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PRICE Cts. Cy.
Disallowed by High Court Man of Color. Seeks Seat in Congress Establshed New Record To Investigate Possibi.
For Paying Panama lity of West Indians Canal Tolls.
On Ground That Association Believes Twelve Million Colored Exists For Illegal Purposes The British Steamship Empress number of prominent West of Scotland. owned and operated Indians responded to a circular Citizens Should Have Own by the Canadian Pacific Steamsh ps. sued by Mr. Williams to Readers of this journal will no doubt remember an Limited, which arrived at Balho attend a meeting at the St. Paul Representative.
account published in this paper not so long ago, of a rich col in the afternoon of the second of Scho last Wednesday right ored member of the race by the name of Isaiah Mortor of tourists a board, and transited the to consider the proposition of or ladelphia Tribune colored citizens in that state are awakmonth with a party of 410 The purpose of the meeting was According to the subjoined article taken from the PhiBritish Honduras, who died leaving the bulk of his estate val Panama Canal on ued over 150, 000 to the Parent Body of the Universal Negro day, enroute to New York, paid bizing a West Indian Commerce ening to the seriousness of their position and do not intend Committee in this City.
Improvement Association for the Africa Rademption Fund 17. 211. 25 in tolls. This established After a general discussion of the to leave their political destiny in the hands of the other after making certain bequest to certain persons who had a new record for tolls for con subject it was decided that such a fellow much longer and are determined to place one of mercial vessels.
coramittee was not needed at the their own in the Congress to represent them as the rendered personal services and a bequest to his only sister. The largest tolls previously col present time, and that instead a There was a paltry gift to his wife with whom there was lected on vessels of this class were committee for the purpose of following will show: a breach after a very brief union. There was nothing for 16. 855, 00, paid by the America investing or organizing along in For several weeks past Mr. Dickerson has consulted a his surviving brother (who has since passed away. or for 30. February 6, 1920 and 16 412, dustrial lines will be formed. large number of persons in an effort to ascertain whether 50 the issues of those defunct. Hence arose an action at law. December 12, 1924. The largest ed to study what kind of business, the time is ripe for a man of color to make a fight for Conby appointThe first attack on the will was an order at the request of amount of tólls paid hy any one would be suitable for West Indian gress. The consensus of opinion seems to be that no his widow to have the will proved in solemn form which vessel, irrespective of class was investment, and to reportat a better place nor time could be selected than here and now.
was done without any opposition at the hearing, and the 22, 399. 50 for the British buttle subsequent meeting to be bela In the First Congressional District of Pennsylvania court granted probate to the executors with cost against the cruisier Hood within the next two weeks, comprising the ist. 7th. 26th, zoth, 39th, and 48th, wards complainant. The action was against the bequest tɔ the of the city of Philadelphia, thirty to forty per cent of the Parent Body of the Universal Negro Improvement Associa Memorial Service. Association. voters are colored. In said district the white voters are tion for the African Redemption Fund, which bequest was divided between two white candiates for Congress, each challenged on the grounds of uncertainty and illegality.
On Sunday evening at 30 pm There will be a resuscitation of of whom is making a vigorous campaign to capture not The case was up for hearing recently in the Civil es memorial service will be held at monthly community nigbt pro only the white voters, but the colored voters as well.
La grams of the District of sion of the Supreme Court of British Honduuras and con for the late Ensign a. Bennett Ene Panama Cabal West Indian Neither of these candidates can fully represent the desires tinued several days taking the testimony of the many par. who died in Jamaica on the 15th Employees Association, it was of the Negro for neither can know or understand the handities interested. Noted among those who testified for the of March, last stationed at La learned early this week from the caps from which the suffers, nor the aspirations or desires was Miss Henrietta Vinton Davis, Fourth Vice Boca.
District otticers. The first pro hțhich actuate him. Nor can they be keen in preserving President of the Organization and a well known personage Params Corps, and others will mons. It is uoderstood that an Commandent A. Martin of gram will be on the 23th of this s rights and privileges as the colored man himself could on this Isthmus. After reviewing the testimony the Chief take purt, All Salvationista and Entertainment Committee bis be.
Justice gave as his opinion that the Associaiion existed for iriends of the district are cordially been form for the purpose of quarter of a century has passed since the Honorable illegal purposes, namely the Redemption of Africa and invited.
arranging these special programs. George White made his valedictory oration in the therefore decided in favour of the wife and relatives of wo National halls of Congress in which he predicted that the Isaiah Morter.
Megro would again return to take his place as a law, maker BRITISH JUSTICE ON TRIAL SCATTERED LEAVES therein. There are now twelve million of colored people Under the above caption the NEGRO WORLD com (BY LINDA SMART)
in the United States who have no one to represent them.
ments editorially on the outcome of the case as follows:They should be represented. By reason of the disfran British Court, a British Judge, holding the position On The Street. minds. To them, it is impossible chisement of the Negro in the South, the next Negro in that anyone should be actuated by Congress must cone from New York, Philadelphia, or Chiof Chief Justice in the Colony of British Honduras, Central friend approached me the other proper motives, perhaps because cago where there are large numbers of Negroes with America, has recently rendered a decision in a case on day with heaving bosom do was they themselves are on the wrong wealth education and the right to vote and the right to have which the eyes of the Negrues of the world are riveted. pl. in that she was profoundly rad. Like souls possessed of the caseof Loved may destroy; and their She had left her work accom. tagem includes every form of trick population should give the Negro his next representation in Tine First Congressional District with its large Negro, the contest of a will of a loyal son of Atrica who boqueathed explained the following experiences de vil the end obout seeking whom their votes counted as cast.
ed by ment Association. report of the case. for which we are office, aud they walked ulong one remark and even to Mlander.
fellow employee in the er from suspicion to the injurious Congress, and therefore Mr. Dickerson appeals to the scene indebted to the Belize Independent, appears in this of our principal streets. She is young, petite, ebony, well trained, Our present still of right and justice of every voter in this district to support issue.
and shy almost to stupsdity. He activa of restricts to a a large extent the free his candidacy for Congress upon the following platform.
Mr. Isaiah Morter, a member of the Universal Negro also is young, white, a stranger :o difticult circumstances add to the war. The Negro should have such proportional represen1. Proportional Representation (in peace as well as in Improvement Association, died a year and a half ago, and this country as in beleu box vbris pro slem. If this way, many good tation in the city, State and National legis latures as his cutting off his relatives with meagre bequests, gave the novelty at each turn. They were then realising their situation, voting strength bears to the whole population.
are greater portion of his estate, eatimated conservatively at talking of his impressions, Otherwise. 150, 000, to The African Redemption Fund of the Asso she found inter:st in the com themselves, or at least are content and either inake efforts to extricate Taxation without representation is tyranny.
parisons he mace between this to pass their lives in regret correthirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth amendments should be Establish Justice. Enforce all amendments. The Now the Supreme Court of British Honduras has things here and those he left in bisparation. But tbere are also the enforced in all parts of the country as well as the eighteenth.
home up north.
nullified the bequest to the Universal Negro Improvement of another type cannot toleraAssociation on the ground that it exists for ilegal pur charged, and she wished that lives of others, and who osver rest as free and as safe in his own country as the least American Suddenly the girl countenance te a moment prosperity in tae Abolish Lynching. Let every American citizen be poses, meaning the redemption of Africa.
We are amazed. But we refuse to believe that British mile becce mpanion Were for planing tue defamation of cha citizen is in any foreign country.
either she or ber From the passing racters. With this latter group justice will permanently record that it is illegal for black crowd she heard the following every step taken by a woman is by a woman: Well, men to aspire to and make efforts for the redemption of look what malive is see Watch Where do not step was taken at all. their God given Africa from the bands of those who mal how this child just stay so and clude that oue must bave been to SPARKLETS treat and exploit and virtually enslave them. An appeal will broke out. She walking now wid taken. And wue, if there really has be taken to the highest court of Great Britain, the Privy white man.
been so ne fault perhaps the break Miscellany opprotunities to show my grati.
tude in bome tangible form.
Council with its famed reputation for impartiality and Terribly confused, the poor girl ing a couvention in order to carry The Easter Sunday Entertainsquare dealing. Then the Negroes of the world will know continued on her way. Her com kuowledge, relief, consulation, or to as it an endeavour to do some work for have been accused, with others. ment given jointly by the Atlantic what measure of justice they are to expect from a powerful became apparent that her com the social uplift of the same clase! for using the term elocution con Orchestra and the Agnes Guild nation which on there will appear test of Church by the Sea, millions of Negro subjects.
mark or maybe had not understood these ever ready tax ratherers, 1281 ior not employing the half concert, which o the broken language.
prepared to make the party pay to pedantae adjective elocutionary Loda Smart moved over two tribute in place of the descriptive noun Death of Dentist John courteory ed affables. et tedey was blocks. when frow another group ad by society for breaking one of its locations losing Leaves on Saturday last. And, ground the against the generally liked and respected, and woman voice was beard to say situation still would not be so dif veteran et al of La Boca. Value 180ws clearly how much raport Stanley.
it may safely be said of him that!
the party or parties who he was the friend of all and the she going to the dogs. Wbe sbe cult of these extortioners were am quite safe that elocution bour, placed on time. It is an a Colon rehable friend told me that were responsible for the wasted enemy of none.
get dis wite man oow!
to Stanley was a native of the Island We regret to record the death of Whether tie genileman did hear wing, but, like the publicans to us permissable and that may also almost general rule in these parts The Baptist issued his exhor use sucu terms as newspaper to start programs half Dentist John Stanley which sad of St. Lucia and came to Isthmus in the brass an hour and one and one nali occurrnce took place on Wednes Isto lottery ticket for some time understood them is not known 11 is due.
hours later than the time officially diy last at about 10 30 o clock in days. He Worl early construction the observations of these women ortation, they exact eveu more than man.
It is not my desire to leave the mi milioi sunilar terms i, announced by the organizations his re idence Muller building Cali with the Istumiau Canal Commis he did hear, and he was among the who believe donis. Stanley was ail ny for some siod being employed as dispenser number of those ieve impression that women are the only however, Frefer the question to be responsible for the programs; and medicine for the Colored Section that time but was still able to be about the Balboa Dispensary, he let at it is wrong to harbour race social enemies of women or even settled in open court If some of my this is, by a slow but sure process, is likely that antagonism, bis Many lettere contemporaries, friend or working into a permanent babit. has too an of his personal frieuds knew that came into Panama and started 10 artitude will change. At any rate, ten been preached, for it is couly foe, including my brother in arms which not only promoters but the popular Doc. as he was familarylliaes, eventually acquiring the art whit business for himself along simijar excuse could sately be that a too true that men are not above Mr A. Gaskin and our esteemed guests and the general public are called was suffering to man cannot be seen in the sitnilar and other tyrao nies. am, lady member who writes Scat falling. It is not an uncommon greater Wextent than the cared to of mechanical dentistry which he company of a coloured woman however. limiting my el on this tered Leaves. will help me out thing for the few who use their a Sterne eveten, but a hardly any of practiced up to the time of his witl out giving rise to scandal oecasion to the womes, as it seems and give me strength to ens ble me time on the budget system, and among the only natural to demand more unity to retain my seat on the floor of place on time them entertained the merest. dea death.
that the end was so nar.
He was connected to two local. No doubt they hardly realise it, among members of the same group the bouse occupied by the pedants bigh value, to have their plans but those women gave public exbiand the literati, Isball devote badly upset by being on time in Oi a genial and quiet disposition. Cro inued on page 8) bition of the state of their own (Continued on page 8)
some of my valuable time to seek (Continued on page 8)
social al systu women, and and very often who aw past two sharp, so wrote Miss began to 3rduoder Scattered This between the house guest and band.
o: her at his white ma more or less


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