p. 1


PRICE Cts. Cy.
Detailed Report of Cricket Match At Jamaica at We have in part of feet.
taken the of try praying JUAN FRANCO TO MOROW.
and stood o total it WAS bers of own country.
New York Paper Is CONNECTICUT REDUCED SENATOR STEAMSHIP Bitter In Cathcart Case Presents Petition Pray. Rates to Janaica by Ing For Garvey Standard Fruit And Release.
Says Government Of U: Getting Stoamship Co. Team Defeats Homsters in Hands Of Meddling Old cable despatch from Wash New steamship rates for first In First Match.
ington dated Mareh says: On and third class passage from Cris Washington Birthday, Congress Itobal to Kingston, Jamaica, have man Fisk, Republican, from New been announced by the Standard The Cricket team ar ituo cracks, who were eaming in lo referring to the case of the obstinate opinionated, he old. York, presented resolution Fruit and Steamship Company, a Countess of Cathcart has maids of the kind that tortured authorizing the erection of a local Company with offices to add tar dedamo pola godhe do cias, hotel and Scott who was baiting created id the women as in comemo Cristobal Panama CityThe started to on Wednesday fuelv.
Then Martin me well Unitel Siutes, the New York Massachusetts, and help women rate the valiant services of colored rate vor first cabin is fixed at the Ith under the most ideal AMERICAN of February 19, says. ander the water in dirty ponds in American infantry regiments at this five Dollare, while deck weatherThe Jamaica team. com to his second balioufrom Asih, Captaia Pairfax. Conserva ducking stools, and made unfortu February 23. Congressman Tiok This is a welcome reduction, as it (Captain) S, Chisholn, ing with HeCormack to run for Army, on passage only costs Nine Dollars alisted in Mescla. Ci Morrison, and Lang Charles came out limpive member of Date women some of them in ment, is empus uestion Foreign their breasts, and did all this in the setts, presented a resolution dral lars on first and third class, respee. Morales, Nunes, necesary stand? These two fought proposes to Riley, o. Seott, and B, C, it out till lunch when the position Minister Austen Chamberlain name of Christ forgave ted heurd to do Catheart disea dhe adulterous woman who provided and to connecting cards on Zon tively, less than on ships of other Bar, under the E, he Vigourely declares that there she got this country gor Citizen Counter and the Bog.
was Jamaica 176 ahead with three auspices of the Declaration of Captain Morrison called the coin wickets to go and the afternoon to sin no more.
properly should. be retaliatory Independence Sesquicentennial correctly and decided to bat on alpliy would the CC have Miss Malcolm on wieket that was practically per time to get them out and make the measures on the Europeernment of tyrannical, puritanical.
againotuadesirable Aderivans persecuting, spying, keyhole pepton Branch the National Equal Vacation all and lordy, How many that kould ing, woman beating, man bating. Rights League.
affuet, missing, interfering old fossils, The resolution asked that the Wednesday and put up the handy. Resuming after luncheon three overs passed both men playing Every American ugainst whom sticking their blue nges into every memorial half dollars to be coined sailed for Kingston, Jamica, on of wickets with Rae Among the passengers who some score of 300 runs for the loss steadily then Morales let out at there had been the slightest breath body business.
in honor of the Sesquicentennial of top score one from Astill, and tipped it into of scandal would be excluded These stift necked, straight the Declaration of Independence Maleolm, a popular young lady of Tuesday last: was Mige Mae of 75.
from Europe, and that would keep laced the slips and and missed it!
The match was resumed at 11. 30 Had this catch out a large part of our smart and with their inhabitions, prohibitions, Crested antion All men are this city. She goes on a vacation, the following day with Martin and had a narrow eyed hypocrites, bear the Senator Bingham Miss was a fare Chisholm, the batssplendid chance to metage every run and uch and their trying to conduct the whole counmoney and time abro.
on the long faced lines of a petition of the New Haven, Conn. home of Dr. Fairwen ther on Hammond and Root; bowling from every minute lessen od their chances. Monday night the botton and top end respect. Roy send down two googlies to Steadily the batsmen played Every American against whom sectarian Sunday schyol picnic. hranch of the A, there was the slightest suspicion of For refreshment we are allowed a senatorial investigation in the tively; the remaining four wickets Morales both of which beat him crookedness would also be exeluded weak lemonade and sodden dough case of Marcus Garvey, with a ALL ROADS WILL LEAD Jamaica lst innings totalled 334 Seot but it went for byes and yielded only 25 runs and the but want quite safe Astill beat That would keep out a consider nats; for relaxations we can listen view to securing his release from. THE POPULAR HIPODROME OF able proportion of our sil specu to the dreary speeches of our poli prison. P, B: the 100 lators, stock manipulators, railroad tical Souday school guperioten At 12 27 the C, team went up at last, opencox ed their first innings with Dales ed better for the Island of Rum.
It was now 15 and things look.
wreckers and other milliouaires dents; for entertainments we can and Holmes to the attack of Kilner tempted both Scott who get rico quickly and queerly sing some such appropriate hymn SPARKLETS Morrison and Martin of the home Morales with real donkey drops Mentally deficient Americans as We Want to be Born again.
would, of course, be excluded, und As a matter of fact, we would be team. The visitors batted for the but both of afternoon and at rest back and cut them the that would compel most of our born again, and boro with more for nicely for two ruos apiece.
politicians and public officials to sense, more honesty and more Managing Our Boat. Jake gfficers and ehmen hat our boat drawing of stumper were all out to graded that is slight change of pace and Kil.
of 239 runs thus giving stay at hiome while a ban against grouine morality.
lutely necessary; and also, that for front Jamaica a We have forgotten the wisdom and narrow prejudice would keep mung mem of Washington de hliberality of affairs wenecerlede other people for his service and combicho hubog. sc. Calthorpe led biftoride ca to Kilner and Charley Mor: were now 214 ahead and in the tossing billows of baman more reasons than one, the captain Jamaica a lend of 96 runs in the 1st wereot Scost in receives the bighest remuneration 30 with At 11. 30 on Thursday, the Hon.
two wickets to full political organizaJefferson the most.
Young soon fell to trap, tions webin the confines of their Lincolo.
it only defined annexed a demand oa us to show to the field and they were followed rison and Morales were left last status has been arbitrarily of what a compen country which was created as the steady their boats due As for freedom, it has flown the by some of those who are able to Buz and better Than there are some ordinary Foster of the Jamaica team to face pairs satisfaction we would all cradle of.
those seadanchis, and we are in many seamen in our boat who believe the attack of Root and Hammond and then Roy tempted him with The Skipper made a have in knowing that Europe was whose minds are moulded in the instances rated as ordinary that the captain job is a sinecure, trandling for the visitors, at last governed as stupidly and same contracted channels as the seamen. The question is whether and that the ordinary seamen slow and he was easily stumped, Karl Nunes opened in very fine ridiculously as the United States of miods of our politicamentors and to this we say, Amen; whether we should sometimes be given a chance America SCOTT SPLENDID FIGHT.
masters are allowed to go, or ha style hitting and freeThe plain fact is that the go. Ito come, or to speak or to think, or or have captains, engineers and sea. run and draw have compensation to that of a complained be made o nome yvely shoes It was no exaggeration to say erment of the United States is to net. The rest of us, if we want ne mbesead a buat! say all That through the covers and looked set that scott clever and patient inn getting into of of liberty must import it or go This column is responsible for this a baving it all wrong, as or a big score but returned one to sings at this juncture did as much meddling old maits, and they are abroad to get it, Liberty is now a fair stir of desirable interest by a mutiny among the entire crew, and kick a bit.
condition will lead up to a Kilner off a ball which seemed to as could possibly have been done nut decent intelligent, ferniciar luxury which only the rich can few who are able to recognize the the captain, in devoting his atten: to save the game for Jamaica.
old maids either They are dull, afford. CRITICAL Position. When wickets were falling fact that knowledgedwells in tion to set things right will have beads replete with thoughts of lost control. of the boat, rendering Foster and Chisholm both fell over to the five bowling of Kilner Martin and Scot alone was able to make a SCATTERED LEAVES other men; wisdom in heads atten it liable to be tossed upon the rocks cheaply and with with the inevitable consequence.
Morales hurt it began to seem as if staad, and more over score runs reads over my weekly superficial am no pessimist, fellow country the Jamaican side would be out for and his partnership with the others thoughts, he is bis (BY LINDA SMART. small score, of the Cat have a versell to a perfect, one from simply invaluable to his side. He especially Charlie Morales were framed saerodrome, and some place they own judge to an idea that we take in at least be Tue Air CARNIVAL we are. Ho Kilnerabut which he knew was missed by Bennett off de fairly a The advertisements had anħoune not but the ed that on the 13th March the occasion were kbeled Rest of other men, and thereby his who knows and knows not that he notklig at all. Thea Big Rae went easy one in the. longfield before eily of Colon and nearby towns Rooms for ladies. In one of the is almost inevitable. For instance joining in of opin ons knows is feeble minded nateeds in trying to cut the same truadler, lunch and had this eatati boga hela knows and With Riley in with Scott came a it would have decided the match would move towards France Bled. nerodromes only a kinds of refresh: I were to express an opinion that knows that he kuowa, is wie It bit of a stand but Astill deceived there and then the more sale; dancing behind President Scott came to the rescue of the ball that Sam Whyte of the is of vital importance that we Riely with a Twenty five Railroad brought nearly all Panama city ters along the wallsoda another ployees Association is a great man; the boat, and, for the purpose of rested in Martin and Morales the coaches a palm partition; and lucky coun. Panama Canal West Indian Em Row what is our position in the sharply from leg and hope now ride before iu Barbados and his (Continued on page 8)
and its subarbs, together aerodrome lodged people from the settlements along teresting exhibits, among which that Dalrymple Leacock knows sailing with a maximum of steadi billows, Old Timer Return.
At vbout poter every something liliela insigne looking than most of our musicians and our post and do our duty well. Fire Destroys Plantation for of fasť vebicle motor an immense funnel It is learned from unofficial. Our old friend Cawley chiens be running the greatest portant factor not ouly in this it was really wonderful to see the roof is mirrored, with ycur will be inclined to treat the matter in which we may find ourselves; Ke Las Cascadas High School, and is now attached to the British fowards the Air Station, it at its central portion, and al: day daily is our village, someone community but in any other is sources that the plantation owned known to his friends as Doc, ia by a man gamed Skeen, adjoining Cawley has returned from Jamaica such as part of the population face many times magnified, appear lightly ideas about how at all; he will tonelude but we must first learn to accept in has been destroyed by fire during Pharmacy 10, 115 Bolivar St, where things good faith our position in life; the early part of the week. The he will be pleased to meet his cemented rond still stretebied rib on exposition many aeroplanes of that my boa like across the country; but various types They did not appear and huinan beings are related our best service of is friends and The nerecun but do enormous after yedi, ene terping one another are 100 superficial to therein and thirdly, keep our in the vicinity ei five thousand Doc, still wears his usual pleasand we could not see it on and machines: and yet they seem while another will be inclined to possibilities of life; expect that we given mindsfixed on the higher.
broad smiles, The fire, it is allegad, started to turn instead to the lit le bit of rural air.
on par or less than his better, scenery with its leafy trees and The carnival began at 3, 15 m.
to reach there and not waiting for iamond on which the students President Coolidge occasionale glimpse of running with Grand Aerial Reviews in sometimes seem net to be inclined grumbling about the captain poori le that it might of got away As members of the crew, we luck and chance. The mere ere play games, and it is thought Father Diod.
water. The weather proved reli which forty one planes partimpated. to accept, nor to take kiudly to, position, his compensation and the The death of Colonel John frowned oft toe rom some of the metadable prod. Coolidge, father of Presideat ceruinly, but, more of tra, the sun. ously One by one they were loosed our allotted duties, and we want to honour which is conferred shine was clear and eteady. from their moorings and pusticd be engineers before we bave lare bestowed upon him will not help evloped into an munagable pro re: the surrounding grounds.
States of America, at his home in Anival at France Pield showed off, then each ran along the plained the wiret jub. This will not matters, but instead, tend to be worrions owing to the dryness of Calvin Coolidge of the well for either party for us, tard our progress; as the captain Plymouth, was that a multitude had congregated, was ready to ascend, teported in a semi circular track until When it as individuals or as a community did not only wish and got there; here by cable as having occurred at Tickets Pay your fare here in the general interest of he followed the voly practical way Outing. 10. 41 on Thursday night last How old are you, kid? were ut drifted slanting into the towards the unbalancing of the Il as members of the crew of our m Wesleyan Chureh are prehen boat for it will have the tendency get there hard work, Christian Endeavours of tbe Pawas a sight tered by a male voice; and then, a. they were in. capeilig British Consulate Notice feminine derquired Won you buy a prosta en preadhon fremme tossing bilows. We are all bent it well, our ship will withstand the Vista Beach an Wednesday evening The British gramme? There are just two left disey were do were de rode button to view on working for a descent living, anger of the tossing billows and we next, it has been arranged thai Panama would like to know of the To the background are many the same straining noise with twelve hours out of every twenty with the crew of the other fellows from the church premises at helf Barbados who has been The aviation ground is extensive. they were lowered one by one, with and to do this between seven and will be landed safely side by side basses, take the pl asure seekers whejeabouts of Joha Rogers of (Continued on page 5)
concrete buildings, several steelfour; but we sometimes forget that ships, on fertile ground. past seven in the evening.
Lethmas fo some years, to a to me.
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