
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1926 PAGE FIVE Attractions at the Theatres e sale.
OD agree with what ed to polite Wesley speaker, it mach thar, Would bave for Jamaica. at 80p.
o o Che pro Districting.
be Apare, The We wish you health, progress ATLANTIC SIDE CANAL ZONE NOTES and prosperity in the future, and sicearely trust that you will erjy the whole hearted support La Boca Pars Plea for Fair Journalism and the u dlinching devotion and cɔufidence of those am ng whom you go to labour.
The Management Committee of (BY GASKIN)
We bewall your departure the La Boca Athenaeum met on fron us, and we likewise conIn bis No Controversy etion gratulate our brethren in Jamai.
CECILIA AMERICA Saturday evening last and approved definite plans for a variety concert of the 12. Mareh, Mr. Sidney ca who will enjy the benefit of (PANAMA. COLON)
Young adopted tha role to be beld at the La Boca Clubof the your spiritual teaching and house on the 20th of next month, TODAYSaturday, March 20th and TODAY SATURDAY, March 20th little boy wbo hit and ran. His brotherly council, and though Tickets for the concert are already aetion was pacticularly unfale sad, we wish you God speed TO MORROW Sunday, March 21st Evelyn Brent in As usual the society has and unworthy of a gentleman, and as in duty bound we say Marion Davies Altar Mr. Yoong bad decided goodbye. FORBIDDEN CARGO requested the of many of Panama first line vocalists, instrumentalists not to have acy controversy on We ask you to accept this little ZANDER THE GREAT his page, he was under no obli souvenir in kind rememberance TOMORROW Sunday, March 21st and elocutionists and the program Robert Frazer in is expected to be of the usual high gation to pass any at Seture uoon of us all MONDAY, March 22nd standard as those previously given me. do not deny the gentleman We beg to remain, Warner Boxter in SCARLET WEST by that society.
any right, even krant bim the right ba SON OF HIS FATHER.
MONDAY, March 22nd.
biele to be wrong so long It is Yours in the Master Service affairs. It be has made (Signed)
Neil Hamilton in Next Tuesday eveuing the society It a point to ladies at all times, that is tis agree with the TUESDAY, March 23rd Nathan Turner NEW BROOMS will present a special program, the Richard Talmadge in main item of which will be an George Daley business, only THE PRINCE OF PEP TUESDAY, March 23rd address on Florence Nighteagale appears reasonable to me. Bro Markbam ther Gaskin is no gent gallant.
by the Rev. RE. Wade, Fred Johnson House Peters in He might of Superintendent of the Pagama been more WEDNESDAY, March 24th Committee. THE STORM BREAKER Circuit, The Rev. Wado is lady. My knowledge of the Lewis Stone in generally known in Parama meaning of the word gallant is a Messrs. Broome and WEDNESDAY, March 24th, and the Canal Zone to be a THE LOST WORLD bitsbady. But sus Whittaker, both Deacons of really suspect Marion Davies in gifted it is believed kallant is an Editor who knows the Union Baptist and National when Indy has nothing in her Baptist churches respectively, that he will give his bearers THURSDAY March 25th ZANDER THE GREAT food for thought in connection ilk stockings. take it, that this gavo short and appreciative Robert Frazer In remark with his subject Members will 000. Is the Besence of addresses of the high esteem in THE SCARLAT WEST THURSDAY, March 25th, tributeattractive mu ical numbers, gallantry. I refuse to be more which Rev, Surgeon is held Warner Baxter in The Athenreum extends the usual polite to person than that among the members of all the FRIDAY March 26th THE SON OF HIS FATHER cordial invitation to the public to person. and do comNeil Hamilton in attend, subscribe to the turn the other manity of New Providence; and check pbilosopby, though the wished bim God speed, and FRIDAY, March 26th. NEW BROOMS smiter be a health lady. am not ons Gold of labour.
and Bucoess in his new Richard Talmadge in to tackle you on that word THE PRINCE OF PEP The biggest meeting a long SATURDAY, March 27th and Rav. Surgeon (needless to say)
know that you know better; time past was held by the La Boca only a toreigner cr uld make such befittingly replied, and said that SUNDAY, March 28th SATURDAY March 27th.
District of the Panama Canal a mistake. But why do you think bls call to the Christian Ministry Zasu Pitts in Chas Jones ia West Indian Employees AssoMr. Burke bas given me a well came to bim in Colon over 30 GREED THE CIRCUS COWBOY ciation at the Clubhouse on deserved slap on the wrist? can pears ago, and he thanked God the 11th of this month. Secre.
pardoa Mr. Burke, but can set for him the minister yo His people here privilege of no excuse for you. Do you think. toryKing had previously issued special written invitations and is invitations through the Press, The fligrant violation of the rules of Papama for the past five years response was most encourage grammar! Rally, as an Editor. Providence again before Rov.
thought that you to speak, was compelled to look many new members were known that such an expression for many gave promise of around and see if he had died; and, linking He will delle og up with the movebas gained the sanction of usage it is colloquial, just the RuaRee lantera lecture on the in those intervals, lost precious ement in the near future: On the made of. Toe children balt price.
THE MIRROR PROBLEM SOLVED European War, on Tuesday bits of experience for not keeping the 25th the District expects to that is used in jurnalism. Fo night the my eyes on the wizzards of the air, bold another meeting which is to instance 23rd insasion will be Ine price which Event No. Exhibition of be bigger than the one in question; of you used Bat 250. US. Cy. adults, and If you have any trouble with your have literature in my the nominering har bin ic plane tuo is to take the form of a com. which many munity similar to rolls dargerous those the double comparitive was used in ceeds will go towards the repairs and spins were used to hold Mirrors or Reflectors the building made by the heavy machines. some time in the past when the period that saw the best in now is progress. All are asked little spectator, imagining herself common interest of West Iadian glish literatura ture. Listen to Shake to do tneir best and assist in send them to No. building, 12th possessed of the power of employees were discused.
duke of Mulan and this most necessary andertaking, aeromancy sbrieked in the midst October Street, Guachapali, where they braver of it: He is going to falli But even the double superlative most interesting feature of The attention of Clubhouse is allowed. The most unkindest Scattered Leaves. will be carefully and substantially repaired patrons and others have been the lengthy programme, eut of all, It is silly to tell me Parachute Jumping which followed. on the first floor of the Clubhouse was the directed to a collection box placed that cannot fellow this Master also new ones made to order at moderate Among the death defying tricks of by Commandot Watson, head of The most that could have been (Continued from page 1)
the dare devils, were such items as the sald is, You are which they had left the ground; prices. If you want to have an estimate the Colon Boys Instituti cilios being tarred from the plane with quaint.
and they settled once again in a row looking like large winged beas of work to be done, send a card to been opened leaping from the home for the wayward boys of purpose su donations to a new the plane and falling hundreds of feet NOTICE anxious to rest.
who he has for No.
past before opening the parachute; open several year obligated himself climbing was a BROWN contest, to which the plane that one parachute, to cutting it loose, care BE IT KNOWN TO THE end of three minutes was declared attained the greatest height at the Ancon Box 1223 fro oling some more, and then open care have been receiving ing another parachute. When the help the Government of MECHANIU CIRCLE that aviators had mounted their planes, and and prominent residents Brothers Jefferson, Aldarthe winner. The strong yellowish Sixteen years experience in the West Indies, United all they were houses of Colon and take with and Hubert King of the share made it difficult the follow States, Costa Rica, and Panama, work the roaring aviators as they penethem was an outfit of khaki. Which the Canal Zone. For his good Invincible Lodge, No. 24, trated the blue. To the is passed across the chest eye Commander are in possession the and back and around the Watson has recently been shoulders the sun seemed now like a ball of awarded creder. tials from the a medal by resembling like one of silver, and gold, now Lodge of England as somewhat a Panatas, to be presented to bim High life saving jacket. It remains in the near future. The case of the It is agnio like an orb of ultramarine; Priests of the der. It is and as the sight grew weaker the matter of wonder to know how boys is a worthy one and all should further made known that they were able during the risky belp.
in firmament appe red dotted with order to promote the teach scintillating specks, among which moments to draw, from somewhere Inge an principles of the Order, the planes were seen to out of this khaki rise, and Madame Renoo will Interpret Zodiacal Signs out outfit, as also for more harmonious rise, and rise.
the served to working among the Lidges and each week for Readers of this paper break their fall. When npened The tennis tournament of the Districts, all degrees londi The third number was a potato the parachute looked exactly like a La Boca Tennis Club continues.
up to and Incladiog tbe HP. will race in which ench plane was supWATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE mighty white silk umbrella with Every afternoon, between frur and be conferred by them on any posed to gather up its respective the aviator suspended by cords, six o clock, are to be seen many brother, after due and proper flags one at a time, the place March 12 18 support of their subordinates who which he tugged, in this direction fars wending their way to the recommendation, gathering flags and returning The Sign of Pisces, the will carry through their desires and that, so as to direct bis des Clubhouse lawns to witness the the field in the shortest space of Fish.
without question cent, exciting games, Last Saturday time being declared the winner.
As the sign governs Andrew Jackson, James Madison Event No, 10 was a race in a Mrs. King was defeated Elie New Providence Notes Event No was a Balloon Straf Pisces people are great travelers. and Grover Cleveland are among triangular course. 0 0. Mr. Jump who should fing Contest. Small globes of They are inclined to be nomadic those who attained political success Event No. 11 should have been have played early in drehvedek to Williams. Tuesday hydrogen Fere relenerd from the (Continued from page 4) ground, and the contestants endes travel from one place to and if they can afford it will under this sign.
another Their birthstone is the blood. an exhibition flight in the Asplane. Agard met and defeated Neely on Thursday are heartily sorry to part with a possible by directine their are compelled to remain in one Their flower is the violet, which flying machine, The Asplane was to Clunes 2 3, planes against the ballons as they location they are prone to become though unasanming ranks high in aroenbibition in one of the aero Jump beat Elie 0 8.
fpectul and Yrita bile. Restlessness the affection of all. Fuchsis is toy without any visible ichinery. Sewell. The game between Jump dromes This evening Tracey will meet Your ministry during your five years stay with 28 as our The Aerial Gunnery content and dissatisfaction are there worst there sonl color.
Touch a piece of metal on the and Reed, a reported last week, paltor and spiritual leader has which followed, was characteristic enemies, Women bora under this sigo inside and the Asplane flaps its resulted in a win for Jump 06 been an illustrious one, not only for the Track! Track a track! They are modest and unassum should mate with those born in little wings and tail like a prevish la aplritual things, but also in Traekt of the machine guns as the ing but have the dynamic force Cancer, the first of July, as their dragon fly.
things pertaining to the temporal airmen swooped towards their which will anable then to become ability will tend to turn the latter The Night Flying was made Eastertide Activities at St.
welfare, of not only as a mem respec ive targets.
leaders, The bera ot the church, but of the will attain greatest vivacity in the right directicn.
community as a whole; we have assault on a fortress is represented are capable of handling others born in Virgo, the first of Septem the flashlights. The plane danced in Peter s, La Boca Event No. arnsisted of a prosperity in political life as they The men should mate with those fairy like by the reflection from enormous beams, appearing, always been privileged to el jy an improvised structure. Great without giving the impression of ber.
your kind and fatheriy sympatny skill was displayed by the bom exercising undue authority. They (Copyrighted 1925 by Hense according to its changing positions, sometimes like swift moving appronebing Eastertide at st, Among the activities of the bers who made the attack from an will enjoy the confidence and Adrms Syndicate)
star of gold, st others like an Peter by the sea, La Boca, will We feel sure, and it is a fact, altitude of 000 feet, dropping the argentine Musical nurge aerial insect with two antenoal The program will be rendered that the chu ch and community deadly balls which to the observer have en benifined and uplifted seemed only like the overturning of light by the Home Cholr, seveni by your congenial per erosity and of a box of black pills.
There is one experience did famous local singers, and Te.
brotherly love. Many have been Event No. was an aerobatic not get, and that was a chance to pin well known orchestra, now brought as penitent to the mount in one of the flying Inndar the use seat, and th mjörity (at least) pumbar. Two fast army pursul planes were used for the hair machines.
AL stall an enthu. Professor Jelly. The date fixed rectoren have remained due ad loyal to raising feat. Lops loop after THE HAIR STRAIGHTENER siastie navy man kept sorting for the faith. You bava Buy a number for an aeroplane the 11th proximo, and the hday Low Sunde made members in the ordinary loop after loop; sudden mense. but we know that God the earth and daring noo to of direction; diving ticket Every time the wheel tumes for hour WITHOUT AN EQUAL Starting Is 30 somebody, rides! No The has used you as an instrument de sold to women. wonder whyt medium a most cordial in bie hand to enhance the warde zenith, swerves and dishes: Don fail to try it There was however an amiable not only to progress and advancement in tbe were among the daring neronautical skill. Panamanian zirl with appealing voice, who friends, but to the general pub.
ard Christian ministry, who sat rear to me of France Field taken from an treat. The price of admission picture to We assure you that although during this number. must have we will be absent in body one mi sed many hart bent, Ve!
aeroplane this afternoon?
from another, both yourself and Vel Ve e e he would exclaim, No Special Combs or Hot Irons Required.
Bat would rather hear the im body. Don forget the day and family will alwaye bave our and then remain silent. As oftea as pressons of some gentleman who the hoor April 11b, and 30 devoted posts he uttered the surprise and ceased was lucky enough to get a ride.
Colon, agalast we build Eveut ing Calling Panaburines tired 10.
Grand of the legal thighs, What Is Your Fortune?
mous parachute enorwhich you.
on every band.
Contra Crespo for program nose ticket were Rector extends through this displays of ay to all bis me on lwooker, will be within the reach of every


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