
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY APRIL 17, 1926 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands JAMAICA TRINIDAD Proposals to Improve Canadian Trade ComCity Fire Baigade missioner.
sos Providing School Children With Food.
Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD ber band a liyes bappier, tione mny Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and syphilitie Rheumatisin, Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
An Alterative recommended for purify.
ing and enriching the BLOOD.
One of the most useful projets undertaken by private individuals in this town is that of the provid.
ing of school children in this City with food at low prices by the Coterie of Workers, Miss Jetters and of helpers who under the name of the Coterie of Workers have already done very useful things in making the of others happy deserve to be heartily congratu.
lated on the laudable etfort which they are making for for giving to the schools children. Any one who City, Lealthies and has come in contact with the the children of the City schools classes from wbich the bulk of are drawn must know what serious sero problem it is for very way and to provide the children they are guardians sending out to school with a midday meal. Many a mid day.
cony passes without these children getting anything to eat and the citor. Peony which is very ett er otten all that the slender exehequer of the home can afford goes for the purchase of stuff which affords very little real nourishment to the bodles of the chil.
dren. The Coteric of Workers plan will now place children with a few ceots in a position to get sustaining food. veuture all success, and sincere.
wish their ly trust that contributions from private sources will pour in so rapidly that even those children who readily cannot afford to buy a meal wll be enabled to get one.
parents woon be ome in For Sale at all Drug Stores And in Large Quantities by JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy AGENT SSXSSD Sexocos Blad The Merging of Banks ATTENTION!
salary Bank House Rent Receipt Books 20 y alteration to RECOMMENDATIONS ACCEPTED FOR WEST INDIES AT RECENT MEETING OF COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION Mr. James Cormack, the new Canadian Government Trade At the meeting of the Council Commissioner for the West of the Kingston and St. Andrew Indies and British Gaiana in Corportion on Monday tha re succession to Mr. HR read representative recently that be was Tue coin nittee adopted the fist impressions, Pirt of Spain to find that from com meudalions of the Daw fully came Superintendent to procure a La ар to his ex ctacions France Chemical Fire Engine and And in every every respect.
directed toat His Excellency the Although he had only been a Governor be requested to sanc few days in the Colony, he add th the purchase of the eagme be had already mada mounted on a a 40 borse power triends and bad, in addition.
Denbigh chassis for 745 Win renewed acquaintanceship with reference to the Superinten several Canadian friends now dent proposals to have one or resident in the Colons, and with twc motor pumps, the committee several Trinidad fellow stadionts having been informed toat be whow bad khown at Elin Montege Buy Water Works bad burgh in years gone by. He recently imported one of these wished to hank toe Government pumps, it was decided to await Officials and the business and further information as to the professional meo of the Colony Usefulgess of the machiae. The with whom he had committee adopted the recom contact for the many courtesies mendation of the Superintendent already extended to him, and to install piliar hydrauts in the hoped that in the course of time city, when recewals were neces he would be able to extend the sady also to import tire bosts acquaintanceship.
use of would feel greatly indebted staff. It was also decided to im to business tirms in the Island, port a supply of unlined tax hose if they would make use of my and that a tower be constructed services with regard to their at the tire station for drying Canadian Trade both import and hose and instructing the men in export be continued. Any com.
escape and book ladder work.
plaints or or dificulties would be It was reported that Sgt.
to adjust as far as possible.
Harry bad accepted the appointMerchants and agents should ment wito the Montego Bay Fire keep ia mind, however, the Brigade and on the recomienda dirticulties of a new comer and tons of the Superintendent the help to overcome them by makcommittee agreed to increase bis ing themselves and their busito 150 per annum to re Dess known to bim wheuever tain his services, if the could be occasion arises.
realeased from the engagement at Mua tego Bay.
More Alastrim Cases In The committee further reques ted the Superintoudeat to wake Trinidad.
recommendations for the revision of the rules, and also that an estimaie be obtai. ed for substi Trinidad, writes to the Press o Dr. Wise, Surgeon General of tuting electric heat for gas that Colony under dite 7th intue station. The committee did not recommend the established for have to inform you that ment of an auxiliary station or wo further cases of alastrim are headquarters. Hospital, Port of Spain, is solated reported one from the Colonia wittee endorse the re March and the otoer from com Wendations oi toe tre com Santa Cruz izolsted March h establish a fire station at Cross of Spain, took ill on 27th February miles of the 22ad of May 1925, The latter was intecud in Portand recommended that an bue Governor bu requested to There are now six cases in isole.
has not left house since.
for sa. ne and to tion of wbich four have occurred autooi ise the loan sufficient to in the last two weeks.
necessary building The committe also recom. COACH FOR QUEEN uded that provisions for the PARK mattenance of the Fre Brigade be made by Imposing and Additioual rate of 3d to the 10 on Endeavour to Secure Astill property in the suburbau wards.
Wita the attendance of tires in St Andrew, the Super The TRINIDAD GUARDinteudent was instructed to res.
der such assistance as could be IAN learns that efforis are Bafely kiven without deputing the being made by certian in tuential stall available for service in menbers of the Queen Park Kilgston The Suprintendent Cricket Club to obtain the sevices was also asked to report on the of Astill (W. of the Leicester.
extom:100 of une fire alarm team now touritg the West a member of the system in St. Andrew.
The report of the Committee Indies as a sp. cial coach for the was adopted. THE BERALD)
three months during the wiater season.
Astill s; consistent performHusband Liability ances for Leicesterhire with the bat and the ball have won the For Wife Wrongs. juda admiration of many critical judges of the game and he was certainly maintainet bis reputaA Bill entited a law to amend tion as an all rounder during toe present tour.
the Married Women Property Law, 1876, says the GLEANER bas The proposed innovation in this been introduced in the Legisla direction of the Queen Park Live Council by the Hon. Cricket Club is certainly a move Ewen. It provides: 10 tbe right direction partieWbereas it is expedient to ulary of the West Indies team amena the Law in the island visiting England in 1928 vr 1929 relating to the libility of a husbaud for the torts of his wile: by repealed, and also toe words Be it enacted by the Governor or wrongs in the tenth and as dlegislative Coucil of Jamaica eleventh lines of the same tection; an follows: and the word or shall be int. From and after the com tracts in the eleventh line of the serted before the word con mencement of this Law the sad section, husband of a married woman shall not as such be liable to be and shall be read as one with the This Law is incorporated sea or made a party to any ac. Married Women Property Law tion or legal procceeding brought 1886 against her in respect of a tort) 1586 (Law 21 of 1986. waich is committed by her whether be Principal Law, and any Law in tels Law referred to as the fore or after marriage, The wards and wrongs corporated therewith.
ammending that Law are incommitted occurring This Law may be 15 of the Principal Luw are here Law, 1926 Toe com matice olibo pleasant Roads Maand give Bile SPANISH ENGLISH cover be equipment to the public mebuy head to every greater bring reference Order Books out for the all that it and that shire, a me The merging of the Colonial Bank in Barclay Bank (Domin ion, Colonial and Overseas) was pleasantly celebrated by a dirner held at the Queen Park recently when Mr. Hewett, the General Manuger entertained local patrons and friends of the DAN The speeches delivered were happy and have been wondering since then whether wand Barclays Bank or the Colony ay of Trinidad and Tobago got tbe better advertisement. As a matter of fact the function did both the Colony good. Apart from the ries of the function and good feelings which always linger long after such events are passed there was the opportuniry for Mr.
Hewett to plaints what the really meant.
gave stion wesi lucidly and it must confidence reposed in in the institution which, was for so long known as the Colonial Bank, and which has now become Barclays Bask. Mr.
Hewett did not stop whe had made a case Bank showing that under its name it would continue to be stood for before in its arms it was sympathetic to to the progress of the went further, quoted figures showing the gress that had been made here prosince the eighties, and paid a very warm tribute to the Island resources and no hesitation in saying that Port of Spain is the best laid our and cleanest City in the whole of is bigb praise indeed it comes from na visitor of Mr.
Wett experience and and responit is of great value indeed to all who have the progress and prosperity of Trinidad at heart, Mr. Cory Davies speecb with its many belpful suggestions as to the lines along which the Colony should be developed indicates plainly that responsible men in the Colony are ready with weil balanced schemes when capital is available for carrying the Coment, progress and further along the path of Bank will play in the Colony perity. As to tbe part Barclay fel, but it is only fair to presume after reading Mr. Hewett speech that consistent with their best interest the controlling Directors and Officers of Barclay Bank are going to be in the forefront when sound and properly balanced developmental schemes are being carried out. Continued on page 7)
Vest Indies. He we Secretary and Treasurer for secret Orders and Friendly Societies Club for two or natural res He had charms.
the West West Indies.
This and when CAN BE HAD AT The Workman Stationery Store ADVERTISE he could be aber danner of ention the Mantled Women (Torts In The WORKMAN it Pays


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