
British Finance And Commerce.
League of Nation.
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serits Geners, March 29 moreDot to protect children through out the world from undesirable moving pictures was initiated today by the League of Nations Wet ra, wbich adopted a resoluun tir the creation of central censor bip boards in each cou try, composed of educationalists parents.
resolution stipulates that these boards shall probibit the presentation of films de noralizing to the mentality and morality of children and encourage films wbieb develop the education of a It futher recommends an International entente between the national boards with a view to loternational interdiction of improFer pictures.
National legislation is favoured to insure proper bygiene and venuion of moving picture houses wib ample exits and the Dipentin of the exhibition of inflammable films.
Straight from the homeland of tobacco PTT is perhaps not without significance that Chesterfield popularity com menced in the heart of the tobacco growing districts of North America among men who spend their lives with tobacco.
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EWS SKSESSO Koos be a leader att de som borealiments and you ll recognize (BY ROBERT MACKAY)
It would seem to be tbe laten most industrial legislation tbese days to be discussed in terms of socialism or anti soci.
alism; of nationalisation versus private ernment Electricity Bill, nox before the House of Commons ha not escaped criticism on both these grounds. Those pb loso pbically minded person who judged of the worth of any project by the attack made on from both sides will be disposed to regard tbe onslaught made on the present Bill as ir lot of its Governments as rul have to tread the not alway popular via media, and in trading a measure to to deal wi. the 1:13 necessary reform of the suppl of electricits in Great Britsin the British Government he elected to follow the middle pa How far that is to be accounted to it as as a merit we will leave to the reader judgment, first, however, patting blu in posses: sion of the salient featuses of tbe BI We do not think it begging the question to stress the need for this or some such Bill to deal with the electricity supply There is no doubt that Great Britain has lagged bebind in th inevitable advance into the of Electricity. It is not aecessary to traverse old nor to give statistics supporting this contention. It will suffice to say that botb the Electricity Comissioners, the body goveraink by by advice chi dy, electrical mattors in this country, and a specially appoined Doimitue known as the Weir Committe (from its chairman, Lord Wei. have called for gislation. lib.
16 been patent for some time that the only possible basis for the reorganisation of the electricity supply business is to unification and standardi ation. To sobievo tois necessitate Government action. Hence tbis I. The Bill itself is a somewhat technical measure of forty clauses aud number or schedules The Government has done well therefore to 1980a Memorandum explaining clar ly it What is proposed to achieve by the Bill and upon it the following remarks are based. The object of the Electricity (Supply)
1926, is, briefly, to electricity to be eoabie most efficient and economical generated in the manner possible by the conce.
atid in rela tively small number of largo power stations most favourably situated and loter connected one with The Memorandum states, what will be fairly obvious ibat by the complete cordination of the working of such stations great technical advantages can e secured, resulting in cheaper prodnction.
The main recommendations of the Weir Committee are em bodied in this Bill. It sets up a Board. appoio ted by the Minister of Transport, of seven memIt is intended that the members of the Board shall not only be men with experience in administration no of andertakings, both municipal wide general experience in and private, but also having finance and affairs. To this Board will be entrusted the duty of co ordinating generation and arreaging for bulk supply.
We wrote just now of the Government taking a middle path with this measure. It is interosting, therefore, to note that it is also a middle role that the Board will be called upon to play. Save in exceptional cases the new authority is not itself to generate electricity nor is it to make the final distribution to ibe consumers. From selected stations, naturally large central plants, the Buard will buy power.
It will then sell in bolle to the olatributing bodies (companies municipalities. the latter belog termed in the Bill author ised und :rlakerei The of electric light and power by the authorised undertakers wul be controlled by the Ministry ol Transport, which power to fix a relationsbip (such 89 now exists in the gas industry) between prices to consum ers and dividends to shareboldThis is in line with the modern tendency lo this country to disallow uplimited dividends in public utility concerns.
Oaly the main transmission lines will be owned, or constructed, by the board, and its work is to be no:probt making course the Board will be reqaired to fix Boca, the residence of the bride Fuller Jewelry Store On Sunday evening the 11th ulto. the Panama Baptist Church was the scene of a very pretty wedding, the contracting parties being Mr. Stapley Campbell and Miss Ivy Martin. both oatives of Jan. alca, The ceremony was most impressively performed by the Rev, Thorbourne, in the In every form can be seen presence of a large gathering of guests, friends and admirers of here at its best See out both parties The bride was charmingly Wrist Watches attired in a driss of brecaded charmoise trimmed with silver Bracelets Jace and caught up with orange blossoms and crystal beads, with Diamond Rings an appropriate train fashioned. The Chief bridesmaid, and a hundred other wdornMiss Doris in a of crepe de cbit e decorated with why this is the LEADING crystal beads. Mr. Brown JEWELRY HOUSE in towe acted as bestman. Six flower girls attended.
ask prices and you ll find still After the ceremony the guests another reasonto house No. repast awaited them 122 Cetnral Ave. Phone 629 The bride and groom were the recepients of many lovely and valuable presents. WILKINSON British Consulate Notice.
Contractor The British Consulat Colon would be glad of information as to and Builder the present whereabouts of John Edward Clarke, believed to be a native of Antigua, who was last House No. 20 heard of at Pedro Miguel in 1918 28th NOV, STREET, 000000000000000000000000 SAN MIGUEL TRY Box 411, Panama, RP.
KRONEN BRAU Plans and Specifications Free ON DRAUGHT OR BOTTLES First Class Workmanship GORGONROCOCOCO BACOLOCO Satisfaction Guaranteed.
THE BEER SUPPLIED BY The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
is brewed from the best materials obtainable It is specially suited for this climate is superior to all imported beers sold here and it sells to the public at HALF the price.
TRY OUR NEW BEER electrical KRONEN BRAÜ SUPERIOR TO ALL such tariffs as will cover expenses, and it is not anticipated FLOWERS that these tariffs will be high or that any loss will occur. The Government does not propose to Abogado. Attorney at Law wako the expenses of the preparation or operating of the bulk OFFICE: No. 44 ST.
the national exchequer, but the system BOX 36 PANAMA CITY Board will be given powers to TELEPHONE No. 1377 raise capital up to a sum of 33, 500, 000. This loan, or loans, Practicing before all the courts of will be guaranteed by the state. the Republic since April 1914 both to principal and as to interest.
To sum up. tben, the Board 30:00 will not directly control the sene: Dentist Howell JOB. PRINTING or retailing Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH WIT have. directly its ultimate distribution. Its middle position, as bulk purveyor, will however, updoudtedly HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA enable it to Influence the two CANAL ZONE.
former activities, Interior Office Hours: a. to p. m, lines. as militarists know, have strategic possibilities. If we may to 6pm for the aoment speak in terms DAILY the general use of whicb is to be deprecated (although enlighteoning in this connection. it may be Specializes in all the branches PHONE 1941 BALBOA said that at the originating private enterprise is preser preserved of Dentistry, in bulk distribution nationalisation. Prevalls; and is the retail)
distribution both private enter, DR. HOFFMANN and municipalisation has transferred bis clinic to 37 share the activities. An arrange Central Ave. upper floor of La ment perhaps that invites criti Mascota in front of the Alcalde ciem, but one which may achieve Entrance between La Mascota the best of both worlds and, it and Preciado Book Store. Bo one which will be a great stroke for British industry.


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