
1926 PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 1, go Bress, Soo0X500 faculty GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted ATESPERANZA LAUNDRY SCISSSSS00S40 90388855 RACE MUST THE WORKMAN COOPERATE OUR BEST ADVERTISEMENT IS Atlanta University Stands Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applies For Racial Understanding VALROND, at the office No. 33 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes SATISFIED CUSTOMER and Good Will Avenue, Panama, de of publie interest invited.
PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be NOGAR Suits are sold with a guarantee that The white race and the colored written on one side of paper only, and race must walk side by side; there Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of they please the customer, Several NOGAR must be o seperation and we must One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaforget colo: if we expect to proSix Months. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith. suits have recently arrived on the Isthmus Three Be.
We do not undertake to return reMajor Wright, president One jected correspondence.
and every customer is pleased.
of the Citizens and Southern Title and Trust Company, made this The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS Orders have doubled during the past month and many assertion during the course of an address on Atlanta University and SATURDAY, MAY 1926, repeat orders are coming in. If you need a general what it stands for at a meeting of utility business suit, a hunting suit or an extra pair of the Atlanta University Club at the Branch MC. A, 1724 WHAT IS SOCIAL EQUALITY? pants for hard work NOGAR is the trade mark Christian Street you want to get.
The speaker, who is the senior In a series of articles appearing in THE WORLD Tomember of the Boark of Trustees Write for samples and information and we will have of the Atlanta institution and who MORROW, under the above caption, from the pen of a representative call if you say so.
for thirty years was president of Franklin Frazier, the following appears, among others: Georgia State College, stated that The principle of social equality is not very old. It is NOGAR CLOTHING MANUFACTURING Co.
he is a firm believer in liberal eduonly in exceptional cases even among primitive peoples cation tempered with sufficient where the kinship principle is the bond of social Union, that of Reading, Pa.
vocational education to increase the efficacy of the more academic learn we find anything approaching social equality. The warrior ing. CARTER and the magician have possessed special rights and privi. Atlanta University, observed leges in societies with the least class differentiation. As Local Representative, Panama Canal Zone District Major Wright, is one of three or social aggregates have expanded, principally through confour educational institutions which BOX 1191 ANCON, CANAL ZONE were the first to organize in the.
quest, the principle of social inequality has become fixed in South for colored people upon this principle. In western Europe during the Middle SDXO 35 SSSSS someosso solo90 199X9000 Atlanta Universities were all starte custom and crystallized in caste, Feudal society rested Fisk, Talladega, Howard and Ages society was graduated from God down to the serf.
ed between 1866 and 1868, All of Landed estate differentiated the nobleman from the comthem grew out of the Freedmen CSSSSWSC SONSESSO moner. Class sentiment was stronger than the sense of si se: bureau of which General Howard was the bend. Furtherpolitical unity and the members of the knightly class had a more, Atlauta University is the Stronger sesne of unity among themselves than with the only independent educational instiother memb rs of their respective political units. It is only tation, catering to Negro youth, in since the revolutionary era that states have recognized the the South.
That there has bever been a princi le of equality. The progress of states towards the student or faculty rebellion at thie realization of this principle is indicated by the present status institution was pointed out as sigoi.
of women who have generally been a subordinate class, ficant etor Societies based upon the principle of social inequality There we have a mixed have legalized the rights of the different classes. The servile and a spirit of friendebip exists and classes have been rightless classes cut off from intercourse pervades the campus because no with the upper classes. In England vassalage reached its distiaction, based upon race or color, is made. The entire faculty highest development in the laws of Henry, which rated the eat together at the same tables, murder of a lord by a serf as blasphemy punishable with which largely accouats for the abdeath; while a brd guilty of killing a sert was fined. sence of racial antagonism Benefit of clergy in Europe became a class privilege of Major Wright, in conclusion, ao.
educated persons and the last traces of it were not wiped nounced himself as irrevocably out until the 19th century. The development of industrial opposed to segregation and separa tion. He also laid much emphasis society was responsible for the prominence of competition upoa the deceasity of absolute in determining social function. In such a society the herecooperation between the educated ditary or caste principle wis bound to collapse. But just at and uneducated classes of Negroes, the time the ciste principle was breaking down because of economic and ethical forces, the darker races became the The Gold Rush source of labor power for securing raw materials. The white ruling cliss has reintroduced the old principle of With the reported Candlerwood social subordination or social inequality when brought into find of large deposite of gold and contact with these races.
other valuabje metals in the interi.
or The principle of social equality does not mean the deseesses se of Panama, local interest has on fresh courage and bas nial of the existence of physical and mental differences been strenghtened alo. de among men. It means that no group of men shall deny reportto any other group of men opportunity for the fullest deNEW PROVIDENCE NOTES ed from smalle: prospectors who a velopment of personality. It means that race, religion, or have been tol years carrying on birth shall not foreordain men to a certain place in life. It more or less insignificant search for the local should be noted that where society is based upon the ore. Among We are having a very severe the yellow caste principle, rights are not attached to persons but are drought here this season, the optimisis is one Miller who is sun does not shine bright during for the past 20 year. Mr.
reported ta have been ta have been a prospector prerogatives of classes. In the case of Negroes there are certain factors which make it relatively easy to make them THE HAIR STRAIGHTENER the daytime, and the weather is is said to he other local men a separ te caste. They are differentiated from the rest of very hot altbough beavy north of nearly a dozving the DB winds are still blowing; every and is expected to leave shortly on the population by color, Ly their general economic dependWITHOUT AN EQUAL plant were is axiously awaiting a ten month trip to the Darien reence, and by their low cultural development. They are showers of rain, but if the gion to endeavor to locate the drought continues until the end veia which is the source of quart: thus easily categorized and their color becomes a badge Don fail to try it of May, underground crops may the rich placer reposits which of other qualities.
a fallere this year. The abound in the Darien region.
weather conditions such as have not been experienced here Industry And Frontiers.
No Special Combs or Hot Irons Required.
What everyone The Rey. Cousins, the saying An interesting example of the vital connection new pastor of the Wesleyan between industrial conditions in one country and inChurch, paid his first visit to Houses of Iron and Wood.
dustrial conditions in another country has just been New Providence on Sunday last KRONEN BRAU the 25th ultimo, be preached at provided by a meeting in London between the Labour Ministers of Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany and In spite of the fact that many thousands of new houses 11. a. and administered the superior to all Supper Belgium to try and come to some agreeinent as to have been built since the war, the housing problem in Sacrament of the Lord to the mesa bers of the church, imported beers how much is called the Hours Convention signed at Great Britain still remains acute. The chief difficulty in the and by his preamble, we to a Washington in 1919 should be observed by the countries in way of speeding up the rate at which houses are being built for ward with bright expectations question. Although nearly seven years have passed since is the lack of skilled labour. The vast majority of the new for much fruitt to be the result British Consulate Notice the conference at Washington took place none of the princi houses are made of brick, the material, most suited to with of bis labours during the time pal indusirial countries of Europe has ratified the conven stand the vagaries of the English climate.
that he will stay on the Isthmus Unfortunately, as our minister.
The British Consulat Colon tion signed there, with the result that the conventien itself there is a shortage of bricklayers, and as it takes an apprenwould be glad of information as to the present whereabouts of remains practically a dead letter. The truth is that indus tice some years to learn the trade, the supply is not likely trial competition is now so acute that if, in the coal mines to be increased for some time to come. Meanwhile people Theophilus Solan, a native of At p. on the above date, a Jamaica.
for example, Great Britain is observing a seventy four hour are clamouring for houses, and the authorities are casting ed over by Mr.
service was beld, presidday and Germany an eight hour the difference may mean round for some a lternative method of building which steward, to welcome the new advice and counsel of our Cous.
an immense advantage to Germany in South American and does not require skilled labour. Concrete houses have minister. The first item on the ins whom we have with us now: other markets where the products of the two countries already been adopted as a type easy and quick to construct: program was an anthem by the Br Broome, Deacon of ima compete. Even, moreover, if two countries are apparently now comes the announcement that a number of cast iror choir, followed by the scripture Union Baptist Church, then, in working the same number of hours there may be a world houses are being erected. They do not sound comfortable lessen, Ps 48. which was red by his of difference in the way those hours are reckoned, par to live in, but no less a person than the Minister of Health the Rev, H. Toorbourner who is onerale oratorical and jocular was also asked to address the come to the Rev. Mr. Cousins. gave an ticularly in such an industry as coal mining, where a great has described them as light, airy and convenient. They Rev. Cousins welcoming bim, deal of time underground is spent in journeying to and from will certainly be durable, a quality that is not possessed etiam eshiebher did in an appro by the choic, Rev. Cousing Another anthem was rendered the actual coal face where the hewing takes place. That is by the Scandinavian wooden houses that are being built as priate manner of occasion replied at length in acknowledgwhy it is essential that there shall be not merely accept an experiment in the out skirts of London. Nevertheless, ance of such a document as the Hours Convention but a they are rapldly constructed comfortable and much more tion to the Throne of grace.
Bro. Daley led the congrega and all, and he pledged his word ment of the good wishes of one friendly agreement among the powers chiefly concerned attractive in appearance than their iron Tivals. The difficultyAnother anthem was sung by with the guidance of the Holy do that lies in his power that they will all interpret it in the same way. Fortunately about all these experimental houses is, of course, that only the choir. Bro Markham Spirit for the good of the an agreement in this regard has been actually reached in the time can prove their virtues and defects. The experts are then read an address of welcome a mong whom he has come to London meeting. The matter is important, for though it greatly divided in opinion as to the merits of the various and presented same to the Rev. labur.
directiy concerns industrial countries only failure to put the types, but there is no lack of tenants.
People who are members; he also said that for the Chairman, Dand another anC. Cousinsein behalf of the After the closing remarks by convention into practice would have meant a rather serious houseless are not so much concerned to know how many our spiritual good, we were sorry them by the choir, a very pleassetback to the whole type of agreements which the Inter years a house will last, as to get a house of any kind to part with our Surgeon, but ant meeting was terminated with national Labour Organization exists to negotiate.
that is fit to live in.
we are squally glad to get the the Doxology and Benediction.
Only First Class Ones Need Apply taken by one or Contra Crespo be IS ETENEET ce look people


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