
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1926 PAGE VE Illustrious Star Lodge Easter Musical Program No 17, OM PRESTON UNITY Attractions at the Theatres AT ST. PETER A BIG SUCCESS afternoon 3, 30, cits.
Was tend to tne opening adress Vicar quely, Mr. Rance began to Star thai What Is Your Fortune? with mar.
Holds Double Function la spite of surrounding counter attractions, the Easter MusiCECILIA AMERICA AMADOR cal ogram rendered under the On Sunday April 4th 1926 the auspicus of St. Peter Church Officers and Members on Ilus(PANAMA. COLON)
PANAMA Choir, La Buca, last Sunday trious Star No. 17. Inden ndent was a promoured Order of Mechanics, Preston TO DAY. Saturday April 17th and TODAY. Saturday April 17th TODAY, Saturday April 17 success. The Pragram began at Uni y, working under the jis uction of the Sub and Ldge and after the ring TOMORROW. Sunday April 18th Clire Windsor in Special Cast in prayers, the Rector delivered a of the der at Port of Spain, Ricardo Cortez in THE DENIAL IT IS THE LAW.
Trinidad, short and appropriat: address celebrated He THE PONY EXPRESS their 3rd anniver ary at their then 30nounced the drst TOMORROW. Sunday April 18th TOMORRW Sunday April 18 musical item on the Lodge hall No. N Street, San program, which was a selectos Miguel Panama Raymond Gi fith in MONDAY, April 19th AL Blanche Sweet in REGULAR FELLOW Avue. and was interpreted ia o clock the Illustrative Grand, Clire Windsor in WHY WOMEN LOVE a thrilling manner by Pofesser Brother James Lightbourne. THE WHITE DESERT MONDAY, April 19 MONDAY, April 19th Jolly archestra. Tas nex. item by the sound of the gavel nounced the function opened and an anthem, enuiled aw. ke Conway Tearle in Conrad Nagel in TUESDAY, April 20th Ye Saints. The uu!
then Oficers in tbeir Robes of SO THIS IS MARRIAGE. JUST WOMAN which won the smiliok applause office alo with the other mem Barbara La Marin ot bu the appreciative audieoce, and bers in processional form began THE HEART OF SIREN TUESDAY, April 20th TUESDAY, April 20th reflected credit on the large the evening programne by sing Pete Morrison in Art Acord in mix Car and the energetic in processional by in WEDNESDAY, April 21st Brightly Gleam Our Banner TRIPLE ACTION SKY HIGHI CORRAL o kanist Miss Stella Wester after which the Alice Joyce in man. Mrs. Gladys Rancs was ite WEDNESDAY, April 21st was delivered WEDNESDAY, April 21st, next to appear before the audi by Bro. DADDY GONE HUNTING Lightbourne. IG. The Rv.
Ricardo Cortez in Mary Pickford in ence to interpret Ave Maria.
As she wended her way to Nightergale, the ROSITA THURSDAY April 22nd THE PONY EXPRESS organ platform, lieses were of St. Paul Church who was focus:d on her, especially as this specially requested to to be present ant Blanche Sweet in THURSDAY April 22nd THURSDAY April 22nd har maidea solo at St. Peter to deliver a sermon suitable to WHY WOMEN LOVE Clire Windsor ia Corrine Griffith in Facing the large audienca oblithe occasion, after prayers, CLASSIFIED THE WHITE DESERT, delivered a rousing address in FRIDAY April 231d well potsed manner to send out sem bis usual Jacid manner pointing FRIDAY Ap. il 23rd FRIDAY, April 23rd und Conrad Nagel in bur captivating wave sounds, out that he was well aware that Barbara La Mer in Evelyn Brent in and easily swept everything bethe celebration of their anniverSO THIS IS MARRIAGE fore her right up to to climax, Eary was an expression of thank THE HEART OF SIREN THREE WISE CROOKS For this and her other sols, by the Officers and Members of SATURDAY, April 24th Illustrious Lodge to AlSATURDAY, April 21th Toou Pilot of my soul. rendered SATURDAY April 24th mighty God, for the benefits Gloria Swanson in in the same masterly manner, Evelyn Brent in Lon Charney in she won the bestowed upon them during the STAGE STRUCK LADY ROBINHOOD unsunted laudaTHE MONSTER tions of the house, and declared past three years, he thought herself a veti able rival of the with such a motive in view, the 78.
leading local artis.
members were right in rememMc. James Bascombe the Rich bering that without His aid, they Baritoue of St. Peter Courch could not have accomplished Choir, was the text to give an anything, he admonished them Petit Pois, Chicken, Potato Salad account of hinseit, and this be to always have that thought in Rberriºs, Cakes, CANAL ZONE NOTES did ia bis usualy melodious style, their he aad won wireless iedals from the Pure that their Iustitativas cuite Wines, Seda Whisky, Beer Cigare would and Cigatettes. Representatives animated listenors for hie solo meet that success for which were invited from different kinLa Boca Pars. entitled day of triumph knew they were always hoping. dred societies along with special Madame Renee will Interpret Zodiacal Signs advise them to The Prince Immortal. the continue invited guests. Mr. Dedier.
the care of the sick, and above ei solo rendered by each week for Readers of this paper chosen Toast Mrs. Ernest bil to iook after their widows and maeta Cand was speciaily Pre natal Influence Estwick the leading soprano of orphans a duty which they owe master, a job which be ably per: WATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE te choir, brought her ungrud formed with satisfaction to all, be to their departed brethren. explored them to continue his Wins From En. ng additions to the bigh estiof humor delighted in made the good work they were carry orchestra arrrnged for by mation in which she is held in everyone present. Selic ed vironment.
Brotoe community as a soloist.
ing on to keep united remeinApril 15 times to be impulsive in your Atter Mrs. Estwick came ther Rouget IG. of the bering that Unity is strength Order and me in ber of the lodge, The Sign of Aries, the Ram reason things out before taking As Principal Factor in Making ma City, actions, you un conconsciously Mrs. Teresa Nelson of Panaand that unity is the motto of enlivened the evening WLO demonstrated ibeir order If things come too easily for any steps in a positive direction.
Character special elections and made eatmarked ability in the rendi The address of nelcom was ing pleasant. The Toasts. Wel you it wil man stignation. You Those born the last of Nov.
tion of her beautul solo, then delivered by Brother James come to our guests, Rruget eller bekoms sube and inactive, will make the most congenial enber or the first of December Having adduced more convin beard the voice of Jesus say. lonis, wbich was considered the King of Esgland, w. taking things as cig argues than Mus. Naynard, Miss Ilene Harris key. yo to 20 and Messrs Clarke aud ahead companions for you and Bascoma rolling. The Ill, ad the Th son forcefully Sab Gira Lodz CA It takes difficulties rage will be best with thesa poden tenia dp the davate Re. and Messi ived: That Pre natal Ioiluence de, deserved the praise they won It is rather difficult is the Principal Factor in the from the audience for their insintroduced the Casira. in th bring persons.
person of Mr. Robt Rost. Uhas St, Hili e PIG by wil. their orman pideMaze: such POLS R, Lodge Lu del blog when these coma un obstin others for any length of time, the after mantive, led task is well known in the city o Gatmo: Faculty Jane Buck aus der used which will put you yousebould be better than you hoxe ford C; se vella supported by the Mayoard, certainly deserves Pabaina, Toe Chair nand livere 16 urme. sincer Lake, Torward. Torkestrides and chosed with botere e ringaMesurs Fratik Reed and ca nuca praise for the ability be by bis address fron will t until you alliance. independent spi it displayed in piluting Rase, p fro TES applauded, and then 2 pari Szam uck dg LOM PU, accomplished the thing wich you you will be haope Line that. Crus, was given 21 votes two of the program na Units, Prom Future Hupe set out to do.
with somene for whom you are bue audience against 14 tor in through all iae rocks and shoals. Morris wall know a chic pegative which was led by Mr. in which the compusition is likely to lose respect.
Yur best pusut wouli be as Reynolds and supported Little Miss Daisy Woyle, wellRd Back Green of Chori. LOAS. No. 19, OM an organizor, ither in politics or tom Riyal Dutie Purple is the color of your soul Dy Messis William Jamp and known risic violinist of the town. which was engaged to taki Avsen Breture, put in linane la fairs. Your inspi torontanthe diamond and your aloticu 15 minutes to present li ber Minuet tu Peter Burvor and zal it means Yur Geo. Pierre. Each leader was gave a splendid inte Interpretation of charge of the musical part of the 2015 II Star Loke. rationsalg ihese lia sare more on account of program me. wis thua coli up a Ruspense, by a promulgatok than in othar potest. ns flower is the hyacinth. The argument; the supporters, 10 which the audience Dearly colto oliven and 16 U. whico you wuuld be motto which you should retem unicu es tach ard for rebatial lapsed througa suppressed apfrom thon ogward was a credit Bensu leace, by Rap from Loyal follow it you wished. ason Recon ber always ls DAUN ELESS.
each leader given tive preciation mies Lydia Holder.
to them elves and a pleasur, to David de, A. spo se with you comes foremost and (Copyr ghd 1923 by Rose muutos. The chair was taken by toe reputed pianist of the couthe audienee; it was er cored over by Rpfo Istomian Star althcuch you President Wiliam DeSouzi, Mrs.
are temp ed at Adams Syndicate. malty, was to ext on the proand over again. Special mention Lodke 20, Charity Oiva King acted as Secretary Bram for an organ selection, must be made of some of our by Rep from Court Paradise and Kick, Limekeeper. Continued on pare 8)
local musical stars in the person dg, AOE spens, by Rp Messrs Boyke, Metrou Tuscao Lidge No. 31, The debate was one cf the most be countenanced, and that such Caulay Bavne, Dedier aca OM. Closing remarks by the Mrs Dedier, A Taylor, and Interesting beld by the Athe statements from the otter side Toast master. The success o Mrs. Gitters, who rendered the banquet was due to the unTHE MIRROR PROBLEM SOLVED naeum for 90e time; the attea should not be taken into consacred classical dance was also very encouraging, sideratioù by the audience.
airs tiring eltorts of the popular many friends of be society from Shine were well received. The master of refresbmente A.
Panaina Justing present.
representatives rom the vai us Rouget.
If you have any trouble with your Toe atuwa ivc lid the argufriendly secieties all expressed Continuing the negative said it is generaliy kocwn that laxity.
themselves in glowing terasa to what a pleasure it afforded Cristobal Silver Clubhouse.
among other things, in eoforcing Mirrors or Reflectors ment acd beld down to tine points laws causes countries to develop in being present on such an quoring statistics criminals even from sons of its occasior, and that their dzewere glad to be able to assist the Girl Reserves was lield in the The regular monthly Rally of send them to No. building, 12th recogniz authorshow foremost intellectuals.
ing the enters of the germ drew referenc: to the planting Illustrious Siar, in celebra ing Hall of the Cristobol Silver Club plasm as.
their third ancisversary, October Street, Guachapali, where they The ing factor in the making of human of grains of corn in rich and poor Chairman then delivered his couse on Saturday, 10:b. The Caroline Anderson Guls Lad the closing remarks, thanking the Care character; quoted records of soil, respectively, that the one will be carefully and substantially repaired more than great STOSO tamales who produced planted in ch sou will develop contributors to the program which was various bully ears while the one in poor wanto kete ations from which, with soil invariably gives poer returns iho phe loteresting. There were three the pro also new ones made to order at moderate but few exceptions, a line of In the case oj Booker Wasbgramme in the name of Iliustru uut standing items on the pro tor intellec uals issued; while on the loxton, this side maintained that for assisting plano solo by Miss. Star Lodge, in Stephens who was invited to be prices. If you want to have an estinate Ottar hand produced satistics enviroment tred him with the bringing the evenings function to a successful termination. Toe Cicily Comberland of Bucs wbica suwed that issues from ambition to rise.
present, vocal solo Mias by of work to be done, send a card to Ja mies ot disreputable characdoxology was then sung, and dow. especially 10 tur bave supila the State with thus terminalei and eventox who came BROWN generations ol criminals.
Tbe affirmative sald, in refer.
take part, and miss MacGilivray well speat an was expressed by he :8 an General Secreiary ence to the corn, that the pricall.
uf the gave us a sterAncon Box 1223 The negative pointed out that healthy ears remained in the cipal determining factor of Easter Monday, known amorgling address.
ibe que scior, in fact, was that of seed which was planted in poor the members of the Order of The next Rally on the Atlantic Sixteen years experience in the West Indies, United berid. ty vs. tnvironment.
Mechanics. Preston Unity, as side will be told in the Cristobal The soil, as it could be plainly seen leader showed that character is that had it been planted in rich ORDERS DAY THE States, Costa Rica, and Panama.
was Silver Clubhouse, Sa urcay, May colly a thing which is it would bave updoubtedly celebra ed in the form of a ban 1st. Tn Frances Harper Girls after birtb man mird being produced bully ears.
any by quet And as Officers the and Mem uave the program.
absolutely black at birth; there for Baeker Wasbington, the bers of Hlustrious scar Lodge tort, the making of character afirmative No claimed it is more 17, at their Lodge ball No. Grand Concert, to environ strongly fact that the germ San Miguel, at p.
Regular Meeting British Consulate Notice. cent. This side argued that the plasm from Washington sumptuous barquet was prestatistics produced by their paternal side was the principal On Sunday evening the 18th pared and covers were laid for uponents were lot supposed to factor which caused him to leave sixty, the menu per ved. Iu inst ther will be a grand Concert be the fact, as oftentimes statis home and seek an ambitions Star Punch Chicken at St. James Lodge Room. aud The Isthmian League of The British Consul at Colon ucs are compiled by faddists. In career, rather than the fact that Starup, Roll, Butter. Olives, Mu Hudson Lane when the Colon will hold its regular meeting tot would be glad of information as to reply to this the aifit mativo said he simply watched other children tard Sauce. Brad, Fried Spanish Fraternal Choral Company will night, Saturday April 17in a. the present whereabouts of Mr. that to such encroachments on read.
Mickeral msto Kercup, Pork tender some of their Classic Geddes Hall, East 15th Street Vurgis Samuel Lawrence, a native the works of authors which are The debate was proceeded by Rice, Baked Bans, Beel, Sliced songs. Come and hear some All members are asked to be of Jamaica, who was living in generally accepted by leaders of a piano duet by Missis Leanor Him, Cucumbere. 1wato Salal, Singing.
Colon in March, 1919.
thougtt to bcorrected should and Guillermina Jump.
ינו and bindrances to Gittens Buscher Boys Selon Pesures a your sectoare ceter borte you to adjuste pour tout to making medium and Character andere one or more on Robot to Wien wellL gntbeuro them set, the evening, 10 was of air a tben in numerous They a built up op soil OC 18 due street senideely strious


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