
British Finance And Commerce.
Peter Ogden Day.
408; MN some Ruth Good tobacco speaks for itself the world over PERH Pain Enemy Peter Ogden Day was celebraterl by several Lodres of the Grand United Order of Oddfello at Groves Hall, ia ea on Sunday evening, 6th inst, the entire cele bration being under the auspices of the Lily of Paraiso Lodge No 8714 The Sister Lodges which took part were: Paarma Patriarchy No. 223. Chamber No 82, Housebold Council No 409 of No 961; Household of Ruth and King George No. 9017, The chairman for the evening was Brother Hokler ol 9017 who in turn sppointed Brother Francis as Master of Ceremo ies.
The special address on Peter Ogden, founder of the Order, was delivered by Btother R, wa.
kioson, PGDM; the balance of.
the program being devoted to addresses from representatives et Sister Lodges.
The musical numbers were sup plied by an orchestra, while a choir under th directorship of Mr.
Sobers of this city rendered anthems, Ra reshments were served after which a very pleasant fune tion was brought to an end.
apparent possible SLOAN Liniment le proclaimed the world over beleg Pain pretot enemy Multitudes of people recommend it.
Rheumatie aches and paine Instantly obey its command and disappear.
It penetrates right to the more spot. No need of rubbing.
It does its work thoroughly.
Give it trial.
One bottle will convince you.
At all druggiats and dealer.
SLOAN LINIMENT ot CPAINS ENEMT Chesterfield DR. HOFFMANN has transferred bis clinic to 87 Central Ave. upper floor of La Mascota in front of the Alcalde Entrance between La Mascota and Preciado Book Store. TELEPHONE 991, cost. be return SETTES at Up to date Jewelry British Consulate Notice The British Congul at Celon In every form can be seen would be glad of information as to here at its best See our the present where abouts of Alexander Watson, native of Wrist Watches, Jamaica Bracelets Diamond Rings What everyone is and a hundred other adornsaying ments and you ll recognize why this is the LEADING KRONEN BRAU JEWELRY HOUSE in town superior to all ask prices and you ll find still another reason. imported beers an cial THE BEER loss. But Fuller Jewelry Store (BY ROBERT MACKAY)
The severe depression in many of ibe great basic industries of Great Britain has, pot ionataralIs, tatoed men eyes to the secondary or minor Industries of the country. Many of these are in a state of great prosperits. bets have experieboud adversity, due to foreign computition, aided by the real, il temporary, advantage of a depreciat iag currency. But while is tsa matter of much difficalty for the British Government to attord Study the tobacco or trust aəsistar oe to the basic Industries pour taste. Either way bowever pressing the come to Chesterfield ERHAPS the most significant proof need, it bas been found of Chesterfield superiority of taste to render some help to love is the fact that smokers who try them swa er, but, in the aggregate, so lass important. trades. Otier once are so likely to hold to them perAmong such assistance may be manently.
the measure of protection For it has often been noted that while afforded by the Safegurriok of dustr es Act. It is not prosojourning in the United States, smokers posod to discuss this Act hera of all nations have not only come to but werely to point out that none of the tudustries so far och dulad prefer this distinctive cigarette in its for its protection is in the nature homeland, but have actually carried barie industry, that preference with them into all corThe belo afforded to these nors of the earth.
secoodary Industries by the ove Government is not, however, Truly, such popularity must be contined to those most open to deserved.
foreign competition. Many such indusviis are Aurishing, but tpore is always room for expat sloo, aud the best way to extend trade is by advertisement. Ad.
vertisemeat costs money, aud judicious advertisement can always be relied on to bring returns more than csteriag iis The may Dot bo immediate nor always Sirectly traceable to the expen CIGARETTES oltare, but it is pretty sure to materialize in due course. In 1924, ard again last year, the British Eunpire Exhibition Wembley was in the nature of a mammoth advertisement of the achieyements of British indusManufactured by LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
try. The Government help. to fiaance this exhibition to the tune of bundreds of thousands of pounds. Never balore bid there been so large scale advertisement of British Indus.
trial craft. In the barrew sense Exhibition resulted in farfrom the point view of the British manufacturer tbere a little question but that the exbibition will pay for itself SUPPLIED BY many times over. Such a display cannot bus result in favourable repercussions on the trade of the country that stages it.
Yet it may be questioned.
whether the return for the money expended on the Great British Empire Exhibition will be proportionately as the infoltely smaller som tbat the Government has allocated is brewed from the best to the British Industries Pair.
The very magnitude of the materials obtainable former enterprise may perbaps bave defeated Its purpose so far Individual and secondary trades are concerned, What may It is specially suited for this climate bave been a stimulant to lodastry as a whole may not have been is superior to all imported beers sold 80 effective in relation to the separate trades which went to here and it sells to the public at be making of that whole. Be Chat as it may, the much ss HALF the price.
ambitioug but very practical British ladustries Fair, by the selective nature of its exhibits, is calculated to bring to the TRY OUR NEW BEER firms partielpating therein an exoellent returp for their, and the Government s, trouble and expens, The selective nature of the exbibits at the Fair is due parily to accident and partly to design.
The first British Industries SUPERIOR TO ALL Falr was organiz in 1915 dur ing the war. For this reason it specializad, as it were, in certain Qaises classes of goods whleb bad largely been imported in pre war years from enemy countries. Thnse goods were mostly of the lighter, or secondary, type.
and prominent among the ex.
niblts were, and are, to be found edilary ships and earthen silver and electro plate, ware, furniture, papar. Biatlon ery, printing, books, faney goods, aporta goods, This year, for the first time, have Of every description been added two new sections.
Toe wireless section is a new feature, and at the time of writing been arranged for, covering space of about 5, 000 Coquare feet. Clothing linelading the Important and growing divl sion of sports clothing) also forms a new selection.
All arraogements are now AT THE complete for holding the Fair, hieh, as show analil be ener in two sections in London and in Biriniogham. The larger, or Londoo, section will be boused ia the ll known White City is jepherd Basb. The Birmin.
The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
great as KRONEN BRAU 122 Catral Ave. Phone 629 Notice to Correspondents.
Contributors and correspondents are asked to read in their contribu. WILKINSON tions not later than Thursdays to asure publication. This is impera.
tive and must be adbered. Contractor and Builder Rent Receipt Books In Span Ish and English for sale at the House No. 20 Workman Printery 28th NOV. STREET, gham part is chlefly devoted to SAN MIGUEL the wares for wbieb that elty le amous the world over. namelyP. Box 411, Panama, P.
bardware and Ironmongers goods. This seere bedard some: Plans and Specifications Free Falr has been pat forward what, to meet the convenience of buyers, and it will take plaes from 15 to 26 February. All the First class Workmanship Roods shown will be British goods but again for the first time, not Satisfaction Guaranteed confined to those originating in ibe British Ieles. Thus the products of the Great British Pomi.
plons India, Australia, Canada, FLOWERS de. will be shown, with other colonial wares. besides those Abogado. Attorney at Law from factories in the United Kingdon.
OFFICE: No. 44 ST.
In order to make the Fair as BOX 36 PANAMA CITY widely known as possible. the British Government this year TELEPHONE No. 1377 allotted 25. 000 to advertising the Palt overseas. In the news Practicing before all the courts of and trade journals of the Republic since April 1914 every country adver tisements have appeared. Eten wireless has been known. More prac dical, perhaps, is Is the personal invita ion sent to past and HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA CANAL ZONE.
thousand invitaitons have been Office Hours: a. to 1p. m, spective overseas buyers. Fifty sent to such atd, what will doubtless be an attraction to to p. some travellers, the British DAILY Government is issuing free visas to buyers from abroad.
PHONE 1941 BALBOA final word as to the method Specializes in all the branches of business at the Fair. Admis.
of Dentistry.
sion generally will be by invita tion, and, while no money wil pass between buyers and exhibi tors, orders will be booked The Fair is essentially business proposition. The general public Why pay double price be admitted only in the for inferior imported evenings, attar o ench Beer when you can 30 that business men of all countries, came to see what British buy a superior Beer manufacturers can do in certain such as BALBOA for lines, will be able to transac balt the prico.
business in the most comfortable circumstances.
practically ever prenned into the service bat baca Dentist Howell ing the JOB. PRINTING and prohave DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH dav, WORKMAN PRINTERY


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