may not buy aspirin or Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine The restriction John Bunyan in Prison he sends a message to the World that TIME other beadache powder at any causes curious sequence of refreshment shall not efface.
chemist after o clock except Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, in west end centers, most of under clear case of necessity.
which maintain a bar or refreshYou may not buy tripe afler ment counter for use between etc. etc. etc.
o clock upless it would become the acts. Chocolate may be bad Read this Book and be wise, Read this book and be informed of natit or less suitable for food it only before the performance. New Trend of Negro thought!
kept till midnight. You may not Ice cream way be bad a! ter the tirst act, if the first act ends lebuy pork pies, savelos s, roast WITH 25 FULL PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS otherwise pork, or pir feet, woless the pork buteber first warm tbem.
Not only drinks and other send for it NOW!
with some of the Don wait for Tomorrow!
stimulants and refreshments of no conceivable 93 CENTRAL AVENUE come under the Dora ban, but In TWO Volumes! Vol. 75, Vol. II, 00. Price for Com.
now, no mattar bow also staple foodstuffs.
plete Works, 50.
they may bave been in not buy buns, cakes, or any wartime, and it deed with some of Panama City.
form of a sweet pastry after is a o clock, although bread may be Mail Orders may be sent to Mrs. Any Jacques Garvey. Wife of them openly farcical, there be Marcus Garvey) 133 West 129th Street, New York City Address. ward repealing them. Indeed, of opinion directed to sold til 80 You may not buy apples, ba Box 22, Station present parliament bas nanas, grapefruit, pineapples, promised to investigate the walcuts, dates, lemons, or matter.
oranges after o clock, but green Tbe alcohol and tobacco regufigs, apricots and loganberries lations will probably stick but may be bad till midnight.
the others scems pretty certain IN THE WORKMAN IT PAYS You may buy cold meat, such to go.
Cider Champagne Vs MARCUS GARVEY spiri clubs. At But it considered over sold Take Notice closing MARCUS GARVEY Ho Ro Co Famous Products may be any kind or The Workman Printery Tore 30 not You may Rood deal thered ADVERTISE Purchase Your Copy To day


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