
Two Years For Manslaughter El Excelsior (Continued from page2. STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 ment argi and two VIGOR TONIC JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
completed Cider Champagne wbicb the fruit arrives in Eog On Wednesday last the 28th land. This is a very big guaran ulto in the Ancon Distriet Court JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP tee and it removes the producer a jury found Herbert Solomon from the unfavourable position guilty of manslaughter with reCorner 12 Street East Avenue of being dependent for remuner commendations, however, for ation on the condition in which a leniency. Hall was accused of AND perishable product arrives in causing the death of one Azarlab We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also distant market, With an imme Hinds by striking bin on the watches. Our prices are the lowest and our diate local market for bananas bead with stake welghing Workmanship is guaranteed.
available. great stimulus will be about 23 pounde, from which to banana cultivation in the blow he tumbled over a concrete Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you improve the economic condition Seing fractured from the blow, may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may of the island by providing employ be was unable to save himselt drsire, provided the monthly payments of Summary of Contents: for a large number of and was drowned This took interest are duly met.
cultural labourers and by putting place on pier 8, Cristobal, in the History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years. Into circulation substantial sums evening of the 20th of March Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, WE CARRY GOOD STOCK OF IMPORTED which will be paid for the locally The body was recovered on the JEWELS AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES.
grown fruit. No doubt the following morning.
Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Chamber of commerce which will that all Witnesses stated, the Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, consider the offer made by Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall struck Hinds in the course of a Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual be pleased.
Swift Banana Co. wilt use its in quarrel after claiming that Hinde fluence to interest planters in bad abused bis family.
Players these proposals but growers Judgo Martin reserved senmust bear in mind that the ex tence until Thursday morning Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and port industry can be established when Hall Was given bere only if they maintain a sup: years in the penitentiary the Interesting ply of carefully selected and good minimun sentence.
quality fruit.
Hell was defended by Attorney Price 50cts.
The best Tonic in the World E: Raed, while Asst. District Four Clock The Attorney McGuigan probecated.
Secure yours now there will be a great rush Limit, for them, This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend.
British Consulate Notico.
od in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, SOLICITOR FUTILE The British Consul at Colon Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up SUBMISSION, would be glad of information as to Panama a run down constitution.
the present whereabouts of John Edward Clarke, believed to be a It promotes digestion, improves the appeThe right of the Assistant City native of Antigua, who was last Magistrate presiding in Quas heard of at Pedro Miguel in 1918.
tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system Criminal Juridiction to sit after DOSE: One small Wine glass before each moal or p. without first obtaining the consent of the parties con. EL GAITERO times a day.
corned was raised by Mr.
Lewellyn Roberts at the District Why pay double price THE ONLY ELABORATED for Interior imported Mr. Roberts appeared on behalf of Mr. Randolph McLeod, Beor when you can Spanish Cider with its dry, goods clerk, whom Mr. buy a superior Boor Maillard sought to eject such as BALBOA a house in Alberto Street, Woodown Carbonic Acid CHURCH SERVICES Services of the Bethlehem Church of God Holiness brook.
McLeod half the price.
his evidence at the stroke of (Continued from page 4)
o clock and Mr. Roberts looking No, MARIANO AROBEMENA 86. at the clock intimated bis inten Seventh Day dventist Church tion to have the case adjourned.
SAN MIGUEL The Magistrate: see it is STREET CALIDONI ROAD o clock but am going on with British Consulate Notice (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA.
Babbath (Saturday) 45 am, SabSunday 30. Prayer Meeting. the case, 10 a. Children Service; 11 mm.
Mr, Roberts: Under the Statute The British Congul at Colon URETIC AND REFRESHING; bath Robool; 11, 16 a. General Worship Divine Service, Prenober, supplied.
you have no power to sit after would be glad of information as Trade Mark 30 Spanish Clas; p. m; Sebool, Superinten o clock unless you obtain the to the present whereabouts of 30 Society, meeting dent. p. 30 pm. Go consent of the parties.
Theophilus Solan, a native of 30 pm. Junior and Senior Standard pel Service, Elder Francis. The Magistrate: Are you re. Jamaica, VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ of attainment Class p. Veeport. The usual weekly service will be uring from tbe Case Mr.
S, Sunday evening 30 Stere conducted on Tuesday and Thursday Roberts or have you closed your the worst for many decadee, VILLAVICIOSA optican Lecture. The general public in pight, at 45 cordially invited to turn out in largo BEULAH 30 a. Prayer Meeting Mr. Roberts: My case is not The message added: Most of SPAIN Dumbers.
closed but am 11 Divine Service Supplied.
not going on the drinking trenches in the after o clock as am tired and villages have become exhausted Seventh Day dve ntist Church dent. p. Gorpel service. Bro. Small. o clock. 30 pm. Sunday School. Superinten: you have no power to sit after and crossroat hos of stocks bas occurred. The main supply is Brd. STREET BROADWAY, COLON Thursday night, Bible readings and for the SOLE AGENT The Magistrate: Show me the 90W artesian wells Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. Babbath Prayer, Bro. J, Webley. Statute where it is so stated. villagers. In Georgetown the For the Republic of Panama School; 11. 15 General Worship GAMBOA MISSION. 11 am, and Mr. Roberts: The Statuto in pipe borne service ceased 30 p, Young people meeting p. m, supplied.
in the laws of Trinidad which are torday after the city bad been 30 Veepers Elder FRANCIS, on your table. am to produce on a curtailed service for several it. weeks.
The Municipality is Sunday evening 7, 80 Preaching Pastor in charge. The Magistrate repeated bis endeavouring to re establish Bervice. You are cordially invited to request to be shown the statute this service by deepening and otteod these service and bring your and as Ebenezer Church of God trienda, Mr. Roberts showed no widening the lower portion of inclination to cite his Authority, 10. the Lamas Canal with the Holiness called upon the defendant, Me expectation of being able to the The Church of God Leod to lead further evidence. drain down water from No. 46 CALIDONIA ROAD McLeod said he would close the upper reaches of the Lamaba case and the Magistrate ended Canal which has greater depth Regular Assortment of Sunday 5o clock, Prayer Meetin Papams, Arosomeda Btreet, Houne 25, 11 Divine Service Preacher. Warrant of possession, coats the discussion with the order than that of its approach to the Ban Miguel Sunday at s. Prayer Supplied British Guiana, 36.
Sir meeting and Goepel weetings at 11 a. p. Sunday School Buperintendent, The Magistrate in subsetne worst droughs on record.
Alfred, is experiencing one of 30 Sunday School at p. p. Programme Monday at 30 Testimony Meeting quent case in reply to Mr. On the East Coast of Demerara 30 Gospel Service, Preacher McCarthy who showed a desire the rainfall has only beeu about SUCH AS Tuesday at 15 Young People Wednesday at 30 Meetin Supplied.
to have evidence 12 Cisnel meeting. Thursday at 30 are by the Open air meeting. Friday at 30 Note. Other So vices for the week said jocularly have no juris dred every day, and the cade culPrayer Meeting will be given from the pulpit. diction after o clock, where; tivation is suffering very severeSalve, Talcum Powder, Asperine BRO, PESSOA. ir charge. Elder ODLE McCarthy ly throughout the. espeRed Tank, Okoal Zoue, Sunday Bohool Pateor in obargo.
aid not my so. Weekly Guard lalawigan pamerar. Coloma de les pe Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing. P. Gospel meeting on Thursday at 30 pm.
The Salvation rmy Ia Berbice, conditions are not etc. etc. etc.
BRITISH GUIANA quite so bad because the estates Bio, GRAY Now Providence. Gospel Meeting at there are able to draw water PANAMA CITY CORPS.
from the Canjo Creek. The 11. 80 sm and 30 Bunday Snbool at pm. Wednesday at 30 GoeServices are as foliowe Worst Drought on drought is much worse than that pel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 Prayer Early Prayer Meeting.
an Record 10 Children Directory Meeting fell early in April. During recent Meeting Bro. MeDONALD and Brigade. United Open Air Meeting years good many artesian wells 93 CENTRAL AVENUE have been sunk throughout the Gatua, Canal Zone, Goupel Meeting 11. Holinen Meetior. to be con SIR SHERLOCK DES Colony and shudder to think at 11, 80. and 30 Sunday ducted by Commandant Martin, Panama City.
what would bave happened but CRIBES GRAVE CONBobool at pm. Wednesday 30 Y, Company meeting and Goepel Meeting. Priday at 30 m, air.
Brigades Open DITIONS. In Georgetown, most bf the Pra Meeting Junior Open Air. 45 m. Beparate Brigade open Air vats have gone dry and a good Bro. GEORGE GRIFFITH Meeting, Cattle Dying Hundreds Daily deal of inconvenience is being Colen. and Stroete. Gospel meet7. 30 pm, Big Salvation Meeting.
experience but it is in the coun.
Inge at 11. 30 am and 80 Bunday Other notices for the week will be try districts that the greatest Sohool at p. Wednesday at 30 GOVERNMENT EFFORTS TO suffering prevaila. The City bas Gospel Meeting. Priday at 30 given from the pulpit.
RELIEVE DISTRESS. got a little water from the Lamap. Prayer Meeting, MARTIN. Commandant ha Conservancy but not much to supply all the bouses and the supBro. GEO. GRANDERSON Sherlock, memNotice to Correspondents.
ber of the Brilhan Gulana were. Blues restricted to about two Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting, books when you Measures are belog taken to Contributors and correspondents gation to the Central Westbours in the twenty four.
Salvation rmy Hall. are asked to send in their contribu. Indian Conference in London, relieve the distress in the condtions not later than Thursdays to with aldis a Trinidad can have them neatly bound at entry is being sent insure publication. Thies, impera: Thursday the 15th altori the coast of Berbice by train and up from Georgetown to the West LA BOCA CORPS tive.
8, 30. Kp Drill.
which now. exist in the neigh started to carry water from the very condition has 1m. Holin Moản: 93 CENTRAL AVENUE p. cu. Bunday School.
6006 Bluod Tablets safer than bouring colony.
wells to the neighbouring vil 30 ro. Open Air.
606 Money back guarantee Pacific Cablo Board tele lages. Everything possible is Opposite Cecilia Theatre 30 Salvation meeting. Price Particulars free. Welsh grain published on the 2nd alto being done to provide drinking We extend cordial ir vita ton to all Medicine Co. Dept. Atlanta, Ga, described the drougat as one of water for she people.
ESTEBAN DURAN Take Notice City, Ho Ro Co Famous Products sada Taoday 30 pm. Compel Service Cadela which he was appearing and include dating nehe lait bigb Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream. quebot The Workman Printery for this.
Book Binding!
districts Water in OD THE WORKMAN


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