
THE WORKMAN SAT RDAY MAY 1, 1926 PAGE SEVEN Interesting West. America After British El Excelsior West Indies. Continued from page 7)
STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History. AND Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Summary of Contents: History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual Players Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and Interesting Price 50cts.
VIGOR TONIC Secure yours now there will be a great rush for them, Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Panama EL GAITERO THE ONLY ELABORATED JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
Spanish Cider with its own Carbonic Acid Cider Champagne URETIC AND REFRESHING!
Trade Mark Governor, exercising bis pre NEW YORK DAILY NEWS SAYS rogativa, refused to confirm the THAT IF ENGLAND NEED MONEY JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP appointment, and told the CorpSHE CAN SELL THESE ISLAND.
ration fathers they must appoint Corner 12 Street East Avenue someone eles to the position.
This they refused to do.
We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also Council conferred with His Ex Great Britain Indebtedness to Last week members of the watches. Our prices are the lowest and our cellency the Acting Givernor on Workmanship is guaranteed.
the matter, and it was under The United States And How stood the vexed issue would be It Came About.
Our rate of interest on Pawns is, moderate and you settied by the Privy Council.
may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may The Privy Council, it is learnt, dealt with the matter at its meet bankering alter the British West That many Americans are still drsire, provided the monthly payments of ing on Monday wher, all the cor Indies is shown in the following interest are duly met.
respondence, the evidence giren article which appears in the before the Municipal Commission, Daily News, New York WE CARRY GOOD STOCK OF IMPORTED and the findings of that body newspaper, of March 26:JEWELS AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES. were carefully considered The Privy Council decided, it Winston Churchill, British Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall is said, that the Governor deci Chancellor of the Excb«quer, be pleased.
sion not to appoint Mr. Judah stood in the House of Commons to the position was a right one on Weinrsday and contrasted It is left to be seen what further the dire poverty of Great Britain steps the Corporation will take with the bloated riches of the United States. Aided and a betin the matter.
red by Philip Snowden, who also painted a dreary word picture of The best Tonic in the World BRITISH GUIANA bis country woes, Mr Churchill burden of debt on the broad and long suffering shoulders of Uncle Emigration Of East Sam.
Indians To British We gather from his remarks This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend that England didn get anything ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Guiana. out of the war except becoming the creditor of other European Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up nations who don pay their a run down constitution CONDITIONS UNDER WICH UN debts to her, and obligating her.
It promotes digestion, improves the appesell to deliver a pound of quiverSKILLED LABOURERS MAY GO ing flesh to a Shylock Uncle Sam tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system TO THE MAGNIFICENT COLONY, who cruelly insists that the obligation must be met DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or times a day.
NEW SCHEME APPROVED. Well, let see what England did get out of the war.
Attractive Terms Offered by She got the destruction of the Government in Interest of German navy, removing one great argument against BritanCountry Development.
nia rule of the waves.
She got the destruction of the cable despatch from Delbi, German merchant marie, ridCHURCH SERVICES Services of the Bethlehem Church of God Holiness India states that recently the aing herself of a troublesome Assembly vnanim u ly accepted commercial competition. Continued from page 4)
Goverment motion approving She got well, let be typical No, Mariano AroSEMENA se, the dratt not fication of the 1y American is saying it she got Seventh Day dventist Church conditions on which unskilled hellava lot of land out of the SAN MIGUEL STREET CALIDONIA ROAD labourers may emigrate to Briwar.
tish Guiana. near lethmian Park. PANAMA.
Sunday 530 Prayer Meeting. The She got 360, 000 square miles Babhath (Suturdny) 45 a. Sab. 10 sm. Children Service; 11 am, in this direction is the result of Africa; 200, 000 squsre miles of reopening of emigration of what used to be German East both School: 11 15m. General Worship Divine Servier, Preacher, Supplied. the attractive ter offered by Germen Southwest Africa went 30 pm. Spanisb Class; 0p. Y. M. Society, meeting dent pm. 3) m. Gos in the interests of the d: velopland, 340, 000 square miles, an p. Sundry School, Superinten the Govern inert of the Colony urder British mandate; Togo530 Junior and Senior Standard pel Service, Elder Francis. ment of their country of atainment Ches pm. Verpere.
Sunday ever ink 30 pm. Stere conducted Tuesday and Thursday ernment of India deputation to colo ies in the Western Pacific The usual weekly services will be follows tovestigations by a Gowexed to the British Gold Coast Most optioso Leue. The general put lie in digbt, at 45 the Colony and negotiations of cordially invited to turn out in large the BEULAH 30 am Prayer Meeting dia and the Standing Enigra in the teland of Cyprus from between the Government of Innent under the wing British Empire, numbers.
11 a. Divine Service Supplied.
Seventh Day dventist Church dent. p. xm. Goepel service. Bro. Smell. deputation from the Colony on is full of valuable oil walls. 30 m. Sunday School, Superinten lature, on the one hand, and a over Mesopotamia (Iraq) wh ch Committee of the Indian Lögis Turkey, and she got a mandate Brd STREET BROADWAY, COLON Thursday night, Bible readings and the other.
Sabbath (Saturday) 45 sm Sabbath Prayer, Bro. Webley, The terms provide that the When a man, or a corporation, School; 11. 15 General Worebip 30. Young people meeting GAMBOA MISSION 11 am, and family shall be the emigration in possess on of a lot of land, p. m, supplied.
uvit. Not more than 500 families the usual step is to sell so ne becomes painfully short of cash, 30 Vespero Elder T, C, FRANCIS, may emigrate and the number of Sunday «vening 30 pm. Prosebing Pastor in charge.
persons included land and get some cash, Mr.
in these shall Churchill might ad vise bis counService.
You are cordially invited to not exced 1, 50 1, 500. The recruitment and transport attend these services and bring your to try to do just that.
friends, Ebenezer Church of God British Guiana shall be borne by Egland might for instance Holiness the Colony, which shall offer hand over to the United Stats each family minimum of five the British West Indies. GrograThe Church of God acres of suitable No. 46 CALIDONIA ROAD prepared ag phically and economically and in cultural land, in a healthy local. a military sense the West Indies ity, with good drinking water are part of the Sunday 50 elock, Prayer Meetin American Params, Aromeda Street, House 25, 11 a.
of domain.
Divine Service Preacher. supply none of the expenses San Miguel Sunday at a. Prayer Supplied preparing the holdings being England doesn need these meeting and Goepel weetings at 11 am, Sunday School Superintendent. recovered from the immigrants. islands, but she does need cash.
and 30 pm. Sunday School at p. p. Programme The Colony will facilitate We need the islands, but we Monday at 30) Testimony Meeting 30 Gospel Service, Preacher inquiries by the agent of the don need cash; that is we don Tuesday at 15 pm. Young People Supplied.
Government of India and there ned it it we can get the island Meetin Wednesday at 30 are to be liberal Tuesday 30 pm. Gepel Service terms for in place of it It would be a quite Corel meeting. Thursday at 30 pm repatriation. Cum pulsory edu: Open air meeting, Friday at 30 Note Other Se vices for the week cation will apply to Indian child nice arrangement and, if made, Prayer Meering.
will be given from the pulpit. dren as well as to those of other quivering in fear of the Yankee migbt keep Mr. Churchill froin BRO, C, PESSOA. is charge. Elder ODLE communities. immigrant Shylocks imaginery knife.
Rod Tank, Carl Zowe, Sunday Schoo Pateor in charge.
already in in the Colony or going p. Gepel meeting on Thursday there hereafter most if destitute, be repatriated at the expense of at 30 pm The Salvation rmy Sis. GRAY the Colony and the Colontal Gov. BRITISH PRISON CLOSE ernment shall furnish the Gov.
New Providence. Gospel Meetings al PANAMA CITY CORPS, ernment of ladia with such For Lack Of Prisoners.
11. 30a. and 30 Sungay Snhool at D. Wednesday at 30 Gos Services are as follows:periodical reports and returns as may be required respecting pel Meeting, Friday at 7:30 Prayer a. Early Prayer Meeting. immigrants under LONDON, April In cosethe Meeting 10 a. Children Directory Meeting scheme.
quence of a decrease in the Bro. MeDONALD and Brigade United Open Air Meeting prison population nearly ball the The notification has already prisons in Great Britain have Gatun, Canal Zone. Gospel Mertinge 11 Holiness Meetine to be con been approved by the Covocil of been closed in the last twelve at 11. 30 a. and 30 Sunday ducted by Commandant Martin.
School at pm. Wedoeeday 30 pm. 3p. Company meeting and interest as one in which the Gov years. Since the war twenty five juils bave Goepel Meeting. Friday at 30 Brigades Open air.
erament of India are absolutely other purposes.
ave been converted Pra Meeting p. Junior Open Air. 45 m. separate Brigade open air 33 i esult of the negotiations the remaining prisons have been responsible to their Legislature The women wings of three of Bro, GEORGE GRIPPITH Meeting, Colon and Streets. Gospel meetbetween them and tt, for the closed, 30 pm, Big Salvation Meeting. current Indian Emigration Act, The Prison CommisInga at 11. 30 am and 30 Bunday Sobool at 3pm. Wednesday at 30 Other notices for the week will be passed in 1922 during the Afesioners are at a loss as to what time of the first Assembly, can be put. Several prisons are profitable use the disused prisons m. Gospel Meeting. Priday at 30 given from the pulpit probibits Prayer Meeting, MARCIN. Conwandent labour except on terms ings for victims of the busing emigration of being used as temparary dwellBro. GEO. GRANDERSON notified by the Government, and shortage.
Notice to Correspondents. restalos the Government from Contributors and correspondents issuing such notificatico exc pt Salvation my Hall, are asked to send in their contribu alter approval, with or without tions not later than Thursdays to amendment by both Houses of staff of Queen College it is insure publication. This is impera.
the Legislature.
learnt that Mr. H, A, M, Beck.
LA BOCA GORPS tive ard must be adhered.
les, of Barbados, a graduate of 30. Knee Drill. New Appointment Oxford University, has been 11 am Holiness Meeting.
appointed Assistant Master. Mr. p. Sunday School 6006 Blood Tablets safer than Beckless is at present on the 60p. Open Air.
606 Money back guarantee The Demerara Daily Chroni Continent and will be sailing for 30 lvatio meting. Price Particulars free. Welch cle of 24th ultimo gays: With the celony by the Brst opportuni.
Wata. curdi ir vitatun o all. Medicine Co. Dept. Atlanta, Ga respect to the vacaFoies on the ty in April.
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