
Commercial Aviation In Great Britain The The definite charm of character AS One WOL tion of its the subject of of this article is Nel continete without pertence Sbarlllloan At all drurite and dealers older (PAIN ENEMY Speed Chesterfield bas been the of oue as best odds, Was al Gorras ment tiful eagerly awaited delayed and. company THE BEER ORCSA and communication was main tained with Holland and Swiz land. Despite the experiental nature of the first year wirkleg the actual net less for the year, a ter earning the subsidy, was just over 15, 000.
Can civil aviation be made to pay? li not, it cannot be, striely peaking, commercial aviation.
The directors of Imperial Air ways are confident that it can in the near future. The two essential pre requisites are Well Doer safety and regularity of service.
To this end the directors are SLOANS LINIMENT.
bending their energies. We have paine and aches than any al tady written of the large two other known remedy; that is er giced machines employed, but why thousands of people the even these will shortly be sure world over call it pain passed by enemy.
the delivery to the Rheumatism, sciatica, stift company text spring of mouern neck, sore and tired muscles, three engined aeroplanes. It is lumbago, neuralgia, neuritis, claimed for the new machines sprains and bruises are inthat they will be able to fly in stantly relieved by practically any kind of weathar SLOAN LINIMENT and thus eliminate the risk of forced landings And, of course, operating coasts will be one lower scale as compared with and smaller machines In acother direction advance SLOAN can be made to making civil aviation a paying proposition LINIMENT and that is in long distance fly ing. As the very name of the company indicates, the develop whereby Carlota was to regain ment of air travel on long routes her sound mind. Later in where the be where advantage 1 boepital, Mrs. de Armenta stated measured in days instead of that fourteen closed fists struck hours, is one of the aims of the her at ones, she was beaten and directors. For this reason the bruised, while directors attach great importance shrieked at her, now, infamous seven Yoices le tbe aggreement just made witch, vicious enchantress, you with the Air Ministry for the company to maintain an air ser will care Carlota. In despera vice between Egypt and Indiation the victim defended hersel: Bet won and she could against th Karachi, the miles route, 580 will traverse. uneven while they yelled the desert by way of Baghdad, at her threats of death unlesi Basra and the shores of the Per: show de use of her supernaturBy the beginning of obewers. No results were of obtained, and one of the womea next year, it is hoped, the first pu aeroplane will be barducing by purrested that in order to obtain results it is necessary that many days the the time at present blood flow, Antonia, a brother occupied in travel between Great of Carlota, obeyed the summons Britain and her great Dependend and struck Mrs.
ey, Even if such a serviee Armenta, who is pot in itself pay (an almost im deseribed as young and beau pous ble supposition) the advan: and face, which caused her nose 1, a bard blow on her mouth rage to trade generally will be ad ard lips to bleed profusely. The imman se.
mother of the family moistenei her hand with blood, while others Belief In Witchcraft ripped Carlota blouse open and Mrs.
Hosnandez in turn peneiled Crops Up In Mexico. cross from shoulder to shoulder and from geek to waist on her insane dauglater. case in wbleh witchcraft VICTIM KES ESCAPE.
so czry, Yaqul Indian superstition interwined with trickery, It was ruled by the torturers Hattery and insanity, are migl bat, in order to obtain real reand, in the opinion of samo the performance rolic who intervened, one of the would have io be gone through urangest problems which again two days later, and agon asked, is oficially recorded meny had ben Mrs.
ed: Anen Gu. mas. Mox co, correspondent willingly proof the NEW YORK HERALD Trimise mised to report for duty, glad at BUNE. Guaymas residents have mak have the opportunity offered her to been astonished at the oceurren make ber escape. It was just ses wbieb took place in a in a private about at this rt of the probome tbere, reported by Jesus ceedings that Chiet of Police Oj as, acune chiet of police. ended the tor ure.
Ojda put in an appearance and Aro, Rosario Rivera de widol. eu plays an unwilling role The chief describes the room ar an witch, and in the the as it it was prepared for the stene setting of her adventure curative persuasion. About the Barely escaped with her life edges of the floor were beaped she was badly beaten pyramid sbaded she had lated to exercise her of earth which had been brought supposed sorcerer powers to direct from the Guaymas cemecure Carlsta Herrand. 2, a girl of tery. considerable amount of twenty tive. who is admittedly this earth had been mixed with water into a sort of clay and a SUPPOSED TO BE CIVILIZED. number of the aetors bad moul.
What the police were imitation of a witness is substanwated by the crown about their hands. In one burnt statements made by corner of the chamber several candles, and the mamArmente since her beating at the bors of the party took turns par: hando at Carlota relatives. Mrs. forming genuflexions belors the Daxiana de Hernandez is of a home in the wabarbs of the lighted candles.
cit. surrounded by an orange AUTHORITIB3 TO ACT.
sov. She is the mother of live One of them told Ojeda that, child er, two of them men, the during the rites, a number of bars three women. all grown black butterflies had down from up and presumably intelligent the patient mouth and that and of sound mind, except her body bad stiffened visibly, Carlota. The latter has been and convinced. still as though she were endeavouring for that the evil in her.
mutter, thas her malady is due to to throw of supernatural influences alleged tolewdie anons have been ordered by Mrs. de ser by controlled by authorities, aud it is by her family as ments. The same beliet is bela expected that protection will bə granted Mrs. de Armenta, who Ibe Hernandez neighbors. The from the bruises she as some of is now thankfully, resivering received entire family by their actions and the shock she suffered. On showed itemselves convinced of the following day of the cerethe belief that Mrs. de Araenta mɔoy, and while Ojeda was in nad be witched Carlota, and, once his office pondering on just what bey were convinced of the of the state covered the necessary steps to the girl issue a young man, well dressed of her iilaess, proceeded to act. and with all the indications of The family gathered at the ma normal person, entered his office ternal Lome and were were joined by and announced bimself a relative Marcelina Pineda, an old Yaqui of the Hernandez family, satiog wowao, Maria Vega and Virginia that, althougla he had not parti.
Lopez, all described as civilis »d cipated in the events of the prepersons and of sound mind.
vious day, he anxiously implored ASSAULTED THE WOMAN bat he allow Mrs. de The conspiracy was then batch Armenta to return to the Hered, and consisted in enticing nandez hope for the app inted Mrs. Arments to the house, further healing of Catlia. The Once there, slae was forced into man begged on his knees taa a room, al doors and windows chief should not interfere wiin bing barred, and the Hernan their plans, which they cons. dezes and their accomplices, in dered as the only means püssible claging demented Cariota, pro to cure Carlota of her ailment. ce:ded to carry out the scheme Exchange.
are London, January, 1926. Tbe Royal Aeronautical Society of Gr at Britain recently celebrated in London the sixtieth anniversary of its foundation.
soc al tuction which marked this event was beld in the most appropria e place, namely, the Aeronautical Section of tbe Science Museum, South Kensing ton. It would be tempting to Wherever you go, you will dwell upon the long and facinatfird Chraterjield steadily ing history ory of the Society, and increasing in favor among its contribution to the science of discriminating amokers.
aeronautics. Likewise Would wish to describe the many a rule, men accustomed to but derful exhibits of that largest one tobacco in their cigarettes find and most representative collec of its klud in the world. But Chesterfields as pleasing as they are Is the different.
present position of commercial aviation in Great Britain, and For Chesterfield, combining the spicy ibis paragrapa has, as it were; fragrance of Turkish with the mellow served only as the taking off fullness of choice North American toground for a brief exploratory ilight enabling us to o tain an aeroplane ese baccos, appeals to most men as an view of that position agreeable departure.
Commercial, or eiyil, aviation So skillfully are these fine tobaccos in Great Britain has up till now blended that the Chesterfield taste, been contined to aeroplaoes.
Plans are being concerted befuller, spicier, yet free from harshness, tween the Goyernment and cerquickly takes on the definite charm of tain financial interests for the character.
eventual exhiation of lighter than aic e. a Isips, but, as sald, up to the present on y btavier bac air machines have been employed. Since 1924 civil aviation In Great Britain monopoly company, Imperial Airways Limited, This company formed in the spring of tbat CIGARETTES year to take over and op rate the services for merly woked by four companies. An agreement was come to between the com pany and Air. representing the Government, by which the company had a mooo Manufactured by LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
poly for teo years of Govern.
subsidy, subvention amounting in all to one milion pounds he cade, but pad in a gradually ex spread over the whol diminisbiug ratio, Tbe longOSS tirst report and balance sheet of this bas just been published, and in view of its the com Dany atic position report and chairman SUPPLIED BY add ess to his shire holders in effect a complete survey of civil aviation. The year covered by the report is 1924 to Mareh last year, a period coincident with the British financial year, because of the subsidy. The delay in making kuown the results of tbe mean working was, as the chair man explained, for the good and a Eufficient reason that the unded the company and the Air Ministry were negotiating a mo materials obtainable original agreement more satis factory to both parties. For the origiual subvention, based on a micimum mileage flows during It is specially suited for this climate the year (800, 000 galleri bas been substituted dy calis superior to all imported beers sold culated on a yearly minimum of horse power miles (425 million. here and it sells to the public at While ibe subsidy stood on a mileage basis, a small machine, HALF the price.
admittedy not so economical could earn as much subs dy as a larger and more efficient macalce. The new borse power TRY. OUR NEW BEER basis encouragos tb employment such large machines as the litest twin engined craft, carrying over passengers, sengen recently adopted by the company.
As perhaps only to be expect working of the company resulted in a Anancial SUPERIOR TO ALL loss. Oommercial aviation warto and, though the ultimate ate economics must be ANCENESIGN great, the expenses incidental to such amalgamation of existing concerns were, for many reasons a severe handicap Teason the new organization, an organization necesrarily required to maintain high standard of efficiency.
Then, too, labor troubles at the very outset of the company career compelled a practical suspension of its services, and earning powers. during the first two months of its life.
Of every description Bus despite these teething troubles to the chairman, the progress made in the year under review holds out great hopes for the future, On the European services of DESPATCH the company 11, 000 passengers And 600 tons of goods and mails were carried la 1924 25, and in the same period over АТ THE miles were flown. The LondonParis service, being the most de veloped, naturally carried the greatest traffic, and sometimes as many as four flighta a day in either direction were made. The London Ostend. Brussels Colo gne service was well patroniwed, sults, the British March, from The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
is brewed from the best their aid bas ever been OCW is preformed, do ar an because small mounds Date.
iles able to ded the earth in Mrs. de twenty KRONEN BRAU the first year only in its intenci infancy, all is to In be JOB. PRINTING well as o tree quote DONE WITH NEATNESS AND 825, 000 Ojeda WORKMAN PRINTERY


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