p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY APRIL 17 1926, OUR SPORTING PAGE Last Sunday Kaces Sparklets Races! Races!
comedy Classy Races tbe Another Big Day of Sport places original come 18 distinctly are mor believe ever.
yer and.
London City Prepares To Morrow Races (Continued from page 1)
For Record Season.
It is almost sure that there LastBunday was urquestiorawith the COURT FUNCTIONS AND SOCIAL will be a record crowd at bly a good day on the turt at Gilling engagements ENTERTAINING UNEQUALLED Juan Franco tomorrow afterJuan Franco. There ware seveo tardy set. Too often one is invited races and some very good one address an audieace and arrives IN ANY OTHER WORLD CAPITAL noon: as the Jockey Club has at that. It was the outsiders on time only to be sadly embarday and they surely bad a good passed by seeing the place in utter FOREIGN ROYAL GUESTS. ciently and will come back apparently rested up suffi.
day of it, as Barba ji romped darkness and sometimes not even a JUAN FRANCO TRACK bome a bead of ber bed in the representative to turn on the Rush of Dominion and Ameri each of which is a good one.
tomorrow with eight races, cond race letting in ber tex liglets.
backers with 21. 30 for each The management of the Orpheus can Visitors Prince of Wales Seven native ponies wili In vested on her to win.
TO MORROW Zapa Musical Club of La Boca, formerly Will be in London.
Kallo ed wide in the last furlong of Panama, has announced that it run five furlongs as the curand came in second paying only will be ready, on the 15th of next Sunday, April 18th, 1926 tain raiser. followed by mooth, to present to the public London, March 16. London is 40 op for place.
Jockey Moore Rave Madona an, the drama entitled The now looking forward to the gay seven more over an equal est and most brilliant season distance, for the second excellent ride in the fourth race Path Across The Hill. The Club since tbe war.
over furlongs, with the result proposes first to stage this play It will be marked by the visite that those who backed ber to at the La Boca Clubhouse, after The event which promises win came in for 16 10 on each which the management may decide of foreign Royalties, by the to attract the keenest atten lovested.
greatest opera season for many tion will be a mile race be on a tour of the other Silver Club by the invasion of many Araucana, also with Jockey house The Paib Across the seats.
Moore in the saddle, easily won Hill is written by Lillian Morti thoussods of Races For Imported horses visitors from the tween the great Copiano.
Dominions teatare race of seven for mer; it is a act play punctuated and America, and by Jolly Fellow and Pierrot. Jolly Court functions and social enter. Fellow and Copiapo has been longs, beating Funchal and Frou with marked dramatic scene Frou, Argentino baviog been while the comedy side is a laugh and for Native bred Ponies taining unequalled in any other alotted 126 lbs. each, and scratched. And Pierrot, the favo provoker The time for presentacapital of the world: rite io seven furlonge against tion is three bours.
An outstanding feature will be Pierrot given 114 lbs. This Justice, Clo Clo and Argentine, With all due respect to the posWILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE he 199nce of race carries a purce of 250.
the Prince of also won easily but paid only sibly uninterrupted sense of hearWales.
Last year the Prince was The entire card: twenty cents on the original io ind of the writer of Pro Con away on his African and South vestment 20.
Five furlongs purse 125.
This season be in the PANAMA AMERICAN, am American tour.
Zambo took the last race of inclined to take exception, not will be in London, rentrai Zapa 128, Barba Roja 124 tigure of society and a wagoet of Ei Chi Chi 120, Fenomeno seven furlongs and paid with the interrretatiou be The results were: on the first of his three notations ttraction for all the visitors 116, Almirante 101, Wormfrom non cong.
Baven furlongs. Dardenela of the peculiar dialect of some wood 92, Gran Senor 90. Gorziles) Candlewood West Indians, for publication at Everybody will be there. Don miss it. King Fuad of Egunt will, it is Five furlong3 purse 250.
understood come to London in (Moore) Linda (C. Gonzales. 40 Pool paid 80 on twist of the English language a future date, but to the Time First Race Starts p. Sharp June, for the first time since his Jailer 126, Oran 121, Novicia the wioner.
which is supposed to have correctly accession, and be will be the 119, Clo Clo 115. Tango 113.
guest of the King and Queen at Colombina 111, Garzona 105.
Four furlongs. Barba Roja noted. As a West Jadiso myself, (Martinez) Zapa of. as well as Buckingham Palace.
Six furlongs purse 375. El Chichi (Navarro. Time some The King and Queen of Spain of all ADMISSION: sections of the 53 5. Pool paid 821 80 and 20 English speaking communities all also intend coming to London, Funchal 126. Dhole 103, Frou on the winner, 2, 40 on the se over the world, sometimes twist Grand Stand Field Stand 50c.
althougb theirs will be the nature Frou 121, Burlesco 121.
cond, borse sod 3, 20 but unless the of a private viait.
on tbe the King don come back tbird.
Seven furlongs pure 400.
term: If PRINCESS ASTRID. Titina 127, Abel 126, Bolshetoll Four furlongs, Belle Sauvage tell you this morning which is Another visitor whose presence vidi 119, Cicero 105. Jimenez) Mimosa (C. Gonza said by the writer of Pro and will attract widespread attention les) Medaler (Escobar. Time. Cou to have been intended to NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES BROADCAST TALK will be Princess Astrid, the Four turlongs purse 250.
49 5 Puol paid 7, 20 and 3, 70 mean, pretty twenty year uld niece of Zambo 126, Col Arango 121, on the winner and; 2, 90 on the back, would bave told you so (Continued from page 7)
the King of Sweden, wbo will Infante 112, Oriental 112, second borse.
Very recent (From Our Correspondent stay with the King and Queen at Bomba 103, Tigre 103, AltaPour furlongs. Madona manufacture and to the user a cog.
numercifully even as the tail Buckingbam Palace in June. Moore) Lucero (C. Gonzales) Date term, nera 96.
peculiar to The Wesleyan Sunday School end of an Australian elever bas Every year the Court becomes Colonel Arango (himenez. herself, bink that particular children were given their annual done on many days since the more and more fascinating in the One mile. purse 1, 250.
Time 49 5. Pool paid 16, 10 on wist which has been noted for picnic on Easter Monday, the war it is then time to ask whe eyes of visitors troun the Domir Jolly Fellow 126, Copiapo the winner.
publication for the information inst. the day was very ther our bowling is really as good ions and America, and this year 26, Pierrot 114 Seven furlongs. Arscuana of all concerned should be pleasant especially as the sun resource and stamina as the the applications for the eagert (Moore) Funchal (C. Ganzles) followed immediately by a. did not appear in all its bril English averages would bave us sought command Six furlongs. purse 300. Frou Frou (Mak Time 1, 29 or its equivalent The other lancy.
Tbe crowd was not as year after year. Since numerous than Mor Ocurrencia 130, Justice 11, Puol paid 70 on tbe twists. She dont ready oved in Test Canadians are anxious to be Mimosa 97, Belle Sauvage 97, It used to be, but all 1920 it has been wioner. she doni name who were present enjoyed them cricket, at any rate that English presented at Court this sea :or Meddler 95, Towello 90.
Seven furlongs. Pierrot Masy, etc. may pass the censor selves in tyle, not only the chi. bowling certainly is not good than in any previous season, and One recent realeas from The arena but the older folks as well. enough it will, Dogberry husts of Americans are compete Argentino 132, Fachendo 126.
mile purse. Justice (Moore. 400.
Clochu (Haughton Time 29 World Tomorrow of 104 East Several games were Indulged in ourdonserve, so near to ha ing for the honour. 5.
pad 20 on the win Ninth Det and an equal amount on the among otber things has thie to say older folks seemed to bave been Australia next summer Selec. that the overseas invasion will be Burla 106, Reina Mora 115.
og der er ingen har et story and leading telemoen wat beter bebe should not resellers de Barcelona is to stand a chance against. Already there are indications Marcela 113, Araucana 117 Becozd borse.
op interracial relr tiots in the more enthusiastic about the Shipping veu furlongs. apo (Hildago)
United States; The question a and hotels have St JOHN PAST MASTERS vecilia (MacLuan. Tiune. 32 5. is at wered by a sebretion of stri. Aja Binds did splendid work in sense of values must get to work already made large bookin pice things for the straightway.
Pooi and »3 10 on the Winder ing little incidents of discrimina.
Children enjoy mert. Ice cream One aspect of London life, com CONCLAVE. 40 on the second horse and tion From the brief potice: and of commodities Memorial Service.
pared with that of Continental 30 on tbe tbird burse.
Wanted Factory Helpers; ex were on sale on the play ground capitals, causes some misgiving perienced only; white 24, colored througbout the day, and evers: Horatio Martin, will be held imposed on London are unknowo memorial service for the late in this regard. The restrictions And Grand Christian Encap 20 Apply. up to the mur tbing was done to make the day by the Premier Union Lodge No, in Paris, and Americans especment No. 3, EASTER MUSIC. a successful colored fariner an enjoyable one.
10110. Grand United Order of ially, eager to escape from the All Sir Knights of the above by jealous white reightours, the (Contioued from page. Oddfellows; at the Star of the trammels of Prohibition. view named Encampment are reminded stories are true and shameful to our next Convention cother motor boat wbich is Isthmus Lodge Room 21st, Street, with annoyance the law which to attend all Americans. The release on Sunday April cute their entertainment of which will be convened the 18ta deriully tirring manner, there rond, business manager of the 18 added to the fleet at New 18, at o clock, on the inst, at Progrees by winning the plaadits of the nity Providence, it is owned by for Sister lodges and friends are week. audience. Her second selection was nas recen uy written aa article Carlos, ir Negro Opportunity Bertonciol.
Pana cordially invited.
Last year more thso 100, 000. discussed of There are many subjects to be was fqually highly appreciated.
bas interest the 000 was spent by Americaus on Order.
The next item on the program Adventur in Misunderstand waplan, fron Coloa, who the Continent, and there is a was a Corvet and Clarinet dost Walrund is reported as having told Cowony. The boat ruos daily from Por ing; a Personal Experience. Mr. acquirred property at this DEATH OF (Continued from page 1)
strong demand that the grandby Mesers Neilson and Santos. a story in his article with in grawe bere to Gaton, via Limon, and motherly members of the or bestra, of and deauty which haunt the inind making a double trip every day societies. Mechanice and Improved London abould be swept away, in rendition which What everyone latter took order that foreign visitors should mesical treat of Negro and Order of Christ is Risen. there and Zone relieves the people bera oleh shares of the founded are some to be able to find the sa ne facilities ably rendered saying Gule with her mysterious gift for passen and laid by the Choir, wound up the pro Trieudiy ridicule who laughs the see teblielest on the spot at tuo evening last whither the body was to rest in the ger tralos at Herrera Cemetery on Thursday for enjoymbat bere as in Paris, gram, which was pronounced by GREAT ATTRACTIONS KRONEN BRAU Nordice all wbo attended as one of the suneriop court. On being to convey passengers right on to followed by a large number of ou.
In spite of restrictions, bow.
most enjoyable Musical Programs she says, nobody can evir, London in the season will friends and sympathisers, continue to asseri that he is better Colon. Bravo ever reudered at St. Peter superior to all He is survived by a wife mother nave enormous attractions for than others Buntioue to remaiu so.
There is some secret and scrupulous and niece to all whom our sympa visitors from all parts of the imported beers John Thomas. aged 55 years thy goes out in their sad bereaveworld. The King bas beaded the Welcome to Rev, Claude law which attends to this. be said. Antiguas, better known ment.
list of abscribers to the Royal It is presumed that this is the as Country. died at the Santo Opera, Covent Garden, and the Cousins at Panama. Eric Walrood referred to by Mr. Tomas Hospital on she 1st inst: In Memoriam.
seasoa will be famous for Dame Gaskia io recent article as Iba farewell appearWimbledon will be one of the having been the best coloured he was an old liver at New Provi, and his kind smile FAIRWEATHER ANDREW In ance. Osher world famous sin chief draws of the season.
Both Mlle. Lepglen and Miss yan Metbodist Cburch, the Rev. Dewspaper, aod writer from bim tbe good wish of every body husband and loving father, who Jeritza. No ondaliapide and Mme. Helen Wills are expected, and Cousins will preach fro the whom much was expected.
lo Europe bera, bence the nick name of departed this life, April 14, 1924.
first time as a Minister of the will be able to compete to brilli Mr. Tilden, the American singles He is not dead but sleepeth. Country; he said he was the Circuit. Mr. Cousins is a young ance with Covent Garden champion, may compete.
god father for all the children the King and Queen are present The test matches will be of man but one who has enjoyed SCATTERED LEAVES. varied and unusual experiences.
bere, and alwa tell them that and the boxes are fillea with the enormous interest in this counDaring the Great Wuar, as be was older than their parents. British Consulate Notice most beautifully dressed women try. The Australian team, cap Lieutenant Cousins be served The British Consul at Colon jeweis in gland, wearing pricelesstained by Collins, saila yesterday, and will land bere on Palestine and was one of the (Continued from page 1)
would be glad of information as victorious army which entered Like the poor, however, these thin. Penama District, Order of Druids to the present whereabouts of In addition to the Courts that beavy contingent of Amer into Jerusalem when tbat great kers of evil wou suck the happiness Theophilus Solan. native of will be held in May or June tbere cans are coming over for the city opened its doors to a Cbris: of others, will be with us, if not Jamaics.
will be two garden parties in the opening golf championship.
tinu army. The appointment of forever, at least for a long time The Halt Yearly Meeting of grounds Buckingham Palace, which begins to June, and a Cousins is a popular one and the price id or social work is extelieve the District Management Comand from May onwards there will special team of picked American we have evrs confidence that and the long as the folly persists mittee, of the Paosma District, be a succession of balls in some amateurs will fight for the daring bis term of service be that money is the sine qua non for Order of Druids. will be Why pay double price of the most celebrated private Walker Cup.
make an impression upon the solution of every problem uh held on Saturday April 17tba!
houses in London.
for Interior imported Then there is the Darby to the the life of the community. der the sun, very nicele pe can be the Druids Lodge Ball. 20th Entertaining has already begon first week of June the most will take place Boor when you can Among entertained.
at Panama on Thaeday at 7:30 and last night twenty five dtuner wonderful sporling festival of businees for the evening will buy a superior Boor parties were given for the the year.
wben the Courch will voice ber be the Conterring of the P, Rhodes scholars, who appreciation of the appointment uch as BALBOA for Rent Receipt Books in Span Degree.
afterwards entertained by VisALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO and express to the newly appointMeeting to commences at 8P, half the price.
countess Astor, Pat a dance ed minister cordial welcome to ish and English for sale at the Al s, in good at her house in St. Jamesspure. THE POPULAR HIPODROME OF ibis circuit.
Workman Printery standing are cordially invited. STARS AT WIMBLEDON. JUAN FRANCO TO MOROW.
Pool end all sorts der of OD was rare The satben, readers. Theu of of food Nellie.
when in April 16.
of Mr. will mos were


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