p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY FEBRUARY 27 1926, OUR SPORTING PAGE öne To Morrow Races Last Sunday Races SPARKLETS THE ATTENTION on Friendly Societies and Secret Orders ne unha card of eight races, three of MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS 1961 Roja Cholito ran mortal Negro Wagner, directed e our leading women in the same ma Milina Workman Stationery Store on que 90.
Secondly, don journalism. Be Be that Races! Races!
in while try o lerd Up to date Jewelry a the idea of the success.
18 EXCITING RACES 8) Diamond Ringo (Coutined from page 1)
Factor Ruso is listed to be There was a fair sized crowd West Indian journalism oa the back on the track at Juan Franthis the turt on Sunday last to Isthmus which refers to co tomorrow after a few weeks enjoy the eight races arranged columo as not representative of absence. He is booked to run in by the Panama Jockey Club. the highest West Indian ability. OFthe main event with Bolt, Bolshe.
There were, as was announced, is only information duplicated, it vikel, Cicero, and Pereque over two races for dative borses; the is, however, typical of the West seven furlongs for a purse of six first of four farlor gs. purse 200 Indian of average intelligence to hundred drllars.
was won by Dietador and the week for the best in everything.
Buck Dancer is given ofth, Oyer an equal distance, That is reasooalle.
five furlongs against Dad, Chom purse 150, was won by Baby AN IMPORTANT QUESTION ba Mi Pollera, Olla CapiPegky INVOLVED IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF Burla for the last yet This latter race furnished great Yet there is an important queson which are for native borses and excitement, especially among tion involved! Would it be reason the fans who supported Peter abl for us to sit up and wait for tive for imported hors horsee, Pan and Chiquito win. Obiqui the bright college and university is as follows: jockey, Carrillo, alter giviok bar boys and girls to sacrifice time and The potloog purse 150.
Six a lively round before the race, energy to donate readable contr.
Almirante Dardanela 126, brought back his mount and bad butions to this section? or until Or Ruso 117, Candlewood 106.
ber ran third in the real race; Roland Hayes some day pay us a Four furlongs purse 125, wbile tbe favorite, Peter Pan, visit and interpret to us the im182, El Chichi 128 unplaced about Barba spirituals?
dozen Or 00 Gran 107 West Indies Band Senor 106, lengtos bebiod the third horse. some West End to come Wormwood 99, Banuelito 90.
The result was hot dog for the lover and play to us classics from Suitable for Lodge Business Five furlongs purse 150.
supporters of of Baby Peggy: 18 instead of Hero 126, Cbiqui 124, Baby Pegbe secur for them 2, 40 for making the best of local individual y 124, Zapo 110, Peter Pan los, acb placed on ber to win and collective efforts? The criti Linda 105.
The supporters of nomeno cisun having been by one Fivefurlooga purse 400.
came througb with 15 for eaca cf our is taken as Translate 126, Margot 126, Ma this horse came in fo: frank me prepise in which it is well intentioned. It is. AT THE Dau 119, Cicero 106. Burlesco 110 second place.
Abel 108, The aftermath of all this wis accepted by me; and the rebuttal Seven furlongs purse 100, the suspension of Jockey Curri thereto is also a frank exposition 16 who rode Chiqui and Manor of the orihimage of Panamae have, Fair play 126, Route March 126.
the matter. We Zambo 126, Dandy 126, Meelah who rode Peter Pan for thirty on 126, Carcajada 123. Clo Clo 123, days each.
unfortunately, never been favoured Mitzi 123, Sunny Girl Bðishev ki and Malabo tale of beautiful, from out more had been 123.
with contributions, sublime and and around og gamugama Seven furlongs purse 600.
our been scratched Coplapo and Bolt Factor Ruso 126, Bolt 126, work Bolsbeviki 120. Cicero 106, Perewere left to run the six furlonge ranks with improvement as the feature event of the day, knaw that to which fifteen bur dred dallat Se there Six and one half furlongspuree 300. Oran 126, Sister Cet purse was attached. Copiapo, as is even one West Indian on the was expected, won, but Bolt gave the highest West Ledian ability in Isthmus capable of representing cilia 126, Macela 122, Jailer 105, Gallinets 120. Araucana 119, him a pretty good run a tbat.
as it may, Sbimmy 111, Altanera 107, NoAbel, ridden by Moore, and my degree of competence has vicia 95.
Cicero, by Muniz, each won in!
not been clearly defined by our Five furlongs purse 400.
six furlongs 126, for which the most estee ned friend of the Gold Buck Dancer attractive purses of 450. 00 and Coast, it would, however, appear 117, Chomba Loca 113, Mi Pollera 124 400. 00, respectively, were that in the returns gain more Olla 113, Capitan 108, Baris 92.
marks than anticipated.
It will be noted also that Bur.
For WANTED POOLS. lesco is liated with Manus, Cicero ur furlonge porst 200. D ctador (Muuz2 (te lito should not demand too much from the making we In every form can be seer and three others for five furlong.
This is a line up which (Moore) El Chichi (Aranguiz)
TO MORROW here at its best Seo ou sboald prove interesting for the fans.
Time 55. Poc! paid 60 and ourselv 28. Constructive criticion of une 50 on the wint; on the another efforts i Sunday, February 28th, 1926 Wrist Watches secund horse and 80 on the gress and should be at all times welcomed. Boycotting of one Helps Fire ibird Bracelets Four furlongs purse 250. anothers business is representative Victims. Justce (Archanbe au) Col white of our undeveloped man secret to Arango (Aranda. Novicio Where our Odpany On Thursday evening last at the (Aranguiz. Time 48 5. Pool excavation. We the and a hundred other dorp. La Boca Clubhouse the Women pa 5, 40 and 3, 20 on the with more pioneers in the work for the ments and you ll recognize Club contribution of money and Life Problem Club turned over the der, and 280 on the second upliftment of West Indians here borso add 30 on the third Too few have been labouring Races For Imported horses why this is the LEADING other things to a few women who Pour furlongs purse 250. raise this common standard and too JEWELRY HOUSE in towi lost all their belongings in the Chorrillo fire, and who are and for Native bred Ponies DOW Lucero (Aranguiz) Altanera many are trying in the intermediate ask prices and you ll find stil more or less without say depend(Sebu lz) Gallineta (Aranda strike at the very bottom and help We want more workers to another reason able means of support but haviog Time. 49. Pool pald 250 and one or more children. 80 on the winner and 30 on up the masses. In other words we must go back and get our drow WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE Fuller Jewelry Store With but few working members tbsecond horse.
the Club for the past half year has Six forlangs. purse 300 ing brothers before the fellows on 122 Cetnral Ave. Phone 62: been demonstrating qualities which Pierrot (C. Gonz s) La Vit. the bank will let down the ladder Now that Miss demand the whole hearted support loria Moore) Reina Mora (Cao rescue us.
Sinar! has decided on a little mental AN AFTERNOON OF EXCELLENT SPORT of the public. It has been fulfilsas. Time 15 5. Pool pai xercise for the amusement of the friend in need is 60 and 30 on the borbene seneral public am hoping that we friend indeed and 60 on the second borse Four Furlongs jurse 150 may, every now and then, be readable Everybody will be there. Don miss it. WILKINSON treated to some truly Baby Peggy (Escobar) Pedo CHURCH SERVICES meno (Haughton) Chicbi (Carri. articles of general interest.
11o. Timu 54, 5. Pool paid don know that we will be safe But in the meantime, brothers, First Race Starts p. Sharp Contractor 27. 40 and on the winner in the boat if we allow the ladies to AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH and Builder and 15 on tae second bors (Anglion Communion)
Six arlongs porse 1500 do the navigation. And so, for the ADMISSION: Second Sunuy in Lent Coplopo (Gonzales) Bolt Aran present, at least, let encourage them to continue to ride as House No. 20 Quiz Time 1, 13 35. Pool paid St. Paul Church, Panama 10 on the winner.
passengers, Grand Stand Field Stand 50c. 28th NOV, STREET, Rev. Nigbtengale, Restor)
SAN MIGUEL Six furlongs purse a. Holy Communion. Celebrant Abel (Mor) Mi Pollers Boy Killed By Automobile Box 411, Panama, and Preacher. The Bishop. Arangu z) A geotico (Codel. 10. 15 am, Iba Litany Time 118 5. Pool paid 3, 20 Woman Driver Exonerated.
Plans and Specifications Free 10 30 a. Holy Busbarine cermat and 50 OD tbe winner and 40 on the second borse and First Class Workmanship Prebbero and Celebrant, The Bishop.
The private automobile orned Guaranteed pm Church School. 40 on the third 30 Cboral Evensong, sermon 400 by Earnest Krueger, American Six furlongo purse Pres her, Capo Melcher Cicero (Mun: ZPereque his wife, and caused resident of Balboa, and driven by (Moores cola (Schol Time death or Tabever year old Robert Why throw away your old, but no paid 80 and Patterson, also of Balboa, at Marcus Garvey To Bo St. Alban Church, Paraiso 3, 10 on the winner and 4, 00 On o clock in the evening of Febru Suod For Bigamy doubt interesting, books when you the sicond horee.
ary 15. The accident took place at Balboa.
have them neatly bound at (Rev. P. NIGH PENGALE, oung Patterson attempted to New York, Feb. 10 Marous Garvay will be brought back from Priest in Charge.
Wesley Christian En cross the street and stopped 90 THE WORKMAN Atlont prison to face a charge of 11 Mative and address deavor.
front of the automobile, it is stated.
biramy which his first wife Amy 3p. Church School, Mr. Krueger was exoversted by Ashwood Garvey has brought 30 Evensong and addrere.
93 CENTRAL AVENUE a corouer e jury which was later against him.
Mr. Osborne. Catechist.
The Wis eyan Methodist empanelled io place responsibility Opposite Cecilia Theatre Mrs. Amy Ashwoud Gårvay in ber Chitian Ead ar ur Society in for the boy death, complaint, alleges that when Mr. St. Matthias Mission Pinama Cty will, on Sunday Garvey married his second wife 28 ins. eumm morate their LAS BABANAS he had not beeu legally divorced (Rev. NIGATENGALE, 45 Annivrsary of th found FLOWERS e of the International Society Trinidad Government ing boats which were in the vicinity from her; for the reason that she Priest is Charge.
por Christian Ende coberta de Dos Abogado. Attorney at Law Ship Naparima Sank the time of the collusiou. The ait been given notire of the alleged p. Church School.
Vandyck was Delegates of Society OPEICE: No. 44 ST.
in Collision. 16 Evensong and addrese.
The collision took place at the Christian Endeavour Mr. Richarda, Catecbist.
dock at Port of Spsio.
TAKE NOTICE BOX 36 PANAMA CITY Invited to attend. Spcial will deliver addresses, TELEPHONE No. 1377 According to cablegraphie news British Consulate Notice cluding Rev. George Austin received the Lam The WORKMAN News Heights Baptist Practicing before all the courts of port and Hole liner Vandyck.
and Mr. th Republic since April 1914 Have you tried the eoroute from South American ports The British Concul at Colon paper can be had at the fol Secretary ot the Empire branch to New York via Tinidad, collided would be glad of information as to owing places: Society Rev.
Lindsay Place, No. 2, with Trinidad government the present new Boor Wade President of the Society ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO Steamer Naparima. Semen mem Johrson, a native of Jamaica, who Street, San Miguel.
will preside. The meeting begios The POPULAR AIPODROME OF bers of the crew were reported lost the year 1911 was resident at Kronen Brau March, Barber, 55, Cali.
at 8:00 sharp.
JAUN FRANCO TO MOROW. the remainder being saved by fish Bohio.
idroe Red borse.
to 18. 60. 450.
Book Binding!
can Young ol Clarke all Young Pople of bare heen


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