
British Finance And Commerce.
The Bargain Season Well Doer Noticeably differentand the blending does it!
to Birbt British and in many cases Dbarlllloan less a seriou bone the Ibougb Ibe of this There is nothing in England.
rad ibere can hardly be anytils anywbere tlse, like the winter ales at the London steres. The idea of selling oft suralus stock Slow rates is of course common nougb, but in London the simel adeous action of every great store to the wbole city makts the advent of sale season one of ibe or events of tbe yaar. The ereat shopping streets. most notably does more to drive away of all Oxford Streot, on the first paine and aches than any day of the sales is remarkable other known remedy: that is Crowds of women mass why thousands of people the round the doors of the big shops world over call it pain enemy before they are open in order to Rheumatism, sciatica, stil Ret first choice of the fabrics neck, sore and tired muscles, fors ur dresses offered at from lumbago, neuralgia, neuritis, 30 to 50 aprains and bruises are in reduction on per cent normal prices, stantly relieved by the doors bave to be closed at SLOAN LINIMENT Neno legitimate without portal in terv. ls auring the day because and signature of the crowds inside are alreads too large te receive attention Stories of phyrical strngeles At all drurite and dealers between rival purchases of some particularly coveted article SLOAN are probably only rarely true.
but a day at the sel is LINIMENT (PAIN ENEMY)
satisfaction at buying for the ordeal, pound what usually costs two will no doubt compensate for a good deal or physical and mental wear and tear. recent develop mint is the extension of the sales, which were commonly though to interest women only, shops dealit wiib mens clothing, and very much the same crowds are attracted to these as to the establisbments dealing igbter and brighter wear. This goes on all institutions to which the sales brick steady In every form can be seen financial profit being the rail ways, which carry tens of thous here at its best See oui to London at special cheap rau. for this Wrist Watches purpose alone.
Bracelets Diamond Rings British Consulate Notice.
and a hundred other adornThe British Consulat Colon ments and you ll recognize would be glad of information as to why this is the LEADING the present whereabouts of John JEWELRY HOUSE in town Edward Clarke, believed to be a native of Antigua, who was last ask prices and you ll find still beard of at Pedro Miguel in 1918.
another reason. bealth Chesterfield with Up to date Jewelry Kreat.
It is it is exhaussigoal 23 CORETTES thg THE BEER Fuller Jewelry Store Few Government public tions can bave buen await. with more anxiety and expectation than the report of the Coal Com mission. Tbe reason for this is oblivious: coal mining, is the basic British industry. It attords employment to over a million men; its weekly output, even in these days of acute depression, exceeds tive million tons: and she No other cigarelle combines value of coal gotten in each year In such generous measure is about 250 millions. Further, the richness and charm of the industry provides one tentb Chesterfield of British exports in value and four ifths of them in volume Coal is the prime motive power of British industry; the basis of TOST metallurgy, the propellant force and chief cargo of nize the advantage which British ships. Hence on the Chesterfield derives from seasoning the prosperity and smooth working of its bioing industry depende mellow North American leaf with the British commercial prosperity.
spicy fragrance of costly Turkish Yet as all the world koows. since the close of the Great War the tobaccos.
British mining industry bas For each of the several varieties in been sick, and during the last been the unique Chesterfield blend supplefew mootbs it bas needed the e support of a subsidy running ments the others balances richness.
pour against fullness and produces a cigaweerbau ascertain the causes ole sickness and to make recom.
rette far more pleasing and distinctive mendations for the re establishthan could be made from any one ment and maintenance of the tobacco alone.
of this industry, the Brit.
ish Government last autumn appointed a Royal Commission.
This Commission was probably for its siz) the most able that bas ever been appointed. Ils Report issued last week with great promptitude and punctual119.
bas been described as certainly lengthy CIGARETTES (nearly 300 pages. it is tive and clear; and to its importance the Government bave issued it at the uneconomical price of one shilling, about one Gifth of the the usual price for such publications. Io mo Manufactured by LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
mont of peace in the these Gover de chiefly concerded. employers and and digesting the recommendaminers are engaged in studying 20 tions, it will be well for the fourth party concerned, the general public, to gain some idea of the issues involved. Of thelr gravity there is no question.
In the nature of things tbe Report cannot make cheerful readSUPPLIED BY ing for the Britisher, But taken in the right spirit it is not gloomy, only serious.
culties are frankly recognised and recorded, but the recom meadations for reorganising the practicable and realizıble and full of hope. Toe vcrld need for coal is as great it has been. British coal is as fine as it bas ever been and that is the finest in the world.
is brewed from the best The demand is there; the supply is there. What theo is wrong?
materials obtainable The answer is, of course, the 08 price. Cheapen the price and the demand will become a os eifective demo demand. То tois matter of cheapening the price tbe Comis superior to all imported beers sold mission naturally directed its main elg airy and on it made its here and it sells to the public at main recommendacioos.
There are in the main tbre HALF the price.
ways of lowering the price of a commodity. The first is to reduce the expenses in its production, wbile maintaining tue sawe TRY OUR NEW BEER quality and output. Toe secund is to 18 to lucrease output leavior expenses as they are, but relatively reducing them by the increased output. The third the uneconomical way. roundly condemned mission in case of coal, of subSUPERIOR TO ALL sidizlar the the industry so as able it to mesto competition prices This latter way was adopted Led 30soos by the Briti the British Government last August, on its own confession, as time for its Commission to rea temporary expedient to kain port. Against any extension of this subsidy after it is expice at the end of the next month the Commission is adamant. Even a limited subsidy is rj cted, On the second of the thre: ex.
pedients we have mentioned, while, of course, all in favour of greater production, the Commission 18 of opinion that this should Of every description not involve any lengtbing of working hours. Certain adjustments they would permit, given a greater elasticity in operation, See AND but only so long as the totoal of 42 hours in the week was nou exceeded. But they say, would the miners freely prefer some extension of hours with a less reduction of wages, legislationwhich would be necessary AT THE should authorize it. They trust, however, that this will not occur.
Here the Commission rejects the owners solution of the problem This remark about less reduction of wages prepares us for learning that the Commissila NO Elous. The difi The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
as ever It has It is specially suited for this climate wolle KRONEN BRAU is 15 Aed by the Com80 as to en00000000 DOOO 000 20000000 122 Cetnral Ave. Phone 629 TRY KRONEN BRAU M, WILKINSON ON DRAUGHT Contractor OR BOTTLES and Builder 700000 TO SNOODOOD0000000 House No. 20 support, with regret, but dee sively, the policy of reducing 28th NOV, STREET, expenditure by a reduction of SAN MIGUEL wages.
Tbere are, of course, other ways of reducing expenses, and these the Commission does Box 411, Panama, R, not fail to recommend. But, when all is said and done, remain in ib. s, as in other indus. Plans and Specifications Free trits, the largest single item of expenditure. It is hoped that the lowering of wages will be first Class Workmanship temporary, but, we quote the Commission, disaster is imSatisfaction Guaranteed.
pending over the industry and the immediate reduction of work ing costs that can be effected in this way, and in this way alone, FLOWERS is essential to save it. In this way alone. There Abogado. Attorney at Law are ominous words. They were OFFICE: No. 44. ST.
perhaps inevi. able words.
Com u issionere evidently thiok BOX 36 PANAMA CITY 30 and they are here, as in the TELEPHONE No. 1377 unanimou. The mine owners naturally will will be is agreement with this verdic. Practicing before all the courts of of the Republic since April 1914 One Government and the public it represents?
Can the miners be persuaded that their welfare, the of their industry on tbeir temporary acceptance of a reduced wage? That is the crux of the whole problem, apd HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA tue next few wecks must be vital CANAL ZONE.
to British industry.
Office Hours: a. to p. m, We bave not dwelt in this to p.
brief survey on the other anu DAILY remoter steps recommended by the Commission. Tuese ar inspired by commonseuse, and PHONE 1941 BALBOA lull of hope, and in many cases Specializes in all the branches are certain ot adoption. One ool of Dentistry.
of these recommendations would we refer to here, namely advice to the Government tu DR. HOFFMANN purchase the mining royoities.
la itselt a comparatively small has transferred his clinic to 37 matter, it may assume great Central Ave. upper floor of La importance in creating a psycho Mascota in front of the Alcalde logical atmosphere for the men Entrance between La Mascota acceptance of reduced wages. and Preciado Book Store. peace atmosphere is the tirs an essential requisite.
The Whole Report JOB. PRINTING the country as a whole, depenal Dentist Howell DONE WITH NEATNESS DESPATCH.


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