
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 1, 19. PAGE FIVE Attractions at the Theatres Hill.
CECILIA AMERICA Republic will be presenta una ding What Is Your Fortune?
possible ATLANTIC SIDE CANAL ZONE NOTES La Boca Pars Commander Watson The Path Across the OF THE COLON BOYS INSTITUTE AMADOR Is Planing for Big Anniversary The Orpheus Musical Cla) is May 16th 1926. PANAMA. COLON)
PANAMA putting on finishing touchen the comedy drama, The TODAY, Saturday May 1st TODAY Saturday May 1st and On May 16:h comincing at TODAY Saturday May 1st Across the Hill. which they will Claire windsor in 12 a. all roads will lead to the TOMORROW. Sunday May 2nd Alice Joyce in present at the Clubhouse on the Colon Boyz Institute, where the THE DENIAL.
fifteepth of this month. Aceda Rudolph Valentino in DADDY GONE HUNTING Sixth Anniversary will he celeing to present iodications, this TOMORROW. Sunday May 2nd no brated. Commander Watson COBRA TOMORROW Sunday May 2nd Blanche Sweet in play is going to draw a record fouzder and bouse; as it appears that all La director of this Betty Bronson in Institute is sparios no pains to WHY WOMEN LOVE Boca is bent on supporting the MONDAY, May 3rd KISS FOR CINDERELLA efforts of the young folk; and, as make that day a grand success.
At this celebration Commander Norma Shearer in MONDAY, May 3rd rule. Panama City quota EXCUSE ME MONDAY, May 3rd Watson will be decorated by His Conrad Nagel in always be counted on. The souris Herbert Rawlinson in Excellency the Governor of the SO THIS IS MARRIAGE which is evinced is the right on city of Colon, with medal that TUESDAY, May 4th THE PRARIE WIFE as all sbould support a clean play which will not only serve to e has been awarded bim from the TUESDAY, May 4th Tom Mix in TUESDAY, May 4th Government of this republic, Pete Morrison in the young people but amüse for the manifold good that be THE LAST OF THE DUANES Pete Morrison in TRIPLE ACTION every body, has done to this Republic, and to WEDNESDAY, May 5th DESPERATE GAME The Path Across the Hill is the destitute boys thereol. It it WEDNESDAY, May 5th in three acts and will take apexpected that many high officials Evelyn Breot in WEDNESDAY, May 5th Ricardo Cortez in proximately three hours to. of the Canal Zone and of the THE CYCLONE RIDER Rudolph Valentino in presented. The story is set THE PONY EXPRESS and in as Eastern village in the Unia will take part in the ceremony. COBRA THURSDAY May 6th States and centers in the living These high officials are not com Betty Bronson in THURSDAY May 6th THURSDAY May 6th room of Ruth Conrad, a cbaruClaire Windsor in ing oecause of the celebration KISS FOR CINDERELLA Norma Shearer in ing young lady, grand daughter but to show their bigb appre THE WHITE DESERT of Samuel Crawford, country EXCUSE ME ciation to the Coromander anu gentlemen of about 60 years old.
to let him feel bow much they FRIDAY May 7th FRIDAY, May 7th FRIDAY May 7th Grandpa Crawford, Miss Coadmire the good work that be is Herbert Rawlinson in rad and Walter, her brother, conTom Mix ir Barbara La Marr in THE PRARIE WIFE stitute the Crawford house THE LAST OF THE DUANES THE HEART OF SIREN hold.
SATURDAY, May 8th and Leaves For Home, Dr. Jimmie Reed is young and Sunday 9th SATURDAY May 8th SATURDAY, May 8th ambitious and is Ruth lov Dorothry Me Kail in Evelyn Brent in Buddy Roberts in Robert Post is vacationing in the Mrs. E. McVain, who was JOANA THE CYCLONE RIDERS RIP ROARING ROBERTS country and is a visitor at the Crawford Ruth cousin, Flo Apending a two monibs vacation Gray, also makes occasional visito in this republic, left on Thursday for her dative home. Mrs MC 7ཡ ས ལlto to the Conrad apartments and Vain is the niece of Commander subsequently attracts Dr.
Reed Watson; sbe is greatly delighted attention. But there is another with ber visit to this Republic.
side to the story. Mrs. Davis Mrs. McVain is native of Costa CHURCH SERVICES Rica. She has done good work Alleged Suspect to be a friend of Samuel Crawtord; she friend for the Institute in making Brought to Trial secret which under no circumclotbes for the boys.
For To morrow Sunday, May 2nd stance must Ruth know. Young, Madamo Renoo will Interpret Zodiacal Signs and pretty, and dutiful Ruth Trade Shop in Operation. AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCE On or about December 31st. of Conrad is jilted! Dr. Jimmie each week for Readers of this paper last year, Victor Martinez mister Reed marries Flo Gray. But that (Anglioan Catholic)
jously disappeared from his home in is not all.
Post the visito The Commander begs to notify the district known as El Aguacate Dachfestory. Zuzu, Ruth Fourth Sunday After Easter WATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE the public that the Institute bas St. Paul Church, Panama in the province of Bocas del Toro, maid, and Salamander Zuzi. established a shoe repearing and and when found some time after husband, play, wonderful purt. carpenter sbop department, April 23 30 week, The work which they accom wards in the bush some distance The story will be told on th: and will be bigbly thankful to get Rev. Niebtengsle, Rector)
plished is varied, but all exhlbit the away from the house, the body was stage on the afteenth of Dext The Sign of Taurus, the fall sympathisers am Holy Communion The Rector the patronage of almost completely same characteristics of surpüssing burnt, identifica month by ten characters five 10. 15 a. Matin. Mr. R. Atwell, And friends of ibis great wok Bull.
ticn being only by tain males and five females, intelligence, forcefulness of charitat certain bits of clothing lying around which You will get your shoes repaired 10 30. Holy Eucha:ist sermoFortunate indeed are you who ter and ability to do well no and retorn at the sbortert The Bir bop.
are born under this sign. You have which they attempt.
William were not consumed and which were 12. 300. Holy Baptism, Woman L. Club.
notice. Your chairs and all other wooden furniture both the ability to do great things Shakespeare, S. Grant, James parts of those worn by Martinez and made pm Church School. From and the persistence which will force Monroe, Oliver Cromwell and wat ons twbien Secretary Ethelyn Thomas of 30 Choral Evensong, sermor you to use this ability. Yov have Herbert Spencer are among the repaired, also coffins. Your help followed grave the Woman Life Problem Club is Det ded to put this program The Recter.
suspicion fell on one Cyril Gale, a announce this week that ber. over. You can call phone 309 for faculties executive and intellectual Taurus border men Jamaican laborer of the town of Club is making arrangements to your orders. Very competent Cole should be taken in the Almirante in the same province, celebrate Mothers Day on Succeed no matter in what St. Alban Church, Paraiso mosler workmen in charge.
you put fortbe an effort. You have choice of a mate as Taurus men and who has since been arrested o day the 16th of this month.
CANAL ZONE. great powers to command others women do not make satisfactory warrant issued by the superior creato la praia di pering one realitate a domestier companiocentrotil they Judge of the Republic and is now Tennis Association Formed To Observe Garvey Day have self(Rev. NIGHTENGALE, You are controlled by your emo wili find their most congenial mates manslaughter. Tennis Association, includThe A. of Colon, BroadPriest in Charge.
tions and should be careful that in Scorpio, the first of November, ing all the tannis clubs of the these do not carry you to excesses as these latter will meet the de way and 11th Streets, will be Holy Eucharist and sermon which will be harmful to you Your mands of the Taurus nature and Silver Clubhouses on the Canal Cristobal Clubhouse giving a special meeting, as. Rev. F, Nighteogale. forcefulness will be an aseet when steady and strengthen it as well.
Zone, was formed at a meeting Garvev Day, Sunday evening p. Church Sebol used with divorimination, but be held at La Boca Clubbouse on May d st 30, When the Colon 30 Choral Evensong addren ware that it doesnot become merely significant of an emotional nature, the Atlantic side will be held in the team Singles Tournament be Your soul color is bright red, The regular monthly Rally on thereafter, it has been decided Saturday last. Immediately Fraternal Choral Company will Ooborne Catechiat. an obstinate eesire to secure your aid the granet is the fortunate the Cristobal Silver Clubhouse, hend on Sibel Gatto count on the be in attendance. Come one own and all to hear the Humming on in the goal toward which you sone. The hardy daisy is your Saturday, May 1st.
Birds of Colon.
31st of this month, should strive.
St, Matthias Mission Volley ball games will be Some of the most unusual men in (Copyrighted 1925 by Hense played between the Mary Talbert LAS SABANAS Divorce Granted.
Girls of Paraiso and the Frances history have been born during this Adams Syndicate. Base Ball. Rev. NIGHTENGALE, Harper girls of Colon. Game At recent meeting of the Silstarts at 12 clock.
Priest in Charge.
The Frances Harper girls bave held bere, it was decided that the ver Clubhouse Base Ball League Charging that her husband was on the 7th day of April 1924, p. Church School.
the program for the Rally.
Cristobal Reds and daraiso 8 in the District Court at Ancon, 30 pm Evensong and address.
All Girl Reserves are expected are to play duries of tbre convicted of a felony: Edith Mr. Riebards. Catechist.
to be present.
Campbell was on the 24th, of Friends are invited.
games to decided the champio rship. The Governor Cup is to be April 1926, granted a divorce THE MIRROR PROBLEM SOLVED awarded to the winner.
from James Campbel in the District Court at St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca La Boca Clubhouse Tho parties were married at Ancon on September 22, 1918, Have you triod tho and lived together until March American Episcopal (Anglican Com If you have any trouble with your now Boor The girl Reserves held their 1924. Attorney David Leon munioa)
regular monthly Rally in the La appeared for the plaintif. The Mirrors or Reflectors Kronen Brau Boca Clubhouse on Saturday, defendant did Fourth Şun ay After Easter not enter his April 24th. Quite a few of the appea ance and the case went Choral Matins, and address 11 a. send them to No. building, 12th girls were out which showed an against bim on default.
Lay Reader, increase over last month. Тbe Church School p.
October Street, Guachapali, here they Marie Baiwin Girls had the proBritish Consulate Notice. 30p. Choral Evensong, sermon.
St. Simon Mission, Gambos gram. Elder Barclay was present The Rector.
will be carefully and substantially repaired Choral Matins and address 11 a. taking as his subject, The and gave an inspiring address, The British Consulat Colon T. MULCARE, Rector.
Lay Reader also new ones made to order at moderate Church Echool 30 m, Tongue as a Mischiet Maker.
would be glad of information as to At O clock there was so the present whereabouts of Mr.
Vurgis Samuel Lawrence, a native St. Barnabas Church, Empio prices. If you want to have an estimate J, MULCARE, Priest in Chare. exeiting game of volley ball beSt. Jude Mission, Summit, tween the Fanny Cappin Girls of of Jamaica, who was living in Choral Matins and addrese 11 a. of work to be done, send a card to Red Tank and the Mary Church Church School p.
Colon in March, 1919. Lay Reader.
Church School, and Confirmation olase.
Evening Prayer and Address 30 zn. Coppin Girls beat the Mary Terrell Girls of Colon. The Fandy at p. BROWN (The Lay Render will Officiate)
Church Terrell Girls two to one.
Divorce Granted.
Choral Evensong and address p.
The next Rally on the Pacific Ancon Box 1223 Lay Reader.
Wesleyan Methodist Church side will be held in the Paraiso Jobo Alexander Wood was on MULCARE Prisot in Chrige (BRITISH CONFERENCE)
Clubhouse on next Saturday, Sixteen years experience in the West Indies, United the 26th, instaat, granted Posms 11 a. and 30 Rev.
May 22ad.
divorce in the District Court at States, Costa Rica, and Panama. Wade. Communion Rhael Francis St. Bartholomew s, Church Colon 11 am. and 30 Rev Wood, on the Statutory ground LAS CAECADAS, Claude Cousins. Communion.
Why pay double price of abandoment La Bocs 11 a, Mr. Daniel KinThe parties were married at nedy; 30 Mr. Walters, for Interior imported Ancon on the 13th, day of April The Litany, Holy Eucharist Sermon New Providence 11 m, Mr. Mark Boor when you can 1918, and lived together until the 10. 45 The Priest in Charge. ham.
latter part of 1921. Attorney Church School 30 buy a superior Boer Paraiso 11. Mr. Reid, 730 Dwid Leon appeared for the Choral Evensong and addrew p. mm. Mr. Walters.
such as BALBOA for plaintiff. The defendant did not Lay Reader.
Empirella. Mr Martio.
half the price.
enter ber appearance and the MULCARE, Priest in charze IN THE WORKMAN IT PAYS csse went against her on default. Continued on paga 7)
yohat direction Acon.
00 Ancon, from rom ADVERTISE


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