
El Excelsior STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History Xists suitable Colonies known to fortunes and with VIGOR TONIC What bin aims THE ONLY ELABORATED JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
enterprise Cider Champagne THE WORKMAN SATURDAY APRIL 17, 1926 PAGE SEVEN Interesting West. Broadcast Talk On (Continued from page 7)
West Indies BRITISH GUIANA Ten Guinea Prize For Trade Suggestions JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP Corner 12 Street East Avenue Pottery Manufacture The Secretary of The West India Committee gave a broadcast talk on the West Indies. AND We mak, aod repair all sort of Jewelry ard also The following is from the from the London station toota Demera Argy. One watches. Our prices are the west and our of as Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 200 on Thursday isst, the industries which could be March 18th.
Workmanship is guaranteed.
xploited locally is that of the Within the short time at bis Wonderful Work of 340 odd Pages Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you aufacrore of pottery. There disposal be dealt with the traceramie clays may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may for the prosecution of such ditious and history of the West desire, provided the monthly payments of centure, on commercial scale Indies, and called attention to the Summary of Contents: but sufficient atter tion bas apportunities those interest are duly met.
never been given to this form with capital, and declared that bras afforved to tourists and settlers History of West In iis Cricket for 60 years WE CARRY GOOD STOCK OF IMPORTED of enterprise which is Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, awaited those who produce an inc rative return to invested in hotel interprise, since JEWELS AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES.
In eresting Report of the 1906 Tour, ibe small man in other places the West Indies were becoming less important than this colony more popular as a tourist resort Magnificent Resorts o the 1923 Tour, Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall less Taw material for of every winter.
Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual be pleased such an undertaking. Once upon time a ball bearted effort was aling with the industries Players made 10 manufacture roble is of the Colonies, be specifically Valuable, instructive. Historical, Accurate, Complete and on the Demerara river and these ised sugar and muscorado sugar, and flower pots at a settlement mentioned West Indian crysizi lateresting wire on rale in the city markets Sea Island cotton, cocoa. Bioe and at wayside stalls by Exst Mountain coffee of Jamaica St.
Indian Verdors. The articles rticles Vincent arrowroot, Jamaica Ran Price 50cts.
The best Tonic in the World were very crude and traglle and British Honduras mahogany, and orly purchasers who could not Trinidad chocolate, oil, and do better patrovised the local asphalt.
Secure yours now there will be a great rush market. Wi the importation With regard to fruit, he said of a better furnished and trong that if the West Indian Colonies for them, This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recoma end. er article fron Barbados locally were successful in euring the ed in Debility, Nervouszess, Female Weakness, marufactured pottery ceased to establishment of steamsbip ser Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN count and today the best water vices to carry their poverishment of the Blood, and to build up bananas, coolers, fiower pots, mugs and sitrus fruit piueapples, and Panama a run down constitution jardinieres used in the colona margoes, that industry shonld It promotes digestion, impı uves the appeare from the tigbt little isla undergo rapid developpent, In of sea Who conclusion, he dealt briefly with a egg and flyiog fisb.
tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system bas not heard of Devonish potteries is the parish of the Imperial collage of Tropical Agriculture and its objects and DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or Andrew, Barbados? times a day.
ders British Guiana from EL GAITERO producing such things, which are in The broadcast talk appears to every day demard, but lack of bave created much in:erest. Sug and vision on the gestions for the development of part of somebidy There is no the British West Indies, for eason wby such articles sbould which a priza af 10 108. was Spanish Cider with its be imported on a larg scale. but of fered, are coming in from the demand for a Services of the Bethlehem a good article is every part of the country.
own Carbonic Acid CHURCH SERVICES an encouragement to trade as a The talk was heard in places so Church of God Holiness rule and as locally made wares widely apart as Birmingham (Continued from page 4)
do not come up to stardard wbat Kilmartin, Argyllshire; South No, MARIANO AROSEMENA st. the colony is a matter of derision tenbam, should bave been the credit to Shields, unbridɔe Wells, Chel.
Tredegar, Barnes, Seventh Day Adventist Church SAN MIGUEL The manufacture of bricks was Rotherham, Ringwood, Doncaster STREET CALIDONIA ROAD attempted some years ago. Very and Dulwich Doar Istbruin Park. PANAMA.
Sunday 30 a. Proyer Meeting Market, but in an incredible Rood put on the It is compatod that listenersBahath (Saturday) 945 Sab10 sm. Chilero Service; 11 short interval for some in xpli milloo and a half and two mill.
in to 260 numbər between a both Rehoot: 11 15. Opets! Worp Divine Service, Preacter, Supplied.
URETIC AND REFRESHING Trade Mark 80 pm Spenish Close; p. o. Sunday. Superinteocable reason what promised to ions; so one must bope that the 4:06. M. Seri tv metine dent u. chool super cena be a useful minor industry died West Indies will benefit rougb 63 pm Juusor and Seni Stundard pel service Elder TC Freis.
a natural death. Oa the Coren the publicity thus secured to VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ of tamin 6D. Vespers The usual wrekly type River fine deposit th er industries and amenities. service will be Sundsv evening 30. Stere conducted, Tuesday and Thursdey has never been developed to its of kaolin, but unfortunately it West India Committee Circular, optiesa Leue. Tbe ki delal publie is night, at 45 pm VILLAVICIOSA full extent Kaclin once figured cordially invited to turn out in large BEULAN 5:30 a. Prover Meeting in the export list of the colony: English Gricket And SPAIN nuuhers.
11 a. vine Service Supplied.
like citrate of 20 m. Suuday School, Superinten nuts it is now a mere memory. West Indian Tour. ESTEBAN DURAN Seventh Day Adventist Church dane. p. Go pel sevice. Bro. Smol. visited the stall of the Imperial Brd STREET BROADWAY, COLON Thursday nigh. Bible readings and samples of kao ip from Tasmania, Wembley SOLE AGENT Sabbath (Asturday) 45 am Sabbath Peaser, Bro. Webley.
The followiog is taken from Ceylon, veria, India and Corn.
School; 11. 15 sm. Geacral Worship For the Republic of Panama Cora the English GAMBO4 MISSION 11 and wall (E newspaper tba 30. Young prople meting There was one Manchester Weekly Guardian p. m, supplied.
from British Guiana alıbough of a recent date: 30 ro Vespere Elder T, C, PRANCIS, the purity of our kaolin is well Sunday venitg 30 o. Preaching And now the West Indians Pastor in charge.
established. enquirred the res.
der vier.
You are cordially invited to son and was referred to the bave joined in the fashionable attend these services and bring your Pavilion wbare saw an exhibit. game of knocking the cover og the cricket ball bowled by an friende.
Ebenezer Church of God Holiness kehy was she not the tod in the dwong West Indies team made a gand Imperial The Church of God No. 46 CALIDONIA ROAD is interesting to tour to this country and won the he neve nole that there is Aurishiok bear no bearts of crowds everywhere by Regular Assortment of trade in ceramic clays Suoday. 5o clark, Prayer Meetin relish with wbich tbe obvious Panam, Aros meda Mtrect, Hour 25, Ilm. Divine Service Preacher. Engard and Auerica, a large every player flung himself into a San Miguel Sunday at s. Prayer Supplied quinuty of the kaolin quarried with these West Indians, not a ma ch. It was, indeed, a game moeting aod Gospel ting 11. Sunty School Superintendent. Irom Cornwall being to. sad 30 Sunday School at p. p. PU Programet e. aday at 311 Testimony Meeting SUCH AS seen long lines of transport the West Indians proved that 30 Gospel Service, Preacher tralls with th material at St. sey could win Tuesday at 15 m. Young People matches even Supplied.
Wednesday at 30 Tuesday 30 Gepel Service Austell in Corrwall.
Blaz y, Par, Roche and St. while enjoying them; they routed uspel meeting. Thurulay at 30 pm The stuif one or two of our most solemn Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, ana en air meeting, Friday at 30 th.
Note Other Se vices for the week is exported in large and responsible counties, and will be given from the pulpit.
Prayer Meeting blocks and not in puluoed strong Eagland elevinir also gave a terrible fright to a Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine BRO, A, C, PESSOA. ix charge. Elder ODLE form as in past years. It ie to festa Bed Tank, dai Zo. Nunday Schos Pateor in be bored that some public body might easils have been a funeral at Scarborough that Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, to. Gepel meeting on Thursday wbicb considere it germane to 730 pm The Salvation Army is excellent to see the West its functions will give some etc. etc. etc.
Bia ORAY attention to this question and Todies still advancing in skill and Providence. Guepel Melings PANAMA CITY CORPS.
encourage pottery manufacture reputat. co. in cricdet and against team wbich we 11. 30 sm and 7, 80 co. Sungay Shoot on a sound basis and with a view in he thought Services are as followof establishing. pm. Wednesday at 30 Gogit lett Eneroung sough when recognised to in December. In an. Early Prayer Meeting.
local output.
pel Meeting Friday at 7:30 Prayer As regards the Meuting 10 a. Children Directory Mretin, kaolo deposits am at logs to a year or two from now it may Bro. McDONALD and Brigade Uoite Open Air Meetin know why they could not be will be preras Eleis kor cricketers 93 CENTRAL AVENUE developed lice Mertine to be con Develo Gatun, Canal Zone. Gospel Meeting ducted by Comendant Martin.
be resumed. The Upper strade not only in New South Wales bar at 11. 30 a. and 30 m; Sunday wli 3p. Company meeting and Bebont at pm. Wednesday 7, 80 Brigedes Open air.
Panama City.
provide a sure market and also in Demerara. Every lover may be Canada too. This fore of the game here will congratuGoep Meeting. Priday at 30 pm p. Junior Open Air word is to remind readers that late the West Indian cricketers Prs Meeting 45 u. Separate Brigade open at the colony is not making the best on their progress; nove the less Bro. GEORGE GRIPPITH the prowess of the West Indians Meeting.
of the good things which are Come and Streets. Goepel meeteam this against the 30 m, Big Salvation Meeting.
within its reach. Day, alter day winter bas an asp ct which is Inge at 11 30 a ta and 30 in. Burdny Other notices for the week will be wish for time we are not likels little disquieting. It is one thing we don our wishing pats and little School at 3pm. Wednesday at 30 given from the pulpit.
West Indians bave un to Guepel Meeting Friday at 30 to in a hurry when at to Prayer Meeting.
things that are: another to prove that English cricket bas not faillen away in Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON Notice to Correspondents.
skill. That such a batsman as Why throw away your old, but no Contributors and correspondents Challenor, amongst the West West doubt interesting, books when you Salvation Army Hall, are asked to send in their contribu.
Indians, should flog some of our tions not later than Thursdays to Why pay double price best professional bowling need can have them neatly bound at insure publication. This is impera. for Interior imported cause us reither surprise por LA BOCA (PPS tive ard must be adhered.
Beer when you can anxiety; Challenor is one of the six best baismen in the game at 30. Knee Drill buy a superior Beer 6006 Bluod Tablets safer than the present time. But when we 11. co Holinese Merting.
les rn that the tail end, bats93 CENTRAL AVENUE p. to. Sunday School, 6:16 Money back guarantee uch as BALBOA for men in a West Indian eleven are 30 Open Air.
Price Farticulars free. Weleh half the price. atle to cut and drive our attack Opposite Cecilia Th atre 80p. Salvatio meting.
Medi ine o. Dept. Atlanta, Ga.
We extends cordial ir vitsten o ali. Continued on pgae 8)
tbere is a fine and kola Band)
to Puor worara myselt Take Notice Instituie between the Ho Ro Co Famous Products charge festival The Workman Printery Book Binding! LA MARCIN. Commandent the time when it bemoet the doubtedly improved their game. THE WORKMAN


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