p. 1


Britain Warned That Color Bar Bill Is Firebrand in asking mnutes we were with Panama, few few allege 18 a was with is CA by ol to me better: Chinaman Shot Man WESTWA PLEASANT INDIANS VISIT FROM Then Hanged Himself Are Target For Losal Mr. Finley Wilson Labor Organizations. Grand Exalted Ruler Of Elks.
Quarrel Over Price of Pack of To The Editor THE Workman, Lord Olivier Says Bill Is AbomiCigarette Cause of Double Sir. With the publication to the We were indeed pleased to meet nable Legislation And Will local prers of letters paid to bare Tragedy.
pass between Mr. C, Harb Grand Exulted Ruler of the Im.
antreet Mr. Finley. Wilson, Have Grave Reaction.
Ing, Canal Zone Labor Representative in Washington, DC, proved. Benevolent sad Protetive nd President Ademes ot Order of Eks of the The JAMAICA Gleaner in its issue of the 27th ulto. of the Pederation of Workert Thursday evening last by Mr. Grave warning that the passing of a color bar bill which wo ld, who of cable despatch from London, of te Feb. 19 says: publishes the following: Republic of Carl Gayle, Feb. 24 Yesterday at 30 the report of a formet recentmendioa ithe albumitor of Fiks for Panams and Central soon will come before a meeting of both houses of the on his revolver shot and the shrill cries of murder! woke the sleep. for the aid of the Panama Metal America, We had a very short South African Parliament will be a firebrand thrown into a as he was haystack in its reactions in India as well as in South ing village of Barclay Town in Western St. Mary, to learn Prades Couceil, a urion of An. say with M, Wilson of a double tragedy.
erican workers of the Canal burrying to make the evening Africa was delivered by Lord Olivier, Secretary of State for for the Atlantie end, but Zone, John Phang. a Chinaman kept a shor at the Barclay Par ama wo, kers over the to prefereace for during the few secure India in the Labor government, in the New Statesman today.
West Town cross roads. Zephaniah Tucker, a labourer, went Indians on the Canal, as well as creaty impressed his breezy The population of South Africa consists of 1, 500, 000 into Phang shop and called for a pack of Three Dogs to restrict or prohibit West in and cheerful style and his affabilis Piets, 4, 500, 000 blacks and 750. 000 Indians. The Simoas In: and frank demeanour. Within those summed up by Lord Olivier is an outspoken declaration of cigarettes. Phang handed him the cigarettes and told him dian iw migration to we the price was d. Tucker refused to pay more than or evidenced in West Idino circle ored races who it is not our opinis to be allowed to work except as unskilled laborers.
the guidened lite concerniba si bien serbug ialuence one of the con wafanden slavement against the natives and Asiatics, providing that in no industry using mechanical power are they wherepon the Chinaman took back the cigarettes. Tucker, There is, unquestionatly, it is said, cursed the shopkeeper, who returned the words surplus of West dia labor to meet often, Mr. Wilson and in a fit of temper struck Tucker with a stick. Tucker here which really does not exist and told us that he This measure is concurrent with the areas regulation the Chinaman, but did not hit him, se not allowed to remain albered for ac am berprise yene Thood Asiatics to defined areas and deprive them of the right to young man named Ira Thompson tried to quiet Tuc solution of these questi But it is not believed not at all us for no sooner that the home precipitaora brother he greeted us than we felt a buy and lease land. Lord Olivier declares that no enactment intuition that we were s) abominable and so insane could be discovered among the ker, but in vain. When the Chinam in called Thomson to be effected explain to hin the occurrence, Tucker went into the shop enquiries from the ranks of experience and forcefulness. We re owners ceased their struggle against the tide of the human quill of som records of legislation in British communities since the slave again, this time armed with a hoe on which there was a the West Indiane.
gret nowever that his stay was an will to freedom.
Ling stick, on seeing this Phang pulled out his revolverThe Federation of Labor of e all too short one and hope to see The former Indian Secretary warns that if South Africa a seven chambered 38 calibre weapon which he held in (Coutit ued on page 8) and hear more of hin.
passes discriminatory legislation against Asiatics the Indian his hand, and while talking to Ira Thompson, lucker it people will judge that what the Swarjara party tells them is is alleged, threatened to hit Phang with the stick of the true and that under such conditions membership in the hoe. Phang drew nearer to Thompson, as if for protection SPARKLETS empire is for India both unprofitable and dishonoring.
and Tucker dealt Phang a heavy blow with the stick on his arm, whicn he held up to save his head THE UNIA. GROCERY. una vid to govern ourselves some Phag said to Thompson, Ira, if he knock me, will one will have to govern us. SelfMISS SMART STANDS PAT shoot him. made up my mind from Sun ay night. This Brothers Lindo, Huteliuon and ly, is the aim of the It If it were not for the fart that vovernment, if understand rightexpression is taken to mean that his mind was somewhat Tomlinson are waiting for my 18 spleaded aim If ca ried Colon, March 1, 1926 immediately strengthened; for it unoalanced, his girl having left him on the Saturday night. opinion on their new venture over it becomes the master key would only mean that both critic After striking Phang, Tucker turned to leave the shop reason that one of these days the the grocery depºnde entirely. 09 in. of Dear Mr. Editor: success. Therefore, the success and criticised, uole they improve but as he got near the step, the Chinaman fired the revolver; ranting of that business may be the ability of the members of that ing of and writing for As journalism involves the edit should be made to give way to public If it is pretended th: the bullet took effect and Tucker ran a distance of one chain left would have gone back rganization to govern themselves. journal. there seems to be no es certain contributions had been yards, fell on his face and died about minutes after. on my promise and left the matter Cooperation in blowing bubbles cape from the term, however lofty always recognised as of low merit, As soon as Phang learned that his victim was dead, he never it before have too many counts for nothing; as blowing but it may appear to some. Not a few and then to Insinuate that they closed his shop, put on his best suit, bouts, collar, necktie, irons in the fire.
have be got a piece of new rope which he evidently put around his Apart from the Pilgrim of Must of our cooperation with one regard all those who migrate as obligation, is nothing short readers neck and climbing on a box attached the rope to the ceiling Coloo who received a warning by another is. at present, done in the poorest of the stock from their deavouring to force on the over the foot of his bed, and when all was ready, he kick to tell the public what he thought us either by the rui of the organi capable of producing representa demand that the physical force wben he attempted meeting halls when it forced on native country, and therefore in an empire of poor journalism. To ed away the box and in a short time he was dead.
of tbe local ac ivities of the zution, the Pre Order. We are journey to their place of For lives in any department whatever. Seruild prove the contentions Ly ANGRY CROWD.
by a local contempor still reient comment on Roberie Rules of construction, is to red Meanwhile a great crowd had gathered outside and aty in the Punama American, there that is of vital importereit in the homeland contina y quire an unnecessarily didactic lament that the started to stone the shop, but Corporal Hinds who hap has never apre ied anything in the to the members of the role, and an attitude which would pened to be returning from duty in that direction, learning local 85 by way of of grocery business. If all the mem may not be easy to decide which one bedre becoming even in the critic of eatest temerity. In fine, all these of what had happened, promp ly and with commendable comment on the activities were ord erobery are going to succeed in the population has drifted abroad. The best pluck and forethought, took the situation iseehando panies are cobervations come to time for the mos la nyo percent, or their tot mod correspondence on organization, outside of the super vers of this organization who live these conflicting ol their new store descriptive of West Inelements is methods and others of Iike nature, redac are lost on a person of strong resisPhang this column from time. uli do the tance who has already had the room and discovered that he was hinging over the bed. Our papers specialize in tiſing purchusing from tlenselves (pur Isthmus it is nevertheless, a par courage to express an unfavourable The Corporal hastily cut the rope, but it was to late, others in public of the same of pable that many of most opinion The Police at Gayle were communicated with and as undreds of members. and sympa wiere) success in to supply the demaud of mudity which they oblaid else able West Indians are seldom or never heard in the local press: papers as a have always regarded news.
soon as possible acting Corporal Ricketts, Comstab e chisers of the UNIA, who are busine is sealed.
may be due to the intellectual progress of the people Johnson District Constables Martin and Greenland were always on the scene. The people were in an ugly mood against the the on lonka ty for the opinion of our exampl: of failure: Two years at that; although of recognised among whom they are edited and This is to some ugo, uver tu the Sil. er settlemeat be of whose writings they are composTly gifted at Journalism or ed. Any commuity which placidly and tact.
is shirking at La Boca, eight West Indians par lectuslity. they may Early this morning Inspector Magee, Detective Nemo responsibility pasing hoeline of the it while result is accepts periodical hack Boardlo pretermissiou of frankness.
By hard and Dr. Escoffery, visited the spot. puols that of stalis in a little markes not all of those who will write better prepared would appear to for us are suited for the task, wbile The M. performed post mortem examination on opinions it is ostensibly the convenience the two bodies. The bullet entered the left side penetrated trade; and if the trade foliciting ment for rected by the cover others uld in time delight us, if Bive evidence either of lethargy in is sought be one duced their.
being satisfied with Chinamania happened tions as they exist.
every now and then what may be conveniently called a However grateful we are to those. effort on attention to After the autopsy, the body of Tucker was carried to business of those whose trade is contemptible little corner. At the who serve us in the press, a time the part of all concerned, better his home by his relatives, while that of Phang remained in sought. That would be West Indiaus. Ove survives; and be uttered into their ears. Adverse us, pointed out certain reforms 18 ay come when not only praise will results could be obtained among ia fact.
the building, his country men taking charge. Both were buried in the afternoon, Personally, the be is occupying two stalls and sells criticism, however mild, ia nearly which still feel are much needed, is against playing to the only a few strips of meat. Jobo always distasteful to the party and which vecture to repeat: gallery; he is is also aware of the fact Chidaman is still there and Mr. Rankin performed the funeral services over that of the best mediums by has concerned. On the other hand, it by monopolized the stalls vacated by should be remembered Clearer printing. lees Liostype which we may collect money, Phang, The event has caused a great upstir in the districts people is to place before them a West ladanst Can you beat that when venturing into public with the community, and a more attracand the West Indians, Aud 95 of objector would, more likely than errore risibile pictures the aboli.
get support from the mass of our the people of La Boca are not, have a wholesome motivetion of headlines which, cast stigma on any particular branch of around.
spectacular display of grandeur as for business?
dissenting voice, which ordinarily, tive arrangement in our journals; ooooooc screen for a multitude of empty Our success in the business world is sure of an unpleasant reception, more readable articles, better coo!
Cambridge Local Com England, and the local recretary offered Never hele o or wehe other depends to a great extent on our face in a diger elle, into the dreams.
We all e error s:ruction and it dividual style from 0878 committee.
has been the the operation of na organization personality and our jubility, togel reply to judgement convincing our contributo di another, is that would seem necesYours faithfully, od. We have been advised that same to the University LINDA SMART, It is yuite likely that from this reason, Symbolerefore, this and such best advertiseinat.
self esteemed literate; through efforts Mise ano Sonarseretary of the Local Committee, the Presiding Exami organization recondes in disaster de the witty remark, Sometime ago remarked why resort to the and their Cambridge committee, Governor were will be selected are adverodly endlected; in there are a four of our men make up prediabile laos Toppant to enlis: arms exLeague Mooting.
em of Colon ceeds in anything headway in businessFred Rickets Scconsented to become a member of dit dus nolta worthwhile we ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO we are benefited. who keeps a repair strop an Cea uraceous to the 1su. and to adopter Committees Such a commit190 that. tee co has been in authorised THE POPULAR BIPODROME OP governed from within we will be the mechancial reconstruction of suggested that the entic also is Paraiso on Wednesday the 10th It is true that if we are not tral Avenue where he attends to an unwise levity towards a serious The fathmini League of dignified subjet. If it is wil hold its regular meetiag at on by the Cambridge University of JUUN FRANCO TO MOROW. governed from without if we are so contia (Continued on page 8) below standard, the objections are and in this city on Saturday 20th, had 19t lises. 20 cl ad: om a woga bisool dandid on lo ni assiliss2 epaid 300 lsias a asdsfeedmastanislao. co og od MAKS TESTA dited to sf bytelansato Sit het asia9911 1990 Atiso the la to borne of enofficer or. and the textual Garvey am raw heroin formula is veneral if they a tions to their grocery never 10 Their silence certain mark of the extent, unfair.
number of the fellow Bus building of La or of publicaCoa st should ods One todos on that Committee and forwardre members and with which to satisfied customer is a salesma to suggest that the objector to. stands to IS tone 103 28 IT taid to


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