
Weekly London Letter that Liberal significant change in smoking habits to suggest (alth in bad (BY WARREN POSTBRIDGE)
It is begiacing to look as though the Liberal compaign for land reform in Great Britain must be taken seriously. Tht does aot meantecessarily the Liberal Party will be in position in the near future to put its own id. az into execution itself. It is an extremely small party so far as representa ipo in the House of Commons goes and nothing bas happened as yet to suggest that it is likely to 10crease very rapidiy But som What smokers want may be thing has sombow to be done for judged by the instant pref Britisb agriculture and the erence for Chesterfield plans are creating shorn by smokers of all wer natione enough discussion and stimu.
make it likely that btb the Conlating enough new thought to bottom, smokers desires are pretty servative and Labour Parties, Delther of which has so far much in the way of agr. cul For the very same qualities of taste tural improvements, will set and fragrance that have made Chesterthemselves to evolve land policies field North America fastest growing Tbe in earnest.
theory that Great Britain, with fairly good cigarette also account for its steady soils but a climate, in compete with corn imported from growth in this country.
South America and yog sta le You ll understand why when once imported rom France and dairy importod from Denmark you taste that rich spicy flavor, that bas pet to be tested. At the satisfying smoothness so eagerly sought moment rather exter sive experiments are being made, for by smokers everywhere and found with the assistance of of substantial so completely in Chesterfield only.
Government subsidy, in the grogiog of sugar beet, a pract:cally new industry in the Great Britain, but the results so far NA are so different, some farm3 showing a co siderable protit per acre end some a a considerable loss, that no real conclusion haya emerged, nor can anyone foresee shether he Industry cap estabCIGARETTES lish itself when the subsidy.
which is only temporary, is with drawn. Meanwhile the Liberal proposals, with their foundation principie that land must be publicly owned and held by the farmer only on condition that is Manufactured by LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
properly cultivated, are arousing widespread controversy and are likely to arouse more yet.
SOSOS England New Coalfield OPAINS ENEMY)
Dreduce present must be Chesterfield Up to date Jewelry istylesh COMPETTES อาคาร something for som body, Fuller Jewelry Store by motor car owor, in the form of a tax instituted in 1919 when pledge was given that he whole of the prace ds known as the Rral Pund would and construction of roads. With new cars being licensed at th.
rate of two thousacd werk, can be imagined, that this tax a large and growing source of revenue. While the Chancellor has been forced to economie o vital servies such Educatlon, be has seen the Road Feni swelling each year, aid Pain Enemy whole of it belog spent, without ny kind of Parliamentary cortrol, on the roads.
It is not sur SLOANS claimed the world over a being Pain greatest enemy.
prising. therefore that he should Dave iu timated that he e nsider Multitudes of people use and it bis recommend it.
national expenditure on duty to examine the Rheumatie aches and paine Og boroughfares. This clear bict instantly obey its command and disappear.
bat he intends to divert part It penetrates right to the. the Road Ford into otte sore spot. No need of rubbing.
bannels was sufficient to to Touse It does its work thoroughly.
storm of protest from motor Give it a trial.
ists who regard it as a breach of One bottle will convince you.
in view of the undertaking given to them. They argue At all druegiats and dealers.
some justice thai the road of this country are in adequate SLOAN for the beavy traltic that us LINIMENT chem and ber they constantly eed repair; moreover, if any pr.
gress is to be made towards thi solution of our trafic problem new arterial roads constructed, and this work can aot be ne it the present ex The Cha cellor bas been fully penditure is to be decreased informed of these arguments and a great many otberg.
bas listened with unfailing courtesy to the deputation that bave laid them before him. But he shows no signs of being con verted to their polnt of view, and it is generally felt that the motorists are fighting a losing In every form can be seen battle, here at its best See oui Do Something.
Wrist Watches, Bracelets Do something for somebody, somewhere Diamond Rings While jogging along life road; Help some one to carry his bur and a hundred other adornden, ments and you ll recognize And lighter will grow your load. why this is the LEADING Do something for som body gladly, JEWELRY HOUSE in town will swerten your every care, isk prices and you ll find still In sharing he sorrows of others, another reason. Your own are legs hard to bear.
Do striving To help, where the way seems 122 Cetnral Ave. Phone 629 long; And the sorrowful bearts that languish Cheer up with a little song, RM. WILKINSON Do something for somebody al ways.
Contractor Whatever may be your creedThere nothing on earth can and Builder belp you So much as a kindly deed Ex House No. 20 28th NOV, STREET, Radio Broadcasting On The SAN MIGUEL Isthmus. Box 411, Panama, RP.
Radio broadcasting Isthmus was formally launched on Plans and Specifications Free Sunday night last at Station NBA the Naval Radio Broadcasting Station at Balboa. The program First Class Workmanship began at half past seven in the evening, and ideluded dance num Satisfaction Guaranteed.
bers, special selections by the Colcn Stranger Club Orchestra under the direction of Jack Dwyer, and vocal solus by.
Mrs. Paul FLOWERS Veeker of the Choral Club of the Isthmus of Panama. most prominent item was an Abogado. Attorney at Law address by Governor Walker, OFFICE: No. 44 ST.
Governor of the Panama Canal. BOX 36 PANAMA CITY Baptist Church Activities TELEPHONE No. 1377 Practicing before all the courts of On Sunday and Munday Mis the Republic since April 1914 sionary meeting: are to be held at Red Tank. On Sunday doctor Austin will speak at pm. and on several peakers will give ad Dentist Howell At the Chorrillo Church on Tuesday night at 780 the Fidi HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA lity Club girls will give an Easter CANAL ZONE.
program. Collection at the daor Office Hours: a. to p. m, 000000000000000000000000 to pm TRY DAILY KRONEN BRAU PHONE 1941 BALBOA Specializes in all the branches ON DRAUGHT of Dentistry.
OR BOTTLES 8000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0000 DR. HOFFMANN Notice to Correspondents.
has transferred his clinic to 37 Central Ave. upper floor of La Contributors and correspondents are asked to send in their contribu Mascota in front of the Alcaldes tions not later than Thursdays tc and Precisdo Book Store. Entrance belween La Mascota insure publication. This is impera.
tive ard must be adhered.
TELEPHONE 991, or coastal THE BEER SUPPLIED BY The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
is brewed from the best materials obtainable It is specially suited for this climate is superior to all imported beers sold here and it sells to the public at HALF the price.
with change, become will It is difficult not to feel some regret that Britain newest coalfield is to be developed in the heart of a district whose natural beauties have earned for it the name of the Garden of England. It is within sixty mils of London, and the thousands of Londoners, who spend their sun.
mer holidays in its lovely villages towns will to come is conversion into min.
ing area. But the premise of fresh trade activities which this enterprise brings is 00 valu sole for it to to be dropped for aesthetic or sentimental reason.
The promoters anticipite that in the next few years so mu progress will have been made that the new coalfield will have an important factor in the industrial life of the nation; moreover, it afford employ ment to a large numb:r of mer, including many of the surplus miners in the north of England.
The Government has itself with this venture in a very practical way by guaranteeing a considerable sum towards the cost o!
the exploration and development TRY OUR NEW BEER of the coalfi ld. Happily, the authorities are fully alive to the dangers which this industrial invasion offers to the beauties of the district, and steps are bring taken to ensure that the mining villages and collierles that are to be built will not utterly dis.
figure the landscape. The area has been carefully surveyed, and plan is already in existence to Sociocco protect the old villages from being spoilt by the addition of factories and promiscuous houses.
Changes are, of course, inevitable but there is ample evidence comprehensive Ecbeme can be decided upon, it will be possible to preserve most of the beauties of the district without hampering the development of the coalfield.
on the KRONEN BRAU SUPERIOR TO ALL ox. co that if a JOB. PRINTING Motorists and the Exchequer Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH The campaign of economy upon which the Britisb Govern ment bas embarked bas natural ly entailed a general review of every brunch of our natural ex penditure. The economy axe, wielded by the Chancellor of the quer, has been at work in directions, and the indlcations are that its next blow will cut off considerable amount of the money earmarked for the u, keep of England roads. The present expenditure is about 45, 000, 00 a year. Rather less than bali this sum is directly contributed AT THE that is WORKMAN PRINTERY


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