p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1926 OUR SPORTING PAGE Canal Zone Notes. nini iiiiiiiiiioritiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Last Sunday Races CHURCH SERVICES THE ATTENTION Friendly Ponies MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS Workman Stationery Store sprang Races! Races!
Lady ner. Ang ization meetings Classy Races der (Continued from page 5)
There were about three thou For To morrow Sunday, May 9th will be leaving tomorrow for the sand hans and other pleasure seekers on the turt at Juan Fran AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH United States on 80 extended Vacation, and also for the good of OFco on Sunday afternoon last, and (Anglion Catholie)
ber beslb. Mrs Neely is a valued the Panama Jockey Club Rare 5th (Rogation) Sunday Afier Easter member of the Club and is very all entire satisfaction, as the Societies and Secret Orders much liked by its members.
seven race program made up St. Paul Church, Panama of two races for native Personal IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF and five races for imported thorougbbrede, was most skili Rev. Nichtrakale, Rretor. a. Holy Communion The Boro tally bandled. Although there 10. 16 Matiar M, Atwell, Mr. William DeSouzi, Presiwere not many who left with 10. 30 a. Holy Eucharia weten dent of the La Boca Athena um, bulging pockets atter the races, The Rector was prevented from attending there were few who, along 12. 30n. Hsly Baptism, last Tuesday meeting of that with the Chinese gang. went p. Chureb School society on account of slight ill.
away smiling; the reason for 80 Choral reasong, sormon ness, The Chair Wao occupied this being that the Chinese ow The Reeter, ned hy the Vice President, Mr. C: native pony Payaso, ridden King.
by Jockey Hildago, cleaned up his field of five other borses in Among the passenger St. Alban Church, Paraiso Suitable for Lodge Business who the second race of four furlongs arrived on the steamabip Bixiola and paid his backers the bandCANAL ZONE.
from Kingston, Jamaica, on some sum of 17. 60 for each (Rev. NIGSTENGALE, Wednesday, was Miss Isabelle. AT THEinvested on him to win.
Prices in Charge Balley. Mies Bailey will take up Pierrot won the day classic permanent residence with her by, beating Bolsheviks Cicero. Rev. F, Niebtengele. 45 a. Holy Eucharist and semea parente, Mr. and Mrs, Jenkins and Burlosco over five furlongs 3p. Church Sebel and Confirasof the Quarantide Annex.
in a well contested race.
tion instruction Argentino, with Alldago up, Pacific Star Lodge.
won the mile race, beating Fa 30 Choral Broncong address aapanigang magaganggangggggggggggggan mang engagemenchendo, Arcana and Dbole. Mr. Osborne Catechiat.
Although Justice was the far rite in the The Pacific Star Logde No. 16 the fifth event which of the Ancient and Illustrious To Morrow Races was over seven furlong, Hildago St, Matthias Mission Order of the Star of Bethlebem, again mounted Silver King and LAB SABANAS again wisbes to to form the outer a surprise by taking his (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, world of its activities since its There will be no horse mount away from the fast Justi organizition nearly year ago racing at Juan Franco Park and beating bim to the post. p. Churoh Sehool.
ce in the last few hundred yards Price in Charge.
During each quarter (3 months)
tomorrow afternoon but is paying ibe next best pool for the when the officers are changed, the Lodge bas the distioguished expected that thousands will atternoon. 10. 10 to win. 30 Evening and address.
privilege of making converts to turn out to the popular turf Here is how they ran Mr. Richard Catechist.
the Order.
JUAN FRANCO TRACK to witness a most attractive Six and one half furlongs pur On Friday, 16th April, two canprogram of nine races which se 175. 00. Dardenela (Jimene) St. Peter by the Sea, Boca didates were initiated, thus making them Sir and the Panama Jockey Club has Linda (C. Gonzales) Almirao TO MORROW of arranged for tomorrow morn paid 10 and 40 on the winto (Navarro. Time 38 5 Pool one of the most ancient of secret rites under the able leadersbip Sunday, May 9th, 1926 ing.
and 50 op American Episcopal (Angliona Com of Sir Crooks, our According to the schedule Four Furlongs purse 100. 00 on the second borse.
Grand Organ zing Legate, wbo once remarked, st one of organtime, the fiag will go up at Payaso (Hildago) Grao 5th (Rogation) Sunray After Easter Watch the a. sharp for the first race. nor (Codel)3. Coolito (Schulz Holy Communion 30. The Pacific Star.
Tomorrow program is so Dane 58 5. Pool paid 17. 60 Rebels 50 on.
Installation of officers was also arranged as to allow fans to on the second borse and 80 Choral Matips, and address 11 a. mn very impressively performed by take in the races and return on the third horse.
Lay Reader, the Organizing Legate and Past Races For Imported horses to the city in time to see the Five furlongs purse 200. 00 Church School p.
Commander from the Sister monster parade which is to Tango (Munoz) Garzona (The Rector: 30 Choral Evensong, de sermoe.
Lodges. full house witnessed and for Native bred Ponies and enjoyed the ceremonies as take place in connection with Jimenez) Altanera (Buez. the following officers were inthe raising of Panama to the Time 83. 35. Poole puid 60 invited to the evening rervice, ospecially All mothers in the Perieb are cordially stalled, and 60 on the winner and 00 WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE Bishopric.
on the second borse the Rotor will deliver spesial Lady Eva Joboson, Comman.
Tomorrow race program Four furlongs Duese 350. 00 person to them, in commemoration of Mother Day will be carried out for the Madona (Munoz) Col. Araogo Sister Thomas Irish, Vice benefit of the La Salle College Time 48 5, Pool paid 90 and (Jimenez) Lucero (Hildago) MULCARE, Rector.
Commander Sister Queely, Scribe (rewhich suffered great less on elected)
account of fire not very long)2. 40. co. the botyper and 00 on St. Barnabas Church, Emplo Second Lady Zsida Butcher, Acct.
Seven furlonge purse 500. 00.
Everybody will be there. Don miss it. re elected)
Choral Matips and addron 11 a.
Sir James Foster, Treasurer Twenty seven hundred and (Codel) Meddler (Escobar. Time Cauren School at 3p. Silver King (Alldago) Justice Lay Reader. re elected)
First Race Starts a. Sharp fifty dollars will be given in 29, Pool paid 10, 10 and 20 Sir James Smart, Chaplain purses and over forty horses on the winner and 80 on the Lay Render.
Choral Erendonk sad addron p.
Lady Holder, Marsbal (reare booked to take part. second horse, elected)
ADMISSION Among them are Copiapo MULCARB Priest in Ober Five Parlons purte 600. 00. W. Lady Bowen, Asst. Marsbal Lady Gertrude Forde, Inside Grand Stand Field Stand 50c.
who will take up 132 lbs over Pierrot (Jimenez) Bolsheviki Sentinel six and one half furlongs, Manox) Cicero (Schultz. Time St. Bartholomow s, Church Bir.
Edwin W, Crowl. Inside LAS CASCADAR Bentina!
cero with 90 lbs each; while second borse.
sit Henry, R, to ComAbel, Cicero and Pereque are Ono mile parse 500. 00. ArOberal Matine and addreo 11 a.
mander used every Monday night for Wedding Bells. also booked to run over nine gentigo (Bildago) Fachendo (C. Lay Reader.
Church School 30 Lady Isldora Henry, to moving picture exbibitions, the Commander Guides will carry out their profurlongs for a purse of 600. Gonzales( Aracauds (Jimenez. The innovation promises to and 10 on the winner, and Time 1, 43 5. Pool paid 3, 90 MULCARE, Priest in obarco sir Gamble, R, to ce. gram on the evening of the 22 od Commander inst. and all loyal British subjects GREEN AITKEN attract an unusually large 10 on the second horse. St. Jude Mission, Summit Lady Douglas, to Vice In the town of La Boca in Chor.
Five furlongs parse 250. 00, Commander rillo, and in Panama City, should quiet wedding was solemizes number of people to the turt Bomba (Munoz) Novicia (Marti. Church School. p.
Lady Mitilda Bryan. Past turn out in large numbers to at the Wesleyan Church in this tomorrow morning.
nez) Poncho Roto (Escobar. Evening Prayer and Addrow 30 enjoy the Program. The entrance city at 30, m, April 24 Time 03. Pool paid 00 and (The Lay Roader will officiate)
The contracting parties were Flowery speeches of congratu. tee is small and no loyal, pro 20 on the winner, 80 and. Ex Convict. 80 on the second and third MULCARE, Priest in Charge given by various speakers. regret paying it to participate in aics and Miss Florence Agatha horses, respectively.
Special mention must be made the time bonored celebration. Aitken of Trelawny Jamaica.
The cermony was performed by the St. Simon Mission, Gambon of Sir McFarlane and Sir Doors open at 30, Rev. Continued from page 1)
The Litany, Holy Communion and Headley of Pasific and Gorgona Btar Lodgns, respectively, who After the ceremony at the Dime tips were too slow.
Bermon 11 a. The Priest in Charge. emphasizad greatly upon the So he took a doctorate in the SPARKLFTS. Picture Talk Church the happy couple motored Church Ecbool 30 m, priciples of the Order.
to the home of the brides aunt charity game and the money JT MULCARB Priest in Charge (Continued from page 1)
After the ceremonies Miss Rattary Calidonia Road. rolled in.
there was a well enjoyed banquet.
grand picture talk on Miss Fairweather acted as Then came the crash when Doepioneering experiences in West Brides maid and Mr. Walters tor Bell appeared at the bank, possibilities are great the field beAfrica illustrated by 100 magni as bestman. Among the guest were. on orders of the District Attorney, ing decided lucrative one; but COLLOSSAL EMPIRE whether Homer and have enough Baptist Churches ficent colored pictuaes will be Miss Fairweather, Miss and he was arrested when he stepped whe talent to turn out saleabe goods is DAY PROGRAM.
by Brigadier Chası Smith of the Meikle. Miss Quarless. Mrs. Glorious WHILE IT LASTED aod before we perfect our plans (Under the sampioes of the Southern given at the La Boca Clubhouse Smith, Miss Lawrence Miss up to the teller wiudow.
left to be seen. In the meantime, Salvation Army on Thursday Gorden. Mrs. Florence Smith AT LA BOCA CLUBHOUSE Baptist Convention. May 18th, 1926 Commencing at And to think got caught on a Homer expects to rid bimself of the Mrs. Marson. Mrs. 25 check, he mourned. Well, it malady of Acute inadverteney Colon 11 Mr. George Bowman; 30 Between the talk their Douglas Mrs, Dunkley. Mrs. was glorious while it lasted bad for all time. 15 tn. Supplied The Girl Guides, captained by pill be also vocal solos. recita Johnson: Mr. Marson, Mr. a motor car two motor cars, tions solos and continuation Leslie Mr. Davis. Mr. think and Chorrillo 11 Descon Crooka; 15 Pastor Witt, Mrs. Jas. Cole of La Boca, ar selections; good evening is in Irving Mr D, Fairweather. Mr. women in. entertained the finest preparing a collossal Program store for you. Come one, come Small, Mr. McNeil Mr.
Rent Receipt Books In Span Calidonis 11 Descon Molntosh which will be carried out Saturall.
day night, the 22nd Inst. at the Henry and others. Many were the you get the bospital Ish and English for sale at the 15 m. Mr. Gallimore.
Silver Clubhouse, La Boca, In Red Tank 11 Do con Smith; good wishes tendered the newly racket idea? demanded Assistant Workman Printery Attorney Lehman. 15 m: Descoe Yearwood.
married couple. Mr. Walters commemoration of Empire Day, ATTEMPTED MURDER. acted as Toast Master. At p. above a bigh white collar, his eyes ined on hate.
Little. Empire 11 m, Pastor Witt; 18 The Program will consist of Descon Russell addresses, recitation, vocal and (Continued from page 1)
the happy couple left for No. 31. blinking behind the beavy specta16th Street West.
MULCTED WHITES ONLY Gatun 11 a. Descon Edwarde instrumental selections by sev floor of the room, the patient eral intelligent gentlemen and cles frowned. He smiled. He leaned white person who hates us 18 Mr. Gansemuller, in sudden confidence. colored people will give money just. commercialized on bate. be because he conscious of his Broome.
Now Providence 11 Deacon and thrilling choruses and drill wounds in her side and said bitterly. You know why? antagonism never collected from by the Guires themselves. The Orjuela lying beside her with Pueblo Nuevo 11. 8upplied. 15 Have you tried tho lot of hate Negroes, Negroes, Girl Guides in an English Organi a bullet wound in his head. Mr. Peterkin.
zation, and Empire Day is the There was to rise out of his rain, now Boer Mr. Lehman said, No, don t; bow dreams, badly needed colorep the Chorrillo, Calidonia, Red Tank and Miss Orjuela is now imMothers Day service will be held in Birthday of Queen Victoria The and nobody eles here does.
Good Monday the 24th inat. proving in Ancona Hospital Kronen Brau hospitals in Jacksonville, Fla. People, spoke Doctor Bell Greenburg, So. Carolina. which is Empire Churches with appropriate prowill be Empire Day, but as the where she was taken immeauditorium of the Clubhouse is diately after the shooting.
shrewdly, pay more for hate than 209 existant) Chilicothe, Obio, grammes ażd addreme.
they ll pay for love, commercial and Delawre and New Jersey. Continued on page 7)
Another Big Day of Sport on the winner І Where District wide grin forward in people they See what


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