
PAGE TITO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY APRIL 19, 1926 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands os SXS SOOOOOO Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD JAMAICA Legacy of 10, 000 Pounds Sterling LEFT FOR GENTLEMAV WHO CARRIED LOCK SMITH BUSINESS IN CITY.
a pluck Englishman Wh) Cantija maica Som) Years Agy, But Had Wealthy Brother in Aui.
tralia; Elforta of salvation Army Officer.
unload Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Discases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
An Alterative recommended for purify.
ing and enriching the BLOOD.
to leave 980s Sesiae Gone to Er gland With His Wife to Receive the Windfail: will Go to Australia and Reside here.
fallio Indies For Sale at all Drug Stores And in Large Quantities by JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy AGENT to he to collect eai inuresti ATTENTION!
The HERALD learns that a gentleman who had ben carryng on the business of a Inck.
smith in Orange Street, Kirg: son has come in for a legacy of L10. 0or: The gentleman in question is ar Englishman who came Jama ca some years ago and was in somewhat pour circumstances.
He bad two wealthy brothers, one of wnom was in Australia He came across an Eaglish news paper cortaiding an advertise ment stating that there was a large sum held in Chancery which he would receive. He con sulted a couple of solicitors in Kingston but they evidertly thought noth in regard to the matter, out the ink of it and he happened to it to an officer The of the Salvation Army.
latter subsequently went to England regard ng tbe lock sanith case and fund bis statement to be perfectly true. The result that the Salvation Army sicer wrote to the gentleman in Kingston advising him how to act, and it is now said that he has come in for a windfall of 10, 000.
The locksmith left Jamaica a few weeks axo for England along with his wife, who is a Jamaican whom he met and married here. For a long time be carried on business in Orange reet in paid casually mention and made en enquiries was ST. KITIS ST. LUCIA West Indian Press Plucky Deed.
We believe in giviog honoa where it is due. has been PROPOSAL said that nowhere in the wide world is a policeman lot happy one, and the lot of a St.
Under the above heading, the Lucia policemaa is no exception St. Kitts Union Messenger writes: bas shown bimself deserving of to the general role When he Too often have the islands of censure we have handed him the West Indies been sufferers bis sbare now bas shown his through igooronce of their we honour bim people and condition, at the Heart of the Empire The res: What would have proved to be ponsible British people have a fatal accident bat for the realz. this dificiency to some prompt and brave action of the extent and following the Wood Police Lance Corporal N5 Mission of 22, there is an occurred on the northern wharf Hnd retanding personal on Sunday night. Toe Domiacquaintance with the Colonies nica Lad nearly finished one of the conditions to be log and was Was preparing to fulblled by civil when ne of her civil servants to the colonial Office Lee Fost Hartmano, associated department of the Imperial Editor, Harper Miz zioe who Government. The recent Parlia had been ashore, was trying to mentary Delegation is an effort remain the deck of the shi, when the part of Members to be was precipitated into the sea to through the unst adiness of the lighten the darkness of their Being comp salon vay.
knowledge of the West Indian ship Colonies These are praise unable to win and worthy efforts which the West between the ship and the whart Very much appreciate.
We he was in eminent danger of Bat these alone are not suf being drowned or crushed to. ncient. The West Indies them: death but C. No. 5, promptly selves should rise to their oppor. uniform, and kept hin up vanil em: jumped over bord in bis full tunity and assist in a definite he met Go much needed) to the be said for this policeman way to supply tirst hand infor. they were assisted ashore by willing hands. Too much cannot British ponle at home.
pluck for few uli bave done We feel that one way of sup plying first hand information to to people of Gest Britain would be the establishment of a central newspaper located in London the first otj et of et of which would Notes And Comments, and publishin Brita information of political and other Jo o der her List week the Svift Banana to meet this oulgationthere Company thousand would have to be respondents pounds into the Treasury as the in each West Indian contre first instalment on amount due through which regular com for ten thousand acres of crown marications with the London lands. Beside these ton thous Oitice would be fos warded.
and acres the Company too over The West Indios are much all the estates that were vested indebted to the Honourable in Mr. Rob rts. Woen Albert Mariysbow of The Grenad it is considered that 10000 acres West Indian for his mag magalticeni is is a little un er 17 quare miles work on behalf of Representalive in ar a an idea will be formed of Government and his continuing the extent of the Banana planefforts to stir West Indian Publitaciou, Opi: ion in more enl ghtened form of Government We feel therefore that the From our exchanges we learn responsibility Manazik tha: for the past veral months of the proposed orgui British Guiana has been in the zation could be placed in no better krip of a vere drought the like.
bacds than those of Mr. Marry. of whieb bas not been experishow.
enced since 1911, Cattle are The details of the pr pozaldving and the crops bid tair to need not be discussed at thi. Delailure. Many of the inwriting. It is merely the idea habitants, espcially in the villthat we put forward. Our desires on the si Coast, are put is that the Press of the various to great inconvenience from islands would take the matter the scurety of water.
and discuss it for what it is worth. Our own opinio is that such an organizition would Tue Agricultural Reporter the West Indies a chanea or of Barbados, seriously recomcarrying their grievances, their the Logislature with the obj ct of mends the passing of an act by ills, their woes, to the very Hart of the Empire; uld attord the preventing the shipping of in opportunity of laying our ferior fancy molasses. on the 10 a cleaner and better and Governo: lines of the recorren lations would bring ment; Brit made to the Trinidad Govern tish Public Opinion to bear on the conduc ment for the grading of Trinidad or misconduct of of the West Indian cocoa for shipment.
Governors Administrators, and in would materially assist in The St. Lucia Tourist Associafriends, sympathizera tion, which was recently set up and supporters in both Houses ot with Mre. Davidson Baston as the British Parliament. Aith chairman, and the Ho. B.
sime time the organizition would Hull as Hon. Secretary, bas afford splendid ineans advertising the islands, their of issued a handy little gnide giving suggested climate and recourses to the Island besides particulars expeditions in the people who claim authority over garding botel. boat and garage our destiny.
cbarges. Toe Associa ion is The Voice of St. Lucia approves nopelul that St. Lucia may be the scheme in the following incl aded in the itinaries of ing steamers pe winter. Other This is a proposal which, to islands share this bope. Proin our mind, is wortby of the eare enquiries made by The West fol consideration of every West India Cogmittee, it would apIndian It is only a proposal pear that this is larg ly a quesand subject to many mo itica tion of facilities which they are tions but the main idea is a real sble to offer, for when a steamer good one with 400 passengers board good newspaper, well edited toucher at a port, it is essential and having the support of those that there should te adequate frieudly disposed to these cl means of providing for their onies would do a world of good places of interes, for which at eo tertainment and transport to West Todian affa:rs could be last 150 motor cars are rediscussed, West Indian hindi quired. We wish the new Asso.
could be printed, West Indian views could be produced both ciation success. West India Comin point and in picture and West miitee Circular.
Indian abases could be ventilat ed.
Many other advantages could accure from such a vens ture.
West Indian newspapers the huge middle man profits who have not got private agents made by English advertisement in England could use the office ageats.
It is indeed a proposal Agency and thus do away with tion.
House Rent Receipt Books favour lady as Editor this city.
SPANISH ENGLISH Fron what can be gathered, it is the intention of the gentleman to reside in Australia, where his brother amissed a fortune, a part of which he has now obtained up 1Revenue And Expenditure of The Railway.
Live Order Books 200 Secretary and Treasurer for secret Orders and Friendly Societies Fe.
tour CAN BE HAD AT terms. The HERALD learrs that for the month of February 1926 tha receipt of the Jaina ez Govarnment Railway amunted to 29, 650 17s 10d. as compared with 20, 643 9s. 70. for the sam period in 1921 25 an increase in the receipts compard with the same month in the previous year of 2, 037 The expenditure for the month of February 1925 26 am ont to 24 081 ay ag inst 21, 741 for February 1924 25.
For the eleven months endios 28th February 1926. The recelps amounted to 287, 511 148das compared with 247, 88 12 61.
for February 1924 25. an increase of receipts compared with the same period in in the previou8 year The expenditure of the eleven monthe ending 28th Febroary 1926 came fo 213. 488 12 10d.
as compared with 222, 819 133, 7d, for the eleven months ending 28th February 1924 25.
The net receipts for the period nding 28th February 1925 26 is 44, 023 as compared with 24, 568 for 1924 25. This sbow great improvemeot in the net receipts of the Railway.
The Department is doing ex ceedingly well for the present month, and it is expected that the receipts at the end of the financial year will be very satis.
factory indeed.
The management, which is very popular with the public, is to be congratulated on the results that have been obtained so far.
of 40, 123.
The Workman Stationery Store ADVERTISE or careful oulder In The WORKMAN it Pays


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