
THE WORKMAN First Wife Raided OUR BEST ADVERTISEMENT IS TRAPPED WITH FRIEND AT Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertasemen op applies CLOCK IN THE MORNING WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes SATISFIED CUSTOMER Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
BY MARCUS DETECTIVES PO Box 74, Panams All copy for publication must be NOGAR Suits are sold with a guarantee that written on one side of paper only, and OVER FIFTEEN WITNESSES Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of they please the customer, Several NOGAR One Year 40 Cy the writer, not necessarily for publica Six Months. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
Companion Was Keeping Vigil suits have recently arrived on the Isthmus Three be.
We do not undertake to return reWhile She Was II, Mrs.
Оое 25.
jeeted correspon lence.
and every customer is pleased, Garvey Claims.
The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights NUIS Orders have doubled during the past month and many The New York AMSTERDAM SATURDAY, MAY 1826, repeat orders are coming in. If you need a general News in its issue of the 14tb ultr. publishes the following: utility business suit, a hunting suit or an extra pair of WAGE FOR THE FAMILY. What probably will he the pants for hard work NOGAR is the trade mark most unusual and complicated you want to get.
divorce procer ding is neerd The following trite article penned by that well known o develop as a result of Marcus correspondent Warren Postbridge, just before the outbreak Write for samples and information and we will have Garvey first wife big trapof the great strike which is at present exercising the minds a representative call if you say so.
ped with a companion in her apartment early Friday morning.
of the Bri ish public, is not without interest: vastly important social change is going to be inaugurat NOGAR CLOTHING MANUFACTURING CO.
ed in England if one of the recommendations made by the About 30 a Fridar, tecof Reading, Pa.
tives of Bonlin National Detec recent Royal Commission on the Cual Industry to Partive Agency, bired by Kohn and liament is adopted, as there is every reason to believe it CARTER Nagel who are counsellors for will be. For years a small body of industrial reformers has been urging that wages should be paid on the basis of fami.
Local Representative, Panam) Canal Zone District Garvey entered the apartment occupied oy Mrs. Amy Asb wood ly needs. that a married man with two or three children, BOX 1191 ANCON, CANAL ZONE Sarrer, 666 St. Nicholas Avenu: and found a man who gave his for example, should be paid more than a single man with nime se Joseph Frazier, 37 West no responsibilities. The objectiɔn to that proposal is of seves. So CXSXSD osos excesosie 188 Street, asleep with her it course that it would result in the employment of unmarried is alleged.
men rather than married, bicause the latter would have to Over fifteen spectators accombe paid a higher wage. It would also mean that two men 0:04. IS narid the officers into the duing exactly the same work would be paid different wages premiers. Siemingly frightened because one happened to be married. The first difficulty, and shocked, Mrs. Ashwood however, can be got over by the payment of all the wages Garvey attempted to leave the apartment, but was blocked by into a pool, which would be divided up in such a way that the tec ive, it is alleged the married men gut more than the single, the employer According to the officers, Frizer paying into the pool the same wage for everyone. The sald that he had cor templated effect of the adoption of such a scheme would be the remoasking Garvey first apogret val of a great deal of real hardship, for in a struggling indusarry him.
try, like coalmining in England, the wage at present paid in MRS. GARVEY INDIGNANT many districts is not sufficient to enable a man to bring up Indignant over the raid, Mrs.
a family in decency. It is however high enough to make it Garvey declared to a representa.
possible to pay the unmarried man with no responsibilities tive from The Ansterdam News tha; she was not resaven a little less than he gets today, in order to pay the ponsible to Garvey or anyone married man a little more. What, is needed, in a word, is a else morally, but legally she was better distribution of wages even more than an increase of oblicated to the all styled King vages. Obviously this reform, if it is adopted at all, will ATof Africa She said that the pot be confined to a single industry. If it becomes general raid was a mere scheme of followers of the imprisoned may, by removing one serious obstacle to marriage, affect he whole social life of the nation.
leader of the to defame Being indisposed for several Educating Politicians days, and all alone she said, her friend ipsisted upon epending the right with her. rourd 30 Great Britain would not be reckoned as one of the couna. she was awakened by the jes where political feeling runs highest. There is often a detectives and about fifteen tter complaint that may electors do not take the trouble to witnesses who had gained their entrance into the apartinent.
bte at all at Parliamentary elections. Nevertheless in those ctions of the population where politics are taken seriously The detectives, she stated, tore SOXOXES ley are apt to be taken very seriously indeed. There is no off her night attire and held her a captiye with the young man in tter indication of that than the efforts all three parties her bedroom, embarrassed and ake (fur Great Britain is fortunate in still having no more bumilated by the crowd. Mrs.
in three political parties in the field) to educate their Eishop Attacks African Garvey stated that she was to answer rkers in their own political faith. The two larger parties, tions.
nservative and Labour, each have permanent colleges at Anti Working Law DIVORCE PENDING ich organised courses in politics as seen from the Convative or Labour angle are given throughout the year Although Mrs. Garvey las a of them owe their origin to the generosity of private New York, April 14. The divorce proceeding pending in hefactors, the Conservatives having been provided with THE HAIR STRAIGHTENER National Association for the Ad the Supreme Court, and at the vancement of Colored People, same time contesting the decree pansion and a park by a gentleman named Sir Philip bas received from Englrod a awarded to Garvey, she questt, while the Labour movement is indebted for its college WITHOUT AN EQUAL report of the protest receetly tioned the authority of the titled Socialist, the Countess of Warwick, who has made by the Bishop of Pretoria detectives entering her premises.
en them her ancestral seat for the purpose. The Liberals, Don fail to try it against the provisions of the She said that sbe occupied the proposed Color Bar Bill in South apartment with her brother and arty smaller numerically tnan either of the others, have Africa which would keep natives a cousin. Since her separation permanent institution of this kind, but they make a out of skilled occupations where from Garvey, six years ago, tiality of what are called summer schools, gatherings of they might co npete with white she informed reporters, she had tical supporters who meet for ten days or a forthnight No Special Combs or Hot Irons Required.
spent four and one ball years in he summer, usually at Oxford or Cambridge, to hear Bishop Talbot in bis protest to the writing of a book that will Europe, devoting her time chiefly res on all kinds of political questions, both domestic asserts that evidence from roveal the real life of Mareus int rnational. All these varied forms of political educaAmerica of what has been attais: Gareey.
ed by the Negro suggests that he which seem to be unique so for as Europe is concerned is not inherently inferior to the Mrs. Garvey was in bed at the ADVERTISE ffective in turning out a steady stream of political white man, although at the time of the interview. As she ters, and all of them have produced a good many actual present time the great mass of condemned the America conbers of Parliament who would attribute much of their IN THE WORKMAN IT PAYS native life is at a lower level of ception of moral turpitude, she ss to their courses at a Conservative or Labour College hunan attainment than the sobbed softly. Io turning to her Earopean.
Liberal Summer School, married life her expression was As to the bill itself, Bishop telephone call broke her dynamic transformed into bitterness. Talbot said: The passing of the attack on Garvey and bis second Democracy Snapshots bill by the assembly is an evil wife.
ewon for the futnre. Even though it is leniently and gently After knowing Garvey for Democracy means that the people have the right to If, as a race we would talk less and work more, we ad ninistered it cannot but en about seven years, she was mar.
the laws under which th y live, It does not mean would have more of this world goods and would not have gender a sense in the intelligent ried to him, she said. Within for one and another for another. The people have time to find so much fault with the other fellow.
native mind that the white man deserted her for his second wife the next two years her busband means to keep ibe black man She then went to Europe. While tht to make the laws, and upon the people rest the down. It is not only a question of she was abroad; Mrs. Garvey before God to make them just with due regard for the its actual provisions, nor its riven right of every man.
administration, but its symbolic claims, her husband secured emocracy requires of each man a great respect for As there is no effect without a cause, no loss of energy in character.
It will symbolize the diverse stercoma here and warriei a more unselfish consideration of every man right the world, so conscientious persistence cannot fail of its inberent inferiority of the native now the second Mrs. Garvey.
and the resolve to use him only vantage. Each citizen is responsible for the conduct ultimate reward.
as a means to white convenience.
government. He is a part of the state, not merely a think it is a blind and be of it. The government is his. If it is bad, it is his essentially tyrannical measure, pr he has put the power into wrong hands. There It has been said the harder the cross here, the brighter and if it is finally ratified it will to keep them out but to bring east four ways to do one part, First, every citizen the crown elsewhere, if that be true some of us are entitled bave inevitably disastrous re them in at the white level of con keep up interest in the common affairs and vote atto a dozen crowns.
sults to the true peace and ditions and reward. This would wealth of South Africa.
entail the surmounting of great lection. Second, he should vote for a particular man difticulties. It would be no short Surely this legislation is in cut to this end, it would be no eans to uphold the law. Third, he should understand the wrong directioa. pamely solution of the native problem.
questions so that he can vote intelligently and criti We hope the day will. come when writers for our news that of discou aging native There is no short cut. There is tly.
papers will forget self, church, lodge and other organizations growth. The right direction is no solution. There is no short cut to which they belong and the business in which they are that of encouraging native pio through this whole business is sound philosophy and should be a great incen engaged and send in the general news treating friend and grese at the black men to rise But it is the right direction. uiding the actions of members of local organizations foe alike That is what the public wants and is what they white man, then it should be the hope and aspiration.
to level with the It would lig use of the ballot. Ed are paying for.
endeavor or the white men not leave the road spen before him.
Only First Class Ones Need Apply Contra Crespo men


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