
PAGE POUR TAF WORKM4N SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 2926 CHURCH SERVICES THE WORKMAN For To morrow Sunday, March 21st no MILLION MEN Know the Extra Service in Nggar GUARANTEED SUITS GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted ESPERANZA LAUNDRY AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCE Pablished op Saturdays by Rates for advertasemen on spplies (Anglinn Cou muniro)
WALROND, at the office No. 98 Central von Correspondence on all sites Avenue, MA, de of publie interest invited Fifth (Passion) Bun ay in Lent All copy for publication must be St. Paul Church, Panama PO Box 74. nama written on one side of paper only, and Rev. Niet nede, Rende)
Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of 6m Holy Communion The Roeter One Year 82 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica 10. 15 Thay 20 Six Months tion but as a mark of good faith.
10 30 AP Borbo is seremTree Be We do not undertake to return reThe Rreter.
One jected correspon ence. p Church honl.
No matter who yra are, there a jar Suit for you 30. Chrveneng, mon The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. NUIS and you ll never know how long a Suit will wear Perhe The Rishop.
until you get a Nogar Prday, Chol Rebrarul at 30 pm.
MONOPOLY OF OUR BUSINESS St. Alban Church, Paraiso PRICES. 12. 50 TO 13. 50 CANAL ZONE CENTRE (Rev. NIGHIENGALE, Write us and we will send you further information Priest in Charge about these wonderful suits and have a repre11. Matins, Litany and addrese Business in Panama his within the recent past develop sentative call Mr. Osborne Catechiet.
ed into a magtu le that has set the whole city. thinking.
3p. Church Bobool, No longer is the Cathedral Plaza with its environs the busi7. 30 Chord Everong sermon.
ness centre of this community as it was heretofore. The Rev. Nightegale.
shop doors and living rooms on the first floors of houses of Reading, Pa.
St, Matthias Mission along the entire route of Central Avenue have so steadily been converted into scores of one kind or another that CARTER LAS BABANAS this street has certainly won the title of The Street of (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, Local Representative, Panama Canal Zone District Stores. This situation in the business world has evolved Priest le Charge BOX 1191 ANCON, CANAL ZONE p. Church Behool.
a problem of no slight difficulty. 30 pm. Evensong Business men are encouraged to invest heavily in their exposicios socios line to the extent that no pains have been spared to catch every possible means of speculating. The growth of the St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca business lif has promoted a natural state of rivalry which is manifesting itself in the gorgeous decorations and American Episcopal (Anglican Comexcellent fittings as seen all around Competition is high munio. and the teision of commercial force is at a limit.
Fifth (Passion) Sunday in Lent Such a condition of affairs at first sight might seem to Holy Communion and sermon 10. 45 be a vigorous awakening of the general life of this city. Tbs Rector.
One on viewing the case at a transient: glance would conChurch School p. 30p. Choral Evensong, sermon.
clude that there is a rapid circulation of money, and that Preacher, Chaou Belcher like in most business centres, every one in the community Service on Monday, Wednesday and is benefitting from the commercial and industrial stir that Friday at 7m, Confirmation Clare enlivens the scene.
meeting after service Wednesday But a close investigation will disclose an opposite HOLY BAPTISM spectacle.
All who would like to get their babien Whilst the general sight of the city is encouraging and baptined at 30 amExeter Day are attractive the spectacular far outweighs the utility, requested to send in the neonary The majority of the business men are orientals of information to the Rector on time.
GOOD FRIDAY OFFERING whom the Chinese form the greater part. Orientals are known to be egregiously parsimonious. Whilst they catch All who intend going to Church on AT Good Friday are kindly requested to all they can they keep all they get. This seem to be a life take with them special offering in aid principal with them and the Chinaman is the greatest deof the Jerucelem Mission Remember votee to it both in letter and spirit.
that salvation is of the Jewe.
It is painful to see how these Easterners can control the Mulcare, Rector, business tide and set up a monoply of unequalled force.
They are clanish, brotherly and hyper economic.
St. Barnabas Church, Empito Their monopolising habit is responsible for the excoriMatins and address 11 a. Lay Reader ating rental now charged for business places. Where a Church Sebeol3 pm native or West Indian is doing business at a tolerant rental Evenere and address p.
an Oriental comes along with a rental of twice as much MULCARE Plea in Oh or more to get the stand. Such a temptation can hardly be Sia9 overcome by the houseowners who are all looking for the SS St. Bartholomew s, Church greatest returns and on this account everybody is being LAS CABOADAB.
gradually forced out of this line along Central Avenue by Q000 DOO0000000000000000 these Easterners, who have practically controlled the busiNEW PROVIDENCE NOTES Matine, and address 11 a. Luy Reader.
ness section of the city.
Why pay double price TRY (From Our Correspondent)
Church School 30 Certainly the modest native and industrious West for Interior imported Evening Prayer and address p. m, Indian can not tolerate such circumstances and there is KRONEN BRAU MULCARE, Priest in chancel Beer when you can certainly high feeling against such action.
Farewell to Rev.
But the only remedy for this is a concerted effort buy a superior Beer ON DRAUGHT St. Jude Mission, Summit.
among other factions of the community to organise themsuch as BALBOA for Surgeon, selves strictly for commercial and industrial purposes and OR BOTTLES Holy Communion 30 am. Price half the price.
in Chaige.
patronize their own thereby checking to some reasonable 0000 000DDDDDDDDD000 Ray. Surgeon prached JT MULOARE Priest in Chate extent this selfish action of these peo, le in trying to at New Providence for the last time on Sunday the 14th ist. 3t. Simon Mission, Gamboa mor. opolise the entire business of the city. The time for con at 11 a and The Sacraceite act on along these lines has never been more urgent ment of the Lords Supper was Matine, and address 11 a. Luy than at present. Toerefore let those West Indians amongst admini:tered Academic Censors.
to the members of Reader.
us who can visualise in this direction take the initiative the church, after the close of Church School 30 and set the ball a rolling so that the less fortunate may 11. service.
sermon, MULOARE, Priest in Charyo see and follow. controversy which is at present dividing the Univer from St. Matt. 16:18 latter cause the text was sity of Oxford is being followed with the greatest interest bolla alld my church; and the Wesleyan Methodist Church not only in academic circles, but also by the public sates of bell sball Heroes Of The Sea.
generally. It centers round a statement issued by the Viceagainst it. was one of the most Pansms 11 sad 7, Op. Ros.
Chancellor, who is the administrative head of the University impressive and interesting ser crew of the American liner President Roosevelt in rescu ouring to convert Indian students to Communism, he had memory to all who have listened Wade.
Colon 11 and 30 Rev.
The gallantry recently displayed by the captain and announcing that as two undergraduates had been endeav monde aver preached by Rev Burgson. Farewell services.
Bocs11 Mr. Daniel Kening the ship company of the British vessel Antinoe compelled these undergraduates to sign an undertaking, to it.
after a four days struggle with tempest has led a British under threat of expulsion, that they will abjure CommunAt pm. Surgeon preach Pan well Service. 30 Mr. Tho.
Dedy. p. Rev. Surgan, newspaper to put forward the interesting, suggestion that ism and all its works so long as they are resident at Oxford. ed his Farewell serwone toh.
the League of Nations should issue a medal or some other This action of the Vice Chancellor has been widely criticis. luge congrega ion. His text was Parais 11 am. Mr. 8, Walter form of recognition of conspicuous courage in civil life, led because it is felt that it breaks, a long standing and taken from Acts 20:32. And 30 pm Mr. Reid particularly for heroism connected with the sea. It would, valuable academic tradition which has made Oxford famous now brethren, commend you to God eto.
Friends from the of course, be quite out of the question for the League to as a University where all causes, however eccentric or ex Union Baptist, and the National attended Bapsist ebu robes Baptist Churches lp reward courage in war. That is the business of the nations treme, may be discussed and supported with complete (Under the supices of the Bouthern engaged in war, and it is the task of the League to try and see freedom. There can be no question that the vast majority goodly numbers, and all listened Baptist Convention. to it that never again shall nations be engaged in war on a of the students at Oxford have no sympathy whatsoever to the sermon with rapt attensermon, Colon 11. Mr Georg BowAD; great scale. But the sea, as has been pointed out, is in a with the Communist creed, but may believe that the Vice tion. the close of the sense international, and the rescue by one crew of another, Chancellor decision is a denial of the principle of free Star well address was read by 15 a Chapl in Broken. and was. 11 amMe Gillimore especially when it is carried out at great risk to the rescuers, speech, and on these grounds the Union Sciety, the largest presented to Surgeon. 16 Baptionais. Priod is so nething for which recognition might properly be and most influential students organization, has formulated sonvenir was also presented to Calidonia 11 sm. Dercon Cumof widely. has already in a measure recognised the principle that great the Press, partly owing to the fact that Communism and its obbolt of muhe members of the run by Bryanto Domino Ad.
chureb. address is as Yearwood.
disasters are a matter of concern to it, for it has blessed the dangers is one of the most acutely controversial subjects in lows:Red Tank 11 a. Descon Meloto Ciraolo scheme for relief on an international scale in the case England to day. Broadly speaking, public opinion on this Wesleyan Methodist Church 15 Sareenpt Brink ey.
of such disasters. From that it is no great step to recognise matter is divided into two sections, one holding that Com New Providence, P. Empire 11 Deicou Rosseli; 15 heroism displayed in the face of a great disaster. At any rate munism, if unchecked, will develop into a serious menace Mareb 14tb, 1926. Der con Browa.
it is a pleasant reflection that the feat that has lately thrilled to the existing social order, and the other that the number Het Surgeon.
Gaton 11. Deacon Card; the world involved the rescue of a crew of one nationality of English adherents is so negligible as to be safely disre7. 10 pm. Dese. Rubie by a ship of another, and the fact that the two men from garded. Those who hold the latter point of view will agree Dear Pastor: We the Nee Providence 11 Sapplid.
the American vessel who were drowned in trying to save with the more responsible newspapers who are inclined to of the above named Church der Nuevo. 11. Pastor Witt, British seamen were a German and a Finn strengthens still regret that there is any tendency in our oldest and most sequent on your departure from 15 in. Deacon Merceriano further the argument for some international recognition of a famous seat of learning to limit the thought and discussion our midst for a new fi ld of Mate donde. 11. Supplied heroism that knows no bounds of nationality, of students on the verge of manhood. Continued on Pgae Continued on page 7)
Only First Class Ones Need Apply of the The


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