
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 6, 1926 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS CHURCH SERVICES THE WORKMAN For To morrow Sunday, March 7th A MILLION MEN Know the Extra Service in Nggar GUARANTEED SUITS 20. NOTICE THE CHEMICAL HALL AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCE Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertasemen on appliesALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes (Anglican Communion)
resue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
Thtrd Sunday in Lent All copy for publication must be St. Paul Church, Panama PO Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and Rev, Nightengsle, Rector)
Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of a. Holy Communion e Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica10, 15 The Litany Six Months.
tion but as a mark of good faith.
10 30 a to Holy Eucharist sermaThree Be.
We do not undertake to return reThe Bishop jeeted correspondence. p. Church School. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of cur rights. JONUIS No matter who you are, there a , gar Suit for you 30 Choral Evensong, sermon and you ll never know how long a Suit will wear The Rector SATURDAY, MARCH 6, 1926.
until you get a Nogar Monday, The Woman Auxiliary wit meet at 30 pm.
Tuesday. Bt. Agnes Guild will meet RACIAL REPRESENTATION.
at 530 and the Alter Guild at PRICES. 12. 50 TO 13. 50 30 In these days of adverse propaganda against the colorWrite us and we will send you further information Wednesday and Friday Holy Communin at am ed race generally, and West Indians particularly, there is about these wonderful suits and have a repreWedoer day, Eventong at 30 o ek.
great need for proper representation, not that the majority sentative call.
Friday, Choir Rebearsalas 30 m.
of the people constituting the colored race is incapable of commending themselves to the thinking world, but that NOGAR CLOTHING MANUFACTURING CO.
awtombways arisine bhi ha 16e atento se St. Alban Church, Paraiso Who imalis of Reading, Pa.
there are Conesis Abe Açting persons CANAL ZONE.
bandling and sober judgement.
Per a NIGE PENGALE, When such necessities arise their importance is comW. CARTER Priest in Charge.
puted more from the ultimate effect that they are likely to 11 a. m, Holy Eucharist and Sermon Local Representative, Parama Canal Zone Listrict Rev. Nigbleogsle.
have than the immediate features as they appear to those BOX 1191 ANCON, CANAL ZONE p. Church School, interested. 30 ID Eveprong and address In order that such problems may be properly consider seksoto sessos. se sisxxco sexessissa Mr. Osborne. Catechist.
ed it is neither wise nor helpful to suffer irresponsible indiThurday, The Girls Friendly ciety viduals to interfere in them, as it is always possible to will meet at p.
have good cases and affairs muddled and spoiled by inexperienced or undesirable representation.
St, Matthias Mission Such probability calls for qualifications commensurate LAS SABANAS with the responsibility and nature of the tasks and circum(Rev, NIGUTENGALE, Stances under consideration, and unless these qualifications Priest in Charge can be attained no one should be accepted by the people as p. Church School their representative in matters of racial importance. 30 Evensong rod address.
The qualifications necessary for leadership among Mr. Richards, Catechist.
colored people are not many, but they are essential, and are these: knowledge of the race as a whole, reputable standing St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca in a community, unflinching manliness, imperishable selfsacrifice, unselfish interest, sound judgement and genuine American Episcopal (Anglican Communion)
respect; other things being equal, Third Sun uy in Lent In order to be a representative of the race, a man ought to possess these characteristics so as to be in a position to HAS REMOVED TO Matins Litsny and address 11 am. Lay Reader stand out before his people in the capacity of a captain with Church School p.
the respect and esteem of the thousands of men and women 30 Choral Evensoog, sermon whose interests he seeks to represert, and commanding the MULCA RE, Rector.
ROAD consideration of those persons whose good graces and assisNo. 31 CALIDONIA Service on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7, 8m, Confirmation Class tance are desired meeting after service Wednesday Individual leadership and representation has repeatedly failed to achieve any benefit for those represented It has been attempted over and over and has proven abortive beand is now replete with a St. Barnabas Church, Empire Matins, and addrese 11 a. Lay cause the self appointed leaders did not possess the large and varied stock of Reader.
necessary qualifications.
Church Scbool pm Exploiters and impostors are the most prolific producEventor and address p.
tion of any place and among any people where gains are Lay Reader, appearently easy and the people gullible and unthinking. PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, MULCARE Priest in Chin and it is stating the truth when it is asserted that no where in the world are there more fakes and humbugs than there PERFUMERY, St. Bartholomew s, Church are on the Isthmus of Panama, and because this is so, it is LAS CASCADAS.
only natural that the most caution be exercised in selectMation, and address 11 a. Ley ing those who should represent the race, Reader.
Our reason for particularising in this connection is that Church School 30 there are matters of vital importance to West Indians here Evening Prayer and address p. to.
Lay Reader Jooming on the net distant horizon which calls for serious MULCARE, Priest in ear 26 consideration and great responsibility. In them are emboOur numerous patrons are asked to give an early call, died the interest of the race, with th goes the destiny of all combined, and on these account it is time that thinking St. Jude Mission, Summit when they will receive the same courtesy as heretofore.
West Indians cast aside every obstacle that keep them apart Cburcb Echool pm Evening Prayer and Address 30 tn.
and get together for their common weal.
The Workers on the Panama Canal and the Panama T MULCARE Priest in Charge Railroad are very wisely getting together and already their timely and intelligent representations are productive of much St. Simon Mission, Gamboa that might have been long in coming, thus obviating the too CS XXXSXSXSSXOCX90 Sa he Litany, Holy Euchariat Sermon common occurrence of waiting for the grass to grow while 10. 45 a. The Priest in Charge. Church School 30 the horse starves. MULCARE, Pries in Chary When a government or corporation is approached on matters of vital importance affecting the interest of their workers, by any body of men who claim to be real leaders The Salvation Army and whose representations are matter of fact, intelligent and to the point, there is sure to be recogrition and considPANAMA CITY CORPS eration accorded such representation.
Services are as foliowa:On the Canal Zone, there is the Panama Canal West Early Prayer Meeting.
Indian Employees Association, an organization, which since 10 am. Children Directory Meeting and Brigade Voited Open Air Mooting its inception has steadily, soberly and intelligently presen11 om. Holiness Meeting to be conting the cause of West Indian workers of the Canal and by Commandant Martin, Panama Railroad, to the Authorities, who have in every in3 Company meeting and stance graciously considered their representations and Brigades Open air.
granted several requests for improving conditions, living and p. Junior Open Air. 45 otherwise, of these workers. Whatever improvements have Beparate Brigade open Air been made the entire colored working force on the Zone 30 pm, Big Salvation Meeting.
have benefited thereby. In the face of these general ad Other notices for the week will be vantages it is painful and surprising to find that a large given from the pulpit.
majority of those enjoying the benefits derived from the MARIIN. Commandant efforts of the Association have become conspicious by keeping out of its ranks.
Wesleyan Methodist Church This attitude of indifference to their own interest by these non members, is void of every vestige of manly prin(BRITISH CONFERENCE)
ciple and self respect; for the man who will tamely stand Tanama 11 am. and 30 Rev.
by and look on while his brother bleedingly battles for a Wade. Comrunion after both legitimate cause which will also benefit him, such a man Soxo0 SOROSOS services. Subject at 30 pm. plain is a very poor specimen of humanity indeed.
word to Mr. and Mrs. Grumble.
But as there is no other known organized body Colon 11 and 17. 30 pm. Rev.
reprisenting West Indian labour on the Isthmus Surgeon. Communion.
it should be in the interest of all these workers from La Boos 11 am. Mr. Reid; 80 Balboa to Cristobal to get enrolled in the Panama Canal m, Mr, Johnson, West Indian Enployees Association and thereby strengthen Paraiso 11 a. Mr. Tbeo, Fuller. 30p. Mr. Kennedy.
Continued on page 7)
welfare, anananananana GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted duoted ATMeeting ESPERANZA LAUNDRY Only First Class Ones Need Apply OD ADVERTISE the rank numerically for all emergencies that may arise In The WORKMAN it Pays


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