p. 1


W18 be became type that is the va master.
What co di.
The would take a pcep at the massage to ours a day. ChiiBear in VOL 14 No. 38 PANAMA, SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1926.
PRICE Cts. Cy. HEROIC Great Excitement in NEGRO NEGRO SPY SOLDIERS Great Britain Over Aided Capture of Stony Are Entitled to SomePoint During Revo thing More Than a Mere lutionary War.
Monument First Born to Duke and Duchess Under Strong Fire by a Colon The NEW YORK WORLD, in a of York Said to be Third in What is there in a mouneceat issue prints the following ment. The ST. LOUIS ARGUS Contributor Gaskin Line to British Throne.
tory from the pen of Everett says a mooument is something that To ulinson, anent the great part is pleasing to the eye ard arts as a calle d:spatch from London George III, the Dike of Sussex and capture of a strategie fort during of deeds noble, it is just sc much recent issue of The Pearl tabacco? Men whesmoke tell Having read the article The Who told man that he and he played by a Negro slave in the reminder to those who may forget and devotrd to a Modern Girl which in a only must enjoy the pleasures of dated April 21 states that the the Duke of Cambridge were liv the American Revolutionary worthy cause, yet it Duke and Duchess of York are the ling. Nevertheless, succession went war.
iron, stone or metal. The Negro am constrained to make a few that ther, is nothing to cempate Mad Anthony daring and soldiers, those who he vede observations upou it. The fact that with a smoke when you want it. litt e Process made her debut eldest on, and presumable such an romantic capture of Stony Point in France as well as those bled it was godfathered by my wood Now why poor women should not Heroing in the childhood bedroom angement would be followed July, 1779, was made possible and died, are enti led to something Friend Mr B, Parker does not enjoy some of the pleasures of this into the world 2, 40 o clock this!
again in a like circumstance.
the Lol by Queen Mary, the women Negro named Pompey, who be re living are entitled to the rights ration that think it deserves the example It can be right fet question of her father, the Barl of Strath England are all in a state of tonged to Capt. Lanas, who en: of a comenon citizen at the hand of The modern woman men and re. The baby is the first child pleasurable excitement over the thusiastic patriot. The Captain their government; the right of life has a very large literature of its wity knows na sex. To know Morof the Duke and Duchess. birth of the Princess, Queen lived on a small fruit farm not far end pursuit of happiness under the own. And the defendant who comes certain class of of women is noisy, bulletin issued at the home of the Earl of Strathmore this. Grer is especially pleased with her from S:ouey Point, and Pompey protection of the tars and stripes into court with pen and prejudice depends upon distance. The mira.
gran doughter other grandchildren, those of Pin the Adira: a series of cross fires.
strawberries were ripe the world war, tion for antiquity, bas forgotten Negro was sent The Duchess of York has had cess Mary, are bɔys.
to bis.
cispose of his history The Queen has been busy for wores to the red coated garrisoriei. Chubb Smart Nuptials. Prince of Wules. ii the words you is some rest since the. arrival of her article with a qnotation from the the highest ambition of woman daughter. Her Royal Highness weeks past planning for the arrival for strawberries prov ded a wel.
the fort. He received motherhood, etc. etc. This and the infant Princess are making of the new addition to the royal use suggest the close cropped cigois a historic faci Very satjsfactory progress. household, eelecting baby clothes, come change in the diet of the On Saturday night last the 8th rette smoking mauishly dressed and contradicted. that the best days Previous to confinement a con. buying niature toilet articles and army, inst, there were juined together in rather tfoisy type of a girl that one that women are seeing since the days of Rome, are within the last sultation took place, at which Sir powder boxes, and even with her Indeed he was soon a fuvorite Holy Wedlock De, Anderson Chubb erequently uses confesale comune tried Hity years ou ands must that George a own certain line of treatment was sue cover lets for the balang sa birth of the but also the buyer imperdie boeties no tome Angle for the band father in the listest. No one kowe years ago, our toothers were stad ved of machinga ne delicate with the officer whoes were coger und Miss Linde Smart. The cere the not only to Pompey pony was performek by modern girl does not appeal to me In the old days one hundred The of cessfully adopted.
Princess was immedi tely tele too, were rp. He daily Jonception Church, at the res! better than the Prince that this is in the West Indies. The cui dren The bulletin was signed by Drs phoned to the King and Queen visí or and his visits daily became lance of Dr.
Chubb, Colon.
not the. Despite early extended. Not one of deed that they bore, were the property the strictly Medern woman. The The Duke of York is the second hour in the morning they telephon had the slightest suspicion thermal and only the bride parents for rent than the modern woman has abition call woman have son of King George and Queen ed congratulations to the Duke their dusky visiter was shrewdly nd of fought her battles Hallo mother uuder a co Mary. The Duchess was formerly and Duchess and adde thit they nothing conditions in the fort, and room were present.
to embankments. Some have suf tion? If you change the scene to Lady Elizabeth Bowes. Lyon. come along shortly by motor that every night he was reporting The Workman wishes them a fered imprisoment, and all have England, our National home, the couple were married in Westminster to convey personal greetings and to his master all that he had se happy unin, endured scorn and contumely to pcture is still very bad. The sociał Abbey April 26, 1923.
baby Captin win the position they now proudly life of Eugland one hund ed years bold.
PUBLIC INTEREST STRONG also was telegraphed to every day passed on the im orma Dry Ssason Broken.
age was awful From the age of six Popular interest, second outy to the Prince of Wales who is on the tion thus obtained to Gen, Wayo For those who pretend not to or seven a ch Id wa taken be that wbien attended the arrival of Continent As. be the el lest unele wao was in command of the ligt kow who are meant when we wills, working twelve and some the first baby of Princess Mary, of the litle Princess and has bizofantry, and since the first of Jul The dry season which con inued speak of the modern woman; say times fourteen hours a in daughter of the King ana Queen, egard for the Duchess, whom had been camp nea: the Dun rom last year on this side of the that they are the Mary Wolistsor dro were an economic asset, and her husband Vis ount Lascel. calls Queen El. zibeth. derberg.
were In accordance with custom, les, long had been focused on the in mind that When the season advaneed noon yesterday with a heavy The women who are willing to in which decrees that a Minister of near mil July Pompey soler illiteracy expected event lower of rain Intense heat, an sght for social and political rights: Eogland of that day was eighty The baby arrived a little earlier the crown mut be than had been expected by the birth of a ch ld prosent at the reported to the British office ndieation Salt for the past week, Ivour Uaiversities to us; unbar your of to day are that rain at our percent. whole population The women who will say, Oper and for women, bigber. The wonen in line for succes hat it was now cornhocin eels, was nd now and then physicians, who did not anticipate sinn to the throne, Home Secre and his master refused further to youll appeart in a short time Parliament doors. The women women of the good old days, in arsin cloud far superior to the the occurrence until the end of the tary Jovnson Hicks Was summon permit him to visit the sakel. it were, would sneak away any must be treated as such at month. The Duke of York was preed to Burton Street and wis pre who realize that they are persoas nearly every respect.
in de day time Coofident in the sent in the Strathmore home and beat bof the house wien tie baby was madlem sem helps to make She Hon gentleman savs, rece. ved herty congratulations.
was born.
Sulling to loss his daily offerings, at there is visible sign that the men have holy enous bot quite clear to me why an Althis world no the officers urged him to continuerainey season has arrived.
Recently the Duchess has beea long wha Gud intended him to be. It is enough and in remarkably good health. Sne Around noon. Process Mary, the his visits at night and gave hin the accompanied the Duke to the first royal visitor, arrived in an contersign wich enabled hiin to sa opportunity to belp to shape its mighty God needs he, Why did Notice to Correspendent des ti ies. The women who are not God make man as He intended theatre a few days ago. automobile with a big buach of red pass the guard. Pompey conserted D. BELL, Catribution re spired by the Prince, are a (Continued on pgae 4) co ved, will appear in our next.
It is almost exactly three years carnations for her sister in law.
fereat class of women altogether. him to that It is passingly God would have left the strange hey seem to be a since, as the slightly knowo lady Just prior to her arrival the Duke hough evil production of our cowote piese abied is this tirani Elizabeth Bowes Lyon, the Duch of Yurk drew aside the curtains of ess became she bride of the King one of the upper rooms and smiled SPARKLETS civilization. They compare favour man, to be second son, and from the quiet at the watching people in the ably. with the men who wear short creature woman. There is someretirement of the home of her street.
pants and stockings, a exp, and thing wrong with this argument. father was suddenly thrust in the The usual official notification of gentleman geeds carry a gun to shoot innocent ti ne to reflect. We are told that (BY WC social light of the royal circle, a birth in the royal family was sent animals. They are both necessary, Woodsworth Abraham wife deci les for the good of her Although it is a somewhat re an announcemeat was posted out tion with a municipal ballot in divulge the secret of her win; and to the Lord Mayor of London, and Visioil of an iorident in connec. boy Tealth, to immediatel, only the women are not as evil us nothing we know is as high as the mote contingency, there is a pos side the Mausion House while the Kingston, Js matca, as appeared in in the stillness of the night when the wrong in a woman cutting her remind the Hon gentleman that sacred office of motherhood. will the sivility that today baby one day city concrstu the Jamaica Critic for April, is everyhody and everything seem to bair? Why should a man object to motherhood is a physilogical aspect But let us be sober, wherein lies admit this proposition, if not, will may sit on the throne as lations to sovereign. Should both the Prince of Wales and the Duke of York die garding the name to be given the with her maid Mary Browa, in him: bought half of the tickets wroxg for a western woman to cut common to the female of the wbole Ther, the Duke.
speculation re a scream! Mr. Spence wif minister wife going fifty fifty in a tremulous vric, coufidet in woman cutting her own hair? If it of a certain biological law; and is before King George, with neither Her leaving un teir the Duke of York names are Eizabeth, Angela and Purchasing a number of etue ballot boat Maria awon, and hav 10, 000 for an exstern man to piall his mon animal kingdom.
hair, it is equally wrong same number Marguerite, aed ter maternal the pounds hidden in a box. Great But wherein lies the immor»lity in Sciences looks upon motherhood position with repect to the crown grandmother Ceeilia and Nina investors with heavens!
said the parson handsome in amaze as did Queen Victoria when illiam a woman wearing a short skirty as an ordinary law It has no moral fortune of 20. 000 rounds sterling. ment, did you not buy the The evil is purely subjective, and value. If the Bible is true this is IV. died.
three baby not at all in the wearer. Continued on page 8)
Victoria father, the Duke of are Mary, Victoria and Elizabeth, Spence, is a stera opprnent of the It will be readily conceded that Kent, fourth son of George after her member grandmother and subsequently appears in the Ja carries a sound lottery philosophy: ballot. The following which this a very good vision that sons of. GLEANER: Municipal But wonder what 18 Brother mooooooo ballet first prize. Mary Elizabeth Abraham real stand, when he is Ann Brown, 20, 000 pounds, in not having yicions, on a municipal WHAT FOOLS WE ARE!
Large Crowd Sees Ath. Now Commissary Being dicates that Mary and the Rev. ballot, or a legalized lottery for the letos off to Jamaica. Erected at La Boca of the announcement in teresting to lead about how some (From the Charleston Messenger)
the papers the religious leader im of those learned boys over there new Silver commissary for La mediately discharges Mary as play with fre. wonder if Bro first making thorough investigation, is a fool, and will come The man or woman who jumps conclusions with conti cent of eyelista in charge Boca ilk be a beroribe past being de la filialen mang emokracie hodebelyje patalbecers komething things out as a loser, instead of a winner. People who ofttimes promoter of athlete meets, sailed ing on the new site and an exten course Mrs. Spence investment in.
actual a com jumps at the appearance of things from actions, in many from Do not be susOn Thursday last for Kisgston, leading up to the site. The new entends her share. 10, 000 pounds aracter into think that of thinks picious, except for the purpose of investigating to make Cristobal on the Sixiola tion to the railroad is being made the ballot is. secret, beuce she munity that develops after years of cases, are the first to be caught in a trap.
the case. The man who with patience amets with the crack boys of ture and will replace the present pounds the publeqesebery 100 can takenty area that the lottery and power investigates, is the man that is going to win in the Isle of Spri gs. which has very poor facilities leaves has for Cuba with the money but a good orchestra, the Hot To for attending to customers, It is the weak minded and suspicious man once entertained the idea that every battle.
by without male Seven, they were given a But one of the my vocabulary was entirely too and woman who lose a battle. Do not suspect, or judge by spiritual leader boy ring limited and my grammar too near tongue and pen until you have thoroughly investigated. Do rousing send off at the docks at The Path Across the Hill fi on an injury Cristobal, to one of his eyes. the basr to allow me to venture not take heresáy; see with your own eyes, and feel with and bieb, according to the doc upon seribling or our great family The boys are axpected to arrive tors, is sure io Kingstou today and get settled Dont foreget The Path Across he were not sent to America for an was a vision. One does not really erroneous reports and suspicion, and many have been made sure to result in blindness if weekly; but am afraid that that your own hands. Too many people have been fooled on and prepared to successfully repre the Hill at the La Boca Club operation. The ministers finances have to be able to command tho to grieve and bang their heads in shame, because of evil seul Panama, house tonight, O clock.
are in an unhealthy state. His (Continued on page 8) reports.
lemals was time, PRINCESS MARY CALLS we want of they same and is a MAICA contact with is suffering

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