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Would Have Congress Colonise DEAD BODY Negroes Outside of motion passed The was LABOUR Chinese Cook Shop Owner EXHUMED MEMBERS And Given Military Suspended From BritDetected With Boiled Dog Funeral Honours. ish House of Commons Resolutions Adopted at Recent cable des patch from Antigua Direct West India Cable des Explains That Dish Was Being Convention at Detroit in Attempt tody of the late James Stewart a states that thirteen Labour mem duted patch from London dated April 15, Prepared For His Tribe And is to Solve Race Problem.
as bers of House of Commons private in the British West Indies were suspended during an allnight Regiment during the Great War sitting for wilfully obstructing busi Very Expensive. press despatch by the Associated Negro Press ap was buried with full military ness.
honours at the public cemetary St.
pearing in the PHILADELPHIA TRIBUNE of April 10th states John Antig us this morning. This Conservative, named the offenders cook shop sensation which caused considerable excitement Right Hoo. Nevill Chamberlain, Demerara, March 20 Arising out of the Lombard Street ihat Marcus Garvey is betraying the Negro Race.
real white folks nigger, and is working in conjunction the war losing both bees and revid. His motion was carried by a vote being found by the police in the cook shop of John Low.
He is a man was severely wounded during and moved that they be suspended on Thursday night the dead scalded body weath the lake kuux Klan and other sinister interests to get the beginning for some tihol bepertor 1963 to 76. Abercupoa thay with. an elderly Chinese man who was arrested, there was a big to his death Holberton the Negro out of America. pital e bout 16 mnths drew from the. The House.
charges made by Robert Minor, famous communist artist Hile Wall Accidently buried about was in committee discussing clauses stir in the city yesterday. From an early hour in the morna and writer, in the Chicago Daily Worker, a Communist pauper but when the fact came to nomas moved an adjournment was also crowded, the object of the gathering being to gain as of Bill when at six ing there was a large crowd in Brickdam extending from the the notice the this morning Mr. police station to the Magistrate Court, while the courtyard organ.
Minor attended the recent Garvey convention at that a bye law in medintely ordered of Detroit, which he described as amusing and tragic. He exhumation and re burial for his of te debate. The division on the a view of the dog and the Chinese man. The wishes of the should be be after the proceeded normally, but declared that Garvey hand picked leaders are directing military funeral the Court early in the day, but the body Negroes from their best interests. Minor ses most of his atended by His Excellency the bad got prescribed time the tellers crowd as regards the latter were easily gratified, as John sorted that certain members of the dog was not conveyed there until 12. 30 m, under several bed to cover. On the case being called the dog body was exposed in the borted. Jobby refused the conference: ex service men resideat in Actigua man Hope demanded the nat in Court in a bucket and presented a revolting appearance. Memorializing the congress of the United States to and also contingents fro:n the do these abusing the rules of the During the morning the body of the dog was taken to the make provision for the colonization of persons of African fence force and the police, House and the following members office of the chief sanitary inspector of the Medical Officer descent, with their own consent, at any place or places were named: Rev, Herbert Dun. of Health Department in the police ambulance and a large British Consular without the United States where they may form a nation noca, Durham. Scurr Stepnev, crowd composed almost entirely of women, also gathered Changes Malay Jones. Glu omorgan; Gora outside this office. The animal was apparently killed by and a government of their own.
Lansbury Poplar, John Lawson, hereas, race problems produced by the contact of races cannot be solved except by amalgamating the races British Vice Courlu at Panama, Compton, Manehester; Huwen Dat Mr. Koith Jopson formorly Dorham Caylor Lincolo throwing boiling water on it, as it bore no marks of having wheatley, Glasgow; been cut.
John Low appeared before Mr. Egg about 10 or separating them; and who is now leave, been Whereas it is highly desirable that the Americar raoferred en Cologne, Germany. Gues pour beam le Grey Bay, Hurdi o clock charged with having been found in the possession o Glasgow: Col. Harry South the Negro problem should be solved in a manner that will He will be replaced at Patama by wark and Messrs. Sheppard and of female dog under circumstances or preserve the white race and the black that each may make Mr William Oxloy, until lately! Purcell.
suspicion. He pleaded guilty.
British Vice Consulat Naples.
its contribution to the welfare of mankind; and SUBSTITUTE FOR PORK Mare Orhan you will arrive about the procesin e se pregare permite de the Whereas, many of our Negroes evidence a desirmiddle suspended Detective Inspector Craig said that the defendant was to live in an indepndent nation of Negroes and strive to Captain A de Comeau, British speaker of the House was sum the proprietor of a cook shop sin Lombard Street. Early in Vice Cosul at Colon has been mooed from his bed. Upon resump. the evening he was seen enticing the dog into his yard and achieve a high and honorable race destiny: and granted months leave of ab tion of business Mr. Chamberlain Whereas, such desire on the part of our Negroes ner, and he wi sail for England moved the suspensios of the mem later he was heard killing it. The matter was reported to was encouraged by eminent white Americans wh) sought on the 15th of Mas.
bers and bls montion was carried. the police who went to the cook shop and found the de to acquire San Domingo for a colony for the Negroes; and soocommissoosss fendant scraping the animal. The defendant told the policemar that he had killed the dog as pork was very dear at Whereas, there is much valuable land sparsely SCATTERED LEAVES present.
populated in the Negro republics of Haiti, San Domingo and His Worship said that he had always heard that dogs Liberia; and (BY LINDA SMART)
were eaten by Chinese but he did not know it was true. Whereas, the ancestors of our Negroes were de.
The defendant said he killed the dog for dinner.
prived of liberty and property and forced into servitude to Why Was Woman Created? on the other to the same extent, though not necessarily for iden lespector Craig said that the defendant had very few the white race: and Writing about women, the Edi tical things. While this may seem Chinese customers ånd he did not think that the customers Whereas, in servitude and in freedom the Negroes tor of The Jamaica Critic says idealistic bat totally impossible to knew what they ate.
in America have served the white race in America in a man in the January issue: She was kanw His Worship asked whether the dog was the defendant ner morally to obligate the white man to recompense the made woman created for he pur it was sonce, and believe that property and Inspector Craig replied in the negative.
Neyroes by generously assisting them to establish them pose of comforting maa of bright we are tending to it again. do not helieve that womin was ening of His Worship toid the difendant that he could also have themselves with bright prospects for the future in an inde high ideals and moving him to created weaker than man. At pre been charged with stealing the dog. He fined him 26 dollars pendent nation ruled by men of their own race; Doble deeds. She was made to help sent, as a sex, wo nen are weaker; and 240 dollars costs or two months hard labour. Therefore, be it resolved by the legislature and to make man what God intended but there is an increasing ambitin The fine was paid.
the senate concurring, that the legislature memorializes the him to be.
or their part to develop their CHINAMAN EXPLAINS congress of the United States to make provision for the Oo first reading, the above state physique. Physical culurists are The following letter appears in the DEMERARA DAILY colonization of persons of African descent, with their own went way be very flattering to everywhere preaching their men worden alıke. CHRONICLE: consent, at any place or places without the United States, we un arbres, but it is after fell only Daddies, who, when they were of Sir. Please permit me space in the columns of your particularly in Africa.
that man is ning of the world and thought that litele hey were hood woman was brought into existence not lift anythin heavier than a paper to correct an idea which seems to prevail in th SPARKLETS (Continued on page 8)
only because he needed help and book or stretch bizher than an companionship and someone to kerp inch, or leap, or tug, are now him well belaved. There is also a great excercise noe mer foren Slayer Gets Stiff Sen Another Good Oppor(BY conveyed the suggestion that, bow.
Do we for girls.
of the human family and the dif. man is still only an assistant of Pull Together ever useful she might prove, wo who were until at ree women tence.
mere tender dummies oow em tunity ferer. angles from which the coferior ability.
ployed by the millions in strenuous tasks which were formerly reserved Verlict of guilty has just been The Chon. Club of the Isthmus In view of the popular feeling only for men or mi cular field returned by a sworo jury in the of Panama whose past performThe old Silver Employees Asso thoughts mot each member of the ciation, organized by Sam Whyte garded as a necessary element in regardin, the proper relation of women! Tasks which to them flow, disagreement is refamily for the purpose of looking after the the general conduct of the family the sexes, it is undoubtedly not a selves seem often incredible, and to Superior Court of this Republic ances created quite an impression best interets of the coloured em affairs. a bis is a fact universally lie der er ingen probe party to septed the opposite sex malwaye aminot the murder of his former paramour main appeare at the National Avainst James Gilfillin charged with among local musical lovers will to differ from the widely ployees of the Panums Canal and unterstood; as, from whatever view. However, it has be part museles at the desk and other serJudge sentencing him topenss188 rare treat are advised to take Railroad, looked up to the motto angle the individual thought wel been see them degenerating into flabby Muller, the presiding Theatre on the evening of May 6, directed toward of Pull Together for inspiration flows to send my attitude to pretend to and all those who would not care to Brother Whyte organized this use ove ove common end to make the of a majority if my inner feelings ful of West Indian prog. es human family Occupatione? It may not years imprisonment iu the sive muvement near onto the time to make better the world in which to contrary, and therefore bec be risky, therefore, to prophesy, bin to further rolice surveille aivantage of this opportunity to more perfect and are colony at Coiba and hear the club as this is very likely when value received for the dol they live. And so, it is really aut unpopular opinion. As. Sincere, if that, wita atletas for women and for eight years after the completion to be its last appearance.
Tbe to lar began to desert par and near to the disagreement among the who would remind me of the scrip for men, both sexes muy in time of biso prisone term. Duis severity club is composed of 60 aod more upon the time when King George members in of the old tural statement, would point out return to constarting point, that has been caused by the fact that female voices carefully selected and of by same the evidence show premeditation specially trained, and the program part of Gilcillin and that and fought on account of Will: obligation was attributable. it was written to which would leave the strength.
will include many of of the fact idea there were so extenuating circum the best numbers rendered by the little Belgium. Whether the mem. allowed their organizntion to die created bot because she was essen do not believe that won 10 was stances which could be considered (Club on bers of the old E, knew the ou account of the disagreement. til but only because she was maated with plesa mes tuletwa dban in his behalf. The sentences now most of which are being given by real significance of the motto of accessory. Here are my views: mas much need or be said on goes to the Judges of the Supreme popular request, therefore those their organization is questionable. dian Employees Associutica wliet.
The Panama Caual West believe that every human being this point. as it has long ago been Court for their confirmation. attending this time will get what to. In fac, they might have known world, regard. comes into the might be termed an ail star propromise of serving THANKS The proceeds are to be its real meaning but knowing is of the best interests or wesome Sess of sex, has a duty to himeelf and as a sex. women are intellectually devoted to charitable put pose, the pot lielie ving the believing that dinascitatos Borbo it does achat, chat an emek preloading the one that every student of historie het op die and reader for the indul not spirit enig minor fer refson whye. you El to his felrow beings. By this mean the equal of meu. At the present time, however, due to causes which We beg to thank our advertisers Chi diren Home at Bella Vista fulfilling members of put thette obligation, for in a little bowe verso tedopt that populento e sunshine or comfort or inspiration, men, is a class, are in the load of manifested towards the non pub envereis another reason why you apparently did not It not ther. it. Ia mental achievements; but, the in lication of the WORKMAN on Satur should attend.
while disagreement cropped up in nevertheless, sives promise of an mo would outpour his best rower: greasing educational facilities whiclo day last, owing to an unfortunate the embership. But taking into organization which will benefit to combine them with the bighest in justice are being extended to accident sustained by our manag who had three toe fractured and consideration the general conduct (Continued on page 8) ability of man, each dependent (Crotinued on page 8)
ing Editor Mr. Walrond, a nasty wound on his left foot.
their ser. nder reccutly regarded on the. we is utary branch rary following the their on the that next week to undisputed who out of gram.
In 00 other,


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