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PRICE CTS. Cy. Executive Officers Visit EX CONVICT Washington and Plead MURDER Supreme Court of Colombia Decides Against ATTEMPTED CAPITALISES Hate And Roap Small And Sucido at Palo Soco Fortune.
Lopor Colony.
With Pardon Attorney for Release New York, April William After remaining a patient at Caymanian Fishermen And Has Bell alias Dr. Morton an ex. the Palo Seco Leper Colony of Marcus Garvey from Prison convict and formerly a Harlem for nearly two years, Delia Ordered a New Trial.
barber was indicted on last Friday Orosio, pretty Panamanian as Harlem latest anderen te woman of about 25 years of The executive officers of the Universal Negro Improve crook according to the New The government of Jamaica received advices ment Association travelled from New York to Washington, News, Thousands of dollars Bell age, is now lying in a ward in recently from the British Minister at Bogota stating thay ment. Assochursday, April. 22, to interview the pardon at bas collected from wealthy white Ancon Hospital suffering from the Supreme Court of Colombia has decided against the forney at the Department of Justice in regard to the case of people for the Waited Colored two bullet wounds in her side Caymanian fishermen and have ordered a new trial.
Hospital Funds, Bell confessed the Hon. Marcus Garvey, President general of the Associainflicted, on Sunday morning WORKED BY MAIL ORDER It will be remembered by readers of this journal that tion, now imprisoned at Atlanta. The delegation was cominst. by an attendant named the Caymanians, fully 30 in number, were arrested by the revealed posed of Hon. Fred Toote, ist Asst. President general; averaging 450 a month, wheedling Sixto Orjuela, employed at Columbian authorities on a charge of fishing in territorial Hon. Dr. Peters, 3rd. Asst. President general: Hon. 525, 50 and 500 donations per the Colony. Orjuela is now waters.
They were imprisoned and it was only when the Woma. Wallace, Secretary genera; Hon. Dr. St. Clair Sonally and by an elaborate mai dead. Believing that he had British Vice Consul went to San Andres that the fishermen Drake, International Organizer: Hon. Levi Lord, Chan order campaign. His organization killed the girl, he opened fire were brought to trial.
cellor: Hon. Burrows, Asst. Secretary general: Mrs. made glowing promises to erect on himself and was found The Judge who tried the case dismissed the charge, The case was taken Mr. Thomas, Executive Secretary to the President parts of the country ope in a town head alongside the girl. He to the supreme Court at Bogota and that Tribunal has resthat doesn exist.
After a confession made to Ao died in Ancon Hospital at 7erved the decision of the Court in the first instance, and The deiegation was given a very cordial reception and sistant District Attorney Alex82 o clock in the afternoon.
ordered a new trial.
discussed at some length with the Hon. James Finch, der Lehman and Detective John Answering a telephone call Pardon Attorney matters bearing upon the incarceration of Merkey, who has been bunting from Doctor Philip Horwitz, the httle promoter for four the great leader. Several questions asked by the Pardon locked up in Police visiting physician at the MOTHERS LOVE Attorney were answered by the delegates, who, in turn, Colony, the Balboa Police, at mad their special plea for Mr. Garvey release.
es was to be arraigned in the seven o clock in the morning (BY CESPEDES BURKR. elected officers of the Association will be made known in a petty Larceny emplaires rigoed member of the force to ac thoughne of the motiondeswith the worked their labuty wendemi. common The result of the special pleading of the recently West Fifty fourth street court on of the shooting, detailed As Mothers Day and. invariably, many by a woman reporter far the News. company the Doctor to the voice of the millions of peoples something from within us, urging subsequent issue of THE NEGRO WORLD.
who had trapped the bogus doctor with a 25 donation to what Colony. From reports, it is thoughout the universe come sous to rever our mothers.
proved to be the fictitious charity stated that several patients us, we seem to feel that spontan our dying beds we are heard to imperceptibly, so vociferously to Isn it a fact that frequently on SPARKLETS drive.
heard two shots fired, imme cous response from within our exclaim, Ob, how wish my Since he indicated his intention diately followed by another, selves, urging us to play up to the mother was here? Is it that we (BY of pleading guilty, Dr. Bell it in the patient room. Two great day, doing reverence to our want to hear her for the last time was. would be held for attendants were notified. The mothers, And with other words, that England is living the Grant July. petty Larceny gites con was found locked inneity thought, comes the estations, the voice pokesto sweet words of con Curront Humor hand to mouth while the sentence in this state provides for has enough at all times for an indeterminate sentence up to and John Dove, one of the mind who first gave to the world with those blessed and consoling us attendants who rushed to the the idea of Mothers Day.
The indispensable thing, money, sumpteous spread. Not being an three years.
words that may even help to guide the introduction of which, along economist, am not in a position PROMOTER AN Ex BAKER scene, gained entrance by As we think of Mothers Day, we our souls into paradise?
with gun powder, the Chinese is to substantiate either view, but Once just see before mind eye Yes; as we think of mothers and muid eo be responsible, may be beatly believe belietot that is the beltz barber in Harlem parlor. adjoining room. There, on the cistioa of ideas from which evolver shaita irtues, tand nieuwe bed belleve John secured in a multitude of other (Continued on page Continued on page 8)
the captions der affections that come from that To get a big share of it, however, Ball has the wherewithal, but that The need o put bis brains to bard of distribution. If a country has the difference lies Love and The Virtues of Mother source, we see the aurora on che in the system Meagre, very mense ined hood, and through our journey of borizoa of our work, with SCATTERED LEAVES our perception of translucency and inspira.
the remuneration to be ly reminded of the tribute we are to on, we are constant spir emulation. dful of urging us more pay to We remindfrom manual labour. The De beddend firmly at the Goy.
labourer, nevertheless, is, in many ernment, some of the people.
ed that mothers are the angebote di preestly to be ways the more contented. The system purity; we know our mothers as trend of ti recly bought and in the same the povernment whereby pre New Use For Shoes.
invariably makes will be brought mental labourer, we querry. Can to This may all be true; but in view the individuals to whom we may we repay our mother? It is at this the bigger haul but he is not will be of the popular practise of wife look for consolation wben in juocture that we see a mental compell.
always the millions, happierSometime ago, the Editor of the beating, in some places, doubt it. anguish.
terrific Pestrain it weigho ing them to circulate epuitabiy West Indian Section of The Pana: Mayniask, why in the case of a ture of the great Florence Nighteo down upon ones All of us, young and old alike, gale coming to the aid of her onun im more MA an account disagreement men, they of British of a conversation which he had have ia Crimean war (1854a drowning man clutch on bis liberal distribution reserver, Brain has alwaya master wealth is of vital importance overheard, in which a man was ee dogte resort belowe hea leo the truly able to appreciate the value 1866 when Rasia opposed Pur: strength well matched or An example of putting Johan Bellis to continuing to uphold explaining that he was going to aggress or is sure of victory! There are the word mother. When we bey England and France. brain to work is given in a story hard fougbt for prestige.
her home Blog yang little loss of control in dealing are of an ex convict, formerly My friend Gaorge, the Liliputisn, like you beat a woman. thought with men, therefore the argument the first pleasant thought that with the spirit and characteristics seem to mock us in our anguish, and going og the field to battle barber in Harlem, New York City, is a practical churchman, George the quotation by the Editor the of loss of control in dealing with the не is evolved divides his Sunday patte. had to us is of mother, offering word words af conway that made the coins just to the early maroing here. There to heard for a long time, but now women eme, liko another pisca. And eveo il she has passed off unto solation and aiding om picke BICE tory anecdote.
rolled in bim. Dr. Bell as he politics, labour and the to believe that the following is one the great beyond, we seem etill Ito It is nothing short of the is called, reaped small fortune social problems of the moment; better.
The cap will also fit very nicely see imaginary pictures of her mov loving feelings of a mother that by bate. main from them on to p. m, he works There were gathered on the manyle, woman, otherwise quite ing about us in an air demonstra prompted this great woman to this of consolation tained, after being caught col for an bunest bread; and trym sidewalk about a dozen healtby vindible with the cams povero be con lecting moneys to build hospitals thence he reads King James Version men and boys, resting after a vigo hoed that her husbond loves her tive o is alive, and within easy our mothers are with us from the noble deed; and thus, we feel that he or reach, to if but for receiving the soft, heaven; because it is cent from colored people for his Services and retires at 9p. for a passerby who wore a pair ol sqeak that the neighbour can have proof sweet, rhythmically accoutated eally admitted that waost univer.
pight is Hell.
repose. George has always ing shoes. The noise caused by his.
Did not the writer truly repreProiecte recomandite people been a devout charibmas, although the shoes attracted hethean tention to this connection, recently heard and is consideration verdiovas Negroes as rule more interest in people pay more and strenuous labors wbich de. Mother, it is a wonderful thing Whereby be collected bisschen Wesley than in Joho the Baptist Gee. Baid one of them, You see a httle boy of about six years sine And as we tbiok of the hazardous sent the case of mothers who wrote love and so be scheme He also used to as does Bro Ithat pair ef sboas boys, it big anding a queer song which had wurde volve upon mothers; their care for other folks cso love you, but Bayne obrated money strong, good to kick woman witb. somewhat to the following effect: the young etc. instaving into these oaly your mother understands you, kick dollars from wbite people alone for counter, his favourite classic Hit me, beat me, with me Tbelorinciples which are supposed to and then the ooly thiog she ever tender minds As jokes, these two true stories ma, she works for you, looks after you, to have but stay be as is alleged ng coloured used to gio Contest at the Lastudying them from a serious angle, ble creature, and deserves to be mothers in the bringing up of the The Heavenly Song.
George are excellent for after dinner. How. woman who can sing that in white person who hates us it everywhere, and in money we spend a little the various tasks that confront leave you be is conscious of his antagonism.
Bocs Clubhoue be When our wives and sweet hearts But Doctor Bell landed in jail. young which are so dutifully and are dead, we feel it; when our as a competitor for bonors. be that these expressions are indicative It is being persistently stressed lieve he user the said nomber of the feeling of a large portion of What we want is to elevate the deligently attended to, we crave fathers are dead we also feel it, but by many that The Path Across But although the judges did not our population, the majority of plane of womanhood, and this can the association of that the Hill, the three act comedy mention his name in the finals be course, uneultured.
only be accomplished by the cooper mother with a word more infi when onr mothers are dead, we too To which set each individual stion of both sexs. The men who cite; a word that would more truly for a while are as it were dead; drama to be staged by the Orpheus was credited with having it men; Musical Club at the La Boca Club tioned in the papers along with belongs is matter for him or her have not as yet done so, should be repesentative of her characteris. everything seems to come to Saturday evening next those of Mesdames Walker Head to decide. know, however, that endeavour to develop a higher line tice. And: whilst delving into the memediate a stand stil; and even her will draw many more people than ley, King, Bennett and others.
libe cap will fit many very nicely, of thought for womanhood; and remotest regions of our imagination sected with no end of wefronted Sites Garvey Places to Selo and lexicogra: We are seen to course Homer the photographer, mem whom you and think highly, wbo worth and act so as to encourage intellectual geniuses of the seems to tell us that we are conber of the Sociery of the Elite, and firmly believe that ebastisement proper regard for their value.
will be there, understand, and once the immoral our brains are peaplexed and we word LOVE. a synonim of God; seem enthusiastic that very healthytaigou to the but fell by now and again is a splendid thiog the personification of God in man. seem to assume a semi Janatic addition, the Special Mooting state of life, because our love is me that the question of delivering years on account of developing, me on the subject of wife beating Isthmian League of will term mother with love we it is then that our mothers doth Once a gentleman, speaking with special meeting of the By more closely associating the gone and can never be repla ced.
the goods is a settled one; what their minds is around pay to accomodate all those who are other day the question of exploit not a hitherto untouched field. or because he thinks he has the of discussing the bye more infinite.
making ready for the night.
regular As our thoughts bere lioger on John Bull is ridiculously poor, in and the literary sketches. The control and commits himself, very on the fath the Parais, regulat every form of purity did first say THE POPULAR BIPODROME OF There are some who contend that Homer is to make the photographs right to, but only because he has the 15th Instant the become so exasperated that he loses meeting will be held here, and the dear infants, who in their comparison to Uncle Sam; or, in (Continued on page 8) often to his shame and regret. meeting will be held. AIOTHER. their first spoken JUAN FRANCO TO MOROW.
life, as we plod that.
who possess.
16 Vitality. their ed brawn.
told he comes to general tender He capitalizing on If she is TOW BO even a of don like for bate collected hundreds of the forther me, thump libre ever, if house on of bitterness.
Milton rears phers, com meth to us for uppermost in ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO


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