
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1926 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands 0:00 Prolonged Drought.
Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD pre 139 M. and bermere sources of or been evaporated.
to left in the uste bands of Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
An Alterative recommended for purify.
ing and enriching the BLOOD. The prolonged drought and the attendant scarcity 01 vatre throughout large portions of the Colony, says the WEEKLY CUAltDIAN further emphas zes the necessity for presenting the Colony with a comprehensive water supply scheme. No one who has travelled, particularly in the Southern and Central portious of the Island can can fail to observe the distress and suffering of the peop people, because the raio bave not failen, and their slender sources su, ply bare. Morning and afternoon, and even throughout the day, long lines of women and children with their buckets, can be seen making for the nearest hole where with eagerness they secure a a liquid, often dirty, and repulsive looking, but which they are compelled to Grande and Sangre Grand use as water. In the Savana Grande districts the changes have been brought introduction of a pipe borna supply, serve to accentuate the good that can be done in this direction to other districts in in the Colony. The Government would, think, be best advised if they set about at it once to devise ways and means for providing the funds for giving to every district in the Colony a pure warter supply The 00 question be dealt with a nothing allowed to stand in its the urgent one that it is, and The present administration would be conferring a boon on the Colony if they set to work at obce, and in ties in the way, present.
comprehensive warter su scheme. in other directions the Colony has greatly improved.
Today, it is a general watersupply that is of paramount im portance.
about the For Sale at all Drug Stores And in Large Quantities by JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy AGENT should SEC way in spite of the ditficul opply ATTENTION!
JAMAICA West India Regiment May be Disbanded.
BARBADOS TRINIDAD Boy Scouts Rally. English Cricket Coach For Trinidad.
Last Saturday afternoon at o clock, says the STANDARD March 20. Boys Scout Rally Trinidad of the 21st ult. says:The Sporting Chronicle of was held at Goveroments House, We have beard it mentioned conditions and provided much amusement that the Queen Park Club for the tow spectators present. coach in the winter of intends getting out an English There were the Seouts and 10 present coaching Scouters, and represented Com year to till a months nent with the club, and Cathedral; engagement with anes Street; 1st Barb dos sea the name of Astill of LeicesterScouts; Garrison Armstrong team has been mentioned. a membar of the recent in troope.
They fell in at 45 this o clock under the command of this connection, final arrangeScout Commissioner Harriments for the securing of bis services to arrival of His Exsellency the Governar, Mr. Rob Challen of who will take passage ertson, the Royal salate given, and His Excellency then wrispor was for England shortly. It is also inspected the Scouts.
After the other quarters that the Kilper. in inspection the the Yorksbire and Allaround the King Colour which Esgland left bander, is so much is at present held by the the Sea to love with this colony that Scouts. and Master John Rob hinted at coming here to take up ertson, son of His Excellency permanent residence at an early ency date.
Pait Fiz Gerald, and Job Marthe latter rumour be shall of the Sea Scouts, were correct, then we are sure Kilder invested as Scouts. The Scout will prove of much wore usefal yell was then voiced at er which is as a coach than Astill, who the 10 parom various feats, such between the giants, England and respective troops proceeded in yet to make his appearance in ranks as sien lliug, ambular ce, bridgebuilding, and physical drill. The Austrailla. under Scoutmaster Williams erected strong Attempted Suicide bridge with their staves and had tae hun ur to see Mr. BradIn Ship.
burn, AD. to His Excellency the Govervor walk across it. The STEWARD FOUND WITH Armstrong troops, indulged in Ambulance THROAT CUT.
aid and knot tying, while the other troops engaged themselves in physical drills and various Con panion Startling Disamusing games.
covery Refreshments were served the merry lads at the end of the badian employed as Second Oscar Brathwaite, 34, a Barday sport.
The Police Band was in attend tried to end his life, it is alleged, Steward in the Chaleur, ance and enlivened the proceed shortly after the ship arrived ings with some very catchy aire. re from Demerara on the the 19th instant by cutting his The North Point Light Brathwaite, who had always throat with a razor.
been of juvial disposition, ap: peared in the best of spirits wbile the ship was on her way OFFICIALLY OPENED BY his bare from Demerara and had EXCELLENY THE GOVENOZ, en chatting with his room mate, the barman, Joseph Clarke some time before the incident, Another stop in the conserving which occurred at about 30 of mariners lives and ships that o clock. The ship arrived here at Das by night off our Northern about four o clock, was barded shores was made on Toursday and granted pratique, and cargo evening list at o clock when was being loaded.
the North Point Light time Brathwaite had showo no recently erected by the signs of being other than normal.
ment of Barbadog, was put into Clarke left him to execute an operation by the ofticial act of order and soon after on returnHis Excellency the Governor. ing to bis room noticed blod Shortly before the bour tixed turickling through a crevica at for the opening ceremony the the bottom of the door. He Gubenatorial Party and his Aid: pushed it open and was shocked de Camp arrived on the sc 0, to find Brathwaite sitting on a and His Excellency baving made chair with blood gushing from few courteous remarks to those an ugl, gasb across the throat.
proceeded to the upper storey rezor was lying on a table accompanied by the Superintend nearby. The ship surgeon was ent of Public Works and lighted called in and at once set to work on the unfortunate min.
Among those present to wit Health Officer, who along with wolle DAS. Liurence, Por ness the function were: the on. the Assistant Harbour Master, O. Wright, and Dr. I Hu Me.
son, Members of the Legislative Mr. F: Basanta, and Detective Council; Messrs 8, Sergeant Förde, was returning Jason Jones, C, H, Kinch, E, ashore from a visit to the Cana Skeete, and Dr. Ballam atassiah, dian a dian Pacific liner, Məatroyar. Members of the House of Assem was called in. Dr. Laurence and bly: Mr. Orpen, Chiet the ship surgeon managed to get Justice and the Iospector GeneBrathwalte safely on a ral of Pulice, and many other stretcher and he was placed in notables.
the custody of the police. Sub: Inspector Kaights and Sargeant Black wbo STOWAWAYS HELD.
were patrolling the superintending the arrangements. Brathwaite was Standing up in lockers just brought ashore and conveyed to large enough to hold them, two the Colonial Hospital where he Btowaways from Barbados on detained with Constable the Lamport Holt liner Van Joseph of the Harbour Constadyck. which arrived recently, ako reason could be sug bulary in lived for seven days in a dark bv suggested corner of the quarters occupied Brathwaite sudden attempt to by any of ship stať for by the crew in the hope of bing smuggled ashore in New York, take his life. Clarke, the barman They were discovered in the stated that except for telling bim usual search of the ship and are earlier in the day that he would now in the ship hospital under see later was what going arcund going treatment to brace them the ship, Brath waite never at up so they can be taken to Ellis any time binted to him that anyo Island to be held for deportation.
thing was wrong.
Lecnard King, a steward on the Vandyck 18 under detention by the immigration authorties. The Why pay double price stow aways accused him o: offering to hide them on the ship and for interior imported get them asbore in New York Beer when you can and said they paid him 50 a piece. buy a superior Beer Rent Receipt Books in Span uch as BALBOA for ish and English for sale at the half the price.
Workman Printery.
House Rent Receipt Books few days ago the Gleaner announced that the War Ottice authorities in London had under consideration the question of the disbandment of the West lodia Regimen; and according to private advices received from England, it is stated that ther is a great deal of truth in th Up to to that SPANISH ENGLISH report.
some time Order Books ibe lamps.
M90 The Army Estimates are now before the House of Commons, and if the disbandment of the West India Regiment is finaly decided on, then this will tiks place in Septemnext, and the future garrisoning of Jamaica will be by Europan troops, all of whom will be stationed at Up Park Camp, whilst Port Royal will be used for other military purposes The news of the proposed disbandment of the West India Regiment has been given some concern, for it will mean that fully 800 men or tbereaboutwill be added to the civil population, and unless they go. in for agriculture, it will be difficult for many of the discharged soldiers to find other employment locally The West India Regiment has bad a glorious history. In years gone by battalions were stationed not only in Jamaica but Bar.
bados, St. Lucia Bermada and West Africa; but since the Armistie they have been quartered in Jamaica exclusively.
Secretary and Treasurer for secret Orders and Friendly Societies a Harbour was CAN BE HAD AT.
y in charge of him.
for the PRIVY COUNGIL The Workman Holds With Governor on the Judah Appointment.
Stationery Store The GLEANER of the 14th ulto, states that the Government are determined that Mr. Branham Judah, assistant City Engineer for decades, and now actinz City Engineer, sball not be appointed to that position ag desired by the Council of the Kingston and St. Andrew Crporation.
Gleaner readers are aware of the position: The Council selected Mr. Judah as City Engineer; the (Continued on page 7)


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