p. 8


alone are not one tion to the some arts of their the er wers Mamma of us.
Workman Stationery Store It Races! Races!
gonism, 0000 1000000 much mark or sterling mer Good Races Furth mere OUR SPORTING PAGE fibriririiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Sparklets To Morrow Races Last Sunday Races (Continued from page 1)
THE ATTENTION Following is the race card to Over two thousands race fans greatly from the experiences gained be presented at the Juan Franco from the sins which killed its race course tomorrow afternoon and others visited Juan Franco original growth.
by the Panama Jockey Club, Park trees on Sunday last. OFI baye once written on the part It will be noted that Perriot, There were eight races, three for dative borses and five for the insignificant put plays in a Bolshevikl, Cicero, Burlesco and imported ones The biggest Friendly Societies and Secret Orders mechanical structure. pointed Jolly Fellow, class imported event of the day, race over one that it is a more difficult task to borses, are booked for the big and one eighth mile, was easily make king bolte; that they are the race which will be over five farwon by Jolly Fellow, witb CarIS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF bcant nuts have their im. will also be observed tbat class Zapa, ridden by Aranda, won considered by distance of mile. The prothe tirst race. In the second race MINUTE BOOKS AND mechanics in their inventions; gram certainly gives promise of Dictador was master over the at there entire distance.
the insignificant nuts (Alled with thrills and excitement.
Top Sargeant captured which are to LEDGERS are to keep together of third event with a game ride THE PROGRAM the most intricate parts frou Carriilo; and Cicero, with machines. The theme of the argu. Perriot 126, Bolsheviki 122, Cicere Five furlongs purne 600.
Muncz up, won the fourth race, ment is that the one is dependent 122, Burlesco 114, Jolly Pellow easily Suitable for Lodge Business upon the other the King Bolt on 105.
Aranda took Intante over the insignificant but sod vise One Mile purse 500, Argentive furlongs in the Bitb erent, tino 126, Araucana 120, Fachendo outrunning Tigre who apparentThere is a peculiar defect in some 110, Dhole 106.
ly had the situation in band in. AT THE us. We hope for success; but Six furlonge purse 350. Dandy the early running. He also rode wben, in one of our kiud we glimpse 126, Barla 112. Fachendo 112.
Justice who won in the seventb; success, we too often show him the while in the last race Hidalgo Five furlongs 250. Sister cold shoulder. And sometimes Cicilia brought home Silver Kiogabead 126. Col. Arango 124, this weaknees is manifested on the Silver King 111, Poncho Roto 110 of his field, other side: as 8000 as How they ran: 100, Alterna let race: Native borses, six aparmagan gospodangundangan anda da ga Arad Aradan go anguage and data anda ada pada pagi approach to a point where they 90, Bomba 100, Belle Soil Akers, likely to gain some success they Tigre 94.
furlongs purse 150. 00. Dar.
spurn the little fellows. This denels (Jimenez) Fenomeno Scarttered Leaves Seven furlongs purse 500.
conduct is diametrically rpposed Justice 130, Infante 94. Picblcima (Schulz) Barba Roja (Rdto any question of pulling together. 111, Meddler 109, Mimosa 107, riguez. Time 25 Pool With no intent Silver King 103, La Victoria 102 paid 80 and 70 on the wid.
is pulling spalvocate race anta (Continued from page 1)
whatever to per and 420 on the second women will eventually equalize the other community grcups here have Arango 119, Madona 106.
it is safe to say that the Lubome farlongs. Durse 350.
126, Malmirada 123, Col.
sexes in the intellectual field, Second race: Four furlongs for defined base a common I do not believe that woman was Six and one balt furlongnative borse porse 125 00. Whether they struggle purse 175. Linda 126, Dardenala created more gndlike than Dictador (Hidalgo) Almirante The statement that women are success, they have man. Individually or collectively for 121, Zapa 113, Candlewood 102. Mutor) Gran Señor (Jimenez. a common Almirante 90.
morally stronger than men, is Time: 56 5. Peol paid 60 and JUAN FRANCO TRACK golden bait which women have owa collectively, not individually.
the ground on which they hold their 70 on the first horse and 40 been swallowing too readily it is a commonly speaking they are and 00 on the second and third TO MORROW dainty trick by which men are upholding their prestige. On this horses, respectively.
allowed Third race: Five furlorgs for TRY Sunday, May 2nd, 1926 are kept in moral subordination common ground they place a ballnative. borses pnrse 200 001 and its principal result has been platform they serve self first; and value From that Top Sergeant (Carrillo) Hope the developing of a series of rules for that part service to others is a KRONEN BRAU (E. cobar) Peter Pan (Hildago. and regulations pressing more secondary consideration.
Time: 109. Pool paid 90 on heavily on womankind, and bringthe winner.
ON DRAUGHT ing about a As a community we seem to lack meaning of the race: x and one half word morality. If we are to conthe knowledge of the necessity for OR BOTTLES furlongs for imported borgessider the term bonour under the standing on a common platform 350, 00 Cicero (Munoz) Bur.
man view point, we find that it is we seem not to have a prestigo to 0000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 lescu (Jimenez) Funchal (Es. Races For Imported horses used to mean the presence of puri protect. On account of such deficien.
cobur. Time: 21 5 Pool paid 20 on the winner.
and for Native bred Ponies ty in the woman, and the presence sy we are too often carried away. by of and bravery in in the man. unconscious manner we give our sentiment. In an apparently Pierre. Cummings Fitth rxe: Five furlongs for To bring about equality in most genuine and generous support clasy imported horsesthe moral field is the hardest of to anybody but ourselves. But, for Nuptial vurse 3250. 00 Infante (Aracda) WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE the three tasks, and neede more this Tigre (C Gorz Jes) Gala than any other department, the selves; 20 many among us error, we pause to blame (Jimenez. Time: 04. Pool paid are The Panama Wesleyan Church cooperation of men. 500 and 60 on the winner and Another Big Day of Sport Unless each man resolves so to in position to serve our best inter Was the scene of very pretty 70 and 40 on the second and conduct his life that he can say este, demonstrate, such repulsive wedding last Saturday evening at characteristics that for good ser7 o clock wben Mr. Samuel third borges, respectively.
with Tendyson Sixth race: One and one eighth strength is is as the strength of ton vice, better treatment and bar. Pierre, very popular among the mile for class Because my heart is pure imported Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
mony we are driven either to seek younger set was married to 700. 00. Jolly horses purse very little will be accomplished. support from or to support the att se olive Calamines, daughter.
of and Mrs. Dudley Cum llow (Carrillo) Abel (C. Gon First Race Starts p. Sharp Unless each woman refuses to be zales) Perrlot (Jimin shackled body and soul by any other Pull together is the spirit of 154 5. Pool pais 11. 80 and The church was filled with of the Englishman, the Jew, the chain but that of an upright. con Chinese, the Syrian, the Indian, spectators, ho friends and well82 80 on the winner and 50 OD ADMISSION: tbe second borse.
be done. Heap ing mounds of criticism and slauder of these we have around and about catch a glimpse of the couple, for the Japanese, the Panamanian. All wishers who were aoxious to Seventh Saven furlongs for cineported horses Grand Stand Field Stand 50c. on each other is one of the most us. Pull together is their plat Miss Olive Cummings was a effectual ways for women to remain form of progress it is the princi prominent member of the church. purse 275 00. Justice indefinitely as social and moral pal factor in their progressive and a member of the choir. Araoda) Araucana (Escobar)
march Daidy (Hideg. Time 26 not agmitting la conclusion, The bride arrived at the church 5, Pool paid 40 and 30 on that woman was created physicelly. It may be argued that the other a few miuutes before o closk Elle winner, 84. 30 on the second Chinese Cook Shop Owner er intellectually inferior or morally fellows take centuries to mould with ber father who gave her in horse and superior, do not admit any of the themselves together so solidy marriage. Her dress was flower Eighth race: Five furlongs for couriderations by which she would That is grated. But they did it ed crepe de chine draped with imported three year olds purse (Continued from page 1)
be regarded as bighly useful from experience gained mostly Chantile lace court train, ana 300. 00. Silver Klok (Hidalgo)
creature but decidedly lower than among themselves and from battles she carried lovely bouquet. Fachendo (C. Gonzil 8) minds of the public in general. In connection with the man. There are many who think fought and won. But it is some eucharist lilles, snap dragons Bomba (Moore. Time 02. Poi paragraph which appeared in your issue of Friday and Sat like me, tou, only not all have the what different with us West In and maiden hair fern. She way courage to say so, Wherever meet dians on the Isthmus we, attended by bar cbiet bridesmala paid 000 or more on the scope urday last concerning the discovery of the carcase of a dog physical superiority. bow before buriewe way to their betwee been more and more properes aber eben per on the second. in my shop Lombard StreetI for twenty years them and. two. Me Jobs out that the facts are in no way exaggerated save in one day becerior Wherever beceriler Wwere very poolest on they are constantly demonstrating cordes no per fare de bonne. Sentry Shoot Prisoner respect and that is that the dog was stolen. It had neither because it elevates me; value of the happy results of their ripe propasman. The ceremony was of strayed nor was encouroged in the yard. It was lawfully by the same moral code, because it should not fail to copy.
These and women experience.
we performed by obtained, for although it was not mine, it was the property is only just, and resent the ever, we cannot afford to hunt for mony thebridal party repaired to To be able to pull together, bow. At the conclusion of the cere.
WHO TRIES TO ESCAPE of a friend of mine, and the meal was to have been partaken superiority of one sex over ACQUITTED of by me and friends of my own tribe.
other, because it humiliates me so chances to stab one another in the the home of Me.
and Mrs. Theo As with many another race so it is with mine, it is to do.
back or to pick up his faults. hoist philus Taylor were reception Private Joseph Delinkities of comprised of several tribes, and each tribe has its own them on poles and wave them gaily washeld.
the air, and sek to censor or Battery c. Fort peculiar customs. belong to the tribe known as Hakka La Boca District suppress bis virtues Let think ceived by the bride and groom Namerous presents were reAmador, was acquitted by a court and a dish such as the one referred to is a great favourite the matter over and see if we can from their many friends both in marsbal at Fort Amador on Tues, with my trible. It is not used by any other of my race here succeed in fulfiling that obligation Panama and Colon.
day last for having shot and killed to ourselves the obligation to garrison prisoner named Francis or elsewhere so that when Magistrate Egg says that he had Pull Together.
Among those who attended Monday, wben the latter tried always heard of Chinese eating dogs, but had never believed Re Institutes Commuwere Mr. and Mrs. Conlifta, while under guard it he unjustifiably indicated the Chinese community as a Mrs. Manning Misses Monday was confined to the whole, whereas only one section is responsible for this act, nity Night.
and Grant, Miss Violet Goodguard house at Fort Amador for Again, it seems that the class of people for whom Thursday evenior last marked ing, Mies Eheline Lindsay. Miss of the commualty.
Viola Ellie, Miss Ida Drummend.
baviguard at the The priactpal items on the pro. Miss Eugene Greene, Miss Flomain gate leading into the fore. Hº Chinese cook, shops cater believe they have suffered an the re institution of community grame Portero escaped abwat month ago and indignity as this meat is served up to them. would point pigbu programas by the Le Boca Assertiou by Mr. Edgard Meo Messrs. Coas. Scott, Joseph paper. 00 Beltrance Bathuse, Miss Winter; the sertry who had charge of him out to them, however, that the preparation of such a dish Panama District of the Panama Carthy and an the cheat uime is raid to be still in is so expensive a proceeding that to retail it would be Association. Immediately after Reynolds. Both courbeverseR. Ashby, DeDier aad on Critchlow, Pallard, Johnson, Canal West by Mr, Johnson, Christian, confinement for neglect of duty, decidedly out of the question, except at very high prices free movies by the Bureau of well as Mr. ed, CharAfter his apprehension on one of which the ordinary man would not pay, Included among Clubs and Playgrounds, Secre man of the Program Committee, A, bank ock the guard house and the ingredients is one, which is sold at five dollars per lb. tary Neely turned over the are representatives of the Dis: at Balboa be was.
Menduge stated he would ajain between 12 dollars and 15 dollars, and it is defrayed by the the strict officers and a short cautioned. But it is said that (this can be verified) and the whole course works out at auditorium of the Clubhouse to trict on the Board of Directors.
Little Master an Miss Walters.
break away at any time he got a company sitting to dinner. It would not pay us to sell was carried out before good man, made their debut in short Why pay double price but very interesting program son and daughter of the Chairebance; it was for interior imported ble forest in death that he had been sents or Scents worth of this delicacy, so the public need sized audience composed of mood recitatione White have no fear Beor when you can bers and non members of the part of the program was taken Thanking you for space.
Association and including many care of by Miss Doris Evans.
buy a superior Beer am, sir. etc. ladies who attended the moving who sang a beauutal solo, accom such as BALBOA for JOHN LOW.
pictures but were invited to te papied by Miss Leonora Jump, walt and listen to questions e and Mr. Cole who contrihalf the price.
Cookshop Propri. cor cerning the general welfare ou bu. ed two solos on the flate.
our who mibgs.
Time slaves.
In. with Wade.


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