p. 8


OUR SPORTING. PAGE Last Sunday Kaces SPARKLE S UV WSWİMME BESA To Morrow Races THE ATTENTION race a Friendly Societies and Secret Orders IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS Suitable for Lodge Business யயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயய. Workman Stationery Store the wrse Races! Races! collaborator ruary for (Continued from page 1)
Small fields mark the eight Last Sunday was one of to races to be run at Juan Frangood days at Juan Frares there At least that is the way feel was a bix crowd and theight about it. This is no time to our co Park tomorrow afternoon, racee arranged by the Pianhives to look and always keep OFthe feature of which will be looning on the ugly side of things, Jockey Club furnisbed the fif:h event. seven furBreat and end excitement and erjy met them as screens over our eves and and to muster bis and throw For fastane Jickey Jimen lungs between Bolsheviki, pretend not to be able to see real Cicero, Jully Fellow and mou on Burlesco, tbe oue reliable bet on loeal tort but sh things. We beling to the butt Pierrot. This race will carry Lied for the past season been nud not to the groups olul purse of six hundred back for some reason or other, 45x8 or invertebrata. Aermomous dollars.
so beat Bult and la over five discussion, may result from bulThere will also be match furlongs, pying bis backers 11. lying or vise versa But the greater can easily upset race of one mile between 40 on Fach Arands rook Pierrot ani Columbina.
cia over seven furlongs atue the lezer. If the fundamental or bead of. ber field, beatit. Rinbasic work of an organization is The cards is as follows: Mora, Revoltosa and the rest of considered good, ingenious work Six and one half furlongs them, and pid ber backers 27. men can back off the bad spots purse 150. Ruso 126, CanaleWith tne 10 on each 2; and in the last when they appear.
wood 126, Dictador 110.
race Candlewood, with Schultz WIEA, the employees are up, led his field to the post over the workmen RAG ideas about Four furlongs. purse 150 frur furlongs sod paid 12 00 on things on the whole ray bu faulty Roamer 126, Barba Roya 122, dach on the top, and cou bau in langZapa 118. Almirante 10. Hope Jockey Arands was the star wage that does not bear the ear.
109, Honorino 107.
jacksy for th day, bringing in marks of a college professor, but Six furlongs purse 3359.
iuur wingers and two seconds; they do carry some steam in the Blandina 130, Mi Pollera 123.
while Jimenez is credited with punches. baving ridden Pierrot to victory! Before closing ask permission Dad 121, Araucana 90.
avar the one mile stretch in which to apuex the intell gence that AT. THESix furlongs purse 300.
Mi Piters, Cateiti and Marcela bave read SA s ommnt on Pres: Reina Mora 126, La Vittoria also took part.
ident Whyte defence of the policy 118, Meddler 102, Belle sauThe results and recount of progress of the Seven furlongs Linda (Aran SAY has taken an vage 90. Typ Sergeant (Gonzi 2) equal stand as that, it is underSeven fvriongs purse 650 Candlewood (Moore. To 40 stood, which the Workman, the Bolsheviki 125. Cicero 108, 25. Pool paid 250 and 80 on critica presumablyer referred to compagnan ang nananananana CA ANTIGA AD UN gagnan abangan an nga ang anu and analoog Jully Fellow izo, Pierrot 215 inner the sec took in Six furlongs purse 200.
ond horse.
early stages of the re organization of the Association, Renown 126. Linda 121. Top Four Furlongs Z wa (Arsoda) Caribe (Jimen 2) Repulse Last forget. notice, in making Disaster at Sea Sergeant 102, Candlewoc 90. Moore) Time. 56. Pool paid her roines. chat our lady member Six furlongs. purse 300. 40 and 250 00 the second whow have successfully tempted Ocurrencia 123, Santa Cecilia into the field of journalsın, bus borse and 10 on tbe ubira.
Narrowly Averted 111, Novicia 102, Altanera Four furlongs. Ocurrencia recently been banding around 100, Revoltosa 90. Arenda) Reina Mora (Schultz) luwers to the boys. While a waiting direct West India Cable des natch from Cape Town dated!
Pool Dald 20 and 50 on the to extend across the great Araucana (Jimer tz) Tima. 49 y turo, take this Isthmi Mareb 18. sates that a disaster winner, 30 on the second borse waterway a bearty bandshake to at sea was narrowly averted yes! Final Test Match and 6, 10 on the third borse. Miss Liuda Smart, a most worthy terday when a wireless S.
One mile. Pierrot) Jimenez) whose literary con contemporanejus brought a rescuing sbip in tim Ni Pollera (Escobar) Marcela now be looked forward to under contributions may JUAN FRANCO TRACK to remove the passengers and (Cortinged from page Moure. Time 40 5. Pool Scattered crew from the burning British play of batung rarely witnesse Leaves in in every Sat Steamer Paparoa 400 miles paid 30 and 20 on tbe win urd: Miss Smart, it is learnt.
morning iss ne of the in these parts. North west of this port.
The bowling wer and 90 on the second TO MORROW The Paparos, vessel of Holmes dod till evuld not be un lerweisundry, hanges yes borse, will be contributing, at intervale 4, 980 tons, left Liverpool, Feb displaced until thes had ear riedl Five forlangs. Li Vittoria articles for the edification of wo Sunday, April 4th, 1926 20th Brisbane, Aust(Moore) Colonense (Aranda) men, but in the meantime will deralla. The fire broke ont in No. perturship bad yeted 827 eng tbe score from 168 to 495 the Justice (Escobar. Tiwe 102 5. vote her efforts ou subjects of bold, the hunkers became ignit of which Astill was responsible Pool paid 00 and 10 up the general interest, and at all times ed and the flames spread rapidis: for 156, wben he was caught by winder, 10 on the second be fully prepared to defend despite beroic efforts of the Rae nf Fueter. Score read 495borsa and 20 on tbe tbird. her position, against all comers, crew. Distress calls brought Seven furlongs Novicia (ABritisb Steamers Barrabool. DU. Reina Mora (Schultz. and Aeneas, Kilner was tbe next man in.
Revoltosa (Moore. Time 28 NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES ben racing to her assistance. The aod Campbell started Pool paid 27. 10 and 6 Races For Imported horses Barrabool took oft the pas powling from 1b north end. Off winder; on the second borse sengers and crew, and the Pa the last ball of th over Holmes and 10 vn the third horse.
scored a single aud 90 passed (Continued from page 4)
paroa was abondoned.
and for Native bred Ponies Hammond R card for the tour.
Five urlongs Burlesco (JiHomes and Kilper each took. menu) Bolt (Myton) Olls (Es often the better party, for thus cuba. Time 02 5. Pool paid blessed to give tban to receive.
saith the scripture, It is more of Cattipteil and then WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE Asleep in Jesus.
in anothe: single, put up 11 40 on the winter.
Acta xx: xxxv. Messages from the five hundred out of which Fuur furlongs. Candlewooden he be bad scored 212. Holas women leaders of Look (Schultz) Chiqui (Arands) thoughts are publiebed from This is one of the familiar terms a single oft Foster and then apo (didalgo)
AN AFTERNOON OF EXCELLENT SPORT used in connection with those Kilner drove him to fon Pool paid 12 and 70 on the year to year in various news papers and periodicals, winner and 90 on the second those messages are and dear ones of earth who are so often really excellent csten by Holt received taken from us by the cold hard of of brought ahjut the the nismissal of corse.
with mach popularity.
death. And such is true of Sister Holmes. The batsman ndeso At Easter time a different Everybody will be there. Don miss it. Eugene August, who died in the oured to reach bis 250 with 23rd of last month and was buried big drive to the sout bouling aspect is witnessed folks seemes the next day.
First Race Starts p. Sharp rather dull and depressed, esscreen MEMORIAL SERVICE.
dolt jumped latu tba Mrs. August was a member of air and got one hand the ball.
pecially those who wear loop faces and black garments on the Nazarene Christian Church, He failed to hold it. to bufora is (Continued from page 1)
Good Fridays.
and she may be mentioned as one rescued the ground ne gou bl Messages from ADMISSION: ibeir original pastor who loaves leaders of thougbts are absent of its Charter members. She was other hand to it and this time is aly known as one of the oldest stuck. Holmes bad scored bis to take up work in the teland of trom newspapers and periodical, Jamrica, wbere he bas been as if Easter is of little importance Grand Stand Field Stand 50c.
residents in the Guachapali Dis runs is oasterly fash on and su trict, which cammunity has missed be returned to the pavilion ba transferred to them and to tha world.
a good member 89 given a great oyation.
Daring his term of ministration On that memorable Friday we: the Rev. Surgeon basen: when Jesus Christ laid down flis Mrs, August was a Jamaican score was then des red nimself to all with whom life for the redemption of the and spent almost her entire lifetime 510 244.
he came in touch. Sincere FAIR AT.
in this Republic. She died at the Kilner bad pine not out and devout in all bis drali xs with human family from the thraldom EASTER MUSIC.
age of seventy years, and it aturapy were the drawn. This his flock and even others outside of sin and iniquity, His lagt believed that she lived fifty of watch was also drawn, be commanded a respect rignitying that the great transacwords were; It is finished. Continued from page Continued from page 1)
these in the Republic. Her burial and reverence, befitting Lis Onlin by the ing and has left the impression or prices on the recompenten wandelinge snecial feature will be a quintette wish the first official visit of Rev John Oneal of tae above Baptist Churches good all of fully in which boysthe friends and nam The WORKMAN takes this prominently It is stated that in line with sympathizer: joined in showing opportunity of wishing the Rev. The two nights immediately Lovers of good music and all the opening of the Falr, the their sympathy by following her (Under the suspices of the Southera Keudew au and bis beloved family followed were the darkest the friends who are familiar with the Baptist Convention. God speed in their new fleld of world has ever seen, and ever high musical reputation of St. dedication of the new electric last remains to its last resting place the Herrera Cometery, Color 11. R. Gregory.
will see Then followed the Paul choir are invited to hear plant will take place. This 15 pm Rev. Jordon.
brightest and most glorious day this programme, marked improvement to the Chorrillo 11 Suplied 15 com.
the world has ever seen, when little town will lend splendour Pastor Witt: British Consulate Notice on that first Easter morning, our Lord Jesus Christ tore away Musical Program, and briliancy to the fair and The Panama Canal Heavy Calidonia 11. Pastor Witt, 18 will be a public utility for the Business in March, Donove Cricks.
man royal siga manual and benefit of the inhabitants.
Red Tank 11. Deacon Crooks, The British Consulate General at sig et over His tomb, burst the You can afford to miss the 15 Descon Yearwood.
Fire hundred and six comPada ma would like to know of the bars of deoth, and rose tridimo program to be beld at Empire 11 and 15 Den Wher enbouts of John Rogers of pb atly. The mighty Victor over St. Peter Shurch. Lub Boca, on 6006 Bluod Tablets safer than mercial vessels and 12 small on Molatooh, Barbadoe bo hae been all His on the Sunday the 11th Inst. It is to be 606 Money back guarantee. launches passed through the Gatun 11 Mr, George Bowigaa Isthmusfer some years.
and consider the importance of will be there.
Let us pause for a few minutes a real musical treat. Everybody Price Particulars free. Welch Panama Canal during the 15 Mr. Duffice.
Medicine Co. Dept. Atlanta, Ga. month of March, and paid Now Providence 11 supplied our Lord resurrection from the dead, and wbat it means to each 2, 206, 212. 20 in tolls, 173. Pueblo Nuoro 11. Mr. Galli.
DOOOoooo 000000000 and eyery one of us; and it we Elk Lodge in Panama City would be eisen with Him, let us 483, 00 less than the record more 15 Mr. Minto, Why pay double price Initiatos 26 Candidates, Matta Redonde. 11 a. 8upplied TRY seek the things which are above.
month two years ago. The for interior imported Let us not talk profanely, act daily average transit was KRONEN BRAU wickedly, or visit places of ili On the night of March 26th, Mt.
Boer when you can 16. 32 and the daily average repute this Easter Season; and Olympus Lodge, No, 559, Havo you tried the tolls collection 71, 168. 13.
buy a superior Beer let us make it a real resurrection O, initiated 26 Candidates as ON DRAUGHT new Boer with Jesus Christ, for Big will applications are fast coming io, it Such as BALBOA for OR BOTTLES be the glory and the bonor; and is likely that not less than fifty Rent Receipt Books In Spen half the price. Kronen Brau our will be the joy and the entrants will join the racks of the Ish and English for sale at the 000000000000 blessing Herd, in the coming month.
Workman Printery EXCITING RACES le 156. Diogenes, on the nen and bore and fold paid.


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