
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1926 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands Seseocio sexo TRINIDAD Prospects of The Banana In Trinidad.
For strengthening the BLOOD Swift Company Capitalised to Grow Fruit in Colony And Ship to English Market.
meeting. On the Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
An Alterative recommended for purify.
ing and enriching the BLOOD. in becom For Sale at all Drug Stores And in Large Quantities by JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy AGENT ing Bible, and to ATTENTION!
stated secured JAMAICA BARBADOS Injuries of Jockey Lepers Gured.
Grant End Fatally.
The STANDARD in its issue of 13th March states that Monday St. Ann Bay, Tuesday the sth inst was a red letter day Louis Grant, the trainer jockey, in the history of the Lazaretto, who met with a serious accident several in mates being discharged 00 Seturday last, died at one cured as a result of the Chaulm o clock this morning.
ogric method of treatment for The deceased went to the Drax cure of Leprosy and Hall Course on Saturday name Although previous discharges and inere he exercised borse bas taken place in the years 1924 Victor Wild, which was entered and 1925, this was the first time for the was such a large number were leavback to his stables the horse ing and as may be imagined the jumped over a gully and threw scenes at parting were very Grant.
sung Grant went promptly to assis Calpan, Chaplain of tance, and it was found that the the Institution, addressed the ho, se bad broken its neck whilst lucky ones warning them of the rant was in a dazed condition duties and responsiblities which He was hurried on to the nearest awaited them in the world to medical man and everything was which they now returned, and of done for bim. His injuries were trials and temptations which however, so extensive that death could only be overcome by the supervened.
The decased was certainly a belp of the Allewell from the Letters of capable trainer and jockey and cured ones to the Superintenduring the course of his career dent and Chaplain were then was at ached to several well read. In a voice broken by known stables He was a good emotion Mr. Davis returned his judge of a horse and won several thanks, and with a few homely big races, Turfites who have words of advice bade his depart heard of his death deplore his ing changes farewell.
untimely end, for the deceased Each of the cured, was then bad a very creditable record.
presented with Prayer Book and Help to Worship and after the singing of sevWith Irrigation Cane eral bymns and Prayers by the Chaplain proceedings came and Banana Acreage the inmates and Statt, and with to a close, amidst the cheers of Will be Extended a monetary gift from Mrs.
Ballance and her Committee in their pockets the lucky ones left The Gleaner understands that once more to return the world when the Government scheme of liberty and health.
for obtaining water from the Weber to congratulate the Ferry River to irrigate further the Government on the success of plains of St. Catherine is complet. the Chaulmoogric method of ed. some 500 acres of land be treatment and we trust that as longing to Bernard Lodge Sugar the years go by the Lazaretto Central Factory will be put under will cease to be a name of siniscane cultivation. That factory ter import and become merely now has 10 000 acres of land, of place where the sick go to be which, owg to scarcity of water healed.
ooly about 500 acres are at pre To Dr. Clarke, Visiting sent cultivated. The area under Physician of the Lezaretto, we cultivation will therefore be dou beg to also extend our congratubled wben more water is avail lations.
The Gleaner also learns that Messrs Keeling Lindo have ac PART OF CODRINGTON quired the property in St. Cath: COLLEGE IN BARBADOS erine known as Lawrencefield.
formerly owned by Mr. DESTROYED BY FIRE Cargill. This property consists sof 440 acres of excellent banana Barbados, April 19. About lands and will continue to be 30 o clock last night a fire brooke cultivated in bananas.
out in the east wing of Codringlater on, if more water is avail; ton College, and spreading rapid able the remaining portion of 1, destroyed the greater past of the land connected with Bernard the building. The efforts of the Lodge factory will siso be put students, the fire brigade and under cultivation, and the area of pumerous visitors, only succeed. largest in canes in this part of The historic chapel, with its luu Wurla.
beautiful, carved roof and the library which contained many Intersting Incidents at direly destroyed. The fire is be and enLinstead.
by a cigarette end which was thrown down carelessly. The loss is esti The Linsted Correspondent to panelling cannot be replaced.
mated at 25, 000 but much of the the GLEANER writing from The loss is keenly felt by the that place on the 20th ulto. whole community says:A very striking occurrence took place few miles from here recently, at a district called Have you tried ths Jericho. The facts as alleged are new Beer that a man named Artbur Tennant travelled on to Jericho and informed Miss Edua Boyd, the Kronen Brau Assistant Teacher of the Government School, that her mother at Bonny Gate in St. Mary was very ill and that he had to take more money or to go to Spanish ber by his track to Town to seek medical ald. Her great temper.
Town. Tennant then left in a mother was in Spanish Town under the doctor trearTeacher Parke who happend to ment, and had sent him to ask has been listening very keenly ber (Miss Boyd) to give him to what was taking place, com whatever assistance she could, municated with the police. Tento pay her mother expenses nant was subsequently arrested from and to Bonny Gate. Miss and on investigation it was disBoyd previously knowing that covered that Miss Boyd mother her mother was ill, gave the never sent anyone to her duagbter man, it is alleged, 25) to take to for money, neither did she her mother. Accused there apon and further, Miss Boyd mother son receive any money from Tennant left polfing and blowing. Next morning Tennant went back to had never been to Spanish Town.
Jericho in a car and sternly The accused was taken before handed Miss Boyd the Court here for trial, it was sent by her but showed signs of madness other, and that he had de The then directed that he livered the 25 to her. This be kept under Medical observaletter called for a farther amount tion noul the 22nd inst.
of 2: ava asked that she herself It is alleged that the accused should accompany the accused to has visited several places wbere Spanish Town where her mother teachers reside nnder similar Miss Boyd refused to give any case.
House Rent Receipt Books SPANISH ENGLISH The following editorial is reprinted from a recept issue of the Port of Spain Gazette. Interest in banada growing in this colony bas been greatly revived during the past year, and experiments in the growing of the giant banana, a type resistant to Panama disease, are being conducted on eleven difterent estates in widely separated portions of the island. Panama diseasebas decimated wide areas under banana cultivation in Jamaica and it is realised that Trinidad prospects in a banana exporting centre depends on its ability to market a lype which can resist that disease. The history of the culuivation of this fruit here shows that the gros michel is also susceptible to the disease and planters would not underes take any considerable coltivation of this variety as it would mean They certain failure. Recently, 5, 000 giant banana suckers bave been imported from Grenada and they are now being grown for the that purpose of ascertaining their adaptabllity to climatic condtions bere. It the is that sufficient plants of this type of banana can be to permit of extensive areas being put ir, The governor banana, another type which grows well in this island and which is also resistant to Panama disease, can also be propagated in sufficient numbers to develop a RENUMERATIVE INDSTRY The dificulty with the governor banana is that it does not carry as well as the gros micbel and moreover, it was impossible to get steamers properly equipped for the carrying of such fruit, to call bere as there was not sufficient cargo inducement offering. Fortunately for Trindad these difficulties will shortly be eliminated and Trinidad will be enabled to add a profitable subsidiary industry to its cultural activities. As announced in the Trinidad Guardian earlier this month the Swift ed in England recently with a capital of 100, 000 and has taken over the interests formerly vested in Mr. J, Roberts.
Both Messrs. Swift and Roberts pald visits to this colony recently aad have been impreased with the efforts that are being made by ti the Department of Agriculture in association with the Coro Imperial College Agriculture to pat ing on a firm footing here. The Swift Coy. beannes Rros mich bas 1, 000 acres in cultivation and it is stated that it bas also acquired the Annandale Estate Grenada for the planting of banana. Bepany Intends to purchase and its own plantations, the Com ship bananas grown in other lands, In this connection an offer bas been made to Trinidad for a representative of the Company to purchase the governor bapana bere, erate them, and export them, and it is certain that the giant bapapa will also be takep. The Swift Banana Co. Ltd. has arrauged with a Steam.
ship Company to place suitable vessels with cold storage accommodation at its disposal for the purposes of the trade, and for the tirst time in its history of the banana trade Trinidad will enjoy that facility. All that it will be necessary for banana growers to do is to provide GOOD SOUND BANANAS not overripe at the purchasing statione; where they will be paid cash for them, according to be prevailing rates The Swift Banana Coy, will undertake ti crating and shipping, will take il responsibility for the condition in (Crntinued on page 7)
bots agri earnana Coy.
Ltd. was register: Order Books of Tropical to put banana crowSecretary and Treasurer for secret Orders and Friendly Societies at CAN BE HAD AT now The Workman Stationery Store letter, stating that ADVERTISE. In The WORKMAN it Pays


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