
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY MARCH 20, 1926 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands TRINIDAD New Central Sugar Factory.
Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD of lbose ment of strong that Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Discases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
An Alterative recommended for purify.
ing and enriching the BLOOD.
Will deter ibe The annuncement that a large Sugar Factory fit acced by Britieb capital bas been recently opened in Jamaica, will, no doubt Leathil frasb hopes in the breast in tois Colony, who are looking forward to to the establishNew Cet tral factories in Trinidad. It will too, hold out encouragement to those who might be be fearing that the rapid strides being made in the developing of the beet sugar industry in the United Kingdom Capitalists from inves sigaung new capital in canesugar in Trdies. The cotablishment of the Wea ite new Jomalca sugar factory will also serve to call attention to the fact that British Capital and Briush enterprise die doing sometblog to biing about a better state of things in these colonies. trust that it will not be very long before further evidence of the activity of additional British Carital is given in Trinidad and other West Indian Coloples, and bat it will not teveny many years before abundant tvidence is available that British Capitalists can no longer be said to be slow in developing the resources of these possessione.
at iba pesma period murder.
For Sale at all Drug Stores And in Large Quantities by JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy AGENT ap ix Major Austin Retires From Cricket ATTENTION!
Thursday lastnet. died at the or takeg new JAMAICA General Penitentiary to Spaaisb Tiwi struck down the Baperin.
tendant, and the others threaMove For a Direct Line the eyes of the authorities as to muntiny bas opened the urgent need of a prison for to. Motherland.
these habitual erimoals.
Th Guvernment will be question on the subj ct during the The GleanEr of the 8th inst, present session of the Logislative says: Council, and an endeavour made The Jamaica Government bave te get the establishment of the always been adverse to imposing institution mentioned above.
an export tax on bananas, or any of our native products Seat abroad; but the feeling for the Sad Accident at Anestablishment of an independent Direct Line of steamers is 80 notto Bay.
certain big bansas growers bave expressed a willingness for an export tax of say Annotto Bay, March Tbe 20 or 81 per bunch to to be levied awful tragedy which occurred on every stem of bananas expor at about o clock last night has ted to the mother ecuntry so as thrown the townsfolk in a state to assist the local government la lot coasterbation. Much sorrow providing a subsidy for an iode is felt at the death of Miss Shaw, pendent line of steamers between operator of the United Fruit Coy.
Jamaica and the mother country and for Mr. McLeod, It is learnt that the local gor Manager of the Branch of that ernment are in favour of the company, who has baen arrested Establishment of an independent by the police on charge of Direct Line of steamers, and one of the instructions which will be the end event seemed to have Riven to the Jamaica delegation been brought about in this man to the West Indian Conference to per: Mrs. Herbert Ellis and Miss be held in London in May Shaw were golok for a stroll, will be the establisbmunt of and had reached as far as itre Direct Line Service. It will also west end of the Pen Car bridge.
be urged that there shoald be. single seated motor car more frequent steamship com proached the bridge from the munication between Jamaica, other end and somewhat got out Trinidad And Barbados. of control and went close on to the south western side of the structure rnd knocked down the two Boy Shot In Tree Dies swadadien: Mo. Bilis, received somo bruises, Mies Shaw In Hospital. was so badly injured that she died on arriving at the hospital.
The car that orcasioned this Archibald Gordon who is driven by Mr. McLeod. The fatality is alleged to have been alleged, was accidentally shot by driver did a young man named Ceol Green, ing down the ladies, but pot stop after knock on a tree on the Swallowfedd straight through the town in a wenu operty io Bi. Andrew last, says the GLEANER Westerley direction as it 00be aware of the accident.
dying young Kingston Public Hospital early lady takes up by Mr. Biley and oa Sunday morning.
in a car to the hospital Green who was under arrest The doctor found that life was on charge of shooting with extinet, intent, aod was in custody at The Hallway Tree from Thursday Uolied Fruit Company here had manager of the night, was re arrested charge of manslaughter, and win months ago, succeeding Mr. 8, on only taken charge about two be taken before the Court at Hall way Tree on Thursday. As Langlois. He is a young man already stated in the and courteous. in his dealings the accused was employed to David Brown to watch his proMiss Shaw bad been on sick leave for some time, and only and was given a On gun day evening the deceased a of about 14 years of age, and a It is known that she was to be few of his comrades were in the married soon to a gentleman vicinity of Swallow field when from one of the outlying disthey met the accused who had triets.
They went into the Swallowfield property where they all had star apples to Necessity for An Isolaeat. The deceased went on a tree and it is aleged that the tion Hospital.
accused Ared at one of the apples and the bullet missed its mark and hit the deceased on bis right Representations have been unfortunate boy was barried ott Health relative to the argent The made to Board of to the hospital where he was necessity of the Clarendon admitted by Dr.
Mercado, but despite the best once establish an isolation hospi.
medical aid he died, as stated tat having regard to the alarmabore early on Sunday morning ing outbreak of alastrim in the and the post mortem examina: lower sections of the parish.
tio. was performed later in the It will be rememb red that in day by Dr. Grace, Government Bacteriologist.
last week a Gleaner tha state ment was made that the Hon. Smith had taken up the Need For a New Prison matter with the Governmentthat effective ineasures Being Urged.
the disease. The Medical Officer of Health Dr.
The GLEANER has good reason don Board some time ago to esFarquebarson, urged the Claren: to believe that representations bava again been made a proper isolatiou hospiz Government for the establish sal but some how his recommenment of a spearste prison for dation has not been acted on the Incarceration of prisoners Certal influential gentlemen of sentencea for an lodefnite the parish bave now made repreto the period.
Government At present quite a number of that the Central Board of Health Such prisoners are at the General bone prinsipal health authorit, Penitentiary, and it is felt that it Board to at onca erect au 1:0 should call upon the Clarendon is undesirable that first offenders tion hospital. other wise, it is and youths who have not mad feared that the slastrim opidemie up the their minds to lead a career ot will spend beyond all control in crime, sbould be mixed up with these old edenders.
the parish Daring the reigme of Sur Sydney (now Lord) Olivier, the 2000 2000000000 noeg Government acquired a property in St: Oatherine called The TRY Tamarind for the purpose of an determinato prison. the KRONEN BRAU of finance, however, the prison has not been buil; but the disturbance at the St. Catherine ON DRAUGHT District Prison last week when OR BOTTLES a bardened criminal, one of a batch Iransferred from the 000000000 By the retirement of Major Austin, West Indian cricket has lost one of its most coneistent players op big occacions. Major Austin bas clesed his career in a fitting mapper, in a way which is likely to be long a remembered by cricketers. To blm will always belong the howonr of leading West Indian cricket on to that stage, where their claims to test match recoroltlon were considered. It is Major Austin will no longer be gratifying to know that although te available a a experience and wise counsel win be there for a long time to come.
to assist in guiding and direcLing West Indian, cricket in the right direction.
House Rent Receipt Books player, bls rlpo GLEANER, with others perty at at Clifton, ja. Ardure. resumed duty on Monday of tbis boyweek.
SPANISH ENGLISH New Attorney General the gun with blm.
Mr. Macgregor Selected Order Books Secretary and Treasurer for secret Orders and Friendly Societies the Hon. gentleman anglosal be taken to combat the The TRINIDAD GUARDIAN IS Informed by the Colonial Secretary that Mr. Macgreger, Solicitor General, Nigeria bas been selected by the Secretary of State for the Colonies for appointment tas Attorney General of departure from Nigeria is this Colony. The dite of bis not settled Mr. Macgregor who is not yet forty three years old is regarded as a very able man. He has held the post of Solicitor General in Nigeria for about three years, prior to which he was one of four Crown Counsel of the Colony. He has acted as Attorney General on numerous occasions.
Mr. and Mrs. Macgregor are very popular seeially, both being keep golfers and tridge players.
In fact they go in for all social amusements and Mr. Macgregor is known to bls Intimates as Ada bis first three initials.
Th. salary of the Solicitor General of Nigeria, is 1, 200 with a duty allowance of 240. The salary in Tiinidad, approved by the Finance Commitee, following upon representations by the Secretary of Siate that suitable officer could not be secured at the reduced figure of 1, 800, 1s 1, 500.
to the tablish a CAN BE HAD AT.
sentations to The Workman Stationery Store Memorial Service.
ADVERTISE In The WORKMAN it Pays short Memorial Service was held by His Lordship the Blahop of Trinidad on board the si (Continued on page 8)


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