
British Finance And Commerce.
Laken For Chesterfields, only the best tobaccos will do WHERE ട Chesterfield up minates Sul Up to date Jewelry CARETTES two per British Faircy, of 1921, railways Dany THE BEER tional SWIMMING Be Prepared More Records by Walter for that Pain Spence You can stop excru.
ciating pain instantly Three new world standards if you will only apply were credited to Walter Spence, SLOAN LINIMENT the swimming ace of the Brook lyo Central Swimmior Sloan Liniment is Club, as a result of his performpain greatest enemy, ance against time in a 220 yara and is backed by 40 years breatstroke swim at the Bronx of success the would over.
Union pool on Saturday night February 6th Six oficiai It is an invaluablo remAmateur Athletic Union timers edy for clocked Spence during his swim Rhe Sdubia Spesce planned bis time scbe Sore Thr Bachache dule so that be would comp Sprin Brais, the 22J yard distance, swimChen Stif Neck mior breatstroke, two minut It penetrates right to es 48 seconds. So well did be the seat of trouble, carry out his schedule that he warms and soothes the came through in only one fifth nerves and tissues, banof a second out of the way. His ishing pain.
time was 48 5.
Th Try it now.
Th: Brooklyn Central swimAt all druggists and mer created the first mark of bis dealers.
race at the 220 yard post The new record 18 minutes, 32 35 seconds. Ribert Skelton, of tn SLOAN Illinois Athletic Club, held the LINIMENT former mark of 35 10. It (PAIN ENEMY was made in St. Louis, Mo. 00 July 2, 1925.
At the end of 200 meters, Sper c9 cracked bis own international standard of minutes 52 seconds, which he made in Brooklyn, April 8, 11925.
Spence new mark is nearly five seconds faster. 47 5.
Continuing his fast pace, Spence was timed minutes 48 seconds at the 220 yard mark. This beats his own world mark of The latter time was made in San Francisco on April 24, 1925.
In every form can be seen Earlier in the week a group of here at its best See our bibition in the 60 foot pooly Wrist Watches, an exthe at Perth Amboy. Wal ter Spence swam fifty yards breast, stroke, against time ho Bracelets cha flat, thereby breaking the former national record of 32 5 Diamond Rings made by John of the IIlinois ia Chicago, in 1923. and a hundred other adorn. At the forty yard mark, Spencements and you ll recognize registered new metropolitan record of 23 35, but it was why this is the LEADING upofficial He already holds the JEWELRY HOUSE in town record for this distance, baving ask prices and you ll find still covered it it 02 5 last year.
Spence also set up a new naanother reasonrecord the 300 yard 49 5. The former of the Illinois 122 Catnral Ave. Phone 629 Johnny Weissmuller record of Spence also tried to better 18 for 40 failed by three tifhs of a second; M, WILKINSON but bis mark of 18 5 made a Dew International Contractor record for the distance.
and Builder Why pay double price House No. 20 for interior imported 28th NOV, STREET, Beer when you can SAN MIGUEL buy a superior Beer Such as BALBOA for Box 411, Panama, R, half the price.
Plans and Specifications Free withdrawn from the compensa.
tion referves by all the railway. First Class Workmanship combined.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
It is pleasant to turn to the record of the Southern Railway.
This railway alone maintained last year the dividend it for pala 1924. Being mainly a passenger FLOWERS carrying line, the Southern is not so greatly affected by Abogado. Attorney at Law fluctuations in trade, But there is more than that in the reason OFFICE: No. 44 ST.
for this system relative pros BOX 36 PANAMA CITY perity We suggest that this is TELEPHONE No. 1377 in part due to greater enterprise The company with the assistance of the Gov. Practicing before all the courts of ernment guarantee of new the Republic since April 1914 new capital raised for this purpose under the Trade Facilities Act (surely one of the most useful employments to wbich that Act has been put) has been engaged Dentist Howell in constructing the largest suburban electrified system in exsistence. When complete the HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA the total milexe thus operated CANAL ZONE.
be 647, a large part of which Office Hours: a. to p. m, is already in use. The chairman of the compeny is undoubtedly to 6pm justified in anticipating even DAILY better results from electrification in the near future.
PHONE 1941 BALBOA To sum up it may be said Specializes in all the branches that the railway chairmen are in of Dentistry substantial agreement that last year was one of the most difficult in railway history, but that confi.
dence in the future of the com.
pantes is unabated. The great DR. HOFFMANN administrative e ditticulties assocl has transferred his clinic to 37 ated with smalgamation are in a Central Ave. upper floor of La Lair way to being solved, and re Mascota in front of the Alcalde venue augmented in such a way Entrance between La Mascota will be reflected in dividends and Preciado Book Store. long before the Compensation Fund is exbausted.
lo a modern industrial county the two chief forms to transit are by sea and by railway. How long this will remain 80 is an op. questioo for the last two decades great advances have place lo motor road transport and in commercial aviation But, as things stand at present.
one of the best ways of gauging The final test of any cigothe volume of a country trade rette is its taste. On this basis, compare Chesterfield is by the study of the earplogs with any other of the world of its mercantile marine and its cigarette railways; and we have DOR an opportunity to consider the latter by perusal of the annual reports of tbe four great British railway systems wbich bave THERE does Chesterfield gets its just been made public.
spicy tang, its delicate piquancy of It may be said at once that, all arorsa? From costly Turkish tobaccos.
things cousidered, there is in these reports Do grounds for And how does Chesterfield get its melregarding the futare of the low fullness and its satin smoothness?
British railways, bor, by this By skillful use of the right quality and token, British trudewith riving. On the other band, there just the right quantity of choicest North is no occasion for rosy optimism.
American leaf.
According to the Chamber of It took no end of patient experiment to Shipping, marine freigbts durtog 1925 tell to a lower level than blend them correctly together. But was at any time since 1920. At the end of the year they it worth it? Just smoke a Chesterfield were ten per cent lower than at the begin and let the good tobaccos speak for themning, Nothing like this decline selves!
bas bappened on the Buitish railways in the same period. One of the reasons for this is in while both marine and railways receipts depend on the reflect trade, the former more bound with external trade than the latter. As a matter of fact during last able expansion of the country year there was a considerinternal trade, This tas shown CIGARETTES itselt in the ra. lway figures, fur blind tbough there has been a decrease in revenue during the year, this bas atnounted only to cent gress and 51 per cent ner.
Before dealing furtber wi. Manufactured by LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
She railway year, it will be useful to remind ourselves tbat, by the Railways Act Loun when existing were amalgamated into four large companies. These These were named, roughly, after the districts they served and are. In order of importance, the London, Midland and Scottish; the Grest Western; the London and North Eastern; and tue Southern Rallway. Also it must be stated SUPPLIED BY that the Britisb Government whe went when releasing the railway systems from war time control gave the companies a sum of about one hundred million pounds in compensation for loss of revenue during that control. This Compensation Fond.
as it is term it is te ed, was given to the companies in part ror tbe purpose of assisting them to pay dividends dorlog the period of transition, and it has played a large part in railmaterials obtainable way finance of the last few years.
Taking the earnings of the Big Fcur railways there are one on two minor railways in London and elsewhere wbich we is superior to all imported beers sold may disregaru. we find that their gross receipts amounted to here and it sells to the public at 210, 700. 000. This is a decrease of 4, 100, 000 on those for the HALF the price.
previous year. Against this loss expenditure has to some extent been cut, economies having been efiected to the extant of 1, 800, TRY OUR NEW BEER 000. As total expenditure during the year was 178, 500, 000, there has been a decrease in expenditure of one one per cent.
Tue net revenue of the companies Was 41, 600, 000.
As was to be expected, the chiet falling oft in revenue was, SUPERIOR TO ALL as in the case of British usb sbipping, of wineral tratte (chief by coal. Those companies which. sesso Sex like London ero, normally handls a largo coal. bave suffered Last year loss in gross receipts was mainly in respect of goods and coal, being 2, 700, 000 of the tutal decline mentioned above, whilst talling off in passenger trattic accounted for less than a million.
The cbiet line bandling coal, the London North Eastern, was the most hard hit in 1925 of all the British systems, for on the top of a loss on coal traffic alone Of every description of over 1, 000, 000 in 1924 fur.
ther decline of about 750, 000 was sufiered for this class ou traffic in 1925. The result was that this unfortunate railway order to pay dividends even at reduced rate on certain categories of its stock bad to draw beavily on its Compensatioa Fund. Nothing more strikingly AT THE illustrates the snifting nature of Industry than the fact that owing 10 the depression in the coul trade the Railway aboold la the last three years bave withdrawn from its Governmens compensation money more than half of tbe total anou medier, som being clocked to Fuller Jewelry Store The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
is brewed from the best It is specially suited for this climate KRONEN BRAU lo respect of EastSo shown by this line most JOB. PRINTING will be DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH in WORKMAN PRINTERY


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