
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY MARCH 6, 1926 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands room by Pa sosok Resident Magistrates a bath that Miss Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD bed access to the the telephone booth Bill entitied a Lan to Con.
solidate and Amend the LAW Relating to Resident Magistrates has been introduced in the Legislative Council.
The main object and reason for this Bill is to revise and consolidate, for ibe purpose of the Revised Edition of the Law as also for the facility the several Breate Mugistrate Courts of the Island, the several Laws on the Statute Bok ralaling to the Resident Magistrate their Courts.
Opportunity bas been taken la the drafting thereof to bring the provisions of these Laws up todate and to amend the Law in accordacca with importaat seg.
gestions made from time to time for improving the practice. The Bill it if it becomes Law, will repeal all the other Laws existing with this subject.
Red allowed With regard onls Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
An Alterative recommended for purify.
ing and enriching the BLOOD.
plaint and it whes Ars Sale of Drugs And Poisons For Sale at all Drug Stores And in Large Quantities by JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy AGENT Bill has been introdaced in the Legislative Council entitled the sale of Drugs and Peisons Law 1926.
The recent Bread Poisons incidant in Spanje Town, coupled with the fact that there bare been two prosecutions for poisoning in which the arsenate of supplied by the Agricultarai.
Department was the poison have led to the cecessity to an amendment of the existing Law in this direction and the enact. ment of stric stricter provisions, firstly. to legalise any such sales by the Department of Agriculture and secondly, to control such sales to the minimum of danger to the general public.
ses sciscKSC 68KS ssles o elserelease does girls to wboon ATTENTION!
TRINIDAD Holdeessa Live days and Double Execution.
Couva Murderer Confesses Guilt, JAMAICA Holdoees was glven a berself in the women quarters provided with clean linen, towel, Treatment Of Jamaica and comb. while the matren in chars: saw ber take necessary whenever Mrs.
Girl At Montreal, Dawes also cbarged Holdness was declined the use of Official Report on Miss Hol the telephone or the privilege of getting in touch with friends ness Case Says Charges which statement is in kaeping Are Without Foundation, Miss Holdness had with others in the interview, as ALLEGATIONS DENIED.
telephone anytime she cared to use it and was actually takes to by the Statement of Canadian Und Watron os at least ball a dozan Decisions Any person wbo Secretary Before Jamaica called to see her was Legislature, access to the girl to the food, it can be said that Miss Hildaesss received A: Tuesiay sitting of the exactly the same fare as other Lexislative Council. the Acting persoas in the detention quirClerk laid on the table copy ot åters and, it can safely be stated that the all food provided is at repent of the Vader Secretary of State for External Affairs of the is ti nes wholesome and that there Dominion of Canada la regard to so lack of variety. At no detection did Holness a native of this island. Viss Holdness make any comdetention of Miss Merey time during her in the Montreal lwmigration it may be added that Offices Mrs. Dawes weat to 110The following is a copy of the treal to accompany her sister to Toronto, she (Mrs. Dawes) offer report: ed a complaint but, on the conO. tawa, trary sppeared to be very 5th December, 1923. pleased with the treatment and Sir With reference to a des attention accorded her sister.
pated from the Governor of ALL TREATED ALIKE, Jamaica to the Goveraor Gene The course taken by the Dsral, dated 7th November, 1925 partient of Immigration in the on the subjet of the alleged ex: case of this girl is ide atical in named Marey Holtess (Euldness followed in other cases of une of course in the Montreal in Offices. bave the honour to gardless of comanied young woman, rewhether they represent that the Deputy Min from the British Isles come ister of Immigration states that the case is one which was given aberas ibaDepartment cf coasiderabie publicity be bot propose to time, owing to 20 laterview dying itself as to their destina the tender years, without first satisfurnished the Toronto Star sioa as, were it to do so, it would by Mrs. Dawes, a sister of Merey undoubtedly mean that may of Holanese. to the latter theme was proceeding and who charged this might fall into evil bands the Departmental Officials at aess was held uatil the 1s. but quite that Montreal with virtually keeping it must be borne in mind that Nerey prisoner for the volume of business going and otherwise subjet through the Dapartmedt daily is ing her to to a barsh treatment.
including poor food, depriving werbeany, and every case eandealt with her of ber baggage aad even totice.
refusing her the use of th taleproge or telegrapa tə Tae Jamaican authorities may io Ret touch with bee friends or rela ascertained that everything was la rest assured that one it was lives. Tho statements of Mrs nordar, no time was lost in reDawes were far from accordance with the facts and as being in asing Miss Haldness. newspaper.
were brought to soon as they published at the attuation of the Immigration Kingston, Jamaica, reproduced from the Dapartineat that Department tharticle went provided the Sar with Sta ous it did not, in so far as the actual particulars and these we are aware have the courtesy were published on the following to give the sun prominence to Dspartinere side of the euse, notwithstanding that it had Miss Holdness arrived at Monr the opportunity to do so. On the treal on tbe se! Onadin For cau trary, it went so far as to ester of the Canadian Merchant atve publicity to a somewhat Marine. on August 13 13. and caustie editorial dealicg with being unaccompanied and only the matter.
sixteen years of ase. was taken an to request that His Exto the lin u igratioa headquarters celledey may be bunaly nave in Montreal for examination as required by law, to inform the Governor of the purpose maica in the above sense.
belog to satisfy ourselves abso settlement have, ete, arrangements were satisfactory (Syst. SKELTON.
and that Hoidness would Uader Secretary of State for have a home and protection upon External Affairs.
her arrival in Toronto The following morning she appeared was eximined as to her right to Board of Inquiry and Some New Laws Inenter Canada and, upon being troduced, rejected, she entered an which was forwarded to the De wakihutubia walen er en liten stenge Amendments To The BasMinutes at Alen Also, on the the the at Acgust, Mrs tardy And Laws. The appeared before Recent Bread Poisoning ont Qu in Toronto herself on be balt at her sister and the facus, Case.
submitted by her to our Toronto odtice, were sent to the Depart The Jamaic. Social Purity ment, reaching here on the Association, the Caild Saying morning of Saturday the 15th League and other such institu SAYS CHARGE GROUNDLESS tione represented to the Govern There is no foundation for the ment the necessity at amending charges made by Mrs. Dawes was enacted as far back as the old Bastardy Law, that Miss Holdness was not February in every consideration more stringent provisions to give order to make daring the period of her deten effect to the enforcement of tion in Montreall In so far as Maintenance Orders, the appoint the baggage is. was advised by the Board of the ments of Collecting Officers and gairy that her effects would be the compulsory registration brought to her it she illegitimate children.
to wbich she made no reply but, the Governar to enquire into Committee as soon as she called for it her these matters, and their recombaggage was immediately de livered. It represented de nendations are adoptedi in the in the interview that. Miss Fold provisions of a Consolidation Bill nese was thrown in with foreigar Waxislative Council which has been introduced in the erd and that she was not fure nished with either towels or comb and furthermore, that she Notice to Correspondents.
was ima filthy condition when Contributors and correspondente she left the Immigration Build are asked to send in their contribu ips. These statements, like the tions not later than Thursdays to others are completely in riance with the tacts, as Miss tive and must be adheredi.
Toronto House Rent Receipt Books SPANISH ENGLISH to death day tine lutely that Order Books the that Mereg (From Weekly Guardian)
James Elias, of Couva district, and Nathaniel Elcock, alias were ed at the Royal Gaels, onerabada Mesa morning. Elias was sentenced at the last Criminal Assizes for killing Me Thomas Shields, Chiet Overseer, of Brichia Castle Estate, Bleacir was sentenced for the murder of Olga Reget.
Elias had all along maintained that he was innocent and the three other men, whose names be had mentioned, had murdered Mv.
Shields. But on Tuesday moraing. while the nose was rond dhe bis neck, he confessed to Mr. Colleng, Assistant tendent of the Prisons, Superin that he was guilty of the murder bus alleged that thrae other men had assisted him in committing the deed.
There was quite a commotion along Tragareto Road on the afternoon when it became known that Elcocle body was being conveyed to the burial ground as St. James. large jeering crowd, who were well acquainted with the murderer and the murdered woman, following the bier gesticulating and making wild remarks 0, several acasions the dhidi found his way obstructed by the crowed which increased as the hearse reached St. James, the home of the parties. The body of bias was taken to the grave earlier in the day, but there was an absence of any demonstration.
The Bishop of Trninad attend ed the prisoners during their incaceration and it is stated that elias was confirmed on Saturday 22 appeal Secretary and Treasurer for secret Orders and Friendly Societies CAN BE HAD AT which 28 1881.
treated The Workman 30 desired, fathers of alle Trinidad Colonial Secre appointed by was taryStationery Store It was also ADVERTISE the morning In The WORKMAN it Pays Mr. Wilfred Edward Francis Jackson, MG, has been a poluted Colonial Secretary of Trinidad and Tobago in success ion to Mr. Best, now Lieutenant Governor designate of Malta.
Mr, Jackson ig son of the late Sir Henry Moore Jackson, MG Governor of the Colony (Continued on pige 7)


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