
ovee Six Months Ble.
Oje The Reter GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted ESPERANZA LAUNDRY PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1926 SXSXSS Estivoisessa CHURCH SERVICES THE WORKMAN OUR BEST ADVERTISEMENT For To morrow Sunday, April 18th IS AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCE Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertasemen op applies (Angliesn Communion)
WALIOND, at the ottice No. 33 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes SATISFIED CUSTOMER Second Sunday Afier Easter Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
NOGAR Suits are sold with a guarantee that St. Paul Church, Panama PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of they please the customer, Several NOGAR Rev. Nightengale, Rector)
One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica6 am. Holy Communion 20 tion but as a mark of good faith. suits have recently arrived on the Isthmus 10 15 a. Matias Mr. At well, Three We do not undertake to return reCatechist.
jected correspondence.
and every customer is pleased.
10. 30 u Hly Eusbs ist serm The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. NUIS Orders have doubled during the past month and many 12 Holy Baptism, 30m Church School SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1926.
repeat orders are coming in. If you need a general 30 Cboral Evensong, sermon utility business suit, a hunting suit or an extra pair of The Bishop. PROPOSED NEW VENTURE parts for hard work NOGAR is the trade mark you want to get.
St. Alban Church, Paraiso CANAL ZONE.
Write for samples and information and we will have What seems to be a new, industrial movement a representative call if you say so. Rev. NIGH TENGALE, among some West Indians in this city and which is designed to be run on different lines to all former attempts at NOGAR CLOTHING MANUFACTURING Co.
Priest in Charge Matins and address 11 am organization, had a second session at the St. Paul SchoolOf Reading, Pa.
Mr. Osborne. Catechiat.
room on Wednesday night last, when certain resolutions p. m, Chures Sehol were taken under consideration to be reported on shortly. CARTER 30 Choral Evensong termos From the outlines indicated. this new movement Rev. F, Nightengsle.
should commend itself favorably to every thoughtful West Local Representative, Panama Canal Zone Listrict Indian residing in this city and suburbs, as we believe that BOX 1191 ANCON, CANAL ZONE the time was never more urgent than at the present, for St, Matthias Mission West Indians here to get together, in any form whatsoever, as XS 20 sekos SexSCx50 SXSXSXSXSS LAS BABANAS and establish a solid front, both numerically and financially. Rev. NIGHTENGALE, for their economic existence.
Price in Charge.
We are glad to give endorsement to the schem as it 8:sses SXSXSXSCASES SUSSEXSO 730 am. Holy Communion.
has been explained to us and feel a measure of gratification p. Church bool.
that it will proceed along lines that we have from time to 430 pm Everong and addrere.
time suggested in this editorial column.
Mr. a. Richards Catechist.
The proposed character of the business to be established is, we take it, to strengthen the cords of racial union and conserve the varied interests of our people as a whole.
ji. Peter by the Sea, La Boca Failures of past ventures should be no obstacle to our attempting other schemes. Past ventures have in a few cases done some good but the fact that the practical results American Episopal (Anglica. Come dreamed of in each case have never really crystallized muoto)
makes us feel that the defect lies as much in the lack of our Second Sun ay After Easter own support as in the incompleteness of vision in the Chord Matias, and addre. Il am leaders concerned.
Lay Reader, Mr. McCarthy.
In a kindly moment we might freely say that some of Church School p.
the past ventures though prompted by reasonable motives 30 Choral Evel. song, sermon.
have been lacking in essential features. In some cases there ATTe Recor has been too aggressive a spirit; in others a lack of disJ MULCARS, Rector.
cretion and in many more a too evident star chamber attitude. Yet there have been some good features in all of St. Barnabas Church, Ep them and it is the plan to urge these creditable features that Chral Matias and address 11 a.
we commend.
Mr. Johnson.
If the unstinted confidence of everybody is desired, the Church School, aud Confirmation clase.
planks upon which the new movement is to be based and at p.
erected must be entirely free from suspicion.
The people Choral Evensor and address p.
must be made to feel and believe that the only interest MULCARE Priest in Curige sought is theirs and that nought but ari unselfish motive inspires the promoters of the movement.
OCESOXSS 20 SICA 50 50xossos St. Bartholomew s, Church The vast majority of West Indians are credu ous, but LAS CASCADAS.
are susceptible to serious reaction when deceived, as past and even present experience in a very particular instance)
shows. It is indeed nothing less than vile iniquity to bePleasant Sunday After The Litany, Hly Eucbsrist Sermon 10. 45 am. ae Priest ia Charge)
iray this credulity, and rather than add another imposture noon, Church Schol 30 to the long list already recorded, let us have nothing at all.
Choral Evensong and address p. But we are confident that the proposed moment will Lay Reader.
surpass in integrity and usefulness anything ever ventured The Juveniles of Loyal David Lodge, No. 2821, of the Loyal MULCARE, Price in obar 20 by our people, and that it deserves the general support of THE HAIR STRAIGHTENER Order of Ancient Shepherd, West Indians, is a fact which we cannot too strongly bave for the past few weeks been emphasize.
WITHOUT AN EQUAL bard at work preparing a pro st. Simon Mission, Gamboa Committee composed of several useful West Indians gram of songa, recitations and Choral Matias and address 11 a.
has Leen named to consider the line of business the moveDon fail to try it dialogues whch they now baye Church Ecbool 3) pm, ment shall cover and report, and it is expected that this ready for presentation which they will age rext Suo MULCARE, Priest in Charge.
committee will be pregnant with practical suggestions along afternoon, industrial lines when it presents its report at the next meetin their ball on Street, San April 18 at p.
Wesleyan Mathodist Church Miguel. The youngsters are a ing, No Special Combs or Hot Irons Required.
concert piten and are burcing From time to time we shall make announcements with anxiety to display their cs Cousins. Soloist: Mr. Olga King Paoam 11 a. aod 30 Rev.
of the progress of the initial steps in this undertaking, vood kood In add on to their effort the Calon 11. and 30 co. Rev.
progian will be father enhanced Wado, ADVERTISE by the appearance of certain well 30 Mr. Louis Lindo.
Unthanked Workers For Democracy.
La Bros 11 am Mr. Walora adult artists both in musical and elocutionary num.
New Providence 11 Me. Daly.
IN THE WORKMAN IT PAYS bers, thereby making a combina Paraiss 11 a. Theo, Fuller Under the above caption, the following article among tion which is sure to light ad 30 Mr. F, Walters.
others from the pen of that fearless and outspoken writer satisfy these who attend. Among Empire. p. Rev. Cousine those who William Pickens, appears in the WORLD TOMORROW, a hos sigoified their (Communion)
assist are Medsmes crisp monthly periodical published in the city of New York: fight for individual valuation, individual rights, and indi. li tention to. GitWe are trying to promote peace on earth. The greatest vidual liberty, he will put the civilization of inan on a news and De Die and Mr.
danger to future peace is insanity on this idea of race. If we high level.
Boykı in mu ical rendicions, Baptist Churches Messrs. Sim Rugless and James carry a low concept of race in our dealings with individuals prophecy of wnat the Negro may yet contribute may Taniss in elocutionary num of that race, we will be continual disturbers of the peace be found in the current expressions of that race, in print bers, while Miss Scarlett will (Under the auspices of the Southern If we discriminate among men on the basis of race rather and speech and song. The most eloquent plea for Liberty render an Baptist Convention. than on the basis of individual merit, we will have friction and Equality in Am rica today is in the mouth of the Negro Meists. Drayton and Alex. will Colon 11 a. De con Ruby; 715 with every man we meet. For in the end these same indi Orator; the most insistent and uncompromising demand for appear in a cornet and saxaphone vidual minds will be determining factors for war or peace. the support of the letter and the spirit of the law is in the duet. The chair will be taken by Dr. Moorman of New York.
Mr. Alfred Ruget and indiChorrilo 11 a. Deacon MeIntoh It is the mission of the Negro in America to prove that we Negro press; and the most ardent appeals to the humanities cations are that an er joyable time 15 The BY. of Balboa cannot have jimcrowism, segregation, disfranchisement, in are in Negro poets and singers. The Negro is at present will by spent.
Hights Bap ist Church will conduct equalities of citizenship, and at the same time have the most insistent and consistent advocate of our best Parents, guardian, and freinds this service.
justice, civilization and peace. These institutions are con national ideals. He is the spiritual, if not the natural, of the juveniles and public in Calidonis 11 am. Deacon Yearwood tradictory to justice and impossible to peace. They con descendent of the white Americans of 1776. Black Ameri general are bereby cordially 16 Sargeant Brioklay.
stitute a pile of combustible material to which any fool may cans are now the successors of Adams and Jefferson and admisetoa is within easy reach of Descan Crooks.
attend as Red Tank 11 a. Supplied, 18 any day add the necessary spark When a race with the Patrick Henry, and are carrying on in the twentieth century all. Do not miss it.
Empire 11 a. Deacon Browu. superiority complex bas in its power another race of sup what they began in the eighteenth. The determining facp. Dr. Aus in will administer the posedly inferior people, there is going to be a lynching. tor is in the environment. of course, as was true of the Lord Supper.
When a nation of chosen people has to deal with a weaker Revolutionist. But lofty aspirations may be rooted in self7. 15 Supplied.
nation of humans whom they regard as biologically infer interest. rose may be nourished by barnyard dirt. In Have you tried the Gatun 11 a. 16 Sopplied ior there is going to be a war.
To be possessed with a fighting to free himself today the American underman is Now Providence 11 am. Mr. Geo, new Beer superiority complex is to be continually tempted to do advancing the banner of liberty on the parapets of the injustice to others. The New Testament teaching of respect whole human rise. If he bursts his own prison, he will Pueblo Nuevo 11 Supplied Kronen Brau and regard for the individual man is the necessary preamble undermine the Bastille of all mankind. ha saving himself 15 Descon Me Farlane.
to any declaration of peace on earth. If the Negro wins his he will serve his fellow man.
Continued on page 7)
Only First Class Ones Need Apply Contra Crespo and day KROWD have Bowman,


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