
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MARCH 12 PACF VE Attractions at the Theatres of man 14b said masse.
asking the invisir.
ct e world You Dot offer enemy life. am Was ons base th acumen, th launched on What Is Your Fortune? res and the could מוש to to. Drieser ATLANTIC SIDE Hector Connor Called AFTERMATH OF To ConThe Colon Boys InstiWest Indian Journalvention.
ism on the Isthmus (By Whittinghamn, IN DETROIT MICHIGAN.
Hector Connor, President of (By Gaskin. CECILIA tbe of Colon bas AMERICA THE MAN Every person who comes be.
recntly received a cablegram fore the public gaze should The success of the Institut from the Secretary of the Special (PANAMA. COLON)
expect to be criticised, and. has been realisid throuch the Committee which has been apTODAY. Saturday, March 6th and TO DAY SATURDAY, March 6th think that it is a healthy sign of entiring efforts of an individual, pointed by the Honourable Mac TO MORROW Sunday, March 7ch Shirley Mason in the state of affairs. It is good who had the interest of the on cus Garvey to adjast. tbe affairs Richard Bitinin fortunate boys at heart, and of the UNLA. and SOUTH SEA LOVE to be living in an age or country, wbere there is free discussion or vi walized better conditons for inviting him to attend Cooven SHORE LEAVE e iticism of and TOMORROW Sunday, March 7th them. While it can be consider tion which will manners.
beld. Detroit, Gloria Swanson in By crit cism, we lay down the ed a living example by tireless Michigan, beginning March MONDAY, March 8th standard bs which things are to worker, it also justifies the fact and ending March 31st. 1928 THE COAST OF FOLLY Evelyn Brent in be judged There are some that God has a work for every On Sanjay night, 28th. ultimo, persons, however, who cannot man.
Mr. Conno: called a special meet MIDNIGT MOLLY MONDAY, March 8th, stand criticista It all depends Successes are based on forts in of his followers with a view Dorie Kenyon in upon the temperament of the made by individuals toward their of deciding as to the feasibility of TUESDAY, March 9th THE HALF WAY GIRL Edmund Lwin person criticised. For med objectives.
it is ans vering the call. The vast that ats was to face with membership of the IN. LA One brought face CHAMPION OF LOST CAUSES TUESDAY, March 9th cut by an Byron, article.
the founder of this institute, con of Colon turned out en Pat Malley in quite a young poet, was severely criticised. He was etong io the fronts no personality whose intel and long before meeting begue WEDNESDAY, March 10th THE HOME MAKER an lectual endowments proclaim numerous solutions were preRichard Talone in qulck. But be burled back an Connor to bim to be a tran ol men Neither intellectualsh leiab that remains.
decline WEDNESDAY, March 10th, Is there any stamp of in tal apinvitation because of THE WALL ST. WAIZ unto this day one of the bitterest titude above the average indid the pressing demand for his im things in cur Richard Bathelmess in language. am o sene and individual dual. close scrutiny will only mediate presene THURSDAY March 11th SHORE LEAVE the school Byronie. Critie ze me Tveal upon the brow the furtow service. The Executive Officers as much as you please, so long Gloria Swanson in also called a special meeting and of labour.
as you give me the rigbt to reply.
passed a When bis biograuby will be that resoluto to the ed et THURSDAY, March 11th. THE COAST OF FOLLY Herbert Spencer the great Evelyn Brent in English Philosopher, after he had recorded, no allusion will Mr. Connor should deel be since the local FRIDAY March 12th MIDNIGHT MOLLY made bis name in the made of his pedigree, to trace the invitation afford to lose cannot a walked around with his ear the strain of any noble lineage Association Doris Kenyonin stoppers FRIDAY, March 12th, dared from which he sprang. Neither his services at the present time. THE HALF WAY GIRL It is therefore decided that anan opinion contrary to bis, will be on writing bis history. thing other than sending Mr.
to say Edmund Lowe in nothing of contradicting bim, and refer to his family tree for the Connor to Detroit, may be done. CHAMPION OF LOST CAUSES if yua eriticised him you have birtb of his.
It was however SATURDAY, March 13th and agreed that made an for only record bis inberitance of SUNDAY, March 14th SATURDAY March 13ch.
going to make some of these the logacy: By the sweat of your certain recommendstions be sent.
Buster Keaton in Richard Talmadge in would be erities go around with brow you shall eat bread.
Cristobal Silver Clubhouse. THE WALL ST. WHIZ Lotus SUD their ear stoppers. He, or she. SEVEN CHANCES up the whole is a poor critic who only deals in situation. The Institute vague. In founded to che: the careers of such would be called feuletindent: On Saturday, February 27 the unfortu a e youths, who fou teen of the Nannie Barroughs Those persons wire bli dy diting to paths of Imarality but do not possess that ingenuiand Mary Church Terrell girls It was went over to La Boca to play ty that is is indispensable to the time when the Volley Balavai st the Phyllis com muity recoveri frat Whalley girls Toe game was he is a member of the Association, wlling Longfellow that he would oritic, Imagine Edgar Allan Pos the upbeaval of the Greit Word to attend this meeting, as matters be a good pet prosidiok that, War. The city o gel. xciting from begioning to end WAS which are to he dealt with will be ois (L. gfellow s)
score was in favor of the of very great importance to each po try im ponsible for her at the best thPoylia Wheatley gi lo.
Every boy that works youths had not benefit 0, sturday, March 6th, will Madame Renee will Interpret Zodiacal Signs and every West Indian employee an elevator in the states of parental guardia ship Th of the Panama Canal and Railroid. have said that. Litus suppose.
who gave birih to the id the ar monthly Rily each week for Readers of this paper that Frank Harris had said for a betterment of their condi held at the Gitan Silver Club WATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE Our tennis champion, Fred ieser. Look bere Drieser, you tions. as moved hrough const houe. All the Gul Reserves Clunes, met and easily defeated promise much, providing your deration for their future weilige exp cted to be present, Miss wbed, as men, the are brough cretary on the Atlantic side of Jean Mic livras ti NX February 25. March Consequently you will frequently United States warships Andrade, Steward of one of the composition Improves.
now face to face with the ern re the W. A, expects pe.
find yourself friendless and alone, could have replied. Tank you The Sign of Pisces, the alllies of li e.
In order to find consolation you anchored in Balboa barbour, id for nothing, Harris Bar do you sent and give a talk know that will devote yourself to a search for two games of tennis on Monday shine as brigbt as the sun?
the moon does not To this end the Colon Boy You who are born ander thia sign. in The St Agres Cloh expects to lostitution was beralded befor: this the public who seeing its necessi ay away will miss it.
ut program Toose who are tireless seekers for ko wladge will probably pro luce something of Your inquisitiveness, if used in the worth.
Words have been received on to posterity as bivine was, they would have gone down the city weltar, and right direction, ipad the moved with compassion for the qurire a fund of facts which you can Chopin were born nader this sign residents here who are now in the But thi honour was reserved ion, may lead you to ac Longfellow, Jefferson Davis and the Isthmus from three old to greatest discoveries of any age.
boy, wantoners, which Correspondence brought about by neglect, conemploy to obtain wealth and and are examples of those who use United States; Alfred Dyer, of the for the Lads member. What power. Oa the other hand it may their knowledge to advantage.
District Quartermaster Office at she did is tanta nount to tributes toward its tbe apkеер.
lead you to the Vestition of first Your soul color is pik Balboa Heights; and Eigle.
The statements other pros resolve move To The Eerror the Workman: one thing and then Sir. Thanks to Mr. Gaskin of one of which interests you this the agate and yonr ſlow r, the taries of the La Boca Clubhouse.
another exch stone which brings you fortune is Esgleson and Collins were Secre article deploring the state ments, the losti utron has grown.
son and Collins. Messrs Some weeks ago, wrote an Bat, consideri that it is not Colon for his tim ly criticismo aifoids.
of self supporting the public shoul the details of the C. matches type seek knowledge purely for the daffodil.
West Indian Journalism on the do its best to finance it, as its played in the West Indian sake of knowledge, tinding happi You who mate with those horn Isthmus. The next week, the objective day a lands, as published in th: Star nees in the seareh but not in the during the last half of December (Mr. Dyer is employed by a lady member es me out with a It will enjoy the greatet domestie manufacturing concern in Lockland similar article. their own is the daily Herald While appreciatine attainment.
would be in talk. The drive to establish the the of your contem You are honorable, just and bliss. The versatility of the Cipriate while other the ex Secretaries possible to improve on the com.
fund is on. Wat then will porary in supplying the Wist like people corn peuple afford you coustant are in control of the Colored Psition of this article, and think tbe ou cime l you allow tb. Idian col uy on the Isthmus open. You desire to. and with also. All that sbe seat it to it Europe apt analyze three are reported to be doing well would be awarded the Nonel Priz.
their movement to waver and decline with the details of these matches, characters, to be there is them will prove profitable.
Its nrincipl. motives have on the other hand, take it as and then turn to The brilliaat discovery that she (Copyrighted 1925 by Hensebaen present at your attention an insol: offered an intligt new friends in An Evening With is oly second to it worthy of your support! emmunity to have these details your endeavor to find perfection. Adems Syndicate)
batenless purity of the language Theo give it.
written in the out a tous of this article By comparison, ner in Tennyson which they have been the best of Walter Pater would appearing If the iter on the West Indian section of the Star appear bizzare. Yet mere fact that one bassay, the Head of Boys Institute HERALD thinks it At The La Boca Athenaeum.
great ons attentioo to composition, does only West Indians here who not make such an one a. interested in icket news, bis In accordance with previous this lady This lady article leit me cold, To Be Awarded Medal mistaken. There are many announcements, the Athenaeum and a certain suspicio fingered By Panama. ish men and Americans wae deeply interest in the ga ne.
THE HAIR STRAIGHTENER dealt with a standard author last in my mind. What would you Tuesday evening, the subject be tuink of a writer reviewing the and follow the results of these iog Alfred Tennyson, But le of Waterloo, and missing Commanier DV Watson, marches very clostiv.
Alain, WITHOUT AN EQUAL organizer and present head of he is labou ing under th: The meetlog was called to order the name of Napoleo. There at 15 by the President, Mr.
would be grounds for a well the Colon Boys Institution, he pre in that any stu! con fou. ded been informed by Governor handed out to the West De Souza, After devotional exer. writer does not know the facts, Don fail to try it Ind in suspicion that this with Arosemena of Colon that he is to colony here, be is mistaken. Mr.
invocation by Sacretary or be is greatly prejudice towards receive a medal from tb RepubGi kin bas shown quite cut aChaplain all with me the mem.
bers answered to the with the Frenchman. would thick lic of Panama, in appreciation fry May be the makesbift wło ha undertaker ae appropriate quotations from the Lost he is both. Apply this saxe author. This was followed by the argument to a writer reviewing in caring for the wayward takes is in charge of the west to do No Special Combs or Hot Irons Required.
section of the STAR HERALD st Indian Jourboys of this entry cannot do better; if that is so my reading of the minutes of the the state of previous meeting by the socie y nalism on the and has The medal is at present in the advise to him is: Go to a nigbt Secretary har ds of the Governor of Colon school Mr. Wesley, the HERALD Be not mentioned The STAR ond careful, this the the news of the will presentation probably be made on the 16th of Toankiog you for space Mr Mr. and Mrs. Worrell of Barbados Smith and week by Mrs. Florence band of Encoith the voice of piano selection CANAL ZONE NOTES Street, fuccumbed to brain de Miss Guillermina Jump May next, be sixth anniversary Editor.
Jacob Ii did not know the of the founding of the Institute pression on Monday last after The President, after a few writer, would bave called hi, twice in being operated on ter Kant and Hypocrisy. But Governor Arosem ena, wbo bas Ancon Hospital. He was buried Reynolds, who op ned with know the writer and have to rendered very La Boca Pars valuable belp to on the following day.
a few descriptive remarks and say like Oscar Wilde, dare not Commander Watson in his work.
up tl is said to be gratified DR. HOFFMANN over the th an account of the call its name birth Jump of the Timekeeping De.
The lady reminds Mr. Sidney his 37 of Mechanical Divi Eriende of Miss Doris Evans and promise more per la reduction of lutuire greatness of recognized tne good services Central Ave. upper floor of La sortiment is the site deekis vacation knowiena Pohod is able ben source to this bright star of (Continued on pgae 8)
Eozlish literto its. a vocal solo, Commander Watson is a Jamai. Entrance between LA Mascota nama and the Canal Zone, expects ing from a rold and unable to at Florence Smith who gave an es The junior members of the can. He servei with the Biltish and Precindo Book Store, to return to return to work about tend to her regular vocation.
mate of Tennyson literary society also did their part by the Expeditionary Force in Europe TELEPHONE 991.
during the World War, and was the middle of the month. During character. Mr. C, Bayn de. lt rendition of a few of the author bis Vacation he tooks examination The Secretary of the local Dis with his advanced education and shorter poems. Mentin must be awarded medals for special for and obtained a chauffeur trict of the Panama Canal West career at Cambridge University; made, in this connection, of Mas service botb in England and 0000 00000000000000000000 license His friend P, Fonte Indian Employees Assceintion la Mr. A. Wesley with his most ters Herman Bayne. Arbolt Julien, France.
TRY Commander Watson bas exº his car for a long time, as after thursday, the 11th, at theLa Boca Olga n3 gave interesting facts Misses Leonor. Guillermina and announced Whyte, pressed satisfaction for the honor as teaching Jump and seeing Clubhouse. He has sent out a concerning the poet marriage and minta Jump which will be confered on him, KRONEN BRAU bim through with his license, the special written invitation to both bome life, while important quota The evening on the whole was an and trusts that will serve mechanism of bis car ceased to the number of these invitations is efforts were given by Mr. Clifford this author was about as successful numbers and non members. As tions from his various literary enjoyable one and well spent; and to help West Indiane bere realiza function that real and disinterested ser.
ON DRAUGHT very limited, he desires to extend (Sewell and the Persident completed a any of the previous ones vice will always be recognized by OR BOTTLES through this medium an invitation the subject by treating on the Shakespea re; Milton, Pope, Longthe public and those in birb Young Eddie Worrell, about to every employee, residing in La last scenes that e did his illustri fellow or Scott already deals with 8000 5000 DOVODOQO50OO0008 thirteen years Eon of Boga and Panama, whether or not ous life. Mr. Gorden Smith con by the society.
ty to above Take. home of enterprise of made, is to the is Contra Crespo are b un bise, Nerly, destitute Isthmus am, offices.
of age,

    EnglandFranceWorld War

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