
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY APRIL 3, 1926 interesting News from The West Indian Islasnd Poser: XXSCO TRINIDAD Successful Agricultural Meeting.
seosex0000 Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD 1820 Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
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FROM WEEKLY GUARDIAN The Arima District Agricultural Soc ety neld a very Suocessful show recently. His Excellency the vernor who formally op. ned the show thought that it was of great importance, and promised to to do everything that he could for the encouragement of efforts of that kind. His Excellency bas thus riven great encouragement to those who for years have been holding the view that it was best for the Agricul.
tural interests of the Colony that shows should be beld regularly at popular centres througbout the Colony. think that each District Agricultural Society should be et couraged to have a show evury two years or there. have always regarded it as bluncer to put an end altogether to the practice which existed in fermer years of holaing an Agricultural and ludustrial Exhibition for the whole Island in Port or Spain. The bolding of such an Exhibition in 1927 or 1928, would, ain of Opinion, prove of great value to the Colony in many ways, and would certainly act as a great stimulus to interest in agricultere.
15 about.
RossxSO For Sale at all Drug Stores And in Large Quantities by JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy AGENT Ibe this and provokea ingly. Il NEW K, ave ATTENTION!
Child wes and JAMAICA will have to be planted out in this product owing to the steady increase of Panamá Disease. In the Condemned Man Is meantime, due to conditions with which we are perfocily well able Saved from Gallows to cope, our tobacco industry is steadily perishing.
Those conditions are the increasing importaSentence of Death on Percival tions of cheap cigarettes wbich Paimer is Corrmuted to Life produced in mass elsewhere, can Imprisonment be dumped in this country to the grave detriment of the local tobacco industsy.
MURDER IN MANCHESTER. Figures here with submitted, and which our Ass sociation ab: At a meeting of the Privy Couo tained from Messrs. B, B.
cil this week the case of Percival Machado Tobacco Compsny, Palmer, the man who was recent Limited, show a very serious y tried in Manchester on a diminution in the cumber of charge os murder and sentenced cigors and cheroots manufacto be banged, was considered.
in country Palmer was ebarged with the last six years. The decline has murder of Norman Bruce in a been continuous. Thus in district in Manchester two or we manufactured for local con2, 0092. 000 (in round three months ago. He was in sumption dicted on the capital charge at tigures) cigars and 3, 627 000 the Manchester Circuit Court be cheroots. In 1925 we fore His Husur Mr. Justice tared only 788, 000 cigars and Brown on February 4th, the case 050, 000 cheroutz. This for the prosecution being con obviously due to to an iccrease in ducted by Mr. Colin McGregor, popularity of cigarettes as comActing Assistant to the Attorney pared to cigars, and if the inGenerel, while Mr. Mr. B. crease were to the benefit of the Rennie, defended the prisoner, local cigarette industry there having been assigned for that could be no call for interferance.
purpose by the Crown.
But cur Council finds that while At the close of the case for the the sales of foreign cigarettes prosecution, Mc, Rennie made an mount steadily, those of ine local able defence, on the ground that cigarettes are falling off alara accused bad been process continues bad consequently committed it can only be a matter of a short the act. The jury, bowever, time wben the Jamaica tobacco brought in a verdict of guilty of industry will bave almɔst en murder, and His Honour passed tirely disappeared.
the death sentence. Jamaica has recently secured, the case had been fulls Empire an increased preference in company with the rest of the Cord by the Privy Council in the Mulher Country on her this week, His Excellency the Actiog Governor and the mem tobacco products. But an iodustry like this must a bome bers of the Coupell came to the foundation if it is to develop; it decision that the sentence of his death should be commuted to one has also to be remembered toat of lite imprisonment.
the cigar industry depends to a coosiderable extent on the cigaPalmer has been removed from rette industry; the tobacco is the condemned cell in the St. xrown for both cigars and cigataken to the General Penitentiary cigars enter into the prod action District. of the to serve his sentence.
SBS the cigarettes. Taerefore it the local cigarette industry declines and perisbes b:cause of Accident At Railway forete am competition, it will be quite impossiole for Jamaica to Yard Ends Fatally take advantage of the English preference, and the English market with good brands Daniel Blain Injured by Wall of cigars at prices which will Falling After Engine Had enable us to compete with the Cuban and other cigars.
Heavily Bounced It.
Oar Council feels assured that His Excellency the Governor, DIED IN PUBLIC HOSwhose interest in local industries is known, will agree that it is PITAL.
very anomalous that while this country has been with success for a protected market The HERALD of the 20th inst for its tobacco products in states that on Thursday aftercoon land its tobacco industry should Jast an accident occurred at the te swiftly declining hera be Kingston Rulway Station, as a cause of the cheap toreigo com.
result of which a Railway em petition. sort of thing ployee named Daniel Blaio died would not be permitted in any in the Public Hospital from in other country, o in which he received. the United States and Canada freight shed at about 32 long since protected their tobac when a wall in the goods shed co industries efficientiy. nor in was partly demolished, an engine Cuba or Porto Rico Porto Rico baving come in contact with it. has today a great tobacco indusBlain, who was employed in the trv, although not better endowed Way and Works Department of than Jamaica with tobacco lands.
the Railway, was working close on the contrary find that to the wall and he was badly in ualess is done to jured by its collapse. He had one remedy the situation we shall be of his legs broken and sustained without any tobacco industry injuries. The unlortunate nate worth the name in year or man was taken to the ha rital, Oar Council wo would where he died at about o clock suggest that the Government ald therefore on Thursday night.
should protect the Jamaica tobac Yesterday a post mortem ex co industry by beavier import amuiation was preformed on the duty than is at present imposed.
of Blain by De. Grace, the This duty should be bigb enough Government bacteriologist, and to prevent the devastating cheap his remains were interred yes competition of the dumped for terday afternoon.
eign cigarettes. It should aim frankly at protection, as does the Canadian tariff on foreign cigars Jamaica Tobacco In and cigarettes.
There can be no loss of rey con dustry enue to the Government. The Jamaica cigars and cigarettes alLetter Sent to The Government ready pay an Excise Duty. An increase in the consumption of by The Jamaica Imperial the native product would mean Association, a larger amount of money paid by tbe industry as Exise Duty, THE FOREIGN CIGAAnd as it is certain that, no mat: ter what this duty may be, there RETTES.
would always be a certain amount of importations of cheap foreign The following letter with re these would make up for the dimcigarettes, the higher duty on gaad to the Tobacco Indastry of inution of revenue on the numJamaica has been sent by the ber of cigarettes imported.
Jamaica Imperial Association to the Government. Jamaica is is not only a country Notice to Correspondents.
with good tobacco lands, but it is Contributors and correspondents probably that, some of the lands are asked to send in their contribu.
hitherto devoted to bananas, but tions not later than Thursdays to ducing a Gne quality of tob. ccoltive ad must be adhered.
Bupply There was quite a representAtive gathering of members of both branches of the Legal profession at the Fall Court on Tues.
day last, wben Mr. Child appointment as was read. and, be was moved to the Ioner Bar. The Chief Justice, and Mr.
Acuing Justice Savary, congrat: ulated Mr. Child on the honour which had been conferred on was called to the local Bar in 1908, it is a fine record that after seven teen years practice. he sbould have silk contetrred on him. The LA honour is richly deserved for from the earliest days at the Bar, Mr. Child showed that he had a brilliant career before him.
bi During the years that followed by strict attention to his duties, and sense of devotion to the better interest of his clients, be maintained reputation wbich be bad won early and so placed himselt in a commanding position among the leaders of the Junior Bar. He bas a bright future before him, and wish bim continued success.
House Rent Receipt Books that agitating Whet SPANISH ENGLISH in Egg a try, crtainly not ATTORNEY GENERAL SALARY RAISED.
sur le at the Order Books We something or two.
other Secretary and Treasurer for secret Orders and Friendly Societies The Legislative Council at its last meeting increased tbe salary of the Attorney General to 500 per annum. It speaks well for the sound sense of the Unofficial side of the Legistature that three was no necessity for the taking of a diyision over what at one time looked like votes which would be seriously contested. Whatever little opposition was rsised on the Unofficial side was also vigorously with met with crushing replies on that side, so there was no necessity for the Government to defend what was by then, if not before the obvious.
Action such as that taken in connection with these matters on Friday last will lead to responsible opinion abroad maintalning its respect for the Trinidad Legislature. The electives the last session with a fine record for discharging their responsibilities worthily, and thev have begun this session well. They bave given convincing evidenca that taken as a whole tbey stand for ordered progress and stable government.
body oto CAN BE HAD AT closed The Workman Stationery Store BETTER LIGHTING POSSIBLE ADVERTISE In The WORKMAN it Pays Now that the City Corporation and the Electric Company have settled the City Lighting Contract, residents in certain local.
ities are looking forward to the lighting of their streets belog improved by the erection of additional lamps. It is a fact that a large number of streets and Continued on page 7)

    Death SentenceSpain

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