p. 1


Morales of the.
of the over With dows off the fifth and Nunes played the DETAILS OF PLAY ran of VOL 14 No. 33 PANAMA, SATURDAY, APRIL 3, 1926.
BOMB SCARE FAIR AT Annual Liquor Bill In AT DINNER Great Britain Goes Up When Prince of Wales Formally Opened By Was Guest President Chiari Increase of 60, 000, 000 for Year cable disputeh from London Practically the whole of Brilliant Batting By Homesters Now Ending Lord Askwith Be sation Mon Tue Wed in the days in the seco Panama city moved out to the Wednesday night when lieves Nation is Soberer, but Why? ing a banquet is the Hotel con past few days, and expect to piece of fireworks towadura Penonome fair during the And Visitors Terminates Match In a Draw.
where Premier Baldwin was speak be gone for at leist a week or ing, had a squel in tna Bow Street more. The Fair was officially London Cable despatch quotes the New YORK SUN Police Court to day, when the The third and last match of the Nunes ran a single off Calthcrpe as stating that despite the intensive propoganda work of young Irish mun, Hugh Daly opened on Thursday last by the British Drys, in which a wealth of American dry who was arrested at live Houel His Excellency President visit to Jamaics was first, it being sin duy nivel from Statistics has been used, it is estimated by some leading re, plosive substance at persons with the occasion was a brilliant auspicious circumstances, fine Astill relieved Rort at the top charged with throwing an ex. Chiari and it is reported that commenced at Sabina Park at 11 30 boundary by Axtatl, Marsles playeu. yesterday under the most out the rost of the over. of year ending on March 31 wint record an increase in Great internt to do grie vous bodily harm 3ne. After the formal opening day, perfect wicket and a crowd end, tikraistepped his tempo was arraigned Britain annual liquor bill of fully 60, 000, 000.
After the arraignment the case cial inspection of the His Excellency made an offi fully representative of all Jamaica alone the second and eut te nest fair marked the first day. played cut the over.
At the same time, however, convictions for drunken: The Magistrate refused to free grounds and the exhibits disness are expected to show a marked decrease. But instead Daly on bail saying is tight be a plaved Jamaica opened well, the sering It was now 12 o clock and the being fast for the major portion of score 41 for no wicket, situation, many are doleful, contending that there are played in the kitchen of a hotel on ated for the festive occasion opinion and the score of for single off the second from Astili of the drys being jubilant over this acpect of the liquor very serious esse. Daly was em The streets are gaily decor the day but somewhat slow towards drove the fifth delivered to the the end, Still that was a matter of s)
Suthern boundary and played the Nunes ran several menacing factors which must first be taken into Fleet stre consideration.
On the same night as the Hotel with banners and streamers four wrickets, was considered remarkably sood start.
and Moales kept down the rest Jeniency toward souses has much to do with the nation Cub where the Prince of Wales cant of the appreciation of to a fast and breezy innings for 62, pu on to bowl at the bottom end.
In the first place. It is stated magisterial and police Decil bomb starr a sim lar incident stretching across and bearing 83, ccurred at a dioner of the Irish appropriate mottres signifi Nunes played a fine game for treated tha spectators The Hon. Tennyson was soberer aspect. In the second place, it is feared that many was a kurst, In this case uo wever the people of Penonome of Unfortunately he was taken near relieving Calthorpe. Nunes got consumers are becoming steady and accomplisned drinkers, the mornide the hero was partea centrala the efforts made on behalf of boundary in attempting a six of single off the first and abve was ene bomb made from particularly the growing army of motorists.
box containing moistened calcium the aspiring town coupled Astil, Martin, although ill, carried added oft tne third. Nunes brought Realizing that heavy fines and possibly imprisonment carbide.
his bat for 65 while Holt ia fading 50 on (Continued on page 8)
on the tins a shot through will follow conviction för driving while under the influence light was taken at 57, steps for two and plavet out the of liquor, it si said that thousands of motorists, after sizing Among the interested spectators rest of the over, Astill up their alcoholic capacity, keep within such limits, thereby LARGEST CRUISING SHIP VISITS in the afternoon were His Excela as in Morle was drive hurt lenev the Acting Governor and so the off side but nothing passed crinking steadily instead of sporadically.
members of the Legislative Council, the fielders. He tagd a single Of Great Britain 10, 000, 000 families, fully 9, 000, 000 are not on the water wagon. Lord Askwith takes the stand The MC, On the last lap of a 30, 000 mile globe trotting cruise, 11 33 the umpires being Major a pretty one to boundary througa took the field at last of the ovar. Morsles e it that the country has become notably soberer, but even some the Empress of Scotland, flagship of the Canadian Pacific Cox and Humphrey. Jamica the slips. Astill bext over was a nyson first for one and Nunes 404 Stanch drys today are contesting publicly this point of view, Fleet and the longest, loftiest and widest vessel ever to have opened its inning with maiden.
saying that while drunkenness may be somewhat abating, drinking is not, and that the improvernent in the figures for circumnavigated the globe, docked at Balboa yesterday Nunes and Morales, CalKilner was put on at the bottom She is the third thorpe started to bowl up and and relieving Pennyson. His first afternoon with 410 passengers aboard.
drunkenness is partly produced by the high cost of liquor Fmpress steamship, owned and operated by the Canadian Nuretes played by the second Hand over was at puido Morales got and its present low alcoholic content.
Pacific Line, to call here on a world cruise since that Com curned the next to the leg boun: Kilner sent up his second over to Astill in thnext Over The Aberdeen Town Council which in December deci pany began conducting its own cruise three years ago. dary, and played out the ded unanimously to have no liquor at civic receptions revoked this decision yesterday. The Glasgow Towa Council o clock this morning, transit the Panama Canal, arriving at top, Nuges took one of this a third swerve but Morales kept tibam out The Empress of Scotland is due to leave Balboa at the over. Root was put on at the Morales which was a maiden. The deliveries were slow and with a is still dry, but some wets are being accused of following Cristobal at p. this afternoon, and sail again for Havana with another, Nunes playing out muuden over. Kilner esmo up again and folowed suit nicely with the American practic of carrying hip flasks at receptions.
at 11 o clock tonight. She will arrive in New York on the the rest of the over, Morales tried a drive off Cal recorded. Nunes plaed the second and yet another muiden over was SPARKLETS Since leaving New York on December 3rd, sailing east. thorpe second but it was smartly from Astill to the southero boundward, the giant liner called at Madera, Cibralter, Algiers, nelded. The next he placed to the ary and played out the rest of tha Monaco, Naples, Port Said, Haifa, Bombay, uez, Colombo, leg boundary with a pretty sbot. over. Kilner again Varied his de Thanks to a colleague. Mr. Usaiane for having given the Unit. Padang, Batavia, Singapore, Manila, Hong Kong, Shanghai, He kept down the rest of the over liveries to Nunes a Morales who played Elis, stenographer note. ana the ed States fites e seuns of contio. Beppu, Miyajima, Kobe, Yokohama, Honolulu, Hiio, San Roces hautes each was stopped. as he was oven to the drouehehe service, Francisco, and Los Angeles.
last of very manly part played in help uous and conscientious a leg bye and Morales ing a lady by purcha ir from her they sent me over the road on played a ticket, good for a trip over the strictly official business, as an As almost a third of her passengers are British the the last op het over, which waxed boundary Nunes got one off Astill in the slips. Mourales was very maiden. Four byes were recorded entire length of the Panams Rail escort of a corps of dinlomatic and largest contingent of British subjects ever to circle globe loff Calthorpe second delivery and bearly taken in tryiog to hit a lob road to Colon and return. All coasular representatives the ship will continue across the Atlantic from New York to from Astill but it dropped short of these mercies led me to take a ride Back to the point. waonged to Southampton, where most of them boarded the vessel on Boundarya e Hile collowed this with the fortales notes the bon through the slips to on Father McDonald hit first six of of the which, oa Sunday morning nose in the road from anyone dining en completing the nath of November last. They will local daily lent by have crossed the an easy one and Morales played day off Kilner over the southern loit the railroad station in Panam Mr. Burke of paleozoic fame. Atlassic three times before returning home.
the last of the over, Nunes booked boundary und was lustily clieered, at 10. 30 reached the Atlantic City precisely McKenze masterful defence of is distributei over decks, though only six are being used played the next two and ran a neat Nunes put Astill through the slip en punta, and Messrs. Whytn and Clan Passenger accomodations on the Empress of Scotland Root first to the leg boundary He kept down the rest of the over.
11. 50; and allowed me their respective to one off a turn to leg. Morales to beuadary. He tried a fine cut off organizations for the cruise. Three of these decks have promenades played out the rest of the over the third alivery but it couldn å most eleborate and in against RAG aad SAY pointers entirely circling the deckhouse, the only sea going vessel Nunes esting program arranged in immediately drew a deep. and got a fine drive pass Holmes. The rest of the over Tearso constructed nection with the laying of the took a hurried The vessel carries a crew of 521, including by Murales was smartly picked the turned the cornerstone of a question of the two leader. 44 officers. She is 699 feet long and 77. feet wide, She and returned.
Kilner broke the partnership it another dediented to the sip the two principal leadersiip has a speed of 18 knots with quadruple expansion engines. Girst from Root to les for two with his first tu Morales who playservice of God, and, las ly, to re among west Indians on the Isth Her gross register is 25, 037 tons, and her displacement turn to the capital, leaving Colonius Then, acting in the capacity 37. 500 tons. The vessel was built at Settin in 1905 as the cury to the leg boundary. He was no the fourth for one and Morales at p. and making the return disinterested arbiter, 77 31 trip in one hour and fifty minutes, that on the whole the leadership of Kaiserin Auguste Victoria, but came under British regisrer played the fifth. The last he left At 12. 45 Scott went out while not construc in London in 1922, when she was re christened the Em well alone, Calthorpe next over lovr the UN od account of recent press of Scotland.
a maiden to fill the vacáney He stopped the while waiting to give the regular uvely frora Paname a chance to page happenings, come into its own She previously made four cruises to the Mediterranean, Root sent down some fast ones second delivery from Kiloer and sifely and not having in due course of time; and that the over to the northern boundary. Continued on page 7)
by ont. Casey Jones into the that of the A is when she proved herself particularly well adapted to cruis. to Morales who drove the last of kept down the rest of the over unknown on Sunday evening like unto a serious attempt to ing service. Her public rooms are exquisitely appointed.
wou all ar: happy and gay. seek knowledge as to the The dining saloon can accommodate 430 persons at one Mv scciale partners across the relations between the subject and sitting and is decorated in the Empire style in white and EASTER MUSIC MEMORIAL SERVICE Isthinus were a pencil, a writing its predicate, after being thoroughly, gold, the furniture being of mahogany upholstered in red pad and a voungster who, appar and how they are co related.
the parts of morocco, The main lounge is of Luis XVI period, with ently his first trip to Colon, up Now for the fellow RAG His the furniture done in satin wood. The large ball room also Ar St. Paul Chucrh on And Fareweli Moeting set my stream of thought at less five minute intervals. as ramblings show a horrible lack of is done in Empire style the walls being of inlaid satin Low Sunday, April 11th. At Colon Wesley Church had io inform him each time perspective, let his other idiosyn wood with ormolu enrichments. The smoking rooms are whether we are not now nearing cracies alone, and while he does decorated in Dutch style with oaken walls and ceiling The Easter Musical programme not actually display a On Easter Sunday at the Coloa to Colon got rid of bit al trogressive tendency, his ability to beams, enhanced by old ship lamp of the hanging style. of St. Paul Church in this city Wesleyan Church, there will be a Gatun when a lady on opposite ber shoes which she had removed his subjects is rendered conspicious of green and white and equipped with wicker furniture, are the Sunday after Easter, Law Sun: members who died since that grabbed and started 10 retic co ordinate the essential parts of Two winter gardens, both decorated in a treillage scheme will be readered by the choir. Meinorial Service ter all those day. at If one is convinced that favorite rendezvous.
Easter immediately the train our firone Panditer, and others Pealed an organization is contincendio his Of the passengers, the eldest is 83 years old and the The Panama Symphony Orches Jo clock there will be held a At the night service at 30 ing for their bags and baggage.
support because he believes that youngest nine. The average age is 48. 17 years, and 57 tra willcontribute several classical Farewell preaching service by Since leaving Jamaica, Sunday and ito acrimonouso discussions per cent of them are of feminine gender.
it is working the good, Rer. Surgeon last happened to be my second hand The Empress of Scotland will make the world cruise Rich Anthems; appropriate to O, pussday the 6th inst thera comfortable ride in a comfortable and the bullying of its leader are railroad coach; my first was when, bisouly objections, it is his duty again next year.
the Seasop, are being prepared by will be a Farewel Meeting held five years ago, had gained the to stipin and BAWL EM OUT.
It is estimated that this floating palace will pay several the choir of over thiety. yoices; and weg members will take leave ot confidence of some noble hearted (Cortinued on pgae 8) housand dollars for passage through the Panama Canal. Continued on page Contiaued on page 8)
Moth them at in enup was without reas new Catholie of The score plus ten minutes which was a ogs, with be burled in proper speech. than a total rely weak.
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