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PRICE Cts. Cy.
Black Cross Navigation Ship Sold at Auction th: tain wbich are. It is home. B public other ON YEAR FAREWELL Colored Race Wants WORLD TOUR SERVICE Captain Gilfred Knight To Rev Surgeon at Colon Steering Committee Makes Pleasant Call. Wesleyan Church. General Goethals Re We were pleased to tpeet Captais On Tuesday, the oth instant. Says Cleveland Herald ExhortGilfred Knight of London who was very uching farewell service was presenting Cost of 287, 000 a distingl ished caller at this office held in honor of the Revd, ing Separate Groups to Get Knocked Down for 25, 000 on Thursday last, passing through Surgeon, pastor of the Wesleyan here on his to New Zealand, at.
way He Together Is on a year tour round the Among those who spoke in su world and is out from England just perlative terms of the beloved serv.
The General Goethals was sold at public three months, during which latter ant of God, were the following: auction by Marshal on Monday, March 29, at pier 75 place be arrived tere a few days he Bretan. Gregory e o nosion pro caud con about the need of all that we years for will not Revd. Bovnton, of the There has Justice, Opportunity, and foot of 35th street, New York City, by virtue of a writ of ago venditioni exponas for 25. 000. The inmediate cause of Britisher, quite genial and affable Burke, of the Christian Mission: men declare that there is Be that a part Captain Knight is the typical American ble Society; and Revd, race leaders. Some of the breth come as long as we are so far sale was libels by shippers for non performance of contract He was for six years connected Many of the remarks were touchanimalrace leader The in regard to freight which was to have been shipped to Mia with the West India Committee ing with tenderness and others buite many there wearer bel ce doubt selfstyled leaders of our race threat mi. Mr. Waite, of New York City, bought the ship. He Circular of London, as Assistant were quite pathetic. Fortunately, but thar as the weaker race in Am. ens to beach our bark highland mia len they are cross wavigation and Trading company Secretary under. Algernon, there was present the Revd. Bere come among our: Adrienne while the complete hindariure dole we need some kind of callous indifference 19. 000, an amount which was still owing, and, besides, had calip knight is mo la herbal media Western the Superintendent of this selves, to guide our ship during optimist to curses Good and drive.
no slacker as he Wade, made an outlay of about 000 in connection with the his bit during the late World usual wealth of humour. added the stormy days of readjustment chartering of the vessel last September.
War sering active service in France nere and there a lively note to The estoppage of injustice is not As the ship was lost. to Negroes on the stroke of the from 1914 to 1920, when he was stem the flow of of grief, bombed erurse, to talk a one man affair; it is the bus.
in the knee and invalided auctioner hammer, Messrs. Sherrill, Bourne and Carter, Addresses were offered by Mr. about how well we have done in siness of the united brains and Kinvimouth the past witout a steering combrawn of the face, and the sooner officers of the Black Cross Navigation and Trading Company, exchanged sheepish glances with each other. They go the large number of West Indinus same tima souvenir from the We have no past of He is creatly impressed with Choirmaster, presenting at the mittee, as is herein advocated we realixe that fact, and get toout of office on March 31, ousted forcibly by the people. he saw here and is of cpinion that mmbers of the Choir; by Mr. and happiness to look y plenty gether, the sooner we shall accom.
tack upon plish definite results, There is no more dangerous, What thoughts were theirs as they beheld the tragic climax with a united from our people Moodie, who presented a purse in As we look back into the ng to their mismanagement, God alone can tell. Membes of the should be a great force in this te doen in more the parishioners and midnight of persecutione; and eysto be the do abandon our. Mr. Fred fight for justice than.
admirers ematic. which we minister, ote, Mr. Levy Lord and Mr. Burrowes, also Mr. the Tivoli Hotel and is travelling in Capt. Knight is quartered at endured during the years of our. The depreensing whisper, Hush, Revd. Surgeon was visibly moved struggle for freedom, we do not re. Hush. should have nic place in William Ware, Mr. Craigen, indefatigable secretary of Company with a Maria Baglungon when responding to the various solve, God helping us, that the our vocabulary. We must bring the President Committee: Mr. Balfour Williams, purser. of the Marquis or Curugen Fey expression of appreciation Hehe dawn of our tomorrow shall be the facts of your perser ution roue bright?
and Mr. Foulkes, third officer, but no one would have expect to sail tomorrow for New culled his bovh od in the city of into the light, and point out the thought any of the one group were acquainted with the Zealand (Continued on page 8)
We should realize that nothing ostrich like attitude in which this can be recomplished if we continue ccuntry continues to pose, as it other. great gulf seemed to divide thein the gulf of the to form groups, ench of which pulls turnis a deaf ear to our plea for disispation of hard earned thousands of dollars of the peoin a different direction. Equal Equal Rights.
ple money. While, accentuating the situation, were two SCATTERED LEAVES dozen whi e meni, come to get the ship for the proverbial (BY LINDA SMART)
song. Evert Nolan was there. Nolan, the white gentleman GOLD DEPOSITS SPARKLETS who led Messrs. Thompson and García, of the Black Star Easter Concert And Musicale at The America Discovered In Interior Do Uuto Others as You Line, into the lal yrinths of buncombe.
The Passing of the Goethals Theatre, Colon, April 4, 1926.
of Panama.
Would Thoy to You The story of the passing of the Goethals, is briefly told. The ship was doomed a month ago. But leading up ment given jointly by the Atlontie time there was a pause in the sing mated to he larger than those whatever he undertakes to do; The Easter Sunday entertain continual chewing of gum every Extensive gold deposits, esti One meets with opposition in to Monday sale are these facts: Orchestra and the St. Agnes Guilding.
The Goethals was chartered by Mr. Stafford. of Christ Church by the Sea, was Ine chorus, which had been ably the famous Rand Reet in Africa, there are always ppusing forces Jr. last September. The charter was canceled by the Black half past two sharp concert, accompanied on the piano by mr. are reported from London, Eneland, created either by man or nature.
Cross because of the charterer inability to meet certain which began at pm This delay, Innis, was followed by a violin oder ve been diersvered by Human nature is fundamentally stipulated payments.
cochether with the oppres ive heat solo, Legende. by Mr. Clauss, Calderwood, British minanz unstable, in other words, mania of the afternoon, kept the waiting Notwithstrading the tumbling of been prospecting here on a large his lot, Enters Mr. Anthony Crawford. The ship was freighted aud the stage or less scale on behalf of British financial spends his entire netive life fightwith cargo consigned to Miami, Florida. Crawford, agent It was, therefore, with great this item, and which would have that of the Black Cross Navigation and Trading Company, acting mercholensole change their opening underved alzas capable player, the interested heralderwood has not ing or opposing his fellownen in Gernan violinist continued calmly for the Oversea Navigation and Trading Company, of which greeted This was played by wie to iqterpret his piece. In ackaow some form, either for good or evil.
It is stated that concessions to But without opposition some he is president, becomes the new charterer. The shipper Atalutic Orchestra in its uniqus ledgement of the fervent applause exploit the Panama mines have sort, it is believed that there would cargo remains on the boat, even though, as admiratly law good style.
secured and backed by a be wł ich be received, he turned with bee This or no progress.
yers have advised, taking off the cargo and notifying the Rev. Cooper, the chairman cousinued calmless to the audience British syndicate, including Solly instinctive characteristic of man, to oppose, on the other hand, sets bim shippers, when the charter was canceled, would have pre of the ocassion, followed with a and rewarded then with blue eyes Joel and Sir Alfred Mond.
short address in which he express full of thanks.
at some dis dvantage, as it works cluded suits for non performance, toward the end of the fitter, ed the hope that all present would The Atlantie Glee Singers were survival of The rest is a muddle. The ship is announced to sail. find the afterooon programin next on the program ne. The group Send Out Thy Light, by the to survive there must be the inevitthe fitiest.
But it never sails. There are reports of impending sales as Lenten duting. He begged them to as Mr. Facey Mr. McClean, more distinctly sang than their for refreshing after the strenuous in loded euch well known vocalists Atlantic Glee singers an almost general Jisregard The rights of the weak, and as and ward off the sales. But a ship without a rudder is at enter correctly into the spirit of the Mr. Lowe, str. Savage, Mr. first, and afforded muy the mercy of the waves. The inevitable happens. The cially of the refining influence of Fernandez me. Lindsay, and cultivated voices of the singers.
ennobling art of Reid, Mr Stephens, Mr. opportunities for appreciating the far Mr. Toomas, They sang a part General Goethals, bought for 100, 000, now classical music.
he is of Following, was the trio, William able to see, there representing 287, 000 of the people money, is sold for The Orchestra, then rendered the ang entitled Gipsy Life. which Tell. by Mr. Clauss playing appears to him no likelihood of the Overture Italians in Algeria, was well received by the audience. the voilm, Mr. Cyril Lawrence except we maintain that there 25, 000 to a Mr. Waite.
getting rid of the weak; But Mr. Sherrill, ousted by the people in convention, applause.
which merited and received copious cornet solo, by Mr. Lam with the violincello, ant is bert, followed. It was the popular Handel Lawson at the piano.
ahsolute truth in these words of is slated to address certain misguided members of the New York Division, bondholders many of them, on Easter SunThis number was succeeded by piece Carnival of Venice, the Mr Cyril Lawrence is a very soulful Alexander Pope: One truth is day. Reverend A: Westan head of the New York. Division, Prayer which was beautifully in privilege of being a musical instru: as on other occasions, when he ing force with force, but am by addition to the the did not appear alone in any item, have an intense belief ia mºetan unhappy mortal in open revolt agrinst the leadership of terpreted by several ladies, mem meat, the cornet has the knack of could have reaped Singly the equally against the musterior of a the Hon. Marcus Garvey, is Sherrill friend, you see bers of the St. Agnes Guild. It is not always that choruses are a 26 there dimples where, to all volume of applause which always preponderance of force by the strong Truly, truth is stranger than fiction.
success but this group was able to with a view to utterly destroy the British War Ship to Visit Cambridge Examina the efforts of the followin: officers The next item was the sacred medal elocutionist on the Isthmus, state where he will not be able to Mr. Alfonso Fereira, first gold weak, or to hold him down to a tions 1927 of the Guild much credit is due for ssng, Oh Divine Redcener, by was next on the programme, and help determine his lot.
the success of this number: Revd. Mrs. Keeman. This singer name he was effusively welcomed. He There is an inseparable tie wbich Cooper, President; Mrs Daisy has appeared on many Jistio uish recited in this natural style and binds the strong with the weak, The sloop WISTARIA The syllabus for the year 1927 Lawren. e, Chait man; Mrs. Blanche ed programmes on the Atlantic accustomed will arrive at Colon en debes 15 has already been received. The Lawience, Vice Chairman; Miss, side but believe that it was the grace the amusing the intelligeot with the ignorante Aurelia Unfortunate the rich with the poor, the fortunfor will leave on the 23rd April. for liminary is now available, and some Cumberland, Treasurer. If a guy wholly coloured had the pleasure. time Young Young Man. by Mark Twain.
Belize, British Honduras, and after of the requirements for Junior and This was followed by a cornet ate with the unfortunate, the white man with the black man, as in Gray. by Mr. each case the stronger in the po Bubmitted visiting Cienfueges, Santiago de might be offerr d, it is of listening to Ler. In the beauti solo, Ne old song was presented duct of the weaker; bence, the no.
that uniformity All those interested may com appear to be in ful Eastar song, Mrs Keeman was Jose variations, through which it for word he: base at Bermuda on the 20tb municate with the Local Secretary able for ud pleasing defect dipens addition, she gave erexreful May She is commanded by Com The Secretary is also wiling to menstrations by groups. If all the siou to o each utterance, such as not time to time. Mr.
Joseph, at home or directing injunction: Do to mauder King. S.
are store booksellers prices and ad singers in the chorus bad worn the many of our singers do, lieving on the violin and the cornet, was others as you woul them to do to of book sellers of some of the blue and white which seem to be thot interpretatioa is only for on this occasion, as always, works which are recommended for colours of the Guild, the harmony recitations, very Intolerance seems to be one Regular Meeting good. He was accompanied by of the use when uppermost preparing for the exami would have been complete in every This number was succeeded by a the Orchestra product of the majority of our The Isthmian League of nations. It must bowever, be detail. It might atso be remarked Coacert Waltz, played by the The next item was a song by Mrs most prominent or fortunate West will hold its regular meetidgin Pa clearly understood that these books that one of the younger members orchestra. The waltz is always Wallace, accompanied by Indians here; and this is working ta so Wednesday the 14th instant are not stipulated, but are only re of the group (thank goodness, only irras ssible.
and in this city on Saturday the ccommend by the Examination one) persisted in distiguring what Mrs Keeman. It was lovely, and up to a gigantic retarding factor in The second part of the pro 17th huet.
in repose is a pretty face, by the gramme was opened by the song (Continued on pgae Continued op page 8)
to JJ.
audience in ootate of restles related obis objects behin to be more ago left.
of little or This was able for the musie, and espe to penetrate, as far on the horizon ln were none awaits him.
Cuba, and Kingston will return to Senior are to band, give instinctive


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