p. 8


Jose dation, 19 ATTRACTIVE RACES 9 and Rj Tae much ot inst, would not.
So the the 10 80.
Lombardo Cook To Morrow Races Last Sunday Races Aftermath of West Indian Journalism.
There are nine races on the Oaly venou: the eight card for tomorrow, at Juan ates scheduled for last. Sanday fternoon were run: the Stater (Continued from page 5)
At last the fighting game is to Franco Park. The fans will get a fillup after a long siesta for then witness approximately lled off the eight after a long Young, that he promised not to these many monthe. Promoter slay occasioned by st veral false imitate Bowever brilliant Sol, ever alert to save the tranly seven miles of racing, as the starts and followei by tue breaks another man style way be, an art of fistcuffs from dying off the card is made up as follows: ing of Back Dancer rein. For effort to copy it must expose, JUAN FRANCO TRACK face of the Isthmus of Panama One race at three furlongs: this tbe Starter was subj cted the plagiarist to contempt and ud altogether bas, uhimately sucto much criticisin from some of undervalue. Bay, however ceeded io attracting the Istb. one at four furlongs: two at ibe fans bis car by the police. The may be, ber kohde of words had to be escorted perfect the composition TO MORROW mus one of the best feather five furlongs: une at six furwelgbt boys in the States, Joe longs: two at seven furlongs Sunday, March 7th, 1926 Cook the feather. welght cham jand two at one mile.
previous to the fiori action cf the shady. Of course, we can easily pion of the South and a late duct of New Orleans, to fight The feature race will be one Starter several Jckeys were account for this. narson told fined ard suspended for us bow long ago, in his Compen our own Lombardo, feather: mile purse 600. Abel will ir Rolarities.
The proposition weight champion of Panama and enter this race carrying 93 Buisbe vixi, wit Jockey Medica something like this: Extreme South America, next Sunday pounds against Jolly Fellow, ur, won the tea ore eventi perfection in Erg ish composition the 14th at the Bull Ring. Bolsheviki, Cicero, and Bolt.
seven furloors, with Cicero implies an extreme impur fec ion Good wine necds no busb and Abel is also booked for the second, the favorite, Bult, came in the knowledge of English so Lombardo needs no boosting third event of six fulongs third Pereque and Factor Ruso words a their meanings. 1 wonder as to who told this Races For Imported horses also ran.
as we all know him and knows of what he is capable, and if Cook when he will take up 120 lbs.
Ruso won the first race for native lady that one is is a plagi?
can whether those lightnirg jobs against Burlesco, Margot and Toses aid pid 90; Barba when he be copies another and for Native bred Ponies during the twelve rounds they Frou Frou. He is likely to be js won th second four for You You cannot plagiariz; style, you are scheduled to go he is some scratched out of one of these.
hunks and paid the bandsome copy or imitate style: but you good boy, tum or 11 70, wbile Baby Peges plagiariz wɔrds, or ideas. ve WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE The entries and weights are tock the third at five furlongs you seen what a straight you But while we are confident of a paid ten cents more than have brought yourself into, by our José it will be interesting to as follows: know what the fans at New attention to Barba ja 11. 80. The seventh paying so much Three furlongs, purse 175.
de leans think of their Joe Cook: Dictador 132 El Chichi 120. aod last race, distance five lur composition ani leaving words AN AFTERNOON OF EXCELLENT SPORT So bere goes. In New Orleans Repulse 112, Cholito 107, Torg, Durse four bun dollars and their meanings alone?
the fight fans swear by Cook an Gran Senor 104, Wormwood was won by Aracuana wbo paid Lakeside Poets wrote in a similar 30 on each ticket. At least stýle, but have never heard any they think that Cook is four ckeys in this race were ona charging Sou bey for pla Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
better prospect than Pal Moran 99 Zapa 90.
tised 25 each and set down for giarizing Wordsworth. Have and they admit that he is better iban Joe Mandot and as good as Mi Pollera 126, Buck Dancer Seven furlongs, purse 350 one week. Jockey Brien who you ever? But stay. think First Race Starts p. Sharp charge rodə tbe winner, being accused that can sustain Pete Herman, this boy Cook is so of trying to beat the barrier, plagiarism against you.
good around his home town that 117, Olla 117, Burla 100 Anyone.
was tined 40, and set down for reading your a:ticle of the 20:5 he bas actually run out of a job. Six furlongs, purse 400. a couple of weeks.
not imagine that Margot 126, Frou Frou 124, ADMISSION: Toa results: written Abel 120, Burlesco 115.
mootb You have not six furlongs. 150, Raso (H. the soil hebbe on the 13 of dage) 12 Dardanela (Arande) only ased my ideas, Six furlongs. purse 250.
Grand Stand Field Stand 50c.
but you Candlewood (Schulz) Time bave adopted my identical words Oriental 126, Jailer 124, No1. 27. Pool paid 90 and 30 on as your headline. You bad not vicia 115, Zambo 109. Shimthe winner and 00 on the leven common journalistic my 109, Clo Clo 104, Colosecond horse. courtesy to mention the fact in nense 104.
Ta SPARKLETS Barbour tu roncatraparse 125, the body of your article Disappointment. Cholito call with Four furlongs, purse 175. Moore) Gran Sano (Cydel. writ large. Of course, if it were Peter Pan 128, Ruso 122, Time 55 5. Pool paid 11 70 and a a matter of composition you (Continuel from page 1) To The EDITOR THE WORKMAN: Dardenela 122, Infimo 121, on tbe winner and 40 on would have known wbat to do. watches, gramaphones, musical Mr, Editor: Kindly permit me Dictador 110, Barba Roja 107 the second borse.
and horse But when it coms to courtesy, instruments and a doze? and oce through the medium of your paper Mive furlongs ourse 150. would Fenomeno 100, Candlewood not sy lotber things, started a few years to make a few remarks relative to Baby Pregy (RAZ) Linda Instead of being grateful ago to make door curtains from the much heralded article re Mar idea wild grains, and it was a puzzle to cus Garvey that appeared in the One mile, purse 500.
Time 09 25 Pool paid 11. 80 and choosing the subject for you many how he managed to pay his Srar Heraldo the 28th Fachendo 126, Capitan 126, und 60 on the wiuner and 00 you come back with. Mr. G18. second month rent, Fred, I was ultimo.
on the second horse.
ksin promises much providing recently told, read the Business From my own information and Pierrot 126, El Infante 126.
Pive furlongs purse 400. his composition is improved, etc, Man Guide which he had, previ from corroborative statements of Justice 123, Reina Mora 123.
Abel (Escobar) Margot (Medi) etc. bis kind of platitude will ous to his adventure in business, others with regard to the matter One mile purse 600. Jolly na) Bulesco (Code provoke prolonged cheers from a purchased for a well earned 83. of said article, believe am per.
Fellow 126, Bolsheviki 126, Time 61 in 4, 70 and 20 on winner Cicero no, Bolt 122, Abel 93.
te most that you can ask of the with the mechanism of all kinds of that the article was a disappoint and 70 en toe secɔnd horse. o her class is is not to hiss. Such a timepieces from Seven furlongs, purse 300.
of its readers Seven furlongs puise 400. statement not only a a platitude, to a ninetyel teter ment to alne tenths of five cents telable who take an interest in Garvey Translate 126, Meelah 126, Meelah (Schulz) Carcajada but it is o nonsense also. By some from Howard Lux of. and matters, for the simple Carcajada 11, Marcela 120. Medina) Sunny Gil. you considered as a he a reJailer 99. Aracuana 119, GalTime 31 25 Poul pad your in the. 10 on others you will be seen just as Igram pione in good viously useless hash of what has appeared. World and in periodicals the second horse, and 84 8o. On you are. Personally would do he will easily change your inten. from time to lineta 103, Altanera 102, to time, and with which Five furlongs, purse 250.
the of raising peri Col. Arango 126, Sister Cíci.
Seven furlongs purse 600: gratitude, providing it does not you to leave his shop hunming a ly tamiliar. What was nox a twice Bolsheviki (Medina) 20. cano improve the lady compositivo. familar air played by his cunning told tale was insignificant.
lia 117, Revoltosa 114, Silver (chultz) B (Arangu z) Time What are the fundamentals of fingers on another customer banjo King 109, Sunny Girl 108, In fact, Mr. Editor, can hardly 129 70 and it just similar believe that this article was really Bomba 104, Ocurrencia 105. 40 on the winter a:d 450 on spelling, grammar, the use of the selle ne source from which the theory that the expected article, may be told of Fuller, the the one that your co tem expeetud Belle Sauvage 98.
the second bors9.
correct word and punctuation.
Six and one hall furlongs. Now am gaite put before the public. have a Araucana (O Brien) Marcela limitations on these points. stock is being purchased will allow for some reason or other, failed (C. Got zales) Novlcia Gon. can spell, it would be impossible sufficient margin to cover running materialize and that at the last mo.
Alexander To Lead 211. Time 124 Pot paid for mo to make a trivial error in expenses and show a substantial meat this article was substituted Local Branch of 80 and 20 on the winner. Eglish. By that do not mean credit on the balance sheet at each for the criginally intended one, so 3, 50 on the second borse and to say that my composition could inventory; if the salesmen are not that, at least, something should 30 on the third Lorse. not be improved. The lady will of the kind of misfita we sometimes appear in connection with the adbe able to pick holes bere and encounter over the counters of the Michael Alexander of this city vertisement.
has been elected President of the AMERICAN WOMAN TESTI there in my grammar. If it 18 commissaries provided for Silver The Start HERALD being the grammar inat she is aiming at. employees of the Panama Canal; oldest and most prominent paper Guachapali Chapter of the FIES FALSELY have done it to Macaulay, and it the management of the business of this realm and one which occa. for the ensuing term. Ed, D, Tr he will be a tbe dull fourth form of tman who for past several JOE COOK Immigration Authorities Bar boy who could not do it to Carlyle azement, and if the members of should have a word in our favour, years have served as General SecreHer.
contem the will buy from them hiving been tukea in and let dowo tary has beeu re elected. In the In fact, Carlyle was sympathy Lady Division, Hyacinth Levin ptuous of all the rules of the game. selves as a proof that they are 80 bard; the challenge any one on th: Isth governed from within, there is believe, it was its sincere aim an as, WEST INDIANS. was elected Pres. Agnes Clarke, First Vice President; Jessie Irish visited the lethmus before, when (Printers errors apart. Declaring that she had never Second Vice President; Mary hava ever used the wrong word grocery will, in a few years, be readers information and pleasure. Continued from page 1) Richards, Third Vice President and che arrived at the port of Cristobal second none and be representa take the liberty, on behalf of Republic of Panams is, 89 it Elfrieda Ífill, General Secretary.
on the Panama Railroad steamer Well, puntaatlon; Oscar Wilde tive of the association developed other West Indians to thank the were, in a similar position, or at Cristobal a week ago, Mrs. Elsie used to say, that be considered idea of helping the race. Herald for the good in least working up to that position, Boggs, American, was refused land be did a good day work when teation. but have all the time as far as Panama is ing by the quarantine and immi be removed a comma from one eince the reading of the article in as the American Federation of 6006 Blood Tablets safer than gration officials at that part.
and British Consulate Notice question, felt that it would be Labor is to the people put it at another. I:8 606. Meney back guarantee.
of the her friends, some of Price Particularsfree. Welch The British Consul at Colon remiss in us West Iodians if some United States of America. The terrible learning that would whom sought legal advice, also make you quar el over a puce u. would be glad of information as to one did not inform that paper that incumbent duties of these organ Medicine Co. Dept. Atlanta, Ga.
said article wis failed, as later developments in the tion point. Every man, woman the present whereabouts izations are to protect the incase seemed to have furnished also, who ever dipped a pen in Alexander Watson, a native of Thanking you Mr. Editor, for terests of the workers of their sufficient grounds for Doctor C, ink, from Chaucer to Bernard Jamaica.
respective countries.
Panama and the Zone. But it is Knight, Chief Quarant ne Officer Shaw, could be told that his or The problem (if there is one of the Panama Canal, to uphold her composition could be improv.
the act. on of the quar nine and ed. Of course this and apparently there is) revolves my opinion that the West Indian JOHN DOE.
does not with that of a large number of round the West Indians: workers are asleep. They need ar migration officials at Cristobal include the lady. Maybe she intelligent and educated people, we are the least concerned: Is it something to awaken them. III Mr. Boggs must return to the thinks that my composition is it cannot be justly called incorany wonder that we are made understand rightly, only 500 of 8000 West Indian employees United States on the Cristobal.
of. rect. lady into targets for Rreat weak those correct, although very far from pess, or should say, het e Dentist Howell organizations?
the Canal are members of the West Indian Labor movement perfection. This world could behaviour Which ever one it As a West Indian who spent on the Zone. They are sound ott af ord more than one perfect is, is her tendency to the class.
type, and she knows who that must be HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA room. Everything and may eventually be one is.
Why pay double price would like to service of the Panama Canal, quote judged by the school book.
Learly seventeen years in the updated by the food.
Professor Carpenter. But the ber Christmas Message, Office Hours: a. toip. m, any concentration CANAL ZONE. fail to see any just reason for of efforts to The nauseating remarks about for Interior imported lady may feel that am humiliat you did not see the name, one us from time to time might be Beor when you can ing her by trying to place a mere would have imagined that it was to p.
oust West Indians professor above her; but have written by some Baptist sunday position either in the Republic easily sverted if we would someDAILY or in the Canal Zone. We have proper understanding buy a superior Boer times keep our eyes open; and po bigher authority at present school girl. Not a word that helped to very great extent to the triangular sections of workbetween such as BALBOA for In his Elements of Rhetoric and would make you think that the bringing both places PHONE 1941 BALBOA to what ers Americans, Panaman and half the price.
Englisb Compositics, be says. writer had seen anything higher they are today. We are still West Indians easily reached. If you know what a man means than a catechism. Poor kinder Specializes in all the branches looked opou as on asset by the and it his usage is in accordance graten stuff call it.
of Dentistry. well thinking people of both WEST INDIAN Pool on tha than a to aware of my vers moro STAR th Efforts by place of remain yours, and labor Take

    BolshevismFranceWorkers Movement

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