
Loyal David Holds Dual Function El Excelsior STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History th eon and Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 quite an impressiah bekey handled ul promposition in Barbados un Fyffe steamer Jackson arrived by the VIGOR TONIC They were JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
Cider Champagne ben og en is ligne. Demerara Gil Com. Up to date Jewelry (Continued from page 2) meeting of Loyal David Lodge from 1904 to 1908 and who was No. 2821, Loyal Order of Ancient regarded as the most popular of Shepherds, was convened last JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP the King representatives who Saturday evening for the purpose had ever presided over its desti of adding seven new units to their Corner 12 Street East Avenue nies. Born tu 1883. Mr. Jackson membership, as well 18 who was educated at Stonyhurst ferring of the first and third deLincoln College, was AND We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also private secretary to his father After the transaction of the same, watches. Our prices are the lowest and our in Trinidad from 1905 to 1906, bu itess of regular and after service in the Babamas Master Bernard the evening, Worthy Alexander Workmanship is guaranteed.
and Uganda he was, in in 1916 vacated in Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you made Colonial Secretary Elli Instructing Master Mich erence to Bermuda. From there he was who undertook the preformance of may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may promoted in 1921 to be Colonial the afore mentioned ceremonies.
drsire, provided the monthly payments of Secretary of Barbados of which Assisting Bro. Ellis were the followSummary of Contents: interest are duly met.
island be bas administered the ing Past Masters, Mortimer, History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years Government on several occasions.
Norville, and Phone: WE CARRY GOOD STOCK OF IMPORTED Full Particulars of 1900 Tour.
Arrival And Swearing In Of The officiating officers Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, created Hon. Jackson.
the master Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall ly manner in the ceremonies, everything going Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual be pleased.
The GAZETTE takes this onpor through without a bitch. At the Players tunity of welcoming to the Colo close, the membership repaired to by the Hon. Wiltred Jackson, the banquet room where an exVáluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and our new Colonial Secretary who taken and several speeches delivered was par Interesting as already mentioned, held a similar on the good and Welfare of the promoted to Trinidad. Mr. Order.
Price 50cts.
The best Tonic in the World The Elders steamer Carare yester day morning, Accompanied by Unveiling Ceremony.
Mrs. Jackson. They were recelSecure yours now there will be a great rush ved on board the steaner by The recently received Chart cf This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend.
for them, the Governor A. C, and Miss 12, will be Capt. Traill, His Excellency the Pink Bud Juvenile Lodge, No.
ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Mona Byatt, who presented Mrs. unveiled tomorrow afternoon in Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up Jackson with beautiful boaquets Panama of cut flowers. After an informal Central Avenue. The youngsters their lodge room on 21st, Street, a run down constitution welcome, the party with whom have been It promotes digestion, impruves the appe were Colonel and undergoing weeks of Mrs. Charles Heater Ellis, function and were tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system brought reparation for the asbore in the Customs appearances point to an enjoyable DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or were met at the Customs time being spent. Several in vitae landing stage by the Hon. branches of the Order to send reprehave been issued to other EL GAITERO times a day.
Walcott, Acting Colonial sentatives and a full house is antiTHE ONLY ELABORATED Secretary, Mr. mere ipated Proceedings will commence B. Assistant Colonial tary, Colonel the Hon. H. Mas, cerned, please be guided according at o clock precisely. All con Inspector General of Constabuly.
Spanish Cider with its lary atd Mr. Alired Taitt, Warden of St. George.
Mr. Jackson was later sworn own Carbonic Acid CHURCH SERVICES Services of the Bethlehem in by the Governor and immediChurch of God Holiness ately after ascun ed the duties (Continued from page 4)
of his office.
Seventh Day Adventist Church No, MARIANO AROSEMENA St.
10 sm. Children Service; 11 am URETIC AND REFRESHINGE Babbath (Saturday) 45 amSab Trade Mark p. Sunday School, Superinten 30 pm. Spanish Close; dent pm. 30 pm. Goemits Suicide. 30 M. Society, meeting pel Service, Elder Franeis; Sub.
In every form can be seen VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ 30 Junior and Senior Standard jeet: The fullimene of God prmises. here at its best See our of attainment Class pm. Vespers.
The usual weekly services will be OBJECTS TO MATERIAL CORRES, Sunday ever ing 30 Stere conducted in Tuesday and Thursday CTION.
Wrist Watches VILLAVICIOSA optican Lecture. The general public is gbt, at 45 pm.
SPAIN cordially invited to turn out in large BEULANI 30 a. Prayer Meeting Bracelets bumbers.
11 a. no, vina Service Bro. Small, 80 m. Suoday School, SuperintenDiamond Rings Seventh Day Adventist Church den. p. Gospel service. Bro. Small.
In connection with the death SOLE AGENT 3rd STREET BROADWAY, COLON Thursday night, Bible readings and of a girl named Johanna Ben and a hundred other adorn.
Sabbath (sturday) 45. tn Sabbath Prayer. Br. Webley, of agº, which ments and you ll recognize For the Republic of Panama School; 11. 15 a, General Worabip took place at On Monday night, the 2nd inst, a Demerara, a the public hospital why this is the LEADING 30 p, Young people meeting Juvenite couert will be rendered by the corrosive sublimate posioning, an JEWELRY HOUSE in town 30 Vespers children of the district, when mmbers inquest was held at the George ask prices and you ll find still Sunday evening 30 Preaching from Panam and the neighbouring town Magistrate a Court on Servior. You are cordially invited to distri ita will urney in to take advant Saturday last, Mr. H. Me another reason. attend these services and bring your 50 of the beautiful moonlight, away Gowan presided as coroner with friends, from the buitle of the city light.
GAMBOA MISSION 11 am, and Detective Inspector Craig led The Church of God p. m, Supplied the evidence. The circumstance 122 Cetnral Ave. Phone 629 Elder T, C, FRANCIS, narrated showed that the dsA Regular Assortment of Pastor in charge.
employed in the concf Mr. FLOWERS Paoems, Arosemena Street, House 25, Mingery factory in Regent Street, and San Miguel Sunday at am. Prayer meeting and Gospel weetings at 11 am. Ebenezer Church of God mother Esta: Abogado. Attorney at Law phanie Walker, at lot 84, Robb and 730 Sunday School at p. Holiness Monday at 730 Testimony Meeting Street. 01 January she was OFFICE: No. 44 ST. 46 CALIDONIA ROAD Tuesday at 15 pm. Young People SUCH AS flogged by her mother and left BOX 36 PANAMA CITY her home the next day, returning Meetina Wednesday at 30 Sunday 50 clock, Prayer Meeting 11 a. Divine Service Preacher. 10 TELEPHONE No. 1377 on January 17. She stood outside Gosnel meeting. Thursday at 30 pm.
Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, Open air meeting, Friday at 30 pm. Supplied and spoke to her mother who told Prayer Meeting Sunday School 8:perintendent. her not to enter the house. The Practicing before all the courts of Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine BRO, C, Pessoa. in charge. p. Programme girl had a bottle containing a the Republic since April 1914 30 Gospel Service, Preacher quid and a spoon in her her hands Red Tank, Capal Zoue, Sunday Schoz!
Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, Supplied sbe threw the contents of the o p. Gospel meeting on Thursday bottle into the spoon and drank at 30 pm etc. etc. etc.
Sis. GRAY Note. Other Se vices for the week wards and was admitted into will be given from the pulpit.
Now Providence. Gospel Meetings at Contractor Elder ODLE same and 11. 30a. and 30 Sunday School Pater in supervening as at p. Wednesday at 30 Gstated. post mortem examiand Builder pel Meeting, Friday at 7:30 Prayer nation was performed on the Mesting.
body by Dr. E, Reece who Avain gave in his opinion that death Coin Bro. MCDONALD House No. 20 Baptist Churches 93 CENTRAL AVENUE was due to toxaemia, following ind Gatun, Canal Zone Gospel Meetinge (Under the auspices of the Southern 28th NOV. STREET, at 11. 30 a. and 39 m; Sunday Baptist Convention. an attack of acute gastro Estetitis SAN MIGUEL Panama City.
caused by some Bchool at 3pm. Wednesday 30 pm.
Colon 11 am, Deacon Rubie. 15 corrosive substance. The jury Box 411, Panama, Goepel Meeting. Friday at 30 pm. Rev. Swar)
returned a verdict in accordance Pra Meeting Chorrillo 11. Pastor Wit, with the Medical repori ad dins Plans and Specifications Free Bro. GEORGE GRIFFITH 71. p Sargeant Brinkley.
that adminisOolon and Streets. Gospel meetCalidonis 11 am. Deacon Crookstered.
Ings at 11. 30 am and 30 Sunday 15 m. Pastor Witt.
Bebool at 3p. Wednesday at 30 Red Tank 11 a. Leader Taitt; First Class Workmanshle pm. Gospel Meeting. Friday at 730 15 Deacon Yearwood. Unfortunate Dutchman Guaranteed Prayer Meeting.
Empire 11 a. Deacon Brown; 15 Doneºn Russell.
Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON Gatun 11 a. Leader Reid. 10 DISLOCATES JAW BY YAWNING Why throw away your old, but no Teacher Rilis.
New Providence 11 Disco on the following Sunday when he doubt interesting, books when you Salvation Army Hall, Brooms. curious accident befell a dislocated his jaw by yawoing.
can have them neatly bound at Pueblo Nuevo 11 an. Deacon Jobte diamond seeker named Alfred His companions promptly conLA BOCA CORP3 son. 15 Mr, Minto.
Elstock, in Demerara a fortnight veyed bim the following morning ago, as the result of which he is to the Kamakusa Hospital where 30. Knee Drill.
11 a. Holiness Meeting.
Miss Coope at Empire patient at the Public Hospital. after having been rendered first It appears that Elstock, who is a aid be was sent to Georgetown.
93 CENTRAL AVENUE p. Sunday School.
Sunday 14t at 730 Miss Coope native of Surinam. went on an He arrived in the city on Satur6. 80p. Open Air.
Missionary from the San Blas Indians expedition to the diamond fields Pay afternoon, and was admitted Opposite Cecilia Theatre 30 Salvation meeting. will take the service at the Paptist and after having worked hard the same day at the Hospital.
We extend a cordial ir vitaton to all Church and give a missionary address. during the week rested himself His condition is improved.
ESTEBAN DURAN jumin, 19 years 30 Jaury 25 25 from a jary.
Fuller Jewelry Store Take Notice ceased was lived with her Ho Ro Co Famous Products liquid WILKINSON public hospitai thue moitted dayo the treated, death charge.
The Workman Printery irritant apd Book Binding!


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